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RIBUS 7 Page 52

by Shae Mills

  Chelan closed her eyes, swimming in the pleasure of his words. Now she wanted to bathe in the depths of his body. She looked up at him, the virile visage before her making her weak with a thirst only he could quench. "Make love to me now," she whispered.

  Korba closed his eyes as he let his forehead touch hers. His jaw clenched and his muscles tightened. "Chelan, I have something to tell you first."

  Chapter 40

  Korba took her by the hand and lead her into the Command Center. There he settled her in his chair and pulled a second one over. He sat down and hung his head. "Chelan, something has happened, and sometime in the future, I hope that you will find it in your heart to forgive me for what I have done."

  Chelan leaned forward, with apprehension.

  Korba cleared his throat. "After you left Fremma earlier, he disabled the guards outside the Command Center and forced his way in here. I had ordered the guards to let no one pass, and his sudden entry—" Korba's words broke off as he relived the instant, watching in horror as his blade sank into his friend's chest. Korba leapt suddenly from the chair, running his hands through his hair.

  Chelan stood, her heart pounding. "It's okay," she breathed anxiously. "Whatever happened I know was a terrible mistake." She tried to calm herself, well aware of the atrocities that could instantly befall anyone at any time in this brutal society. She stepped up to him and gently touched his face, turning his burdened gaze toward her. "I know you would have never meant to hurt Fremma. I already know that there is nothing to forgive you for, because whatever happened to Fremma..." Chelan choked, trying to force out the painful words, "happened because of my own stupidity."

  "No, Chelan," he whispered. "Do not blame yourself. The whole mess was no one's fault."

  "Is he alive?" she asked with dread.

  "Yes, but he hangs on to the edge."

  "I want to go to him."

  Korba drew her into him, smoothing his hands down her trembling back. Chelan's stomach knotted and she pressed into him, feeling comforted and ill at the same time.

  Korba steadied her. "I'm so sorry, my Lady."

  Chelan shook her head, distraught over what she had inadvertently done to Fremma. She felt her eyes sting but she knew she had to keep it together. Crumpling now was not an option; she had to stay strong for Fremma's sake.

  "Chelan," Korba whispered. "Listen to me. It was not your fault. It was my blade that felled him, and now your love for him will resurrect him. If anything, I carry the burden of the blame twice over, once for my knife, and once for being with Marri in the first place."

  Chelan gasped. He had taken a knife for her? Her arms went around Korba's waist, and she clutched him tightly. "When can I go to him?"

  "Right now, if you are up to it."

  Chelan nodded. "I'm ready," she uttered, and she straightened herself, banishing her threatening tears.

  Korba moved across the Command Center. From a hidden compartment he took out a large, rifle-like lazgun and threw it over his shoulder. He then attached a smaller version to his waist. His shroud came next, completely concealing all his weapons.

  "What about me?" asked Chelan almost numbly. "Should I not be hidden?"

  Korba looked over at her as he attached the shroud to his wrists. "No longer, my Lady. You are mine for all the galaxy to see." And with that, he pressed a console button. There was a pause, and then the main doors opened.

  Chelan recoiled as six heavily armed guards strode in.

  "My Lord," acknowledged one man.

  Korba moved by Chelan's side. "Chelan, this is Lazen. He is the Commander of a Special Forces group under Fremma's direction. You'll be seeing a lot of him and his men in the future. He is one of my most trusted guards, and like the rest of my men, they have all been trained specifically for my protection. And now, they are for yours."

  Chelan looked up at the six men as one of them stepped forward. Feeling terribly exposed, she automatically took a hesitant step closer to Korba. The warrior released his intense grip on his weapon and withdrew his hood. Chelan stared into the man's ruggedly handsome face. He was much older than anyone she had seen thus far, except Manza, but he had the familiar blue-black hair and azure eyes.

  Lazen looked her over carefully, his eyes questioning.

  Korba nodded to the man. "Lazen, this is Chelan. She will be with me from now on. I want the same attention and security you and your men afford to me to be bestowed upon her. I will present her to the rest of your men at a later date so that they can get to know and understand her ways."

