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Love Under Three Valentinos [The Lusty, Texas Collection] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 16

by Cara Covington

  “I know it.” She didn’t think it was a good idea to let him know her ass was beginning to crave a spanking. Some things, for the moment, were better left unsaid.

  Lucas stepped into the shower, positioning himself so that he stood behind Kat. His touch gentle, he let her know he wanted her to tilt back her head—not to discipline her, but to wash her hair.

  I could really get used to this.

  Paul’s hands spread lather over her body, the soft foam feeling silky on her flesh as he washed every inch of her. Lucas’s hands, massaging her scalp, nearly had her knees buckling. Paul put his hands on her waist to hold her as Lucas finished with her hair. Then Lucas slipped an arm around her as Paul lathered his hands again.

  Low, throaty sounds escaped her as he then used his hand to gently cleanse between her legs. She shivered when he trailed a finger back and forth over her anus.

  “This is mine, Katrina. Today.”

  Did he think that would put her off or scare her? She had a pretty good idea what to expect, and she could honestly say envisioning this virile man fucking her in the ass sent spasms of bliss through her entire body.

  She straightened her herself and met his gaze. “Yes, Paul.” His pupils flared, and she knew her response had pleased and aroused him.

  There really was no other possible answer she could have given him. That he and his brothers saw the need in her and were able to meet that need, were willing and able to handle her, was a huge turn-on. She couldn’t pretend otherwise.

  Paul used the shower wand to rinse her thoroughly and then stepped back as Wesley entered the shower.

  “Bring her to the bedroom when you’re done with her.”

  Those words hit her, and she reconsidered. Kat opened her mouth, shock, she was sure, pouring out from every inch of her body. Paul met her gaze, and she read the laughter in his eyes. Before she could say anything, Wesley stepped right up to her, blocking her view of his brother, definitely crowding her space.

  “This won’t take long,” Wesley said. He met her gaze, and she saw the light of fun in his eyes.

  Then he dropped to his knees and fastened his mouth on her pussy.

  Arousal exploded to life, the heat of it so huge, so sudden, that Kat’s knees actually buckled. Lucas’s secure hold of her negated his deep chuckle. He must have known what his brother had planned. In the next heartbeat, her thoughts completely scattered. All she could do was feel the luscious way Wes’s tongue caressed her feminine folds and the way his mouth suckled her. He made “mmm” sounds, and the vibration of them against her slit, brushing her clit, yanked needy whimpers from her soul.

  Kat closed her eyes, relaxed in Lucas’s hold, and pressed her pussy against Wes’s wicked mouth. She’d already come more in the last few days than in the entire year before, and yet she felt as if this would be her first orgasm in forever.

  “Please, please,” she begged, desperation clawing her from within. There was no logic to this, for logic no longer existed. There was just sensation and heat, and they were everything.

  Wes had gripped the globes of her ass when he’d begun his oral ministrations. Now one hand left her bottom to bring fingers to her slit, to gently slide between her pussy lips and then delve into her opening. He began to finger fuck her. When he found her sweet spot she jerked, the pleasure almost more than she could bear.

  Then he stroked it as he sucked her clit into his mouth, and she came hard, the rush of rapture and the gush of her juices tearing a scream from the depths of her feminine soul.

  “I have her.”

  The words brushed her pussy. Lucas released her slowly, and she slid down in the shower enclosure until she was straddling Wes’s lap. She felt his cock against her slit, and the heat of his erection nearly burned her.

  “Just a bit more, angel.”

  More? Kat was close to passing out from a surfeit of pleasure. “I can’t.”

  “Are you hurting, Kat?”

  “ Just...emptied. I don’t have any more.”

  “Sure you do.”

  Wesley lifted her face so she could see him, and then he kissed her. She tasted herself on his lips, and the flavor found that “more” he was so certain she had. She opened her mouth to his invasion and used her tongue to caress his. When he lifted her just slightly, she moaned as his cock slid into her.

