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by Amanda Anderson


  Defenders MC

  Book 8

  Amanda Anderson

  Copyright © 2015 by Amanda Anderson

  All rights reserved, except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted material is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in prison and $250,000 in fines.

  Cover art

  © Finepics |

  This book is a work of fiction and any similarities to persons living or dead, places, incidents are completely coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Printed in the United States of America

  Other Works by this Author

  Full length Novels

  Christina’s Chance

  Mystery Lover

  A Beautifully Normal Life

  In Love With The Wrong Cowboy

  Reclaiming Life

  Too Much Trouble

  Life, Love, and Second Chances

  Alaska Series

  An Alaska Thing

  Something About Alaska

  The Tiger Series

  The Tiger Within (Book 1)

  Highland Tigress (Book 2)

  Captive Tigress (Book 3)

  Stripes (Anthology Containing Books 1-3)

  Freeing the Tiger’s Soul (Book 4)

  Big Sky Series

  Books 1-3

  Defenders MC Series







  Tommy Rich


  Samantha’s Choice

  Redemption of a Soiled Dove

  Taming a Montana Maverick

  One Good Cowboy



  Special Thanks

  Thank you Lance for all you have done to help me improve in so many ways.


  Choo-Choo watched as the Bastards of War sat around the clubhouse. Hid clubhouse. He didn’t like any of them he’d ever met and by the looks of the ones he was seeing now, that wasn’t about to change, even for this deal Preach had cooked up. He hated seeing them in his clubhouse, watching the club girls like they were, even sharing their air. Sure the girls were whores, but they were whores that belonged to his club not those dirty bastards.

  For some reason he couldn’t fathom he wanted to rip their heads off and spit down their throats. These were some sick fuckers and he didn’t know how they managed it, but they brainwashed their women into staying. There was no other way a woman would stay with men that fucking slimy. He figured it must be part of their oath not to bathe but once a week and all the women he’d ever seen followed suit pretty close too. He wouldn’t touch a Bastard’s woman for all the gold in Fort Knox and he sure as shit wouldn’t touch one of the regulars that hung around the club if they went a round with the boys lounging on the couch across the room.

  One woman stood out like a sore thumb, but the way she was spreading her legs so that nasty bastard could touch her proved she just looked better than the others. Must be new is all he could figure. Bastards were rough on their women and it showed. It showed real quick. The Bastards like their women obedient and desperate.

  Choo-Choo’d had a run in with a few of them several years ago that had left a bad taste in his mouth. He’d caught two of them in an alley out in El Paso with a stripper from the club he’d just left. The woman was a stripper, but that didn’t give the men the right to do what they wanted to her.

  Choo-Choo had stepped in and damned if the bitch hadn’t cussed his ass out. She’d had a black eye and her knees were bloody from one guy fucking her while the other crammed his dick down her throat. He’d thought he was helping her, but she had screamed about a better life and Choo-Choo fucking her over.

  Damned woman ended up climbing on the back of one dude’s bike and riding away.

  Choo-Choo would never understand women. Not if he lived to be a thousand years old, he would never fucking understand women. They didn’t make a lick of sense. As far as Choo-Choo could tell they hated each other and themselves too for that matter and wanted everyone around them to be just as fucking miserable.

  He reached into his pocket and palmed the little silver vibrator Rena had given him the last time she’d taken him to her bed. He made a huffing sound that came out a little growl.

  “Learn how to use this before you come back to my bed or don’t bother. I need a man who knows how to pleasure me right. I’m giving you an opportunity here, don’t fuck it up.”

  Like he fucking wanted to pleasure Rena at all, but she was in charge of the girls and she had made it clear that he was off limits, so if he wanted to fuck while at home, he had to fuck her or that little house mouse Mrs. had hired a while back, but he knew she was used pretty regular by Tommy before he hooked up with Mina and Jack seemed to be all up in that every chance he got. Not that Choo-Choo minded sharing, but Viki didn’t seem to enjoy the club atmosphere all that much and he couldn’t stand to force himself on her. He knew she wouldn’t protest, Mrs. would have told how things work, but was it too much to fucking ask to have a woman that wanted him?

  Sure Rena was a dynamite lay, but she had something about her that scared the fuck out of Choo-Choo and he wasn’t above admitting it. He knew she intimidated others too, but she had to be tough to live the life she’d chosen and keep the girls in line. She was just so damned scary.

  Why the fuck had that woman picked him? He was the least likely one of the brothers to treat her the way she wanted. She thought just because he was a big man that he would be rougher. He wasn’t. He didn’t want to hurt his women. Sure he liked a good hard fuck, but he didn’t want to hurt a woman. That’s one thing he had learned from his granny and learned it well. Real men didn’t hurt women. Men were supposed to treat women with respect, but that respect went both ways.

