Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe)

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Back With Me: A With Me in Seattle Universe Novel (Lady Boss Press Presents: With Me in Seattle Universe) Page 3

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Same,” Caston says, shooting daggers at Julia. “You good here?”

  I nod, “Yep, going to finish my coffee and then make a call.”

  Tate and Caston leave and I’m not surprised that Julia hasn’t. I ignore her and finish my coffee and check my phone, still no response, I’m really starting to get worried.

  “So…” she begins as she steps closer to me and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “You’re the quiet one.”

  “What do you want, Julia?” I don’t have the time nor the patience to fucking deal with her today.

  She moves closer to me and I take a step back, my ass hitting the counter. “You; you’re the unattainable one.”

  “Ain’t ever gonna happen,” I tell her as I put my coffee mug down on the counter. “Best learn that real quick.”

  She laughs, “Oh, Silas, you and that little hick aren’t going to last forever.” Her fingers run up my chest toward my shoulders. Her body close against mine and I grit my teeth, it’s been a fucking long time since I’ve had anyone this close to me. “You know as well as I do, your girl isn’t here and she’s never going to know.” Her fingers tangle into my hair and her lips are at my neck.

  My hands go to her hips, my grip tight and I don’t care. “Even if Payton and I don’t last, I will never go anywhere fucking near you,” I whisper to her, my voice full of venom. She tenses beneath my touch. “You step foot back into this house, we’re going to have problems,” I tell her as I push her away from me.

  She stamps her foot like a petulant fucking child. “You’ll regret this.”

  I chuckle, “No, I won’t. Why the hell would I want someone else’s leftovers?”

  She glares at me before spinning on her heel and storming out of the house. Hopefully that’s the last time I have to see her ass here.

  It’s been ten hours and I’ve not had a reply from Payton, I’m seriously starting to worry. Every time I call her phone it goes directly to her voicemail. I’m lying on my bed, everyone else has gone out, I thought this would have been the perfect time to call her. The guys aren’t due back for hours.

  My cell rings and I see my sister's name on the screen. “Hey, so, how did it go?” she asks as soon as I answer the phone. I frown, what is she talking about? “I don’t want to hear about the hot sex you guys had, but were you surprised?”

  “Eloise, what the hell are you talking about?”

  She’s quiet for a moment and dread fills my stomach, “Payton was coming to see you today. Her aunt had kept it a surprise and Payton wanted to surprise you.”

  “She’s not here.” Why the fuck didn’t she come? “She’s not responded to any of my texts or calls.”

  “I don’t understand…” she says softly. “She was so excited to come.”

  I don’t either. Fuck. Nine months apart is killing me.

  “Did something happen?” she asks and dread fills my stomach. “Let me text her and see.” I wait anxiously as she sends a message. It seems like hours, when it’s actually only minutes. “Her aunt responded. She said that she’s fine but she’s really upset, she’s spent most of the day in bed crying.”

  Shit, I should have realized, it's her first birthday without her parents. I should have gone to Portland for the weekend, should have been there with her. “Damn it,” I mutter, kicking myself for not thinking about how hard today would have been for her.

  “Si, just let her sleep tonight, call her tomorrow and talk.”

  I sigh, she’s right. I should but if she’s hurting I can’t just sit here and do nothing. I want to do something about it. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow,” I tell her and end the call.

  Why didn’t Payton answer me when I called? I could have helped her through this. I feel her slipping through my fingers and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. I just hope that when it’s time, she’ll remember all that we promised.

  Two days later when I call her I discover that she’s changed her cell number.

  Chapter 4



  “I’m going to miss you,” Dahlia says, her eyes brimming with tears.

  It’s been four months since I found Silas in the arms of another woman, I’ve cut him from my life. I honestly thought about talking to him, finding out why he did it. But the pain wasn’t worth the gain so I changed my number and focused on my school work. I miss him, God, do I miss him; I don’t think a night has gone by that I haven’t cried myself to sleep. My dreams used to include what our future would hold, now, they’re filled with him and this other woman.

  I believed that he’d come to me, that if he truly loved me like he professed he did, he would have come to me when he was on break. But as the days went on and there was no sign of him, all my hope vanished. There’s a part of me that will always love Silas, a part of me that will always belong to him. He was my first everything and he’ll hold a place in my heart but it’s over and now I need to move on with my life.

