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The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

Page 8

by Roseton, Jenn

  After a leisurely brunch, Logan headed to the airport to catch his flight home. He waved away her offer of a ride, saying he’d already booked a cab. She couldn’t help feeling disappointed that he didn’t seem to want her company for a couple more hours, then told herself not to be silly. They’d spent all day Saturday and half of Sunday together. But he hadn’t kissed her again.

  She wanted more. More of his kisses. More of him. More of Logan.

  Ellie closed her eyes, telling herself to go to sleep. He’d called her earlier that evening, letting her know he’d arrived at the ranch safely. Just thinking of his voice on the phone made her smile, before she drifted off to sleep.


  On late Wednesday afternoon, just as Ellie arrived home from work, a delivery man knocked on her door.

  Peering through the peephole, she opened the door, leaving the chain on.


  “Delivery for Ellie Sterling.” The uniformed man held out a large box.

  After signing for the package, she hauled it into the living room. She opened it, wondering what on earth it could be. She hadn’t ordered anything online, and it wasn’t her birthday.

  ”Oh.” Nestled in the cardboard box was a coffee machine. It looked even fancier than Logan’s.

  A large variety of coffee pods was also included, along with a card, which simply stated, “Logan.”

  She couldn’t help smiling. Ever since she’d arrived home, she’d thought of buying a coffee machine for herself, but hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Had she mentioned that to Logan last weekend, or had he taken one sip of her instant coffee and taken pity on her? Although she had to admit she’d preferred the coffee at the ranch, she thought her jar of instant still tasted quite good.

  She resolved to ask him tonight. So far, they hadn’t missed a night of telephone calls. Ellie couldn’t help wondering if he would visit her this coming weekend.

  Don’t get your hopes up. Last weekend was a nice surprise, that’s all.


  On Friday night, Ellie heard a knock at the door. She looked at her watch. Eight o’clock. Logan hadn’t called tonight, and when she’d tried to phone him, she’d gotten voice mail.

  Frowning, she looked through the peephole, her face suddenly lighting up.

  “Logan!” She opened the door. “What are you doing here?”

  “Just happened to be in the neighborhood.” He gave her a tired smile.

  “Come in.” She practically dragged him into the apartment, noticing he carried a small overnight bag.

  “Coffee?” She quirked an eyebrow. “I just happen to have a brand new coffee machine.”

  “So I heard.” He dumped his bag on the floor and followed her into the kitchen.

  On Wednesday night, when he’d called her as usual, she’d thanked him for the machine, and asked him why he’d sent it. When he’d replied, “You deserve the best,” she’d been floored. Warmth had flooded through her, and she’d thought of his comment ever since.

  Did Logan really have feelings for her? After all, he had kissed her last weekend. She was determined to find out. And now, tonight, perhaps she would get an answer.

  Ellie turned on the machine, then swung to face him. She took in the slight purpling under his eyes and his five o’clock shadow.

  “You look tired.”

  He shrugged. “Nothing a cup of coffee won’t help. I was up half the night with the birth of a calf.”

  “Is it okay?” An image came to mind of a tiny black calf wobbling around its mother.

  “She’s fine. They’re both doing well.“

  Ellie smiled, then took a deep breath. “So … what are you doing here?”

  Logan returned her gaze, his eyes gleaming with banked heat. “I wanted to see you.”

  Butterflies danced in her stomach at his answer. Just then, the machine beeped, and she turned her attention to it, wondering what to say next.

  He had feelings for her - he must have!

  “I wish you’d told me on the phone.” She busied herself making the coffee. “I could have made plans for us to do something special if I’d known.”

  “Just being here with you is all I want.”

  She swung around at his words. “Logan, I--”

  Just as she was about to say she felt the same, he cut in. “I couldn’t get a hotel reservation.” He grimaced. “Apparently there’s a convention on this weekend and I didn’t realize.”

  “I think it’s a major accounting convention. I read about it in the newspaper.”

  “So … I could sleep on your couch.”

