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Under Fire (Winged Enemy MC Romance)

Page 8

by Ruin, Olivia

  Brilliant lights flashed against the insides of my eye lids as I thrashed on the bed under his ministrations. I screamed loud and hard as weeks of pent up frustration flew out of my body in a gigantic wave. “Oh god yes! Fuck yeah, Jed, oh my god!”

  Spasms swept my body, and my thighs clamped hard around the powerful man’s ears as I struggled to control myself. He gamely kept on going until it suddenly became far too much and I had to push his head away to give myself a break.

  I collapsed backwards into the bed and the pillows that didn’t have any bullet holes. My muscles jittered as though I had just run a marathon.

  My breathing was quick and shallow and heart raced. As much as I wanted to return the favor, I couldn’t possibly do anything of my own accord at that moment.

  Jed crawled back up my body and rested his head on my breast. I grabbed a hold of him and pulled him up to my mouth. I could taste myself on him, the scent extra sexy all over his lips.

  “Wow,” I said. “That was a hell of a show, mister. You deserve a special reward, I think.”

  “Oh really?” he asked. “And what exactly did you have in mind as a reward for me?”

  I smiled and pulled at his body. “How about you scootch up here and let me take care of you, too? It’s been far too long since I’ve had the chance to take that monster you’re packing in my mouth, and I think we’re past due.”

  He didn’t protest, since he knew full well how much I enjoyed giving head. He got to his knees on the bed and walked up until he straddled my chest. I was glad to see that he was almost fully hard from eating me out, a compliment that couldn’t be forged.

  I set my left hand on his ass so that I could guide his hips and control the depth and the speed, and pulled him towards me.

  I moaned when his head passed my lips. It was even bigger than I remembered, and it forced me to open my mouth even wider. I luxuriated in the feeling of the head in my mouth, and pressed him yet deeper so that I could test my limits.

  His shaft was silky smooth, and I rolled my tongue up and around it, swirling as I pulled him in and out of my welcoming mouth. His groans were gratifying, and I pushed hard and deeper trying to get him to lose himself in the feelings I created for him.

  My hands weren’t idle, cupping his sack and pulling gently as I gingerly wrapped the broken hand around his base. For a few minutes he let his head hang back and lost himself in me.

  On one stroke I was too enthusiastic, and I made a small sound as pain twinged in my hand. Jed’s head snapped up, concerned, and he realized that I was doing more than I probably should.

  “That’s enough, Leslie. I said that I was going to treat you, I don’t want you hurting yourself more, no matter how good it feels.”

  When he slipped off my lips I made to argue, but then stopped. I can always suck him more later. I’m hoping this means that I’m finally going to feel him inside of me now. No matter how much I enjoyed blowing him, I loved having his thick cock thrust deep inside of me even more.

  He made his way back down my body, and kissed me tenderly as he settled into place between my open legs. I reached them up and wrapped myself around him, opening even more for his girthy shaft.

  The head pressed against me, tentatively at first, and then more firmly as it tried to push its way inside my tightness. Jed let it move through my folds, gathering moisture and settling in before he pushed through and entered me.

  It was heaven.

  I hadn’t felt it in weeks, and now that I was finally on the receiving end of his wonderful length again I felt whole, complete, fulfilled. We were like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, and I couldn’t get enough of the feeling of him sliding in to my depths until we were locked as tightly as possible.

  “Oh, Jed.” It was all I could manage to say.

  When he was at the deepest point he could reach, he stilled his hips and we lay like that, looking into each other’s eyes. I was as wrapped around him as I could possibly be, in every sense of the phrase. Despite the struggles we had been through, this felt too right to ever give up, and I knew then that I would chase him to the end of the earth. I could only hope that he felt the same way.

  The big cock started to withdraw, and it rubbed my nerves endings in precisely the right way just as well on the way out as it did on the way in. It was a delicious stretch in the most sensitive and intimate parts of me, and it felt better than I could have imagined.

  Strokes continued on, seemingly never-ending in length as he took his time on each one, letting me feel every fraction of an inch as it entered or left my body. It was intimate, even more so than any of our past couplings, and it brought us closer together. We were one, in the most clichéd way possible.

  The constant rubbing and stretching pushed me further and further along to the point of no return, and as much as I enjoyed the journey I was increasingly desperate to climb the peak and see the view. I urged Jed on, not with words, but with pants and moans, tugs and pulls, groans and gasps.

  The pace increased, and before too long our joining had grown fast and frantic. Jed’s manhood slammed down into my core, pinning me to the bed in paroxysms of joy as my pussy clenched around his invading shaft and tried to milk it dry.

  What had started as a slow, sensual joining of hearts morphed into a quick, needy, physical mating of two sensual creatures. We needed both in order to clear the air and get our relationship back on track.

  I started to come when Jed dropped to rest his chest on mine, buried his head in the crook of my shoulder and reached down to grab a hold of both of my ass cheeks. With the additional leverage he was able to slam down into me while shoving my body right back up at him, and the added force ended me.

