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Lizzi Bizzi and the Red Witch

Page 73

by Stefano Pastor

  «I told you a thousand times not to. I can take care of my own daughter. I can».

  The script would be repeated and I was not there to fight.

  «She says it’s not enough».

  «She says so. You still believe her?».

  «Whether I believe it or not, what changes? I love her, I am her godmother. I can’t give her a present?».

  That was a question I could never answer. Anna really cared about Tamara, but I could not understand why. Perhaps with Anna Tamara could behave differently, she knew how to treat the goose that lays the golden eggs.

  «As long as you do she will never become responsible».

  Her smile was gone for a while. «You’re talking nonsense. Tamara is not a child anymore. She does not need to become responsible, she’s not able. She must survive, only that counts».

  «She chose the wrong path».

  «She cannot change it now, right or wrong».

  «How can you say these things…».

  «How many years has she been on drugs, ten? Maybe even more. You know why she’s still alive? Why not let it be?».

  «It’s horrible».

  Anna raised her voice. «She’s alive! More than you think. And it’s thanks to the money! Because with money even junkies can live well».

  I knew it too, but it was not easy to accept. It was immoral. «Not without your money».


  We faced each other. «You made me come here for this? To complain?», she asked.

  It was not easy to close the discussion, I still resented her interference. «No. I wanted to talk about Tamara, but not this. About what happened when… when Diego disappeared».

  Worse, she was annoyed. «Again?».

  «We haven’t talked about it in years».

  «We have though, we have discussed it enough in the past».

  «Yes but…».

  «You want to blame me again? You already did».

  It was hard to admit. «I thought it at the time».

  «You’ve been offensive, you know».

  «But you are still here».

  She broke up, just a little. «You’re my friend».

  Maybe I was the only one. Anna was a loner, did not have many friends. Probably none other.

  «Lately I often think about how things have gone, I’m trying to understand».

  «What did Tamara say?».

  What had she said? What she always said, that Diego was not a saint. But she was a liar, always had been. Lying was second nature to her.

  «I’m interested in what you have to say».

  «What else should I say? I already told you everything».

  «Refresh my memory».

  «Your precious son did this! A twelve year old girl. Alone. He up and left. And yes, I have my faults, but I checked on them, I’d promised you. But you’re not the only one with work, I was submerged. I called them every day to see if they needed anything. What else should I have done?».

  «What do you mean he left?».

  «What kind of question is that?».

  «I mean… his bags? Did he take anything?».

  «Some things were missing, yes. We checked. He also took the money».

  «But you did not see my suitcase? Or Tamara?».

  «These things you already know, why do you persist with this?».

  There were gaps in my memory. Chasms. «Please».

  «Tamara was in school. When she came back Diego was gone. At first she didn’t even noticed. She waited. She stayed at home alone that night. When I called the next day… well, we finally got it».

  I remembered something. «You went to get her. You took her to your house».

  «What else could I do? Then I called you».

  And what did I do? Those moments, I really had deleted them. From my insanity, definitely.

  «So there’s no proof that he’s really gone».

  She had a strange look, I deserved it. «What are you saying?».

  Yeah, what was I saying? My son was always there, behind the wall. Dead. You were looking for him and he was right there.

  No, it did not make much sense. The walls do not appear and disappear. Someone has to build them. Tear them down and redo them again. It takes time, and in any case it is impossible to hide it. You could paint, but you can not hide the smell. Then…

  «When did you heard from him for the last time?».

  «Diego, you mean? I have no idea, how can I remember? Typically Tamara always answered. He… he went out often. But what does that have to do with it?».

  When was Diego dead? Was he really gone the day before, as Tamara said? Or when she called had she already eliminated all traces of him? How could I assume that it was her?

  «They didn’t get along», she muttered.

  Then she grimaced. «If you think she was guilty you’re way off. Tamara did not count, Diego did not care about her. Whether or not they tried to get along, I’m not really sure he even tried. He didn’t remember she existed».

  It was to this that I thought. «Because he hated her?».

  «You tell me, they’re your children».

  I was not able. «I prefer an outside opinion».

  She returned a smile. «Because there was a gulf between them, too much age difference. Tamara was still a child. A little arrogant, I admit. Diego was at the age when you think you have the world in your hand, that you’re able to do anything. For him his sister was only a hindrance».

  «Anything else? Were there other reasons?».

  «What do you mean?».

  I did not know either. What could be the motive for the crime. She continued, «Tamara had an adoration for Diego. Wait, do not say anything, I know you do not believe it. But she did. To her he was a god, and how can you blame her? Diego looked just perfect. It has not done well with her, she turned worship into something else».


  «I would not use that term. Disappointment, frustration. Tamara was suffering and he ignored it, that’s why she behaved that way…».

  It was not enough anyway. Diego had been killed in hatred, struck mercilessly until he was dead. Anger, ferocity.

  «Who was my son? What was he doing?».

