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Page 27

by Shae Mills

  Her wish hit him at the very foundation that was his soul. He was moved beyond words by her unselfish desire to please him while abstaining herself. But between the soon-to-be-dispatched, ill-fated mission, his almost total lack of sleep, and thoughts of Korba's final request of him, Dar's reserves collapsed for the first time. He sank to his knees before her, his head hung in exhaustion.

  Chelan slipped down beside him. This time she did not apologize, and she began to rub his tight neck and shoulder muscles. "Another time," she hushed tenderly. "I know you are drained, and I know there is much I do not understand that weighs heavily on your mind."

  She continued her comforting massage as Dar collected himself. Then she rose to her feet and slipped into her gown. "Come with me," she said softly, extending a hand to him. "We both need sleep."

  Dar looked up into her beautiful face, his heart swollen with love. He took her hand, and she led him into his chambers. There, she sat him on the bed. His mind was numb from the physical and emotional drain of the past week since Korba's revelation, and he was spent on every level. Realizing that he had a few hours before their departure to RIBUS 7, he decided that sleep was his best ally.

  He sat quietly as Chelan knelt before him. Moving with refined elegance she removed his weapons and liberated him from the confines of his uniform. She then stood and peeled back the rumpled sheets of the bed. She waited patiently for him to lie down; his head pressed wearily into the pillows.

  She stood silently for a moment as she absorbed the essence of his magnificent body, his aura filling her mind and soul with desire and love. She wanted to touch all of him, to taste all of him, to fill her senses with all that was him. But she knew now was not the time. Her eyes returned to his as she began slithering out of her gown.

  Dar prevented his gaze from traversing her body, for he knew he could ill afford the arousal her alluring femininity would elicit. Gracefully, she lay down beside him and covered them both with a sheet. Slowly, she pressed her porcelain body into him, seeking the shelter and comfort his massive body supplied. Dar's arms surrounded her tightly as he cradled her head on his chest. Then, in warm, peaceful bliss, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, heartened by the fact that Chelan was once again by his side.

  Chapter 27

  Chelan awoke to some gentle prodding. Straining, she opened her protesting eyes. Beside her sat Dar, his refreshed face smiling down at her. "Time to hit the deck," he teased.

  Chelan smiled as she struggled to rise into a sitting position. She noticed he was fully dressed in his military uniform, complete with the ominous black shroud. "What's up?" she asked wearily, digging the palms of her hands into her eyes.

  "Well, at the moment, it appears that I am, and you're not," he grinned.

  Chelan cast him an evil eye. "You woke me up to tell me that you're up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, after about a refreshing six hours' sleep?" she needled.

  Dar did a quick calculation of his time asleep, converting it to Earth hours. "No," he began, "actually it was a very pleasant and adequate four hours' sleep."

  "Four hours!" Chelan moaned. "Who in their right mind functions on only four hours of sleep?" She grabbed his head with her hands and wrestled him down into her lap.

  Dar looked up into her glowing beauty. He smiled and reached for her, drawing her lips to his, the shroud enveloping them in blackness. Chelan giggled at the awkwardness of kissing his mouth upside down. Dar then coiled back up and sat still for a moment, soaking in the visage before him.

  Chelan, however, eyed the shroud with suspicion. Something was wrong. She watched as his face became serious, and she felt her heart skip a beat. She hugged the blankets to herself defensively. "Are you leaving me?" she asked in a whisper.

  "No," he replied with trepidation. He looked down at his gloved hands and he hesitated. "I'm taking over the command of RIBUS 7, and I'm taking you and Fremma with me."

  A lump instantly formed in her stomach. "What's happened to Korba?"

  "Nothing has happened to him, Chelan. He has to leave on a mission, and he's taking a lot of men with him, including Tarn." Dar noticed Chelan's mounting discomfort, and he continued quietly. "While he's gone, I'll look after his command while Solis looks after RIBUS 8."

  Chelan hugged her knees and laid her head on top of them. She began to rock slowly. "Did you know he was going?"

  "Yes," he said in a hush.

  "How long have you known?" she asked slowly.

  "For a long time."

  "How long?" she pressed.

