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Pretty and Reckless

Page 14

by Charity Ferrell

  I gulped. “How about we do that now?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet, you’re not ready.”

  With that, he picked me up, and carried me down the stairs, landing us in the bathroom. He set me down on the toilet and turned on the shower. My jaw dropped when he stripped off his clothes. My eyes glued to him, ready for him to turn around and show me every inch of him, but he didn’t give me the time to stare. He swept me up and planted me in the shower while I frowned.

  He stood behind me, scrubbing the paint off of my body, with the heat of the water rushing down onto us. It seemed so intimate.

  “So how did I do in therapy today?” I asked him. “Did I express myself well?”

  He chuckled, massaging manly scented shampoo into my hair. “You did amazing, you are phenomenal.”

  I pulled away, turning around to face him, but he wouldn’t let me. I wanted to see him, to kiss him, to feel him, but he was holding back. I pushed my ass into him, deciding to play dirty, and moaned when I felt his hard cock rub against my ass.

  “Nu uh, love,” he whispered into my ear, taking a step back and disrupting my seduction plan. “Today was about you, not me.”

  “I showed you mine, it’s only fair I see yours,” I whined.

  He let out a breath, rinsed my hair out, and then slowly turned me around. My stomach flipped and my nipples went erect as I took him in. His eyes glistened against the water while I looked at him in surprise and darted my eyes south before he had the chance to turn me around. His firm, muscular chest heaved in and out. He was fit, like really fucking fit, with muscles finely sculpted into his stomach. I tilted my head to the side, admiring him.

  “Damn, why don’t you show yourself off more,” I asked, moving my eyes down to look at his firm cock. He was thick and perfect. I could feel myself growing wet just looking at it twitch underneath the water drops.

  “Show myself off?” He asked, swiping away my wet hair from my face. “It’s not necessarily legal for me to run around with my cock out.”

  “Well, it should be.”

  “I don’t want to be known for my body. I want to be known for something more.”

  “So do I,” I whispered.

  His head cocked down to kiss my forehead. “You are.”



  “How many girls have you had sex with?” I asked, throwing up my arms for Weston to pull my shirt over my head after drying me off.

  “I think that’s irrelevant,” he said, kissing me on the forehead and then reaching for his jeans.

  “Not really,” I said, pulling back my wet hair, wrapping it up around my hand. “You know my sexual history, I think it’s only fair I know yours.”

  “Five,” he answered, looking away from me while he pulled his jeans on.

  “Five?” I asked, dropping my hair in shock. “That’s it? You’ve only had sex with five women and you’re how old?”

  “Twenty-eight,” he replied, his voice muffled as he dragged his shirt over his head.

  “Wow,” I said loudly, drawing the word out. “And I feel like a total whore.”

  “Don’t say that,” he said, his eyebrows crushing together. He grabbed my hand, helping me to my feet, and smoothed down my hair.

  “I’m eight years younger than you, and I’ve had four times as many sexual partners. If that’s not slutty, I don’t know what is. No wonder everyone thinks I’m a whore.”

  I knew my number was pretty up there, but I didn’t think it was that out of the ordinary. Holly was close behind me, and I knew the men I’d been with were just as bad, if not worse. I wasn’t used to a man who didn’t whip his cock out to every willing pussy around.

  “You’re not a slut. Don’t compare yourself to me. I’ve been in long-term relationships,” he said, attempting to make me feel better. “I’ve had plenty of sex, don’t get me wrong, but they were with girlfriends.”

  Not with random people like I have. “All of them? You’ve never cheated?” I asked, prying.

  He looked me, insulted. “Never,” he said, harshly. “That’s not me. I don’t sleep around or do one-night stands. If I’m sleeping with someone, I’m committed to her. Remember that.”



  “Cancel your appointments, doctor. I’m the only one you’re making feel better today,” I sang out, sluggishly lifting myself up to straddle his hips.

  It was my fifth morning in his bed.

