Defensible Space: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World)

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Defensible Space: An Everyday Heroes World Novel (The Everyday Heroes World) Page 10

by Lane Martin

  "That sounds like a recipe for disaster." This isn’t going to end well. Drinks like that had a way of sneaking up on you.

  "Sounds like a recipe for great karaoke." Desi shrugged and Penny downed her first drink with a titter. Yeah, I wasn't going to leave her side. Ladies’ night out just went co-ed. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t invited to join them. I volunteered to be Penny’s personal bodyguard.

  "Welcome to ladies' night at Hooligan's!" Everyone cheered. "I'm KJMC, your host for the night. Tonight, we're singing Kamikaze Karaoke. Unlike regular karaoke, you don't get a song choice. My lovely assistants are passing around papers and pens. If you're singing, write your name on a white piece of paper and pass it to Heather." Heather waved her hand in the air. "Also, put the name of a song on a blue piece of paper and give it to Becky." Becky waved as she handed out blue pieces of paper.

  "Most of you know we have some karaoke rules here at Hooligan's. But for the newbies, what's rule number one?" KJMC held his mic out to the crowd.

  "Don't be a dick!" everyone yelled. Penny gaped in shock at the response I knew was coming.

  "Very good. Do you remember rule number two?" He held up two fingers with one hand and his mic with the other.

  "You pick it, you sing it." The crowd rang out in answer.

  "That's right. You pick it. You sing it. What happens if you pick a duet?" Several differing answers were given before KJMC responded, "The picker gets to pick a partner. And if you get picked, refer back to rule number one." He held out his mic to the mass of people.

  "Don't be a dick!" Yeah, they knew rule number one. Too bad not all of them followed it. Penny drank her second martini as the crowd responded before handing over her blue and white sheets of paper and shrugging in my direction.

  "In for a penny, in for a pound." She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before two new drinks were pushed in front of her. I glared at Desi. She had the nerve to wink at me. Thanks for nothing, friend. She was trying to get Penny shit faced. "These are yummy," Penny said with a giggle. Yeah, she was well on her way already.

  Desi's name was picked second and she was glad to belt out "Cheap Thrills" by Sia. I'm not sure that a more perfect song existed for a person. Penny was happily swaying to the music and enjoying herself when her name was called.

  "I don't think I've seen you here before," the KJ said into his mic. Newbies were hard to miss at Hooligan's. Hell, they were easy to pick out in Sunnyville, period. Everyone knew each other. I knew from living in a small town all my life, that it was both a blessing and a curse. Not only did everyone know you, but they had expectations for you. Sometimes those were hard to live up to.

  "She's the new music teacher." A male at the back of the bar bellowed out and everyone cheered an assortment of welcomes. Penny’s cheeks reddened from the attention she was getting. The woman performed in front of massive crowds in sold-out concert halls around the world, yet she blushed on stage at a dive bar like Hooligan's

  "Music teacher? You must be good at this. Why are you blushing?" Was that fucker flirting with her too?

  "This is my first time," she admitted shyly.

  Her confession caused the crowd to chant, "Virgin! Virgin! Virgin! Virgin!" She swayed and I wasn't sure if it was because of the attention she was getting or the four Lady's Bluff cocktails coursing through her. Luckily KJMC quieted the crowd by reminding them about rule number one before I had to intervene.

  "Pick your song, virtuous Penny." He held out the container holding the blue pieces of paper, and she pulled out a slip. They both examined it before he instructed her with a sly smile to, "Pick your partner."

  Her caramel brown eyes blinked several times like she couldn't believe what she had read before her hands flew up in shock and almost knocked over the microphone on the stand in front of her. With this crowd any song title could have appeared on her slip of paper. I wasn’t sure what she could see from the stage with the lights shining brightly on her, but she scanned the room as if looking for someone when her eyes locked on mine. She softly said my name as another drink was handed to her. Great, just what she needs. As badly as I didn't want to sing, I couldn't leave her up there when she’d picked me. I made my way to the stage wishing I had some liquid courage too, but I’d stopped drinking the second I’d seen Penny was. One of us had to have a clear head.