  "Over two Iceanean months."

  Chelan didn't even flinch. She simply closed her eyes tight as she continued to rock. "Did the Emperor order him?"

  Dar drew in an uneasy breath. "No," came his faint reply. "It was Korba's choice." Dar watched her carefully, her desperate embrace of her legs intensifying.

  Time passed by painfully as she struggled with her thoughts and emotions. "Did he ask to see me before he left?"

  Dar remained silent. He did not have to reply. She already knew the answer.

  Chelan abruptly stopped rocking. "He made his decision the night I fought with him, didn't he?" she asked numbly.

  Dar simply looked down at the floor. Suddenly, Chelan was wracked by a convulsive sob. He reached for her, but she ducked his arms, ripping a sheet from the bed in her anguish as she rose. She stumbled away from him and bound herself tightly. Dar stood and reached for her shoulder, but she cowered under his touch. Backing against the wall, she hugged the covering fiercely to herself. Dar's heart was splitting.

  Then, as suddenly as she had begun to cry, she stopped. She raised her tear-soaked face to the ceiling and gave a nervous little laugh. "I'm sorry," she said, smiling. "What the hell, hey? They come and they go, even in space."

  Dar remained rigid, observing her closely. Gradually, her smile faded, and she brushed back her moist, tangled hair. Dar stepped toward her. "Chelan, it's not like that," he whispered. "It was a military decision."

  "No, I understand!" she said forcefully. She pushed her hand out in his direction, refusing him access to her. "I'm okay... I'm okay," she repeated quietly, as if to convince herself. She attempted to collect her disordered thoughts. "I'll get dressed, and I'll be ready in a moment," she added softly.

  Dar could hardly breathe, let alone speak. He felt utterly impotent. He simply turned and walked out of his chambers. He strode into the bright lights of the Command Center and suddenly, he burst forward, slamming his fists into a console panel. His head sagged.

  Fremma beheld Dar's explosive display' the Warlord was oblivious to the world around him. The warrior was disturbed by Dar's unbidden and uncharacteristic emotional outpouring. Dressed in full military garb, Fremma approached him cautiously. "My Lord," he addressed.

  Dar hesitated and then pushed himself off the control panel. He turned around and fell heavily into his chair, his head thrown back.

  "She'll get over him," Fremma offered quietly.

  Dar smiled wryly and shook his head. Stiffly, as if he'd aged a century, Dar leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, his eyes searching the floor. "At what time does the fleet begin its departure?"

  "They have just begun, my Lord."

  Dar rose and went to the main console. The center screen flickered to life under his touch. There before him was a spectacle beyond description. Thousands of fighters and transports were being catapulted from the central air locks in groups of fifty. He hit the panel again, and a distant view of RIBUS 7 appeared, the mother ship giving birth to yet another 250,000 men and women. "When do we leave?" he asked absently.

  "Any time now, my Lord. As soon as Chelan is ready."

  Fremma had no sooner spoken than Chelan emerged from the darkness of Dar's quarters. Her step was sure and elegant, her slim, curvaceous body draped in white. She flowed across the Command Center exuding self-confidence and grace. She smiled lightly and nodded to Fremma. Then her eyes were drawn to the main screen. Her jaw dropped as she
watched the swarms of ships leaving the massive Imperial vessel. Chelan nearly stumbled down the stairs, her eyes riveted to the momentous display in astonishment.

  Fremma watched her intently as she stepped up beside Dar. The Warlord looked down at her and was immediately buoyed by her overt fascination with what she was witnessing. Dar's eyes darted to Fremma, and Fremma smiled at him.

  "So that's RIBUS 7," she said, entranced. "How many men?"

  "Five hundred thousand in total," came Fremma's reply.

  "Five hundred thousand," she repeated in wonder. "Where are they going?"

  Dar nodded. "To a planetary group in what we call the Rigilean system." He studied her. "There has been some trouble there, and we are going to deal with it."

  "Obviously!" came her bemused reply.

  Fremma hated to interrupt, but the transport was ready to go. "Sire, we must leave."