  With a stuttering cry, I lost all of my senses for the second time that night. I lost control of what my body was doing and focused all of my attention on the waves of pleasure that wracked my body, bouncing through my nerves and along my extremities, starting at my core and shooting out of my fingertips. I wouldn’t have been surprised if fire blazed forth from my eyes at how intense the sensations were.

  In the midst of my climax I became aware of Jed’s body burying itself even deeper inside of me and spasming, unleashing a heavy load of fluid that heated up my core even further, and induced a whole new round of miniature orgasms.

  We held onto each other desperately, for support, comfort, and as a hold on reality as we let ourselves come down from the incredible highs that our frantic coupling had inspired within us.

  “Oh. Holy. Fuck.” I said. I had a real problem with swearing when I was under considerable pleasure. “That was… entirely necessary.”

  “I am in total agreement,” Jed said from where his head was buried in the mattress beside my own, and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

  We lay together like that for a long time. My good hand traced delicate circles on his back, marveling anew at the feeling of his built muscles underneath the smooth skin and how good it felt. I had begun to think that I would never get him in this situation ever again, and it was even better than I had thought to prove myself wrong on that score.

  I thought of asking Jed all of the questions that I knew I would have to eventually. Questions of him and Kat, of what they meant to each other, what they’d done with each other. How he could possibly trust her when she may have tried to kill me earlier that night.

  There were things I needed to tell him, too, like about the safe that he had probably already discovered at the headquarters.

  I said nothing about any of it. Instead I let myself treasure and enjoy the time that I had with him.

  Eventually he rolled off from on top of me, and I snuggled up to his chest. It was almost dawn, but I needed sleep and I wasn’t going to ruin the chance to have it with the man that I suspected I was falling in love with.


  A night of pleasant dreams ended with an abrupt crash as Jed climbed out of bed. I sat up, blinking the sleep out of my eyes and stretching. The pang
in my hand reminded me of the injury I’d sustained the day before.

  “Jed? What are you doing?” The clock blinked a doleful eight o’clock. We’d only been asleep for around three hours.

  “I need to get moving,” he replied. “I have to get out on patrol and catch this son of a bitch.”

  “Don’t you think you’d better get a full night’s sleep if you’re going to be tearing around after a maniac? Who knows the next time you’re going to have a chance to catch any sleep at all?”

  He picked up his shirt and threw in on over his shoulders. I mourned the loss of his visible torso. I hadn’t gotten as good of an eyeful of it last night in the pale light as I would have liked, although my fingers still tingled with the memory of what it felt like.

  “I can’t, Leslie. The club needs me. And the town needs me, you never know what this guy will do next. If he came after you, he could go after any of the people that we watch over.” He turned to leave. “I’m going to leave some men here with you to watch outside, so that you don’t get caught off-guard again.”

  I grumbled and got up from bed, stretching more fully. My nude body soaked up the sun that danced through the gaps in the drawn blinds. “At least let me come with you then.”

  He turned back to say something, and then caught sight of my body on display for him. He opened his mouth but didn’t manage to get anything out for a few seconds. I couldn’t help but grin broadly at the look on his face.

  “You don’t have a bike, Leslie. You wouldn’t really be able to go on patrol.”

  “Oh, come on, Jed, that’s just an excuse. Look what happened to Nathan last night, you are way more vulnerable on a bike than I am in my car. Beside, I’m a federal agent, I know how to take care of myself.”

  He winced a little. “Regardless, Leslie. As you said, full sleep is important, so you should stay here and rest up so at least one of us is running on a full tank. Besides, you really need to take care of your hand, it looks like it’s pretty bad.”

  He was right. The appendage throbbed. I should have gotten it looked at yesterday, but events had just spiraled further and further out of control.

  “Fine.” I pulled him close and kissed him hard. “But you better fucking look after yourself, otherwise I won’t ever forgive you. I don’t want to be waiting for you to wake up in the hospital again.”

  He grinned. “Biker’s honor, I swear that won’t happen again.”

  He left, and I watched him go. There wasn’t really a lot that I could have done out there anyway. Neither, for that matter, could he. Thinking that they would somehow come across and catch the killer by driving around towns in small groups was wishful thinking to the nth degree. There just wasn’t a lot else that they could do with the resources they had.

  This is ridiculous. I’m going to finally call this in when I wake up again, there is absolutely no excuse. The longer I put it off, the more likely it is that another friend is going to get shot and end up dead or in the hospital.

  I shuddered to think what my boss was going to have to say when I told him that there had been two deaths, a shooting, an explosion, and my own attempted murder that I had not reported. It wasn’t something I wanted to face on three hours of sleep.

  I went back to bed and tossed for a half an hour before I drifted into an uneasy slumber. Fraught dreams haunted me with ghost-like images and silenced guns.

  A few gun shots woke me with a start, and I lay in bed listening intently for ten minutes, head cocked. There weren’t any more sounds, and I shrugged it off. Must have been in my dream. I’m going to have the worst wake-ups in the world for the next couple of years, aren’t I?

  I climbed out of bed and got dressed in light running clothes so that I could work out some frustration.