  Rena had clawed the blood out of his back on more than one occasion, not to mention biting him until he bled. She had all these ideas about how she would lock up his cock while he was on the road and he sure as shit wasn’t alright with that.

  Bitch couldn’t decide whether she wanted to rule him or for him to beat the shit out of her.

  Choo-Choo wanted her to leave him alone, but he was curious. He sighed and shifted and walked over to the bar where he plopped down on a cracked leather stool. He nodded when one of the girls handed him a beer, but he didn’t bat an eye at the tits she displayed so prominently nor the smile she forced in his direction.

  Just another predator. Sure he could probably fuck her silly, but then he’d have to deal with all the drama that came after. She would try to rope him into making her his old lady since he ruined her prospects with Rena.

  He scowled and turned his back on her and the bar. He took a long pull from his beer and watched the Bastards make themselves at home.

  Fucking Rena!

  He needed a cool head and a sharp eye around these fuckers. That was the only thing Preach had asked him to do in a while and here he was thinking about a quick fuck behind the bar. Woman had him so twisted up he couldn’t see straight.

  At first he figured he could get a few things out of being with Rena. If it would make him better in bed then there wasn’t much harm in it really, but it was starting to interfere with his work.

  He’d had his share of women and they all seemed satisfied when he was finished with them, but the little thing in his pocke
t made him curious. He was willing to learn a few things if it gave his woman more pleasure. That could only mean more for him too. With Rena cock blocking him here though he would have to wait, but he had no idea how long.

  Preach had decided to rethink the west coast deal and Tommy was ready to settle down with his woman. Choo-Choo had assumed that would leave the rest of them to carry on, but Preach hadn’t said anything for sure yet…

  Choo-Choo looked up when he saw a little blonde stand up and turn on one of the Bastards.

  “No. That’s not our deal. Fuck you for even saying that shit Eddie.”

  The girl wasn’t bigger than a minute and looked like a cross between a pin up girl and the girl next door.

  Choo-Choo felt his dick go hard at the sight of her nicely rounded ass and his mind filled with images of her in some precarious positions that he was damned sure wanting to try out.

  She wasn’t patched and she wasn’t one of the club girls that Rena ruled. That meant free game and Choo-Choo was ready for a game.

  He stood and followed her out the back door. Never hurt to try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


  Josie hated having to go with Eddie to new clubs, but this was a peace talk and Eddie needed her as a distraction.


  Eddie was the President of the Bastards of War MC, but to her knowledge he had never actually been a soldier. Maybe his father had. Maybe he was the original Bastard. She almost laughed at the thought.

  She hated Eddie, but she had no choice, but to stay with him. He made sure of that or she’d have been long gone years ago. She had plans though and she would get the hell away from his sorry ass as soon as she could figure out how.

  She shivered as the cold November wind cut through her thin leggings. She was lucky he’d let her wear them and knew he would insist she take them off as soon as they pulled into the Defenders’ compound. She was eye candy and nothing more. A few of the others had their old ladies, but they weren’t much to look at. No woman in her right mind would tie herself to the Bastards if they had any other choice or half a brain. It was all on Josie to be the distraction and she knew that would mean more humiliation. She knew she had to get away before all of it weighed her down and she just accepted it as her life.

  This was not her life.

  She was meant for better things, at least cleaner things.

  She leaned her head against the rough patch on Eddie’s back and tried not to inhale his stale stench.

  This life had been fun for a while. It had seemed like the perfect way to escape her situation and it was really better than sleeping on the streets the way she had been at sixteen, but there were days when the street looked pretty good.

  She remembered the day she’d walked into the shabby clubhouse and offered herself to the first man wearing a cut. That had been Eddie and she had been with him for four years. He provided her with food, clothes, and a place to live and she spread her legs when he said. Wasn’t glamorous, but it was life.

  Someday she would be valued for what was between her ears and not for what was between her legs and she had to hang onto that dream or Eddie would drag her down and drown her in the filth he loved so much.

  They pulled into the parking lot and Eddie waited for her to climb off his bike before he turned her around and pushed her skirt up. Josie’s face flamed, but it was nothing new. She was surprised she could even still blush. He liked to fuck her in public and it didn’t matter who was watching. He liked to show the world that even an old fat fucker like him could still stick it to a woman and Josie knew she was prettier than most around Eddie. Josie just took it. She just had to make the right noises and keep her eyes squeezed shut tight. She didn’t have to look at anybody around her, she just had to be still and take whatever he gave her. That’s how she always got through it. It didn’t take long.

  He shoved her leggings down along with her bright red panties and rammed his cold fingers into her pussy.

  “Better get wet in a hurry Jo or this is going to hurt like fuck.”

  Josie pulled her dirty thoughts into her mind and managed to get a little wet before he slammed into her, luckily his dick was tiny so even dry as the desert he didn’t hurt her anymore.

