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Jedi Search

Page 14

by Kevin J. Anderson

  as if trying to scramble away the moment it hit the bottom of the ramp. It

  squirted forward, clenching itself together and oozing its body core ahead.

  The amethyst blob had pulled a small lead by the time it hit the first

  obstacle, a tall metal screen with a wide mesh. Blob 11 hurled itself onto

  the mesh grid with its full body and began to push its entire self through,

  dribbling in a hundred tiny segments out the other side, where it flowed its

  gelatinous mass back together again. It managed to push itself halfway

  through before the next blob struck a different part of the screen. Lando

  decided to cheer for the amethyst blob, though he had no money riding on the

  race. He still liked to root for winners.

  The second blob took a different tactic, concentrating its body into a

  narrow streamer that spouted through one of the mesh holes, pouring its mass

  to the other side.

  The amethyst blob finished reassembling itself on the bottom of the grid,

  took no time to rest, and pushed onward.

  By this time all the other blobs were struggling to get through the first

  obstacle. The amethyst blob frantically mushed ahead, increasing its lead as

  if fleeing in terror.

  "Go!" Lando shouted.

  The second major obstacle proved more formidable. A tall ratline made of

  chain links led up to another steep, lubricated slide that dropped into a

  sharp, banked curve.

  Blob 11 reached the bottom of the ratline and extended a pseudopod up to the

  first loop of chain, wrapping the jellylike tendril onto the flexible rung

  and extending another pseudopod again and again until it flowed like a

  tentacled amoeba, desperately hauling its amorphous form upward faster than

  gravity could slurp it back down.

  The amethyst blob slipped, and a large segment of its body mass drooled

  downward, barely connected to the main core by a thin stream of mucus.

  According to the official rules posted in front of Lando's seat, the entire

  body mass of a blob had to get to the finishing circle; it could not leave

  portions of itself behind.

  The second and third blobs reached the bottom of the ratline, also trying to

  scramble up.

  The amethyst blob hovered on the ratline, sagging as it worked to siphon its

  precariously balanced appendage back into the main core. The chain links

  began to work through the soft organic material, but the blob moved faster,

  finally drawing itself up, and hooked over another loop of chain. Behind it

  the next two blobs managed to ascend to the second level of chain loops.

  Back at the first blobstacle, the last of the blobs squeezed through the

  mesh and began creeping at top speed toward the ratline.

  Blob 11 reached the top of the ratlines and, coiling its mass, shot onto the

  steep, greased slide, rolling and spinning and tumbling. Its holographic

  number remained upright all the while. The blob reached the high banked

  curve at the bottom of the slide, rebounded, and gushed toward the next


  The crowd was roaring and shouting now. Lando felt exhilaration burst

  through him. He decided he'd have to return to Umgul when he had more time

  to relax, to make a few real bets.

  "Excuse me, sir, but are we expressing enthusiasm for Blob Eleven?"

  "Yes, Threepio!"

  "Thank you, sir. I just wanted to be certain." The droid paused, then

  amplified his voice. "Go, number eleven!"

  The second and third blobs reached the top of the ratlines simultaneously,

  and both leaped onto the lubricated slide, squirting down at an alarming

  rate. Many of the spectators jumped out of their seats and screamed with


  The two blobs tumbled next to each other, grappling with pseudopods and

  rolling. The steep, banked curve rose up in front of them like a wall.

  "Oh, I can't watch!" Threepio said. "They're going to crash!"

  The two blobs both struck the corner at the same instant and splattered into

  each other, forming one giant ball. The crowd roared with absolute delight.

  "Total fusion!" the announcer cried.

  The spectators continued to cheer. The two blobs had combined into one much

  larger mass, and they seemed to be working at cross purposes, trying to

  lumber over to the side of the track and out of the way of other oncoming

  blobs. Meanwhile, the amethyst blob increased its lead.

  "Those two are out of the race," Lando muttered.

  Artoo returned, bleeping with excitement. "Excuse me, sir," Threepio said,

  "but Artoo has located our man Tymmo. He has indeed come to the races and

  placed a very large bet. We have his seating assignment. We can go see him

  now if you wish."

  Lando was startled to be interrupted during the race; then he jumped to his

  feet. "We found him already?"

  "Yes, sir. And as I said, he has placed a very large bet, if you take my

  meaning, sir."

  "Let me guess," Lando said. "On Blob Eleven, right?"

  "Correct, sir."

  "Looks like he's done it again," Lando said. "Let's go."

  They pushed past other spectators who had not bothered to take seats, then

  emerged into the flagstoned halls. Lando allowed Artoo to lead, puttering

  down near-empty interior corridors. Lando was reluctant, wanting to see the

  outcome of the competition. "Hurry up, Artoo."