  Chelan glanced at Fremma. Her body was beginning to quiver with anticipation. She watched him as he reached for another shroud. He smiled at her as he placed the garment over her shoulders, doing it up about her expertly. Chelan felt a surge of warmth afforded by the material as it cloaked her body and gently brushed the floor.

  "Here, sit down," instructed Fremma as he wheeled a chair over to her.

  Chelan sat, wide-eyed, and she glanced up at Dar. Dar smiled at her reassuringly. Kneeling in front of her, Fremma helped her slip on her boots, the same knee-high boots that they wore, their fit perfect. Fremma checked each boot carefully before attaching the inner lining of the shroud tightly about her ankles, the voluminous fabric ample enough to allow total freedom of movement.

  Chelan looked down. She assumed that her shroud was longer because she did not require access to the knives sheathed in the warrior's boots. But before she could ask, Fremma produced two black gloves and slipped each one over her pretty hands, attaching the shroud to her wrists. He sat back, and Chelan automatically stood, glancing at Dar for approval.

  "How do you feel?" he asked.

  "Fine," she said, looking down at the skintight gloves and touching them to her face. They felt just like her own flesh, and she smiled to herself, knowing now why Dar and Fremma rarely saw the need to remove them.

  Dar smiled at her as he reached for a sizable, rifle-like weapon. Chelan watched as he handled it deftly, swinging it in under his shroud with practiced precision and concealing the weapon completely.

  Fremma nodded to him, and the three of them walked toward the workout area. Chelan followed behind Dar as he headed for the far wall. Suddenly, she felt Fremma's hand on her shoulder, his firm grip stopping her in midstride. Dar continued to the secret security doors alone. He allowed the sensors to identify him, and the massive doors parted. Chelan looked up at Fremma questioningly.

  "I'll explain it some day," he said quickly, and he motioned for her to proceed.

  Dar waited for them as they stepped through the entrance, the doors sliding shut soundlessly behind them. Chelan watched as Fremma squeezed into a tight, black, mask-like accessory and then began pulling on a flight helmet.

  She felt Dar's hand tap her shoulder, and she turned to look up at him, his azure eyes intent upon her face. As he drew the hood of her shroud over her, Chelan saw the love in his eyes, and her heart nearly melted. His thumbs lingered along the sides of her jaw as he hid her face within the blackness of the hood. Then he flipped his own hood over his head and turned toward the next set of doors. They opened automatically at their advance, and two guards snapped to attention, startling Chelan. Dar sensed the interruption in her step and took her by the arm.

  They passed through several more sets of doors and then Chelan saw Fremma disappear down a separate corridor. His unexpected departure distressed her, but she chose to remain silent, unwilling to burden Dar with her concerns.

  Soon they stepped through a final set of massive doors, and an enormous flight deck was revealed, the proportions of which struck Chelan with wonderment. Everywhere she looked, shrouded figures snapped to attention. A deep voice boomed out, shattering the silence. "Commander on deck!"

  Dar intensified his grip on Chelan's arm, pulling her protectively into him as they began their journey toward a substantially sized ship. Chelan's eyes widened. It was huge, but what struck her the most was its overall shape. It bore what Chelan considered to be an uncanny resemblance to her world's space shuttle. Its only deviations were that it lacked the puzzle-like application of heat tiles, and the entire ship was a smooth, uninterrupted black. As they grew closer she also observed that the wing surface area was considerably more extensive and that the ship appeared to be totally devoid of windows, but in this new and alien world, she was well aware that not all was as it seemed.

  As they approached, Chelan's attention was redirected from the transport to the three men standing in front of its open door. One man began striding toward them.

  "Status," ordered Dar.

  The man halted at attention and removed his hood. "All is go, my Lord. All military forces are clear. Sensors register clear. All onboard systems are functioning. All security systems here and on board RIBUS 7 are up and report no problems."

  Chelan watched the guard's icy-azure eyes, their gaze never leaving Dar's darkened face. Everything about the man—his voice, his demeanor and his body—exuded proficiency, dedication, and loyalty.

  Dar made a signal with his free hand, and the man turned aside, allowing them to pass. Chelan noticed the man's eyes dart to her. Nothing was said, but Chelan nervously pressed into Dar's side, the whole ordeal beginning to take its toll.