  He was longer than Lucas, though not quite as thick, and as he moved her on him, she wrapped her arms around him, held tight, and began to ride.

  “I love the way your cunt grabs my cock and milks it, Kat.” Wes’s words, whispered into her ear, stroked her ego and stoked her passion. “Squeeze me...yeah, just exactly like that. I love fucking you, and I love watching you fuck and suck my brothers. You’re such a hot, passionate woman. You’re our woman. Say it.”

  “Yes. I’m yours.” Beyond any place she had ever been before, this time arousal grew, its own life force, and moved into every inch of her body, took up every breath and every pulse beat, until there was nothing but heat and the need, once more, to come.

  She couldn’t beckon it, and she couldn’t stop it. She couldn’t do anything but accept it, revel in it, and cry out in pleasure. The orgasm rolled over and through her all on its own, the excitement, the fury of passion so deep, so all consuming, she wondered if she’d ever survive—and knew she’d never survive, now, without it.

  She heard Wes groan, felt his arms tighten around her, his body tremble, and his ejaculation spew within her.

  It was hard not to feel full of herself knowing she was capable of making each one of these men shake and groan.

  “Still doing okay?” Wes kissed her ear. His voice told her just how wrecked he was.


  “Good. Paul’s waiting for you.”

  “Mmm.” She hoped no one expected her to get up and walk to him because she didn’t think her legs had any starch left in them.

  “Here, babe.”

  Lucas lifted her, a warm towel in his hands, which he deftly wrapped around her. She curled into him, absorbing the gentle touch as he dried her. Wesley used another warm towel to squeeze the water from her hair.

  “You’re not too sore for more?”

  Paul stood in the doorway between the master bedroom and the bathroom. Long and lean, with the tightest six-pack she’d ever seen, Paul Jessop made her mouth water. Here stood a man completely comfortable in his nudity. His cock, fully erect, let her know just how ready he was for that more.

  It didn’t matter if she ached a little. She’d ache more not having this man, any way he wanted to take her. In that moment she learned something new about herself. She needed to be with all three of them in order to feel complete.

  “No, I’m not too sore.”

  “Then come here, Kitty-Kat. Your ass is mine, and I am going to claim it.”

  There was something very empowering in getting up off one man’s lap and walking toward another. Kat was tall for a woman—something she’d heard most of her life—so she didn’t need to look up too far to meet Paul Jessop’s gaze.

  He took her hand and brought it to his lips. “The first few times are going to hurt. How much depends on how relaxed you are and how well I can stretch you. Now, if you’d prefer, I could use a butt plug, get you used to having something inside your ass first.”

  “I don’t want a butt plug in my ass. I want your cock there. I want each of your cocks there.”

  Paul cupped the side of her face and brushed his thumb across her lips. “I thought that’s what you’d say.” He leaned in and kissed her. His flavor hit all the right notes with her, stirring the embers of her fires and making her juices flow.

  Now I know why he wanted his brothers to fuck my brains out, first. Talk about being relaxed.

  Paul eased back then took her hand and led her to the bed. “Up you go, love, on your hands and knees.”

  She guessed he wanted her in the middle of the bed because he’d set a tube of lube, a small hand towel, and a condom about midw
ay up the mattress.

  She felt him get on the bed and looked back at him. Wes and Lucas were standing back and off to the side, but both of them had their attention fixed on her.

  “I have a particular position in mind,” Paul said, “because I want to be able to control you and stop you from taking over.” He spoke quietly as he prepared himself. She heard the sound of him opening the condom, of the latex sliding into place. Then she heard a soft sound and guessed he was opening the tube of lube.

  “I can resist taking over.”

  She felt his smile as much as she heard it in his words. “Oh, I’m sure you would mean to. But sometimes our bodies want what our bodies want and to hell with what the mind says. In time, you’ll learn better control. It’s not a quality you’ve needed in the bedroom before now.” She felt his heat as he drew near.

  “Mmm.” He smoothed lube over her anus, and the silkiness of the gel, combined with the heat of his skin, felt better than good.