  “Of course.” She swallowed hard, mesmerized by the expression on his face. Although he looked tired, he also looked as if there wasn’t anywhere else he’d rather be, as if sleeping on her couch was the equivalent of staying in a five star hotel.

  “Thanks.” He flashed a smile.

  “Have you eaten? I could make you something.” Although Logan had proved at the ranch he was a good cook, she could fry bacon and eggs into mouth-watering temptation.

  “No, I’m good. I grabbed something before my flight. Right now, I’d just like to relax.”

  “Sure.” She handed him his coffee and headed into the living room. “Want to watch a movie? You can pick.”

  “You choose.” He sank onto the sofa and leaned back. “Anything sounds good.”

  She turned on the TV and queued the movie. Sitting beside him, she felt his body heat from the couple of inches that separated their thighs. Her gaze fell to his mug sitting on the coffee table. He hadn’t even touched it.

  “Logan …” She trailed off when she realized his eyes were closed, his breathing deep and even.

  He was too tired to drink his coffee from the fancy machine he’d bought her? He must be exhausted.

  Ignoring the movie, she let her thoughts drift. Last weekend he’d stayed in an expensive hotel. Although she was sure he spoke the truth about all the hotels being booked solid this weekend, she couldn’t help wondering if he could afford to fly up to visit her two weekends in a row.

  Although the barn at the ranch was well cared for, and he had an impressive number of cattle, the farmhouse looked a little tired and worn. While clean and comfortable inside, a lot of the furniture had seen better days. Logan had said he hadn’t had time to fix up the house before now, but perhaps he couldn’t afford to fix the house up all at once?

  She looked around her living room, feeling slightly guilty for thinking about his furniture that way, when she’d sourced some of her furnishings from thrift stores.

  And flying to Virginia two weekends in a row - maybe he’d gotten a special internet deal? At least he’d save money by staying with her this weekend.

  She eyed him speculatively. Perhaps he wouldn’t want to stay on the couch for two nights. Perhaps … she felt herself blush as the image arose of her and Logan, entwined in her sheets, too sated from their love-making to even make breakfast.

  Stop it!

  Looking down at herself, her eyes resting on her ample chest, she wondered if Logan would want to make love with her. Every time she saw him, she fell harder for him. But what did he really feel about her - and her curves?

  Was her figure a turn off for him? Would he kiss her again tonight? Or tomorrow?

  Maybe she should take the initiative and kiss him?

  A tingle of excitement raced down her spine at the thought of standing on tip-toe and touching her lips to Logan’s. Would he tighten his arms around her and kiss her as if his life depended on it?

  Lost in her thoughts of desire, she didn’t notice the movie had ended until the flashing credits on the screen caught her eye. She straightened, and looked at Logan. Still asleep.

  Rising, she rummaged in the closet for a spare blanket, then padded back to the living room, gently draping the colorful afghan around him. Although she thought he’d be more comfortable lying down on the sofa, she didn’t want to wake him.

  Ellie quietly got ready for bed,
not wanting to disturb him. As she slipped between the sheets, she wondered if she had the courage to make a move on him tomorrow.


  The next morning, Ellie opened her eyes, stretched, and realized Logan was in the living room. Dressing quickly in the same slacks she wore last weekend when he visited and a green three-quarter length shirt, she took a look in the mirror, brushed her hair until it looked as good as possible, moistened her lips and decided she’d do. She’d never been a make-up kind of girl, and didn’t think there was any point in starting now. But it wouldn’t hurt to apply a little lip gloss after breakfast.

  She ventured into the living room. “Good morning.”

  Logan had folded up the blanket and was reading yesterday’s newspaper that had been on the coffee table.

  “Morning.” He smiled at her, rising from the sofa.

  “Hungry?” She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Although in desperate need of a shave and wearing the same clothes as yesterday, he looked even yummier than usual.

  “Starved.” His gaze held hers, and awareness rushed through her.

  “I’ll … I’ll make breakfast.”

  “I can help.”