  She was shocked. «You’re asking me?».

  «Surely you knew him better than me, at that time I never was there».

  «He was not there! You prefer to forget it. He was always out, had his friends. His life, he said. And the school… I didn’t even know if he was still attending. But to you that was fine. No I did not know, for me it was a complete mystery. Tamara I knew, yes. About her I could tell you everything, even what you do not know».

  I did not care. «Did Diego have a girlfriend?».

  «Are you kidding? A? Ten or more. He did not think of anything else, they changed continuously. His hormones were crazy, he considered himself a casanova. But these things you already know».

  Too many years trying to forget, in the end it was there I failed. «Had there been problems with… any of the girls he was seeing?».

  «What do you mean?».

  «Quarrels. Threats, fights».

  «It would never come to that, Diego was not one to go into battle. He cared too much about appearances, he would never be sullied with a black eye. And he was just a boy, his life was that of a boy».

  It was not enough. «He never got in trouble? If it had happened I would have thought I’d know, but you’d know. You always know everything».

  «No, absolutely not. Not what you’re thinking. With certain things he never meddled. He had no intention of becoming a criminal. He was… I do not want to offend you, a vain type. Self-centered. A little shit, but the good side. Perhaps also he had reason to be. But nothing more».

  «You know a lot about him for someone who says she didn’t know him».

  «I know what Tamara said. And you too. You never talked about anything else».

  «You have a good memory, then».

  «That yes, I have never mi
ssed. I remember everything».

  «Even the incident with Guido?».

  And how she remembered it. «You call it an incident? He threw you down the stairs».

  «Yes, that».

  «I’m sure you remember also, that you haven’t forgotten».

  I tried but it was impossible. That day I was sure that I should have died.


  «After what?».

  «After. What happened next? Did you see him?».

  «That shit? You must be joking. I reported him, whether you wanted it or not. Do you want to go over this?».

  I never thought I would have. «Did you not talk to him?».

  «You want to know if he repented? If he dissolved in tears, desperate? No, I did not give him that satisfaction. I sent the police to the house, that’s what I did».

  «And him?».

  «He was gone, he had already fled. He knew to leave. There was no other option».

  Something nibbled at my memory, but still escaped me. «Where were Diego and Tamara?».

  «Where did you want them to be? With me, of course. I took them away immediately, even before the ambulance left».

  «He allowed that?».

  «I was just waiting for him to say a single word! If he tried to stop me I would have finished him down the stairs».

  It happened then. But when? I had been taken to the hospital, my children were with Anna, Guido was alone. And the next day he was gone when the police came looking for him. But who did it?

  «Diego… Diego was upset?».

  «He was upset, what else? Even worse, Guido was upset when he tried to stop him. He saved my life, you know».

  I was proud of him, it was not easy for anyone to oppose Guido. «Are you sure he didn’t go back then?».

  She was confused, she did not understand the meaning of the question. «Back where?».


  «Why would he?».

  To kill his father. «He was with you all the time?».

  «How do I know? Yes, I think so».

  This uncertainty was not like her. «He was or wasn’t?».

  «I left them at home, they were terrified. I recommended there was no reason to go out. I could not leave you alone, had been at your bedside all night. Up to the last we were afraid of losing you. But I phoned them. More than once. I informed them of everything that happened».

  It was the crucial point. «And you talked to them both? Did you speak to Diego or just with Tamara?».

  Her prodigious memory misfired. «I don’t know, I do not remember. You have no idea what it was like that night».

  I remembered very well. Diego could have gone back for revenge. He was only fourteen years old but already going to the gym, was becoming stronger.

  «We removed the wallpaper, do you remember when that happened?».

  No surprise. I stopped. «Now you tell me why you’re asking these questions».

  «I’m trying to remember, do not be surprised. It’s about time I did. Please tell me. Do you remember?».

  «No, I do not remember! I have a good memory, but not to this extent. What would I know of your wallpaper? I’ve come to your house a dozen times in twenty years».

  It was true, as long as Guido was there she was never coming, but even after he was gone it happened rarely, Anna was limited to her phone.

  «Maybe I mentioned it».

  «The wallpaper? No, not you».

  «Nothing about redecorating?».

  «Not with me, perhaps with your administrator».

  When had it happened? I had been in the hospital for over a month, when I come back… I just do not remember. I had other things to worry about, and certainly not little details.

  Anna was tired of waiting. «Now you tell me what’s going on».

  Should I open myself up to her? It was not the police, I had nothing to fear. She would not betray me. Of course I could tell her what I had done.

  «Is it possible that Diego hurt Guido?».

  She was thoughtful for a moment, the question had not surprised her, given the prior conversation. «No, I do not think so, he wasn’t the type. I would, I would have killed him with pleasure, but not Diego. I would also have killed you, for continuing to love him. You’d deserve it».

  «Why do you say think he would never do that?».