  "SAINT! SAINT! SAINT!" The guys from my crew led the cheers as I made my way on stage. I was never going to hear the end of this.

  "This song needs no introductions," the KJ announced as the familiar melody began to play and I stood beside Penny at the microphone. Penny appeared shocked as I began to sing the familiar Kenny Rogers lyrics my parents often serenaded each other with. I didn't need to look at the screen, so I kept my eyes focused on her. The words rang true as she joined in with Dolly's part. Something was going on. We no longer faced the audience; we faced each other as we shared one mic—her on one side, me on the other, no one in between.

  Mom and Dad used to turn this up in the kitchen and dance as they sang to each other. I had the strong desire to take Penny in my arms and spin her around as I had seen them do so many times growing up. We were in another world, just the two of us. We were relying on each other up there on that stage. I thought I had known what the real thing was with Kara. How I ever thought that, I'd never know, since I always worried we would go wrong. That should have told me everything I needed to know. The message was clear. This could be the real thing. If only we could sail away to another world. What I thought as I sang to Penny onstage should have scared the shit out of me. Neither of us was there for long. I was on a short-term contract and lived in a house on wheels because I was terrified to go home and start rebuilding a life that looked nothing like what it did six months ago. But as Penny and I asked each other to sail away to another world, nothing had ever felt so right.

  The crowd erupted into applause when we finished and Penny was handed yet another drink, which she knocked back before I could suggest that maybe she’d had enough. She headed off the stage and nearly toppled down the stairs. I caught her in my arms, but instead of righting her on her feet and assisting her home, I bent down and put her over my shoulder. The bar went crazy again as I carried her out. Instead of batting at me and protesting, Penny surprised me again by sliding her hands into the back pockets of my jeans. We had only kissed, and that woman had ideas running through my head I never imagined thinking again. Was I being foolish? Maybe.

  "Well, shit." Penny was passed out by the time we got home. I carried her into the house, pressed against my chest. It wasn't my first time dealing with a woman who’d had too much to drink, but I wasn't sure what to do in this instance. On the one hand, I didn't want to leave her alone—purely for her protection. Okay, that was only mostly true. I wanted her to be safe, but I also wanted to be close to her. On the other hand, I didn't want her to think for a moment that I had taken advantage of her when she was drunk. I put her down on her air mattress and scratched my head while I considered my options.

  Having made my decision, I took off her heels before unbuttoning her jeans. As I worked, I told her what I was doing. "I'm going to help you out of your clothes." It was silly because she was already snoring. Jesus, her legs went on for days as I slowly pulled her jeans off her. When I finally got them off, I had to leave her alone so I could get control of myself. Her top was one of those one-piece bodysuit things with the snaps at the crotch, and I already knew she didn't have a bra on. I could make out the tips of her breasts against the fabric. Just a fraction of an inch and one would be exposed.

  "Get a grip, St. James!" I scolded myself as I went out to the garage to get her a cold bottle of water from the fridge. I changed into a pair of workout shorts to sleep in, let Rascal in, and got a couple of pain relievers for my sleeping beauty. "Let's go, boy." I locked up the trailer and house and returned to her room. Penny had shifted and the nub that had been dangerously close to being exposed was now on full display. God, she was beautiful.
If she only knew what I wanted to do to that nipple. "Fuck!" I cursed as I left the pain tablets and water on the moving box that served as a bedside table. Then I turned out the overhead light and climbed into bed beside her with a raging hard dick. I was trying so hard not to touch her, but she rolled over and snuggled into me. It was going to be a very long and uncomfortable night.

  Chapter Thirteen


  M orning light filled the room, but that wasn't what had me so awake. No, it was the cold nose pushed up against mine. Rascal wagged his tail when I opened my eyes. As I greeted him, I realized I wasn’t lying on my air mattress; rather, I was draped over a warm, hard body. Carson! Carson? He was practically on the floor, something I had recently learned was a common problem when sleeping on an air mattress on the floor. He had to be uncomfortable with the floor beneath him and me on top of him. Cautiously, I moved off of him and crawled away, thankful he didn't stir.