  She couldn’t make her feet move toward the kitchen. All she wanted to do was stare at him for a moment longer.

  Ellie took a deep breath. “The bathroom’s free if you’d … like to take a shower.”

  Just thinking of him naked in the shower, his powerful muscled torso bare to her gaze, made her feel weak all over. Although she hadn’t seen his bare chest yet, she could just imagine what it would look like based on the way he filled out his t-shirts on the ranch and the muscled strength she’d sensed when he’d held her briefly, which now seemed eons ago.

  “Sounds good.” His lips quirked and he grabbed his overnight bag. “Won’t be long.”

  She watched him stride to the bathroom, stifling a sigh of appreciation. Telling herself to get a grip, she headed into the kitchen, determined to cook him a delicious breakfast.

  Logan joined her just as the bacon and eggs sizzled in the pan.

  “Sorry about last night,” he murmured, standing next to her at the stove. “I didn’t realize I was so tired.”

  “No problem.” She smiled. “I hope you didn’t get cold during the night.”

  “Nope.” He shook his head. “I didn’t even wake up until six.”

  The bacon spat, startling her. Turning her attention to the pan, she served up two platefuls of the tempting dish, and placed them on the small kitchen table.

  Ellie chatted to him about the touristy things they could do that weekend as they enjoyed their breakfast. After she finished her bacon and eggs, she made coffee for both of them from the machine Logan had given her.

  “Why don’t we do whatever you want?” he suggested, helping her with the dishes.

  “But don’t you want to visit Georgetown or Arlington House or Mount Vernon?”

  “All I want to do is spend time with you, Ellie. It doesn’t matter to me what we do today.”

  Her heart skipped a beat at his words. “In that case, how about horse-back riding?”

  “You’re on.” His lips tugged upwards. “And we could have lunch at that place we went to last week.”

  She suppressed a smile at his hopeful tone. Obviously he liked a good hamburger.

  “Sure.” She had to admit, she enjoyed them too, even if a burger with all of the fixings wasn’t exactly helpful to her waistline. But the horse-back riding would help burn off her lunch calories, she assured herself, especially if she skipped the fries.

  To Ellie’s regret, the day seemed to pass in no time at all. After she and Logan enjoyed an hour at the stables, she took him to the same cozy café they patronized last week. And she virtuously refused fries with her burger, although when Logan offered her some of his, she didn’t have the will power to say no.

  After lunch, she took him to Bon Air Park, her pulse fluttering when he took her hand as they strolled through the rose garden, his thumb occasionally rubbing over her fingers, sparking her nerve endings.

  When they returned to her apartment, he announced, “I’m taking you out for dinner tonight at The Blanc Goose.”

  Ellie stared at him. “That’s a really fancy place.” She cast him a worried look. “I think you’ll need to wear a tie.”

  He chuckled. “I brought one with me. And a decent suit.” He took a step toward her and gently brushed back her hair. “Don’t worry. I want you to enjoy yourself.”

  She leaned into the caress, wishing he would kiss her. She wasn’t greedy. Just one kiss would do … for now. But as she gazed into his dark brown eyes burning with molten heat, she couldn’t find the words. And somehow, she just couldn’t will herself to stand on tiptoes and take the initiative.


  “I … better get ready.” She couldn’t help her breathless tone.

  He stepped back, releasing her. “I’ll be here.”

  Ellie tried not to take too long in the small bathroom, conscious that Logan would need to use it too. Would he kiss her this evening? Would he do more than kiss her? Would he sleep in her bed tonight? Those three questions ran on an endless loop in her mind as she took a quick shower and slipped into her best gown, a classic little black dress - well, maybe not so little since it had to cover her curves - but a dress that somehow flattered her figure and made her curves look like something to be desired, instead of despaired over.

  She brushed her hair until it shone, wishing she could do something clever with a curling iron she didn’t even own. Perhaps she should buy one? And practice a lot?