  It was strange. It was weird. It was pleasantly strange and weird. When I was with Weston, my life seemed normal. I’d never experienced normal. I wasn’t sure what we were to each other or where we were headed, but I was going along for the ride until he decided to throw me out. I was holding onto whatever he was willing to give if it meant I could stay in his bed, and his life.

  It was terrifying to admit, but I was falling for him. There was no denying it. His presence made me feel protected and safe. I didn’t want him to go anywhere, but I knew ultimately, he’d end up leaving me. Whenever I thought my life was beginning to look up, I missed a step and came barreling back down. So I decided I was going to take every piece of him I could in our short time together before he discovered all of the darkness suppressing inside of me.

  He squinted a few times to focus on me without his glasses and yawned loudly. I grinned down at him, my stomach doing flip-flops. His curls were a mess, matted down against his pillow. I skimmed my palms along his smooth, bare chest and grinned when I noticed the goose bumps. I loved that I had an effect on him.

  “I wish I could, love,” he said, around a groan. “But I have appointments with new patients.”

  “Reschedule them,” I suggested, nudging my hips against his lap, feeling the fullness of his morning erection through my panties. I wanted him to know what he’d be getting if he stayed and what he’d be missing out on if he left.

  His eyes went fully alert and he tipped his hips forward. I rolled my head back, remembering the things he’d done to me at the art studio. I’d practically begged him to take me last night, but he wouldn’t budge. He got me off with his fingers again and then said it was time for bed. Apparently we needed to take baby steps, but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted to run straight into the elevator, dive in headfirst and enjoy the ride.

  I squealed, and locked my thighs around his when he planted a hand to my side. He bunched up my t-shirt in his knuckles to hold me in place, his grip firm, as he rolled his hips underneath me. My pussy tingled at our friction.

  “Trust me, I want you, but you’ll have to wait, beautiful,” he said, his eyes devilish. He was fucking teasing me.

  “I love it when you call me beautiful,” I whispered.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered back. A hand left my waist and grabbed my neck to bring my face to his. He nuzzled my nose before brushing his lips against the tip. “You’re beautiful here.” His lips went to mine. “And here.” I shimmied when his hand flew up my shirt, squeezing my bare breast before kneading it with his knuckles. “And I think you’re beautiful here.” His hand moved to my thumping heart.

  “Is there anywhere else you think I’m beautiful?” I asked, raising a brow.

  A slow, mischievous grin grew on his face. I shivered, feeling his morning stubble itch at my neck while he kissed his way up my skin. The hand loosened at my hip to skim underneath the blanket covering up our bottom halves.

  A slow moan escaped my mouth when he gripped my ass, using me as leverage to push me down harder against his throbbing cock. There was no way I was letting him leave. I tilted my hips back, feeling every inch of him slide against my pussy, letting him know I was game for anything.

  He slapped my ass then inched my legs farther apart. I looked down at him in awe, anxiousness humming through me, when his fingers dipped underneath the lace of my panties. His touch was hot as he caught my clit between his fingers and played with my sensitive nub.

  He nudged my hips up slightly to give
him more reach. “You’re soaked, baby,” he said, touching my aching pussy. I squirmed underneath his fingers, pulling my shirt off, and tossed it on the floor. The room was suddenly burning up.

  I grunted when I was pulled off of his lap and thrown onto my back. He hovered above me, his warm chest grazing mine.

  “I’d love to spend more time with you, playing with this sexy body, but we don’t have time right now.” His lips slipped over mine and he suckled on my tongue. He slid down my body, and in one swift motion my panties were gone and his mouth between my legs. He dived straight in, not taking his time as he spread me open and drove his tongue into me. And I was completely fine with that. I’d be perfectly content lying in his bed with his tongue inside of me for the rest of my life.

  “So wet,” he muttered in between licks. “So wet and so good.”

  “Show me one your fantasies.”