  I needed a moment and taking Rascal out seemed like the perfect opportunity. I offered a silent thank you when I noticed the bottle of water and pain relievers on the box next to the flattened mattress. I grabbed them before quietly padding out of the room in nothing but the bodysuit I was still wearing from last night. I quickly braided my hair before grabbing my robe off the back of the bathroom door and heading outside to collect my thoughts. I was in bed with Carson. The last thing I remembered from last night was how he gazed at me while we sang "Islands in the Stream" by Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton. Often fans told me how moved they were by my music. I don't think I’d ever fully understood what they meant before. As we’d sung, I had felt the music everywhere, like it was a part of me. I don’t think I ever truly understood the idea of being moved. But last night, for the first time, I felt it. The connection between the lyrics and the way I felt about the man I was quickly falling for.

  I sank into my camp chair and popped the pills into my mouth before I downed the entire bottle of water. I felt better than I should have. I rarely drank except for an occasional glass of wine with a meal. Yes, I wanted to try new things, but drinking like a college co-ed wasn't one of them. I should have been upset about waking up in bed with Carson. The only thing that upset me was the fact that I didn’t remember what had happened. When I was with Carson St. James, I wanted to remember every second of it.

  I was confident nothing had happened last night. I didn't know Carson well, but I did know he wasn't the type of man to take advantage of a woman. My bodysuit was still firmly snapped together between my legs. If Carson had taken it off, I seriously doubt he would have taken the time to put it back on, snaps and all. Plus, I was sure I would still feel him. Carson wasn’t a small man and if what they said about shoe size was true, he wasn’t small anywhere. Thinking of his delicious body sent a chill through me.

  Maybe nothing had happened because he hadn’t wanted it to. Perhaps I was wrong about how I thought he felt when we had been singing to each other.

  Carson came crashing through the backdoor at the same time I mustered up the courage to go inside and wake him. The look on his face was terrifying. He looked unhinged, and it wasn't a look I liked on him. His hair was a mess and his breathing was labored. Did he think I had left him or was upset about waking up in his arms this morning? Nothing could be further from the truth.

  "What's wrong?" I asked as he came sprinting toward me. He stopped just short of taking me in his strong arms again.

  "I thought you’d left or were upset about last night." I didn’t like seeing that strong, confident man rattled. I took the small step that separated us and placed one hand on each side of his face.

  "I brought Rascal out to go potty. I was coming back in to wake you." I tried to calm him even though my own heart was beating prestissimo. He pulled me into his arms and I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine. "It’s my house.” I nestled into him. “Where would I go?” He kissed the top of my head and I loved the feel of his smile against me that followed.

  "So, you're not mad?" He still had me in his arms, but I was glad to have the sexy, self-assured version of Carson back.

  "Well, I'm a little upset with myself for falling asleep on you last night," I teased.

  "Ha!" He pulled away with a chuckle. "Baby, you didn't fall asleep. You were down for the count." His lips curved up at the corners and my desire to kiss him was undeniable, so I pushed up on my tiptoes, threaded my fingers through his unruly hair and planted my lips on his. I was taking what I wanted, which was something I would never have done two weeks ago.

  Carson lifted me easily, and the action forced me to wrap my legs around him. I was wet and I tried to rub myself against him to get more friction, but he pulled away. A pout formed on my face.

  He made deliberate eye contact and asked, "What would have happened if you hadn't conked out on me last night?"

  With more gumption than I knew I had, I told him, "I feel like I'm on fire, Carson. I need you to take care of it."

  "Oh baby, if there’s one thing I'm good at, it's putting out fires," he replied as he put me over his shoulder and headed for his trailer. His shorts didn't have pockets for me to slip my hands inside, so instead I gave his ass a big squeeze before his hand came down on my ass. I wasn't sure who this version of me was, but I liked her. I liked her a lot. And for reasons I wasn't entirely sure of yet, Carson did too.