  «Because your son was selfish. I’m not saying it’s bad, in life it often helps. But he would not do anything for others, thought only of himself».

  I do not remember him that way. «Maybe he did not do it for me».

  «Diego admired that shit. He has always been attracted to force. Of course he does not agree with what he did, especially when he beat you, but I admired his strength too. I guess it’s a family flaw».

  «Guido treated him badly».

  «But he never beat him. If he took it out on the children, you’d have told me so».

  Yes, it was true. «He nearly killed me».

  She shrugged. «If you want to believe it… I have strong doubts. I do not think your son sent Guido away. It’s more comfortable closing your eyes, as always. Guido was not stupid, he knew that this time he would not have fared well. So, he packed his bags and fled, Diego has nothing to do with it».

  I knew he hadn’t fled, but I could not tell her.

  «Why now?», she said. «Because right now you’ve decided to think about it?».

  «Because… perhaps the disappearance of Diego may have some relationship to that of Guido».

  «Disappearance? That’s what you prefer to call it? Your son did not disappear, he left and that’s it. As for Guido… I would call it escape. It’s very different».

  «Don’t you think there could be a connection?».

  She hesitated, but not too much. «Do you think they could be together? That Diego has found his father?».

  «Don’t you think it’s possible?».

  «I refuse to believe he’d be with that asshole. After what he did to you».

  It was a dead end, Anna could not help me. Even her memory was of no use to me, because certain things she did not know. I was forced to turn to the only true witness of what had happened. The least reliable witness in history.

  Tamara. This time she wouldn’t stand a chance.


  Thriller Novel


  On Mount Valgoj civilization never arrived. Death did. Three families live there and there is only one road. Despite hating each other, Mrs. Morel cannot ignore that for many days no one travels that road any longer. Without telling anyone, she goes to check. At the Verdanas’ home a massacre was carried out. The whole family is at the table, but they are all dead, their throats cut. The fury has even hit the farm animals. She has too much to hide to call the police, it is best to ignore it, pretend not to know. But death is not gone, it’s still there, and that is only the prelude to an endless nightmare. If she wants to save his children, Mrs. Morel will have to fight again; a relentless battle against an implacable enemy, who was willing to do anything to destroy them.



  «What the hell are you saying?».

  Dino was like that, he would get angry about nothing, but it was all fiction, his threats were empty, just to make himself look big. And he was not big, despite having clearly toned biceps, he remained a big kid. He was now twenty years but did not shine for his intelligence. He did not shine at all, actually.

  «I’m not saying anything. I am just telling you. It did not happen yesterday, not even on Wednesday. It’s strange, all this».

  «You must not care about anything that happens to the Verdanas. They’re all assholes and you know it».

  I too began to feed up. «You do not have to tell me these things, of course I know. But it is not the past, it’s all».

  He continued to play the tough guy. «It’ must have hurt. An accident may have happened, with all the curses that we sent».

  «Maybe last Wednesday, but yesterday? He�
�s been going to the city every Friday for twenty years, and if he wasn’t able to go he would send someone else. They all got sick, would you say?».

  «I do not say anything and I do not care. For all I know they could die».

  I could not blame him. «There’s not only Rico, in the house they merely give birth to children, just like rabbits».

  «If you expect me to go check, you’re crazy. Work is waiting for me».

  Renato had not said a word. He sat at the table waiting for breakfast. I buttered the slices, because it was too much effort for them. Dino spoke of going to live alone and could not even do that; he would not survive a week. I pulled into the discussion even my youngest son. «What do you think about it?».

  Renato was sixteen years old and at times was shy and lonely, guilty of raging hormones. He was sensible, even if his academic performance was not very promising. But he did not like school, he wanted to give up and he was very insistent.

  Strangely, on that occasion he gave reason to his brother. «What do we care, Mom? Those are all assholes».

  «It is not about this», I muttered.

  Dino wanted to exceed. «Do not be reminded to go up there, I forbid you».

  He immediately noticed he was wrong, but as every man who can think only with his wood, he does not even consider the possibility of admitting it.

  «What do you forbid me?». I was not screaming and it was even worse. «You want to order me around? You think you are the head of the family? You’re just nothing».

  He wanted to go away from that family, he did not talk about anything else, and he had no say about what I would decide.

  He schemed. «It could be dangerous. They’re crazy, you know. They would shoot him».

  I was turning the omelet and I had no intention to pass it. «Your head is full of sawdust if you think you have any control in my house». I bumped up the rusk and he got completely smeared with butter and jam. «Here! Handle it yourself! Learn to be self-sufficient, if you care so much».

  «Mom!», he screamed, just like when he was eight.

  «Mom, my ass!», I yelled louder. «If I wanted to be dominated by a man I would get a new husband! My children telling me what to do is the last straw».

  Dino was becoming hysterical. «I’m doing it for you».

  «If you really want to help, learn to wash your underwear by yourself! And buy an alarm clock; I’m sick of having to wake you up every morning».


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