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Sphinx Transformed (The Sphinx Warriors Series Book 3)

Page 8

by Christine Murphy

  Joshua turned to Alexandria. She had removed her hands from his back and she had curled them into fists. When she evidently realized he was looking at her, she crossed both her arms across her chest as if she was trying to hold herself back. When she looked up at him she had tears in her eyes. Eyes which had gone from her dark blue to a deep endless black. “I’ve caused this, Joshua.” She whispered, “Let them Collar me.”

  “No!” He roared. His heart ached with a fierce burn and his breath sawed in and out of his chest so hard, he thought his ribs were going to break. Joshua remembered when Turin had Collared Stormy and the crippling pain it had induced in her. Their Power Keeper brought down to her knees until she had discovered she could fight back. He didn’t want Alexandria to suffer that or any more than she already had.

  He spun away from her, snarling under his breath and stormed over to the clear re-enforced cell door. Before he reached it, Joshua tried to control his rising Power. He really did, but there was no way to hold everything in. If he could only contain enough so the damage would be minimal.

  Ethan and the others must have seen it coming. They hastily backed away from the door right before Joshua slammed his fist into it with all his fury. The heavy door made specifically for enhanced individuals wouldn’t have stood a chance against him, but at the last second, he pulled most of his Power back. Still, enough shot from his fist, blue lightening streaked through the clear door and spread out in every direction. The damage his Power inflicted was significant.

  The boom was supersonic and the entire door and the floor under Joshua’s feet shuddered. Spider web cracks spread out in every direction from where his fist had impacted. Small pieces broke free inside and outside littering the floor. He stared down at what he had done seeing the shimmering glass-like pieces everywhere on the floor. Instantly, his blood pressure dropped, and he started seeing spots in front of his eyes. What the fuck?

  Joshua took a deep breath. He didn’t understand why he was so out of sorts with his Power. Something was wrong with him but he wasn’t sure what and the timing was the worst. How was he supposed to keep Alexandria safe when he was in this shape? Maybe because Stormy had been weakened from her constant duty of transferring Power to them and the lack of Power was starting to affect him.

  Alexandria moved up beside him and touched his arm. He met her eyes seeing the sadness, the acceptance of her fate in her expression. It killed him to see her that way. Quietly, she said. “Joshua, Ethan’s right. This...this has to be done,” she choked out with difficulty.

  Seeing red, he grabbed her and crushed her against his body. The feeling of her body against his still wasn’t close enough and he felt desperation clawing away at his control. Everything happening was against all he believed he was supposed to do. He was letting her down. Their whole world was falling apart and he fucking didn’t like it. He growled long and low.

  Joshua couldn’t look at Ethan or the other Warriors. He was afraid he would finish destroying the cell door and rip into all of them. “Fine!” he barked out. “But if she suffers anymore, someone will pay.”

  Stepping over to the control panel, Hunter punched in the code and the door slowly slid open. Joshua was surprised the door even worked still but Ethan had always been able to design kickass technology. As soon as the door slid open, Ethan stepped in warily with Raven following closely behind him. Joshua didn’t immediately let go of Alexandria. His inner Sphinx was out of its mind with the instinct to protect, making it difficult for Joshua to let go of her.

  “Umm. Joshua, Khenti Michael is getting inpatient.” No sooner had Ethan said the words, Michael reached out to all of them through the Warriors Link. A gift only he had for coordinating with the Warriors during battle and other emergency communications. Joshua thought sometimes it was just a pain in the ass. Michael’s forceful – Any time gentlemen. – rang clearly in his mind.

  Joshua gruffly sighed and sent back – We’re on it, Khenti. One moment more, please. Being second in command was a pain in the ass too at times. But it was necessary and he was more than honored to serve under the leading Warrior. Right now, though, he just wished he could give it all up and concentrate on nothing and no one but Alexandria.

  Gently, he pushed her away from him knowing the inevitable was here and he just had to get it over with. Joshua brushed his fingers through her dark lustrous hair and stepped away. “I’m so sorry, Lexi. I’ve failed you.”