  My breaths were long, releasing out in urgency and pleasure, and I rewarded him with a moan after each lick. I looked down to see him working me. Sweat was dripping off his forehead, landing right above my clit. I lost my concentration on him, my brain going hazy, when he plunged a finger inside of me.

  He was licking me. He was fingering me. He was toying with my clit. All at the same time like three double threats. I was done. So done. I was positive this man had a PhD in eating pussy.

  “Okay, okay,” I said, my hand shooting to his hair, pulling it tight. “Weston! You’re killing me! God, so good.”

  I threw my head back, keeping my hold on his hair, and my core throbbed as my body let go in release. I was falling, falling hard until I came to a complete crash.

  He kissed his way back up my stomach. “I’m sorry, what were you saying?” He asked, smirking. “I was busy at the moment.”

  I smacked his shoulder, slowly regaining control of my body. “You were torturing me.”

  He grinned. “I wasn’t going to stop until you were a sweaty, shaking and sticky mess. Which is looks like you are,” he said, looking me up and down.

  “How come you get to have all of the fun,” I asked, pouting my lip and pulling at his shorts.

  His forehead collapsed against my belly when he stopped my hand. “I have to go to work.”

  “Screw me, then go to work,” I begged.

  “I’m not going to have sex with you and then leave right after.”

  “Yes, you are,” I said, tugging at his shorts and cursing when he stopped me again. I leaned forward and sunk my teeth into his arm.

  “Ouch,” he said, looking at the indent in his arm in the shape of my teeth. “What the hell?”

  “Quit stopping me or I’ll bite you again. Harder.”

  He shook his head. “No, I’m not like those other guys. I’m not going to treat you like that. I’m not going to have sex with you and then leave.”

  So it was definitely going to happen. Sooner or later, we were going to fuck. The big question was when, and if I had any say in it, it was right now. I wanted him now.

  “Shut up, you know you’ll never be one of those guys,” I said, kissing my bite-mark on his arm.

  This time when I went for his shorts, he didn’t stop me. “You know,” I said, a smug smile on my face. “They say that morning sex has been proven to be more effective than a cup of coffee.”

  I grabbed his bulging cock in my hand, wrapped my fingers around it and slid them up and down his length. His head fell back, and I knew I’d won. Weston would be inside of me in the next few minutes.

  “Oh, really?” He asked, panting while he slowly pumped his hips, meeting my touch, and his balls smacked into my belly. “I promise as soon as I get back, we can test out that theory as much as you want.”

  His hand swept between us so he could drum a finger against my clit. Hell no, there was fucking way I was letting him leave. “It will be too late.”

  “Fuck …” His voice was strangled, as he began to play with me. “You’re already soaked again.” He was right. I could feel my juices smearing in between my thighs.

  “Please …” I begged.

  “Please what?” He asked, sliding his cock out of my hold.

  “Fuck me. I don’t care if it’s only five damn seconds –“

  “Yeah, that’s not going to happen, ever,” he cut in.

  “I need you inside of me.” I moved my hips to meet his hand, slightly hitting his sensitive balls in the process.

  “Are you sure?” He asked, pulling back.

  “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.” He moved over my body to pull out a condom from the drawer. I held my breath; sure I was going to pass out and not get the chance to enjoy him inside of me. He rolled the condom on his stiff cock, nudging it back and forth along my opening and saturating the condom with my juices as he teased me.

  He held my gaze when he entered into me slowly. I constricted against him, taking a moment to adjust to his size. “You’re so big,” I gasped, remembering how he’d told me I had to wait to see if he had a big cock the night on the phone.

  “Do you like it?” He asked, slowly thrusting in and out of me, kissing me deep and rough. I tasted myself on his tongue, my juices, and it felt so erotic. I whimpered at the loss of his mouth when he bent down to suck on a nipple.

  “You know I do.” My head bowed back and I got lost in the feeling of him petting me from the inside. I enjoyed every inch of him sliding in and out of me, him sucking on my nipples, and how he thrived on how good it felt to be inside of me.