  “Good girl Jo. Good girl. You show these sons of bitches how a real woman takes her man.”

  He slapped her ass as he pounded her and she just kept her eyes down. She hated seeing the looks the others gave her and she knew by the way Eddie touched her that they had drawn a crowd.

  The women in the club hated her and the men wanted to fuck her, but Eddie was greedy and that was one thing Josie could say for the bastard, he didn’t share her. It was the only good thing she could say for the man she had shackled herself to.

  He blew quickly, as usual and spent a second poking his fingers into her as if he wanted his cum to stay inside. He had mentioned wanting to get her knocked up, but he had never succeeded, partly because of the free birth control she had figured out how to get at the local health department, but Josie thought there might just be something wrong with Eddie’s little soldiers.

  Whatever the reason, she was damned glad she wasn’t carrying his offspring. No child should be born to a man like Eddie.

  She sighed when he let her go. He barely released anything so at least Josie didn’t have to worry about much of a mess. She righted her clothes and used a wet wipe from the saddle bag to clean up with. She had learned early on to make sure she had them with her all the time. He watched her as he always did and that too had lost its creepiness after a while. It really was funny what a person could get used to if they had no other choice.

  “Leave those damned pants off Jo. I want your legs showing.”

  Josie nodded and pulled her leggings off and stored them in the saddle bag.

  She ignored the crude remarks some of the men made and followed Eddie into the clubhouse. It was bigger and way cleaner than the one the Bastards had in El Paso, but it was still filled with bikers so she instantly hated it. It was around three in the afternoon and there were only a few people milling around in the big open room. The bar was long and sat against the left wall. Pool tables and card tables were near the back, just in front of a staircase. Josie could see doors along the upper floor and it reminded her of the saloons she’d seen in old western movies with the whores upstairs. She wondered if that was sort of the idea.

  Eddie led her to a group of low couches near an enormous television set. An action movie was playing instead of the porn she had expected and she was pleasantly surprised to see a woman curled up on the couch.

  “Get the fuck up bitch and let the men have a seat.” Eddie spat.

  The woman looked mature, but Josie couldn’t guess her age. Her hair was bleached a light blonde and her boobs defied gravity in a black sweater that was so tight Josie wondered how she couldn’t see skin through it. The woman stood with a grace Josie had never seen in a club woman.

  “Look here sweetheart. I’ll let that slide because you are a Bastard and aren’t from around here…”

  Josie had the distinct idea that this woman had meant bastard in the derogatory way, not the name of the club. She liked her immediately.

  “I sit where I please and the only man with balls enough to tell me anything is the president of this club, so if you want to keep that little dick of yours, I suggest you mind your manners or believe me sugar, I’ll cut it off and serve it on toast.” She ran her long red fingernail along Eddie’s jaw until she let it flick off his chin causing him to wince.

  “Why you bitch, nobody talks to me like that.” Eddie had his hand pulled back and had almost let it fly when a chill crept up Josie’s spine.

  “Is there a problem here Mrs.?”

  Josie looked up into the face of a specter and almost screamed. His face was emotionless as if he had never felt anything in his life. She guessed he must be in his late thirties, but there were no lines on his face that said he ever smiled or even frowned. His face was
a mask like her grandmother used to have hanging on the walls when Josie was little. The emotionless plaster faces with the dead, vacant eyes that had haunted her dreams so many nights. His eyes were so black and flat that they looked like the Mako shark she had seen on TV during some week long special and for some reason she would gladly swim with the cold fish as to standing any closer to this man. She even fought the urge to step closer to Eddie for protection.

  Eddie recoiled and stepped back as if he were using Josie as a human shield. “No problem Shadow man. This bitch was just giving us lip. Might want to teach her some manners.”

  The man, Shadow, wrapped an arm around the woman and kissed her cheek. “She taught me most of my manners and none of us would like it very much if I forgot those.” A muscle jumped in his jaw and Josie stepped back, drawing his eye.

  “You may smack your women around, but if you lay a hand on ours, I’ll cut it off.”

  His eyes fell to Josie and she shivered.

  “That goes for yours too while you’re under this roof.”

  Josie expected Eddie to argue, but he just nodded, eyes rounded like a child afraid of a ghost. There was something about this man that instilled fear in others. She looked back up into his face. There was still nothing there, but she could almost feel his concern for her. Her eyes found the woman at his side and she saw fury on the woman’s face, concealed, barely.

  Why in heaven’s name would these people care what Eddie did to her?

  She didn’t know, but that woman was stronger than any Josie had ever seen. Nobody stood up to Eddie, especially not a woman.

  She felt something warm spark to life in her chest. What the hell was that? It could almost be hope, but that didn’t make a damned lick of sense. These people were no different from the ones that lived in Texas. Same sort. So why did she want to bury her face in this woman’s chest and cry like a baby?


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