  Korba hesitated, then continued. "I do not need to tell you that she is not Iceanean, but I will tell you that she is not trained, and therefore, she will rely on me and you totally for her well-being. Shortly, she will be presented to the ship, and she will have access to its every area. I want you to make sure that she never leaves the Command Center unless accompanied by no fewer guards than you would afford me in an alert situation."

  Korba lowered his voice. "Now that I have said that, I don't think I have to elaborate on her importance to me. You therefore know that any slip with her will mean an end to those responsible. Is that understood?"

  "Affirmative, my Lord," replied Lazen as his eyes once again settled on Chelan.

  Her discomfort over Lazen's scrutiny became even more apparent as she took another half step back, partially shielding herself behind Korba's shroud.

  Korba sighed under his breath. "And another thing, Lazen, pertaining to the fact that she is not Iceanean and her ways are alien, I would ask that your men restrain themselves where advances toward her are concerned. I can tell by your eyes alone that the thought has already arisen, and it is not permitted."

  Chelan looked to the floor in embarrassment, and her skin flushed. Suddenly, she wished she had her own shroud.

  Korba smiled momentarily and then looked back at Lazen. "If at some time in the future she is comfortable with our ways, and she sees fit to approach you or one of yours, only then can an interaction occur."

  Chelan's jaw dropped as she scowled up at Korba.

  Korba smiled at her and then glanced at Lazen. "But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you," he added.

  "Understood, my Lord," Lazen replied. "The lady's beauty aside, Sire, how you have managed to keep her presence a secret is what truly amazes me."

  Korba nodded. "Well, the most precious secrets are always those kept closest to the heart."

  Lazen smiled and then looked at Chelan warmly. "I look forward to serving you, my Lady, and I guarantee that you have nothing to fear from me or my men. Your safety will always be assured in our presence."

  Chelan finally found the courage to once again glance at the man. She did not doubt his sincerity, but her muscles still twitched with apprehension, her ingrained wariness surfacing yet again.

  Korba realized that she was not going to cope with much more exposure, and he turned to face her. He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek and spoke to her in English. "Don't be bashful, Chelan. You should know by now that your beauty demands attention and incites desire. I only bring the topic up now because I know you are not accustomed to the bold advances of our men. They will be aggressive if not told otherwise, and I don't want you to be made repeatedly uncomfortable."

  She nodded to him and finally gave him one of her beautiful smiles. Then her eyes darted to Lazen and back. "From what you have said to him, does he know that we're..." Chelan stopped, at a loss for a word to describe their relationship.

  Korba smiled. "Does he know that I have chosen you as a mate? And does he know that shortly we will share the same bed, making the most beautiful love in the galaxy?"

  Chelan went bright red. Korba's smile broadened, and he raised her face to his. "I assume he probably does, as only a fool would pass you by. And secondly..." Korba leaned forward, kissing her passionately. "Secondly..." he repeated huskily, "after that, he definitely knows."

  "You embarrass me, my Lord," she whispered anxiously.

ba chuckled. "That will pass, my Lady."

  Chelan smiled timidly. "Maybe."

  Korba nodded toward the doors. "It is time to depart." And he took her by the arm and ushered her up between the guards. Once in the corridor, Lazen led the way toward the sickbay while another two of the guards flanked them directly and the remaining three walked slightly behind. The walk to the medical center was short, but whenever they met people, heads bowed immediately and questioning eyes went to Chelan.

  Once through the sickbay doors, two guards took up posts outside while the remaining four stood just inside. Stose entered the room, directing a warm smile at his guests.

  "We've come to see Fremma, my friend," said Korba quietly. "Is it a convenient time?"

  Stose nodded and then looked at Chelan. "I'm glad that you have come, Chelan. You can do more for him right now with your presence than I ever could with all my medical arts."

  "I hope you are right, Dr. Stose," she said softly.

  Stose smiled. "This way," and he turned and led them to a private room.