  She would have sworn as recently as two minutes ago that she couldn’t get hotly aroused again, and yet her body was proving her wrong.

  Paul pushed against her anus, forcing one finger into her through the tight opening. The intrusion burned, a potent kind of burn that made her clit quiver and her slit get damp. He worked his finger in and out, as well as around and around, and the burn eased.

  “Two now.” He pulled out of her completely but returned moments later, this time with two fingers and more lube, and Kat sucked in a breath as the burning returned and edged into pain.

  “If at any time it’s too much, tell me. I don’t want to hurt you unduly.”

  Kat understood that the key word was unduly. “No, it’s okay. It hurts, but...” She couldn’t really finish that sentence without sounding like a 1980s song by John Mellencamp.

  “It’s erotic?”

  “Yeah.” He kept moving his fingers in and out and in a circle. And then he eased his fingers out of her. She heard him use the hand towel and then the slippy-slidy sound of him coating his latex-covered cock with lube.

  After a moment he moved in closer, got behind her, and urged her to hunker down closer to the bed, and draw her arms in against her side, with her elbows still bent.

  Kat felt the press of his cock against her anus at the same time he surrounded her with his arms, encasing her within his hold. His arms banded hers, pulling her into herself as his chest pressed against her back and his cock began to thrust into her small opening.

  “Easy, love. I have you. I’ll take it slow. All you have to do is relax and let me in.” He surrounded her, consumed her, sheltered her, and penetrated her. Kat felt safe and secure and knew Paul had been right. She would have tried to take over. Even now the urge rose up, but he had her so under control she couldn’t move.

  “Oh...” Her sphincter began to open, and she felt each centimeter of it happening, felt the burn grow and flow into pain. Surrender wasn’t a concept Kat had embraced much before these men. Yet something about them begged that response from her. She didn’t just want Paul’s cock in her ass. She needed it. She needed it if she ever had any hope of having all three of these men at once, and, yes, that was something she wanted very, very badly.

  She turned her head to the side and exhaled, and though it took every bit of will she possessed, she simply let go.

  Paul’s cock slid all the way into her.

  “Breathe, love.”

  Kat closed her eyes for one moment and focused on breathing. The pain leveled, and as she inhaled deeply and then exhaled, the stinging behind her eyes eased and the sense of fullness became the most vibrant sensation. She felt stretched to the max and didn’t know what to do with the feeling.

  Her clit twitched, and her pussy lips felt as if they, too, moved.

  “Oh God.” The need to come rose up out of nowhere, not overwhelming the pain but using it instead as a conduit to every nerve ending in her body.


  “Please. Oh, please fuck me. I...I need…”

  “I know what you need, sub.” Paul’s whisper brushed her ear. His tone, his words, brought peace even as he began to move in her.

  His thrusts were slow and deep, and with each movement, she shivered as arousal mushroomed. She’d never known this level of heat existed—it was so much more than she’d ever imagined. With each thrust, with each pull and subsequent push, the hunger inside her grew, strong, steady, and crying out for more.

  “Let’s come, my Kat. Now. Together.”

  Kat hadn’t known how to make that happen, but she didn’t have to. Paul’s command did it for her, and she screamed as the most powerful climax she’d ever experienced rocketed through her. Wave after stunning wave of orgasmic bliss consumed her, burning off every bit of chaff within until only the pure, pure inner woman remained.

  And as the last convulsions rocked her, she knew that she was forever, and hopelessly, lost to any but these three men.

  Chapter 17

  Wesley tuned out his brothers, standing over in the corner, arms crossed over their chests, worry etched on their faces. He’d tried to make this session as professional as possible. Since he’d had a few days to plan it, he’d been able to order a gi for Kat, including a black colored obi—since he’d already learned her level of training. He’d put on his own gi, and here they were, ready to get down to business.