  Carson kicked the trailer door closed behind us and laid me down in the center of his bed. My robe's tie had come undone when I was rubbing up against him like a cat in heat. Luckily my yard was private, or we could have given the neighbors quite the show.

  "You have no idea how hard it was for me not to unsnap this last night." He rubbed the front of his athletic shorts to prove how difficult it was. But instead of moving his hands to the snaps, he lowered himself down onto his knees and pulled me to the edge of the bed. As he placed my legs over his broad shoulders, he added, "With my teeth."

  “Oh, God," I moaned as he leaned forward and kissed the spot where the fabric was held together.

  "You're already wet for me." His voice just above a growl. I was drenched for him. The old me would have been embarrassed by his observation. The old you wouldn't have even been here. My sexual exploits were limited to a few partners I could count on one hand. I already knew sex with Carson would be nothing like the sex I’d had with them. My experience was limited to missionary position in the dark. It was so bland, I didn’t think it even counted as vanilla. Vanilla was good. I didn’t know that I could say that about sex with my past partners.

  I watched in awe as he placed the first snap in his mouth and gently pulled it until it popped its release. I was riveted by the sight of the sexy man between my legs. "Carson," I mewled breathlessly as he moved to the other side and popped another snap. He hadn’t even really touched me and I was already on the edge. Only the one in the center remained. He needed to hurry; I was losing my mind. I needed that man like I needed air to survive.

  Instead of moving to the center, he placed a kiss to my inner thigh before turning his head and repeating the treatment to that side too. I tried to roll my hips as a subtle suggestion to get on with it, but he merely grinned against my heated skin.

  “Tsk-tsk. I like to savor what I eat, sweet Penny," Carson added before finally moving to the center snap. "Once I get my first taste of you, I don't know if I'll be able to stop."

  "Please don't stop," I begged. I would die for sure if he quit now. I should have been self-conscience having my legs thrown over his shoulders with nothing but one tiny metal clip keeping me from being completely exposed to him. He was inches away from the most intimate part of me and it wasn't close enough. I needed him so terribly, it hurt. Thankfully, Carson had no intention of stopping. But instead of undoing the snap, he pushed it against my aching bundle of nerves and I came apart with the contact. I screamed his name as a pleasure I had never experienced before surged through me. Carson didn't only savor me, he devoured me. When I thought I’d reached the crescendo, he tore awa
y the final snap and slipped a finger inside of me. My body buzzed higher than I ever imagined possible with every flick and lick of his talented tongue. "Oh, God!" I screamed as I once again reached the cadenza.

  Carson pushed the bodysuit's fabric up and over my head as he rose from the floor, placing kisses all over me. When he reached my face, he kissed me and I could taste myself on his lips.

  "What's a cadenza?" He loomed over me, a smile on his face and the flecks of gold in his eyes sparkling.

  "I said that out loud?" I asked, mortified. I hadn't realized I had verbalized the term.

  "Yeah, but I wasn't a very good music student, so you'll need to tell me what it means. I think you're going to be doing a lot of it." He smirked in triumph before kissing me on the end of my nose. "Tell me what it means, sweet Penny."

  I didn't think I'd ever get tired of hearing him call me that. "It means free. Like when you are falling," I admitted. It'd be silly not to tell him. He could quickly look it up.

  "I don't think you were falling, Penny. I think you were flying." Was it possible to be so wrong and so right at the same time? Carson knew ways I’d never dreamed of to make my body soar, but I knew without a doubt I was falling. Falling hard for Carson St. James.


  Okay, that was not what I wanted to hear from the man who was making me crazy as he sucked on my tits while my legs were wrapped around him and I shamelessly ground against him wanting more.

  What's wrong?" I whined like a petulant child as Carson sat up and put his hands on the top of his head in evident frustration.


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