  Chelan halted just inside the door, her hands clasped tightly in front of her as she looked at Fremma. His motionless form lay on the bed, a single white sheet covering his lower body, his bronze chest bound. Chelan took a deep breath, her lungs feeling as though they were being crushed. He looked so pale to her. Monitors in the bed relayed his vitals in a continuous stream of sounds and displays. She felt completely overwhelmed, but she was determined to be by his side. She turned to Korba and Stose. "May I go to him?"

  "Yes, Chelan," replied Stose quietly. "He is not conscious right now, but he swings in and out of reality quickly."

  Chelan looked back at the inert warrior. She rounded the bed slowly, her heart feeling as though it would break at any moment. She lovingly brushed small strands of hair from his face and tried to speak, but she could not.

  "We're going to leave you, Chelan," Korba said softly. "Stay as long as you wish. We'll be just outside if you need us."

  Chelan nodded, holding her trembling hands to her lips. She watched them depart and the doors close. Then she sat gingerly on the edge of the bed. "Oh, Fremma, you didn't have to do this for me. You know that I always survive."

  She reached for his hand and held it tenderly. She felt heartsick to her core. Over and over, words played unmercifully through her mind. They were going to make love, and instead he took a blade deep in the center of his chest for her. And now rather than experiencing joy, he was experiencing pain and possibly death itself.

  She rocked herself gently as she stroked his hand, willing him with all that she possessed to get well. Time passed dreadfully slowly, and soon she was exhausted.

  Finally, she touched his face and caressed his cheek softly. "I love you, Fremma," she whispered. "Please don't leave me."

  She continued to stare down at him, and then her breath caught. She watched as his eyes began to flicker. She squeezed his hand tight. "Come on, Fremma. Oh, please look at me." Then she became very still as she watched him struggle. "Oh god, Fremma. I love you so much. Please look at me," she pleaded.

  Slowly, his eyes opened, but their gaze was disoriented and shallow. Chelan leaned forward and kissed his cool lips. She buried her face into his hair and whispered in his ear. "Come on, Fremma. You can't leave me. I need you," and she clasped his hand tighter.

  She straightened. His eyes were still open, staring vacantly at some nonexistent point beyond her. "Fremma," she called softly. "Please come back to me. Please don't leave me." But his eyes closed.

  Chelan hung her head, drawing his hand to her face. She began rocking herself to and fro again, consoling herself and the man whose limp hand she clutched.

  Finally, she ceased her desperate swaying. She gently released him and stood ever so slowly. She looked over his bronze body, and her heart ached. Leaving him was simply not an option. She was scared to death that if she walked through those doors, he would die, and she was not going to let that happen. Carefully, she eased onto the bed and inched herself down beside him. She rested her head on his shoulder and drew the sheet up over them. For now, this was where she belonged.

  Chelan took several deep breaths and closed her eyes, comforted by the sound of his beating heart. Her hand rested on his waist, and she pressed into him as much as she dared, a strange serenity washing over her. She was again by the side of her beautiful, gentle Fremma, and she let a warm and uneasy sleep overtake her emotionally wracked body.

  * * *

  The hours passed, and Korba slipped inside the room silently. He warmed as he saw his beautiful woman wrapped protectively about Fremma, her face at peace. Korba moved to the edge of the bed and kissed her cheek delicately. Chelan's eyes blinked open to his touch. She swallowed hard, not knowing what to say or do. But Korba smiled at her reassuringly and kissed her again. "Follow your heart, my Lady. Give him strength and heal him however you can. You know that I will always be with you."

  Chelan smiled back at him, her face still pressed firmly against Fremma's shoulder. "I love you," she murmured.

  "And I in turn love you, with all my heart and soul." His fingers brushed over her face, and then he tucked the sheet in around her. "And no decision you make will ever diminish that, my Lady." He rounded the bed and moved to the door. "I'll be outside," he whispered. "Take good care of him. He is a very special man."

  Chelan nodded as she watched Korba leave. "And so are you," she whispered after him. "And so are you."