  “You didn’t fail me, Joshua. Turin did this to us.” Alexandria bit at her lower lip and Joshua zeroed in on her tender mouth.

  “And he will pay. I promise you that.” Joshua growled. He stepped further away from her and the other Warriors, not trusting that he would not do something violent when they touched her.

  Hunter and Raven flanked to each side of her and each grabbed one of her arms. As soon as they made contact with her, Joshua’s inner Sphinx growled, but he maintained his distance because they were being gentle with her. Hunter mumbled softly, “Sorry, Alexandria.”

  She looked over at him sadness written all over her. By the Ancients, Joshua just wanted to hold her. Ever his kind and forgiving Lexi, she responded back, “It’s okay. I know this has to be.”

  But Joshua knew she wasn’t okay with the Collaring when she looked down at the floor avoiding eye contact. He knew when he had been Collared it felt like having his freedom and life taken away from him.

  Ethan came up behind her with the black crystal Collar in his hands. He met Joshua’s look over the top of her head.

  “The Collar has been modified from what Turin created. It focuses in on the energy of the Wraith to subdue and suppress the creature should the need arise. If…” Ethan paused for a moment and Joshua could see the man was struggling with speaking his next words.

  “If there’s any Sphinx left, it won’t be affected. I promise. I’ll try and make this as quick as possible but I can’t promise there won’t be some discomfort.”

  Alexandria nodded still staring at the floor. Joshua wanted her to look up at him, if only for a moment, so he knew she was going to be okay. She didn’t, though, and remained silent chewing on her bottom lip.

  Lifting the Collar above her head, Ethan brought it around and encircled black crystals around her neck. When the Collar settled against her throat and he went to fasten it under her hair, she struggled against Hunter and Raven for a moment. Joshua heard a combination of infuriated hiss and shriek come from Alexandria and when she looked up he could tell she was both sad and pissed, but she showed no fear. His impulse was to attack all three of the Warriors, but with a determination he didn’t realize he even had, he remained in place. If Lexi could take it, then so would he.

  Once the Collar was locked in place, Ethan removed a small remote control from his pocket. “Alexandria, I have to activate it. I worked to remove as much of the pain causing activity as I could, but there was only so much I could do.”

  Joshua staggered two steps forward before he could stop himself. They had to get this done or he was going to do something he regretted like ripping out one of his fellow Warriors’ throats.

  “How in the fuck can you know that? Do your devices measure pain now?” He snarled sarcastically. Being a true ass to his friends wasn’t normally something he did, but he just couldn’t seem to control himself lately.

  “Fuck, Joshua, you dick. This is hard enough on all of us as it is. Ethan about fried himself testing the damn thing and then I fucking took over as the test lab rat. Now shut your shit up so we can get this done. Alexandria’s suffering enough.” Raven ground out at him.

  Suddenly seeing the marks on Ethan and Raven’s necks really made him feel like the biggest asshole ever. But when it came to Alexandria he didn’t care if he looked that way. She was first above all others. Locking his jaw firmly in place, he wouldn’t say anything else until the shit was done. He just prayed to the Ancients the activation was quick.

  Ethan brought the remote up near the Collar and pushed one of the buttons
. The black Collar made an ominous clicking and zapping sound. The moment the Collar aligned with Alexandria’s energy and the signature of her internal Wraith, Joshua knew. He knew by the way her body stiffened and she gasped from the pain the activating Collar induced, but even more, he felt something within his own body react. He couldn’t explain it, but he knew he had to touch her now.

  Shooting across the small distance separating him from her, he grabbed her out of Raven and Hunter’s hold. For the few seconds it took for the cycling of the Collar to complete and her body to stop spasming, he held on to her tightly and growled at the three Warriors. His expression alone would have kept death at bay, but even more so, his Life Power swirled ominously around Alexandria and his body. The blue energy was making its appearance again and all he could do was hold on to her and what little control he had left.