  The little droid hummed downhill toward the lower levels of the sinkhole

  stadium. Through a graffiti-scrawled archway they passed into the section of

  least expensive seats filled with desperate-looking people, the ones who had

  staked everything on guessing the winner of just one race. Somehow Lando

  hadn't expected a winner as lucky as Tymmo to be in the low-rent section.

  Maybe he was trying to keep a low profile.

  Though support pillars and debris screens crowded the view this far down in

  the crater, Lando could see that Blob 11 had increased its lead

  substantially, a full obstacle ahead of the remaining nine blobs. Farther

  back on the track two blobs lay motionless and rubbery in a bed of

  desiccant, too slow to cross the deadly obstacle before they suffered

  terminal dehydration.

  The surviving blobs worked at stringing themselves through a sequence of

  metal rings dangling on ropes, each swaying and trying to extend a pseudopod

  to the next ring before the pendulum motion stretched it to the breaking


  The amethyst blob had already crossed the desiccant trap and the rings and

  was now oozing precariously over a long bed of sharp spikes that continually

  poked through its outer membrane. Tireless, Blob 11 threw itself forward

  with wild abandon, not heeding the spears jabbing through its body.

  Artoo whistled, and Threepio pointed to a man three benches down. "General

  Calrissian, Artoo says this is the man we want."

  Lando squinted at Tymmo. Young and attractive, but with a fidgety, furtive

  look, he had a disreputable air. Though his blob was winning by a wide

  margin, he did not seem elated. The other people around him cheered or

  wailed, depending on where they had cast their bets, but Tymmo just sat and

  waited, as if he already knew the outcome.

  Blob 11 dragged the last of itself off
the bed of nails, tugging to remove a

  few clinging strands from the spike points. The nails had slowed it to a

  crawl just in front of the next obstacle--a slowly turning propeller blade

  with razor edges.

  The amethyst blob poised itself but seemed too panicked to plan the best way

  through the spinning blades. It squirted forward, elongating to gain speed,

  then shoved its body into the gap between the whirring fan blades. About a

  quarter of the blob made it through before the sharp edges slashed through,

  bisecting it.

  Mucus squirted but clung in one long, liquid thread on the propeller blade.

  One segment of the blob waited safely on the other side of the blobstacle.

  The remaining three quarters hunched, then lunged through the next gap in

  the blades. This time half of its mass passed successfully through, and the

  second segment oozed forward to rejoin the first small mass. The rest of

  Blob 11 made it through with only a nick in its posterior portion, but as

  the fan blades spun around again, droplets of slime on the edges congealed

  into a small lump and dropped off, rolling to safety, where all the portions

  conjoined once more.

  The crowd cheered. Some of the losers in the lower levels began throwing

  drink containers against the guard mesh in front of them. Blue sparks

  flickered from the electrified wires. Tymmo hunched forward in his seat,

  keeping one hand in his pocket. Lando wondered if he carried some kind of


  Tymmo looked around, blinking his eyes in alarm as if he suspected he was

  being watched. Lando winced, knowing that his fine clothes and rich cape

  made him appear painfully out of place in the lower levels. Tymmo noticed

  Lando and the two droids, tensed, then forced himself to watch the end of

  the race.

  Blob 11 approached the final blobstacle, hauling pseudopods over the rungs

  of a ladder as it dripped down. It seemed burned to exhaustion, but still it

  pushed on as if demons were chasing it. Its bright amethyst tracings had

  faded to mere speckles. Reaching the top of the ladder, the blob descended

  into an array of wide funnels that had exit holes of varying sizes, many of

  which were sealed shut. The amethyst blob thrust extensions of itself into

  various funnels, poking around until it found one with a large enough hole

  in the bottom.

  Behind, the nearest other blob began negotiating the bed of nails in front

  of the whirling propeller. Choosing an acceptable funnel, Blob 11 dumped

  itself into the cone and pushed. A pasty stream ribboned out the narrow end,

  rolling and piling on the ground as the blob re-collected itself. The thin

  strand of blob went on and on, coming out in spurts near the end until

  finally the tail plopped out of the funnel. Blob 11's entire body shimmered

  as it trembled with exhaustion. It charged toward the finishing circle and

  looked as if it intended to keep going.

  The crowd continued to cheer, but the race was clearly over. Lando watched

  Tymmo. The other man adjusted something in his pocket.

  Blob 11 came to a sudden halt in the finishing circle. Blob wranglers in

  coveralls rushed onto the track with wide shovels and a levitating barrow to

  scoop up the exhausted thing and return it to the blob pens for rehydration

  and a long rest. The audience then began to root for which blobs would place

  and show.