  The hours ticked by as Chelan slept, lulled by the man's rhythmic heartbeat. Slowly, Fremma began to open his eyes, straining to focus against the room's lights. He took a ragged breath as soft, feminine words rebounded in the foggy mists of his memory.

  Suddenly, he became aware of a weight about him. He strained to move his heavy head, but the motion caused a spasm of pain to shoot through his chest.

  With great travail, he looked down and exhaled sharply with an outpouring of emotion as he beheld Chelan lying by his side. He raised his arms up slowly, struggling to embrace her.

  Chelan was startled to consciousness by his motion, and she rose up quickly. She was momentarily disoriented until his hand touched her face, tracing its outline and gently brushing over her lips.

  "Oh, Fremma, you're awake," she cried. She grabbed his hand, squeezing it with all her might. "Oh, my god, I love you so, and don't you ever try to leave me again."

  He took several deep, painful breaths, and a weak smile traversed his lips. "I love you, too, Chelan." He hesitated. "Is his Lordship with you?"

  Chelan wavered, and then nodded slowly. "He is mine, dear Fremma."

  Fremma closed his eyes. "Good," he breathed. "Then his blade was not wasted on me."

  Chelan's chest heaved. "Damn you, Fremma!" she blurted. "Don't you ever do anything like that again. I can't afford to lose you, you fool. I have come to love you far too much." She looked at him hard, her voice stern. "Why, if you weren't lying there hurt, I'd beat you to death myself. Do you understand me?"

  Another slight smile tweaked the corners of his mouth and Fremma's eyes opened again. He peered up at her and nodded slowly. "I understand."

  Chelan continued to stare into his loving eyes as she remembered Dar's words. Their ways could work for her or against her. She thought about Korba, and then she made her decision.

  She leaned over him and kissed him tenderly, hugging his hand to her warm breasts. "When you get out of here, my dear friend, I want to collect the spoils of our little war."

  Fremma's eyes widened momentarily.

  "I want to make love to you, Fremma. I want to make love to you for an entire night."

  Fremma shook his head slowly. "You belong to a Warlord, my Lady, the Empire's Overlord. I know you too well."

  Chelan shook her head back at him. "Then you underestimate my love for you. And according to your ways, I belong to my heart. I may be Korba's life mate, but you can be my lover." She swallowed anxiously. "At least this once, if you permit."

owe me nothing, my Lady," he protested in a whisper.

  "I owe you everything, Fremma, absolutely everything."

  Fremma's lip quirked. "If you say so."

  Chelan smiled, and with that she watched as soothing inner peace flowed over him. He closed his eyes, his muscles relaxing, his breathing easing. Chelan instantly knew that his heart was healed, and with it would come the healing of his body.

  Chapter 41

  Chelan stepped out of Fremma's room and into the main sickbay area. Korba and Stose immediately rose and looked to her with guarded anticipation.

  She exhaled with relief. "He's going to be okay."

  Korba approached her, deep concern still etched on his handsome features. "And you, my Lady?"

  Chelan smiled. "I am fine, I think. When he is once again on his feet, I will be better."

  Korba took her in his arms, his shroud enveloping her. He held her head to his chest. "Once again, please forgive me."

  Chelan held onto him as tightly as she could. "I forgive us both," she whispered.

  Korba kissed the top of her head, his lips lingering. Then he looked at Stose. "We will take our leave now. I want to be informed immediately if anything goes awry."

  Stose nodded. "Yes, Sire, but I am sure that all will progress well."

  Korba released Chelan and nodded to his men. In silence, they all departed and returned to the Command Center. Once inside, Korba went to the front console and relieved himself of his shroud and weapons. Then he looked back at Chelan as she stood inert just in front of the main doors. "Chelan?"

  She blinked as if coming back to reality. He returned to her and nodded to his chambers. "Would you like to rest?"

  Chelan glanced at the entrance to his room, and then back at him. It took a moment for her to refocus. "I have not been in there since Dar took me away," she began quietly, hugging herself. "When we returned here, I couldn't bring myself to enter there. Memories of you were too strong. That's why I stayed with Fremma."


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