  The few seconds seemed like years to him, but finally the cycling ended and her body collapsed in his arms. Her breathing was labored in his ears but her heart rate beating so hard against him was slowing down. Joshua’s Life Power began to ramp down too, the blue returning to a sparkling white and gold. The energy settled back into his overheated body and he shuddered with the after affects. His own suffering was going to begin later since he really didn’t have the strength to sustain what he had just done.

  “I thought you said you had adjusted the fucking Collar to cause less pain,” he aimed sarcastically straight at Ethan.

  Joshua felt bad when Ethan visibly flinched and shot back, “I did. You should have felt it before.” Ethan stood there for a moment and then turned his back on the group. “Whatever, I’ll see you in the planning room.” He stalked out of medical slamming the doors behind him.

  Hunter rubbed at his own throat while scowling at Joshua. “Damn it, Joshua. Ethan feels bad enough as it is. You think he wanted to do this? He really had no choice being the only one with the skills to pull this off without doing damage to Alexandria. Especially with the Wraith genetics in her. Who really knew what it could have done to her?”

  Brushing his hand through Alexandria’s hair for a moment, Joshua realized he had to relent. Hunter was right. What happened wasn’t anyone’s fault here in the complex. All the blame rested on Turin. The man would die and preferably by his hand. “I know. I’m sorry. And yes, I need to apologize to Ethan. He did what needed to be done and I’m an ass, as usual.” Sighing he smoothed his hand over to the side of Alexandria’s cheek and pushed her face up so he could see how she was doing. She was so quiet but at least her eyes were back to her mesmerizing dark blue.

  It was hard to tell exactly where his Lexi was. So many expressions crossed her beautiful features in such a small amount of time. She looked relieved, upset, confused, and a bit pissed at the same time. He tentatively asked, “How are you doing?”

  “As good as expected, I suppose.” When Alexandria didn’t completely meet his eyes, his worry skyrocketed again.

  He wanted her to elaborate a bit more, but Michael interrupted his thoughts through the Link again. Any time, Joshua. Yes, Khenti was going to give him an earful, he was sure, for delaying the inevitable. “We have to go see, Khenti Michael.”

  Alexandria pushed away from him and the loss of contact left him feeling bereft and alone. Stubbornness was written all over the way she stood, the way she crossed her arms, and the stiffening of her back. “Yeah, let’s go see my brother. There’s no more putting this off.”

  She turned away from him to go with the other two Warriors, but Joshua wasn’t going to have attitude from her. Before they could touch her, he growled out, “She’s mine…my responsibility. I’ll do it.” Before Alexandria could respond to his words or his actions, he grabbed her hand and hurried her out of the cell with Hunter and Raven following in silence.

  Chapter Five

  Alexandria was relieved Joshua had forced the issue in escorting her to the planning room. She had been split on allowing him to continue on without rest. The pain and despair from being Collared was nothing compared to the pain and despair of not being able to heal his body. The genetic changes Turin had introduced into her had not only changed her but the way she could manipulate her Life Power. Even though her ability had been weakening, she could still heal in the past at times when her strength was up. Now, her ability was hit and miss and just plain dangerous to try and heal anyone. As soon as she touched their Life Power, she had the overwhelming urge to draw the energy from them.

  Still, her emotions were on a roller coaster, and she needed him near her. His very presence gave her the will to continue when all seemed lost. Only he would be able to intervene if she tried to attack her brother again. The suppression seemed to be working fairly well, but the Wraith still made itself known in the back of her mind with its hissed demand for Power. Any Power and the creature’s strong desire to destroy her brother. She bit down on her lip concentrating on the discomfort versus her morose thoughts.

  “Lexi, can you make it? You’re shaking like a leaf.” Joshua pulled her into the elevator with him when the doors opened. He crowded her away from the other two Warriors into one of the far corners of the elevator. She breathed a sigh of semi-contentment when he drew her in close.

  Picking at the scrub shirt he still wore, she took a deep breath. “I have to make it. All I can think of is the damage I could have done to my brother. I’m nervous being in the same room with him.” Especially with the Wraith still pacing at the back of her mind.

  Leaning around Joshua, who was trying to block her from the Warrior’s view, she looked directly at Hunter who held the remote. Ethan had palmed it to him right before he had stormed off.