  Soon, they neared the final two men guarding the transport entry and Dar stopped just short of them. He hesitated momentarily, squeezing Chelan's arm in reassurance before speaking. "Binan," Dar said in acknowledgement of one of the men.


  "Fremma will be flying shotgun for us with Anton and Res as wingmen. After they leave the command hanger, I want both air locks sealed and completely secured. While the mission is engaged, there will be no use of either ship's private hangers by anyone else unless cleared by me. Any attempt to do so is to be reported directly to me. I want guards in this area doubled for the duration of the mission and even the slightest inconsistency or disruption in normal security measures reported immediately."

  "Understood, my Lord. Will there be anything else?"

  Dar paused, his mind meticulously running through a silent checklist. "No, that will be all."

  Chelan felt him urge her forward, and the two men parted at their advance. "Take good care of our baby, Binan," said Dar as they passed.

  "I will, Sire."

  Dar and Chelan ascended a ramp into the dark recesses of the ship. Only when inside did Chelan feel herself take a deep breath, a badly needed breath. Dar walked with her down the central corridor, its passage blocked by yet another guard. Dar's grip was still tight on her arm, and Chelan kept close, wishing desperately that she were back in the security of the familiar Command Center.

  Dar stopped in front of the man and spoke quietly. "Nanton."

  "My Lord," came the deep reply as the man removed his hood.

  Chelan tried to calm herself as she looked up into the familiar, exotic eyes. The man's rugged face was surrounded by the standard thick mane of long, blue-black hair. He was similar to the rest of the warriors she had seen, slightly smaller than Dar, although it was hard to tell for sure under the shroud. His hands securely held a large weapon similar to the one Chelan knew Dar carried, and she shuddered, all sense of calm dissipating.

  "Everything prepared for departure?" asked Dar.

  "Yes, my Lord. All is in order."

  Chelan felt a slight easing of Dar's grip on her as he removed his hood. But she remained deathly still. The guard moved to the side and opened the door leading into another section of the transport. Dar released Chelan's arm and slipped past the man, disappearing into the room. The guard remained at attention as Dar completed his own personal security check, but Chelan was beside hers
elf with anxiety at being left alone. She flinched involuntarily as the guard's eyes briefly scanned her. Her knees began feeling weak, and she stifled her urge to lurch forward in search of Dar.

  Suddenly, Dar reappeared and extended his hand to her, a smile touching his lips. Chelan glanced nervously at the guard as she pitched forward and grabbed on to Dar's hand frantically.

  Dar chucked to himself. She had so much to learn about his people and his ways. But most of all, she had to learn that he would never knowingly endanger her, and he squeezed her hand.

  Chelan heard the door slide shut behind her, and a suction-like sound emanated from all around. Her eyes made a quick survey of her surroundings, and she was cheered slightly by the white decor and the comfortable-looking seats. There were six in all, a couch and two chairs on each side of the spacious cabin.

  Dar released her hand and removed his shroud, placing it on one of the chairs. Chelan watched in silence as he shed the large gun and placed it carefully next to the shroud, the butt firmly planted on the floor.

  "Is all in order, my Lord?" came the guard's query.

  Chelan jumped, and realizing that he was in the room with them, her eyes widened with surprise. Dar smiled at her. Then, glancing at Nanton, he spoke. "Yes, all is fine, thank you."

  Dar looked back at Chelan. There was no reason to disrobe her, but it was time for her to get used to his men and vice versa. Dar took her trembling hands gently, releasing the shroud from her wrists as he removed her gloves. Dar then knelt before her and liberated the fabric from her ankles. Chelan used his shoulder for support as he urged each foot up and removed her boots. He placed all the items on the chair with his shroud and then stood.

  Chelan held her breath, feeling trapped with the warrior in the sealed room with her. But as Dar began undoing the length of the shroud, she squeezed her eyes tight. She felt as though she was going to pass out from anxiety over her imminent exposure. But her eyes snapped up to Dar as he spoke to her in English. "Calm down, Chelan," he soothed, a warm smile on his lips. "He's one of my best and most trusted men, and a friend. He won't hurt you, and I would never let him."


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