  As I got out of the bathroom, there was a knock at the door. I opened it up and was shocked to see Kat standing there. There were a couple other men from the club standing guard at the end of the driveway, playing cards on a crate flipped upside down.

  “Oh, hi Leslie!” She was cheerful, smiling.

  My hackles rose, and I backed away slowly. “Kat,” I acknowledged.

  She took my backing away as permission to enter, and stepped inside. When she closed the door behind her, I felt like screaming a warning out to the other men, but before the thought made it to my mouth the door clicked shut. She locked it after, seemingly as an automatic reflex. Automatic, or entirely on purpose?

  “Jed sent me over to help keep an eye on you, I thought I’d come in and see how you’re doing. He mentioned that you had a late-night visitor last night, I can’t believe how scary that must have been.” She kept a careful eye on me as she spoke, as though she was curious to see how I reacted to her words.

  I can’t believe how bold she is, is she back to finish the job?

  I wished that I had grabbed my gun and kept it on me before I opened the door. My eyes flicked to the drawer in the kitchen where I kept it before I controlled myself and brought my gaze back to rest on her eyes. Maybe I could turn this around and find out what I needed to know about her.

  “Yes, that’s true. The murderer was here last night, and I would be dead right now if I hadn’t heard him. Or her.” I said the last pointedly, and watched as her eyes opened and then narrowed.

  The tension in the room was thick enough to cut. I watched her hands in my peripheral vision, careful to make sure she didn’t make any sudden movements towards a concealed gun. Or knife. She proved that she knows how to use one of those to deadly effect perfectly well.

  “Her, huh? That’s interesting. You think the killer may be a she?” It was almost too obscene that we danced around the fact that was by now glaringly obvious. It seemed as though both of us knew that she was the killer, and were just avoiding flat-out saying it.

  “Oh, I’m pretty positive of that,” I said. “There have been some things that have tipped her hand.”

  “Is that right?” she asked. “You know, Jed wouldn’t believe it.”

  I barked a short laugh. “Of course he wouldn’t. He’s been completely blind to the possibility. He doesn’t want to even entertain the notion.”

  It was about time to fight or flee. The level of anticipation in the room was getting to unbearable heights.

  I had no weapon on me, and there were none close enough to grab before she could get to me.

  With a quick lunge, I knocked Kat into the wall. She was strong and wiry and surprisingly hard to budge, but she hit the plaster and fell to the floor. I grabbed at the front door and twisted the handle, wasting valuable seconds before I remembered that she had locked it.

  With a fearful glimpse back down at the woman who was struggling to get her gun out and bring it to bear, I wrenched the door open and sped through at a dead run.


  I started towards the men playing cards, but then I realized that I didn’t know them that well. For all I know she might have paid them off or somehow gotten them on her side. The only person I can trust right now is Jed.

  I took a hard right and jumped the neighbor’s fence. A bullet zinged into the wood beside my broken hand as I vaulted it.

  Shouts rose behind me, but I didn’t stop to listen to what they were saying. Either the men would stop Kat, she would take them out, or they would join her. Either way, my biggest priority was to put as much distance between them and myself as possible and try to sort it all out later.

  The next fence was lower and easier to jump, and there were two big dogs chained up in the backyard. They seemed at a loss to face an intruder so brazenly running through their turf, and by the time they started barking I was already past. I ran out along the side of the house and burst out onto the street.

  There were no motorcycles in view yet, but I could hear an engine revving. Luckily I was close to the outer limits of the town, and I crossed the street as fast as I could and headed towards the deep brush that started up in the fields outside of town.

  I had never tried to run through
the fields before. If I live through this then I’m never trying this again. Only the sounds of the bike engine on the road behind me spurred me further into the dense thickets.

  It was slow going, but the good news was that my pursuer couldn’t progress any faster. Still, I was injured and it was slowing me down. I took a look over my shoulder.

  A figure that must have been Kat waded through the growth faster than I was able to. She was the only figure in sight. I wonder what she did to the others.

  I had to make a stand somewhere, but I may have screwed myself over by running out of town. At least if there had been solid objects to hide around and behind I may have stood a chance of taking her by surprise, but it was mostly wide open out here above chest height. It didn’t help me running from someone with a gun.

  If anything the brush grew thicker up ahead, and there were a few trees. I worked my way in that direction, hoping against hope that there was something there that could be my salvation.

  It took nearly five minutes to reach my target, the going got slower the closer I got. Kat was close enough that I wouldn’t be surprised to hear bullets start whizzing by. Subconsciously I ducked my head as I struggled to fight my way through.

  The undergrowth opened up underneath the trees where the sun didn’t reach past the leaves. There were signs of teenage partying, beer cans crumpled up in amongst the gnarled roots. I cast about in search of anything that could make my situation more tenable.

  A low branch offered an option. I could climb into the trees and hope that I could hide myself well enough to drop down and surprise Kat when she got to the thicket. I didn’t like my odds on that one, though. Too obvious.

  There was a long, smooth branch on the ground that looked as though someone had used it as a walking stick. I hefted it in my good hand. It was solid wood, no rot visible, and would make do for a weapon. I still needed a way to close the gap with Kat without getting shot first.


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