  “I expect you to use the Collar on me if there is any hint I will hurt him. Don’t trust me Hunter.” Alexandria insisted over Joshua’s growl. “No, listen to me. As long as this thing is a part of me, you can’t trust me. I’d rather be dead than ever harm anyone again. Please”

  Joshua tensed against her. He had her in such a tight embrace she could feel every movement of his strong muscles. Every time she shifted, he would move with her. She loved the way he protected her, but in this case, he might have to make a decision between protecting her and protecting his Khenti. Alexandria desired nothing more than having him near her, but the complications just kept mounting.

  The precious moments in his arms passed too quickly. Alexandria drew in a deep breath to fortify her courage as the elevator doors opened on the eighth level where the planning room was. Joshua finally eased up enough in his hovering to lead her out, but he kept a tight hold on her hand. He still maneuvered her away from the other Warriors as if she was claimed by him, but as much as she wanted to be his Mate, Joshua had kept their relationship to the level of just friends.

  Rubbing at her temple, she tried to calm down. The Wraith was clawing at her mind, demanding Life Power, and happily hissing it would soon be near its target. “Stop it,” she hissed halting just outside the door to their destination. Joshua turned to her. He cupped her chin so she had to meet his concerned bluish silver eyes.

  “Alexandria, you don’t have to do this right now. I can talk to Michael. Postpone the discussion.”

  “You mean the interrogation,” she stated stubbornly. Being the sister of the Khenti of Warriors wouldn’t get her out of an intense questioning session, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. She would have to fight the Wraith inside her for the information, but she knew she could get to it. “No postponement. I want to do this. The answers might help to destroy the Wraith. Just promise me, you won’t let me do anything to Michael. Please.”

  Joshua leaned down kissing her forehead. “I promise, Lexi.” His lips were so warm and his Power swirled out for just a moment surrounding her before fading out. When he pulled back, she could see the dark circles under his eyes forming and she couldn’t believe he was still standing. She had to convince her brother to let her go back to medical and work on finding a way to repair her inner Sphinx if there was enough left within her. The research for
a way to fix herself might be the only way to get her abilities back to a normal level without the threat of the Wraith taking over them. She couldn’t lose Joshua.

  She took a deep breath and squeezed his hand. “Let’s do this then.”

  Joshua opened the door and led her into the room of Warriors. She thanked the Ancients Michael hadn’t had the Guardians Elite present. Their condemning expressions of what she had done to Guardian Arik would burn into her and she didn’t think she could take it.

  Scanning the room as Joshua led her in, she saw Ethan up at the rosewood war-planning desk. He was ignoring everyone and focused on the surveillance equipment he was trying to repair. Michael had done quite the job of short circuiting the equipment when he had evidently lost control and fried a large portion of computers and monitors. Things were getting bad when he couldn’t control his Power even with a Power Mate, which struck Alexandria as odd. Where was Stormy? She was never far from Michael’s side.

  On the walls were burned out monitors, on the floor and desktop were computers with the insides torn out of them scattered here and there, and other electronic equipment she couldn’t name. Ethan was doing his best scrambling to combine any parts that were still working to get the system back up. Even stressed out as he had to be, he was still bringing everything back together in an incredibly efficient manner. Two of the monitors were actually up and starting to show graphs, charts, and other information. The progress was a good sign in the midst of so much destruction.

  The rest of the Warriors were sprawled around the room in the brown leather couches and chairs. Caleb was sitting in the chair to her right, checking his supplies again on his hand held and Jacob was sprawled on the couch with Eleina. Eleina mouthed” hi” to her and gave her a friendly smile. At least someone wasn’t afraid of her, not completely. Hunter and Raven maneuvered around her and Joshua and planted themselves in two of the empty chairs. Raven no sooner sat down than he had a flask pulled out of his pocket and up to his lips. Every one of them seemed to be warily watching her every move. It hurt to see the distrust, but at the same time, she was glad of it. It meant they would bring her down if the inner Wraith took over.


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