  “This was one of my fantasies,” he said. “Fucking you in my bed.”

  “Mine, too,” I said, my throat dry. “I’ve imagined you doing so many things to me here.”

  He groaned, his pace quickening, and I knew he was close. Thank God, because I was about there. I rammed my hips up to meet his thrusts, scratching my nails down his back, and he reached down to hitch my leg up his hip.

  His fingers dug into my skin, digging in deeper with each powerful plunge. He stared at my bouncing breasts as my brain flooded with pure bliss.

  “I want this to last forever,” I said, knowing I was close.

  “Trust me, it will be happening again,” he muttered.

  And his words were it. I was done. The fact that he’d said he was going to be inside of me again soon set me off. My entire body went limp, shaking while he continued to fuck me. He shoved his face into my neck, blowing out long, harsh breaths against my skin. His chest smacked into mine, sweaty and sticky, and our breaths crashed into each other’s. He shuddered as he got off.

  “You’re right, that was much better than coffee,” he said, kissing me on the lips.

  “I told you,” I said, moving my hips to feel the sensation of him still inside of me.

  He dragged his hand across his face. “I’m sorry, I wanted our first time to be more … romantic. Better than that.”

  “That’s exactly how I wanted it.”

  I didn’t want him to make a big ordeal about it. I wanted it to be spare of the moment, dirty, and un-planned. I wanted him to move out of his comfort zone and fuck me without thinking.

  And that’s what he’d done.



  I slammed my office door shut as soon as my last patient left. Adrenaline pumped through me like a drug as I raced home. I couldn’t wait to get back to her. I’d only been gone for eight hours, but those eight hours were excruciating. All day, I’d sat in my chair, licking my lips to keep tasting her, and tried my hardest to listen to my patients.

  I stopped at a red light, thrumming my fingers to the beat of music when it dawned on me. I loved this woman. She was everything to me. Every morning I woke up, she was the first thought on my mind. Before my eyes shut to sleep, she was my last thought. She’d taken me over.

  Even though I’d only known her for a short time, it wasn’t lust. It was love, and there was no denying it. I’d tried to fight it, but I kept getting slammed back every time she looked at me. Her long lashes brushing
against her face when she woke up in the morning wouldn’t allow me to look away. The sight of her plump, pink lips slowly opening to smile when she teased me wouldn’t let me pull away. I loved every fragment of her.

  She was off limits. I knew that, but all of my cares had jumped out of the window and gotten mauled over with a car. I was done trying to convince myself I couldn’t have her. I was done trying to change my mind. No more battling with myself. I’d taken all of my rules and kicked them out the back door.

  My briefcase made a thud falling to the floor at the same time my jaw dropped open when I walked into my apartment.

  She was sitting on the edge of the couch wearing one of my t-shirts. A long, messy ponytail was twisted on the top of her head. Her legs were open wide and giving me the best fucking view I’d ever seen – her completely bare pussy on display for me.

  My cock twitched underneath my pants, instantly stirring to life, and I couldn’t drag my eyes away from her. I felt like a kid who’d just watched porn for the first time.

  “Did you have a good day at work?” She asked, looking at me mischievously. She slanted her back, using her fingers to open herself as in invitation to come and explore every inch of her.

  I loosened my tie. “I have a feeling it’s about to get a hell of a lot better,” I said, my voice scraping along the edge of my throat. Charging over and slamming inside of her seemed like a pretty good plan, but I stopped. I wanted to play. “Show me how you touched yourself that night on the phone,” I said, unbuckling my pants.

  Her eyes fired up at my challenge. “You go, I go.”

  I dropped my pants in a second and wrapped my hand around my swollen, hard cock. I pumped my hand up once, my gaze focused on her, and my lips twitched into the cockiest smile of my life when I noticed her breathing grow heavy. “Your turn.”

  Her tongue shot across her bottom lip. “I think I’m really going to enjoy this reenactment.” She touched the corner of her mouth with a finger. “I like visuals so much more.”


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