  She sprayed a burst of luxury perfume into the air, then walked through it. Her mother had given it to her as a gift last week, and now the room was fragranced with the heady scent of roses, similar to the roses in the park this afternoon. Would Logan like the fragrance? Would he even notice it?

  “Ready.” She stepped into the living room. While she’d been busy primping, Logan had taken a shower. He looked incredible in a smart gray suit with a matching gray and blue striped silk tie.

  He took her breath away.

  “You look … ” He stared at her as if he were a drowning man and she was a mermaid and his only hope of salvation. “Beautiful,” he finished hoarsely.

  She tried to stem the blush dusting her cheeks, aware that she’d failed. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  They stood gazing at each other for several seconds, until he cleared his throat. “I guess we better get going.”

  “I guess so.” She offered him a shy smile.

  Ellie drove them to the restaurant. It seemed a little strange, her chauffeuring Logan, but it made sense. He didn’t have a rental car, and it was silly to take a cab when her car was handy.

  During the short drive, she couldn’t help worrying that Logan could afford the French inspired restaurant. She’d always wanted to visit The Blanc Goose, but the high prices had put her off. Besides, it was a romantic restaurant, and until now, she didn’t have anybody she could consider as a date.

  The maitre’d ushered them inside the softly lit dining area, the tables adorned with soft pink table clothes, the walls a refreshing cream. Logan pulled out her chair and she sank into it, smiling up at him. She didn’t think her couple of boyfriends in the dim, distant past had ever done that for her.

  As she perused the fancy menu, she couldn’t help peeking at Logan over the top of it. He looked deep in thought, as if he had nothing else in mind apart from which dishes to select. Looking down at her menu, she realized hers didn’t have prices on it.

  Should she say something? Flying to see her two weekends in a row, staying in the posh hotel last weekend, brunch, the fancy coffee machine he’d given her and now this restaurant. He’d insisted on paying for the horse-back riding and lunch afterwards both times. She hoped he didn’t think she was only interested in men with money - nothing could be further from the truth. Ellie had enjoyed staying with Logan at the ranch and the rustic shabb
iness of the farmhouse. Was he taking her to this restaurant because he thought she was used to this kind of thing, especially now that her aristocratic mother had come into her life?

  “Logan,” she whispered, unable to keep her concern to herself any longer.

  “What is it?” He put down his menu and looked at her enquiringly.

  She hesitated. “It’s very fancy here.”

  “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” He smiled, his gaze sweeping the dining room.

  He looked so pleased with himself, Ellie thought. How could she broach the subject delicately? “My menu doesn’t have prices on it.”

  Logan grinned. “Mine does, so don’t worry.”

  She tried a different tack. “Is the ranch doing well?’

  Concern crossed his face and he took her hand in his. “What’s wrong?”

  She must have let her apprehension show on her face. Although her pulse thrummed at his touch, she couldn’t help blurting out, “Are you sure you can afford this?”

  He didn’t answer right away. Her face flamed, but she noticed he still kept hold of her hand.

  “It must be expensive to fly from Wyoming to Virginia.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them. “And you bought me that coffee machine. And paid for everything last weekend.”

  Logan squeezed her hand, studying her thoughtfully. “Is that what’s worrying you?

  She nodded, feeling embarrassed but wanting to make sure he knew she wasn’t interested in his money, however little he had.

  His rich, warm chuckle made her instantly feel better. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Flying to see you isn’t putting me in the poor house.”

  She hugged the endearment to herself. Sweetheart. It was the first time he’d called her that.

  “Okay,” she murmured, glad she’d voiced her fears. At least now she could enjoy his company without worrying that he was going into debt just to visit her.

  They enjoyed their gourmet meal. Ellie ordered duck a l’orange while Logan relished a fillet of beef in red wine sauce. For dessert, they both ordered the triple layered chocolate mousse, and finished with coffee and petit fours.

  Despite the delicious meal, Ellie’s stomach churned as she drove them back to her apartment. Would tonight be the night? Would Logan kiss her again? Make love to her? Although she’d savored the meal and Logan’s company, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about what might happen afterwards.


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