  Tymmo slid out of his seat and flicked a quick glance from side to side, but

  Lando had already stepped behind a support pillar. Tymmo jostled the

  spectators still watching the rest of the race, making his way toward one of

  the cashiering stations where other winners had already queued up. Most of

  the winners jumped up and down, chattering with shared excitement; even the

  more reserved ones wore broad grins. Tymmo, though, showed only a metallic,

  unreadable expression. He seemed very nervous.

  Lando and the two droids eased themselves into the line, butting through the

  crowd. Tymmo kept glancing back, but he did not see them again. Over the

  loudspeakers the announcer listed the order of winners in the blob race.

  Lando pulled the cable jacks to the sheet-crystal Jedi detectors out of his

  sleeves and plugged them into the power pack on Artoo's body. He slid the

  flat paddles into the palms of his hands, ready for a chance when he could

  scan Tymmo to confirm whether or not he had the bluish aura of a possible

  trainee for Luke's academy.

  Threepio seemed very excited. "Why don't we just go up to him and tell him

  the good news, General Calrissian?"

  "Because something's fishy here," he said, "and I want to make sure before

  we get ourselves in too deep."

  "Fishy?" Threepio asked, then looked around as if to locate any aquatic

  spectators at the blob races.

  "His turn is next at the terminal. When he keys in his betting chit, it'll

  take a minute to process and cash in his winnings. He's effectively trapped

  until the transaction is done, unless he wants to throw away a lot of


  Of course, Lando remembered, cheating was punishable by death on Umgul, and

  Tymmo might be happy enough just to get away with his life. What had he been

  hiding in his pocket?

  As Tymmo stepped up to the terminal and inserted his chit, the announcer

  broke through the background noise to remind everyone once again of the next

  week's races in honor of the visiting duchess from Dargul. Tymmo flinched

  visibly, but keyed in his ID code and inserted his account card to collect

  his winnings.

  "Come on," Lando said, stepping out of line and moving toward the cashiering

  station. He flicked the power switch on the scanning pack; its warm-up hum

  vanished in the background noise.

  Tymmo looked intently at the display on the cashiering station, punching in

  his access code and transferring his winnings as quickly as he could. Lando

  stepped up beside him and swept either side of the man with the detector

  paddles before Tymmo realized what was happening.

  Tymmo looked up, saw Lando holding something that might have been a weapon,

  saw the two droids that might have been armed mechanical bodyguards, and

  panicked just as the terminal ejected his account card and called for the

  next customer. Tymmo snatched his card and fled, scattering a pack of

  Ugnaughts as he ran into the crowded stands.

  "Hey, Tymmo, stop!" yelled Lando. The man was swallowed up in the surge of

  spectators exiting the stands after the race.

  "Sir, aren't we going to follow him?" Threepio asked.

  Other spectators had turned to stare. The next winner, grinning and

  oblivious, stepped up to the cashiering station.

  "No." Lando shook his head. "We've got a reading for now. Let's check it


  In a shadowed corner, not caring if anyone saw what they were doing since

  nobody would understand it anyway, Lando watched the power pack of the

  Imperial detector reconstruct a holographic aura mapping of Tymmo. As Lando

  had unfortunately expected, Tymmo's reading showed a perfectly normal

  outline: no bluish haze of Jedi potential, nothing at all out of the

  ordinary. "He's a fraud."

bsp; Threepio seemed disappointed. "Can you be certain, sir? I should point out

  that many people were standing around, and they could have disturbed the

  readings. You also scanned him very quickly, and none too closely. Remember,

  too, that the detector itself is extremely old and may not be completely


  Lando gave the protocol droid a skeptical frown, but Threepio's arguments

  did have some merit. He should take the trouble to be sure. Besides, Lando

  was enjoying himself on Umgul so far. "All right, we'll check him out a

  little further."

  Relieved that the New Republic would pick up the tab, Lando relaxed in his

  spacious hotel accommodations. From the dispenser he ordered a cold

  punch-like drink popular on Umgul and went to the balcony to watch thick

  evening mists curl along the streets. He sipped the drink, unable to remove

  his perplexed frown or smooth his creased forehead.

  "Could I get you anything else, sir, or shall I power down for the time

  being?" Threepio asked.

  "Please do!" he said, realizing how nice it would be to keep the protocol

  droid quiet for a while. "But leave the circuit open in case Artoo tries to

  get back in touch."

  "Certainly, sir."

  Posing as a maintenance droid, Artoo had gone poking around the blob stables

  to see if he could uncover anything out of the ordinary. The little

  astromech droid had tuned his communication frequency to Lando's comlink so

  he could send a message.


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