  Wes had one degree up on her, so for the purposes of this session, at least, he was in charge. He walked to the center of the workout area and then turned his head and met her gaze. She straightened her stance slightly and walked out to meet him. They stood facing each other, six feet separating them, and then they bowed.

  “Kat, do you know Kanku Dai kata?”

  “I do.” Her smile went all the way to her eyes. “Actually, it’s one of my favorites.”

  “Mine, too. Show me, please.” They bowed again, and Wes retreated, giving Kat the room she would need to perform the structured exercise.

  Kanku Dai was an advanced kata—a series of choreographed exercises learned when one studies karate. The more time spent studying, and practicing, the more complex the katas would become. Aside from being a routine that Wes knew intimately, Kanku Dai involved every muscle of the body. He’d be able to see how well Kat had healed, by the ease with which she performed the familiar ritual.

  If there was any part of her not yet one hundred percent, he’d know it shortly.

  Kat bowed, the maneuver perfectly executed. “Kanku Dai!”

  The tone of her voice as she announced the kata told him she’d already put her mind where it needed to be. The kata opened with a wide arm sweep, out and then up. Wes watched, his entire energy focused on her as she performed the kata. His experienced eye measured the energy with which she kicked out, the ease with which she spun on her feet, and the strength of her jump.

  Though she clearly had submerged herself into the ritual, he could see the movements took her close to her limit. It would take time and practice before she could move fluidly, until the motions of this kata, or whichever one she preferred to use as warmup, became like breathing again.

  The mind and the spirit were as much tools or weapons in karate as the body. Her body wasn’t back in fighting trim yet, and he wasn’t completely convinced that either her mind or her spirit were one hundred percent healed, either.

  He’d seen vulnerability flash in eyes over the last week. They all had. And just as he and his brothers would do all they could to help her recondition her body, they’d also do whatever was necessary to help her get her spirit back.

  He wondered if she knew they understood she was having challenges in that area. She didn’t awaken from the nightmares that made her cry out in her sleep. They’d been able to soothe her with their touch, with the same soft murmurs as they used after loving. They cuddled her close until her frantic breathing evened out, until she slept in peace once more.

  The exercise concluded, Kat bowed, and he returned the gesture. Wes had no doubt the time
had come to take off the kid gloves. He’d discussed with his brothers what he wanted to do. They didn’t like it, but they agreed that if they waited for Kat to tell them on her own what troubled her they might wait a very long time.

  “You’re still stiff, and your left side is hurting you. Near the end, I felt your movements were less energetic.”

  “I know. It will get better.”

  Wes grinned. “Do you usually sweat so much from a simple, under-two-minute routine?”

  Kat blotted the perspiration from her brow with the back of her hand. “No. But like I said, I’ll get better. I thought you were going to help me train today.”

  Wes raised one eyebrow. His woman had attitude. He’d give her that. This challenge he was about to take up was going to be the toughest thing he’d ever done. He cast a glance at his brothers. He hoped they held to their promises to stay out of what was going to happen next.

  Kat kept telling them she was fine, that she was getting better every day, with not a word about the fear they could so easily see in her. Denial did not trump fear. Never had, never would. She needed to admit that she had problem, and talk about it.

  The irony wasn’t lost on any of them. Was this the first relationship ever when the men wanted to talk about feelings and the woman played the avoidance game?

  With our luck, probably.

  “I am going to help you.” He tilted his head to the side. “It occurs to me, however, that, in your line of work, you don’t often get the opportunity to face an opponent who’s as well versed in karate as you are. So rather than sparring using the Kanku Dai, why don’t I just come at you—like one of your skips would. Like a street thug would.”

  He saw her swallow and the flash of uncertainty in her eyes. She’d come here today confident that they would spar and that she would be able to move and counter-move in a familiar and comfortable way.

  And he’d just yanked that comfort rug right out from under her.

  “All right.” She nodded and, despite the agreement, assumed a position with her legs slightly parted, balancing on the balls of her feet. As if he hadn’t suggested what he just had. As if they were still going to spar using karate after all.


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