  “I’m only going to be gone for two weeks,” I tell her but her tears start to fall. I’m going to be going fourteen days without seeing my family. I’ve never done it before and I’m scared. “Dahlia, please.” My voice cracks, I had hoped I’d have been able to get through this without the waterworks.

  She pulls me into a hug, and I fall into her. “I know, but I’m so proud of you, Pay,” she tells me softly. She’s been with me every step of the way. She pulls away but her hand reaches up and she caresses my cheek. “So beautiful, the world isn’t going to know what’s hit it.”

  Dahlia and I had a long talk when we got back to the hotel and then when we got home. I decided to take up Jerald McAndrews offer. Of course, Dahlia had checked the company out to make sure that it was legitimate. When she told me that it was, I was stunned. I’ve never been the beautiful girl, or the prettiest, and especially after the crappy day I had, to have someone in the industry see me and want to sign me to their books makes me feel beautiful.

  Jerald is now my agent and things have been crazy since then. It’s as though everything has been going at full tilt. He got the ball rolling for me to be homeschooled, the teacher that comes will also be with me if and when I go abroad. Harriet is coming with me when I go to Milan in a few days. It’ll be my fifth photoshoot in the past four months, but my first overseas.

  “What if they don’t like me?” I ask her quietly, voicing my ultimate fear.

  “Baby, you’re going to be amazing and they’re going to love you, just as we all do.” Her smile is bright as she brushes my hair away from my face. “Fourteen days, Pay, then you’re home for a while.”

  “Yeah, I know, it’s going to be hard.” The thought of not seeing Mary, Tyler, and Sebastian for that long pulls at my heart.

  She sighs, “There’s a reason smartphones were invented. We’ll video call every evening. You’re never going to be alone,” she promises me. “Harriet will be with you, she’s practically family now, Pay.”

  “I know, but it’s not the same.” I sound like a child, but things have changed so much in the past few months that leaving, even for a few weeks, makes it feel as though everything is changing and I’m not sure if I can deal with that.

  “Two weeks,” she says softly, her eyes brimming with tears. “We can all deal with two weeks.”

  I reach for my suitcase, “Yeah.”

  She cups my cheek, “You’ve been through so much, this is going to be a cake walk.”

  She has so much faith in me, she truly believes that I’m strong and capable enough of doing whatever I want. I, however, am not that sure, every single new step I take is filled with anxiety and fear. The fear of rejection.

  The photoshoots that I’ve been on are a mixed bag. The agents, the photographers, the make-up artists, and the hairdressers are amazingly sweet and so helpful. All of them are full of helpful tips and suggestions on how to make it in this industry. Whereas the models are all beautiful, thin, and perfect. They’re from prestigious families that hav
e loads of money. They look down their noses at me, they think that I’m not good enough to be a part of their world. I keep my head down and do what I need to do.

  I haven’t made a hell of a lot of money, but I’ve made enough to start a nest egg for myself. My ultimate dream is to earn enough money so that I can pay off Dahlia’s mortgage, as well as set up Mary, Tyler, and Sebastian with money that’ll put them through college. It’s a pipe dream, but everything I earn from now on will go toward that.

  “Pay?” Dahlia says, pulling me from my inner thoughts. “Where did you go? You were miles away.”

  I shake my head, “Just thinking.” I move closer to her again and engulf her in my arms. “I love you, Dahlia.”

  She sucks in a sharp breath, her arms tighten around me. “Oh, baby, I love you too. So very much.” She pulls back and wipes away the fallen tears. “It’s time. If you need me, call me, I’ll be on the first flight out.”

  I smile, feeling slightly lighter. “I’ll call you when I land,” I promise her as I drag my luggage out of the bedroom.

  “Good, but let me know when you get to the airport,” she says as she follows me to the front door.

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. While sometimes it may be over the top, I really do appreciate just how much she cares, especially when she didn’t need to.

  I give her one last hug and promise that I’ll call her when I get to the airport. When I get into the waiting car, I’m greeted by a smiling Harriet. “You okay, Pay?” Her voice is just as gentle as Dahlia’s, it’s why I feel so at ease around her. She’s very similar to my aunt.

  “Yeah,” I reply as I look out the window as the driver drives toward the airport.

  Her hand covers mine and she gives me a reassuring squeeze. “You’re not alone, I’m here for you.”

  I nod. “I know, and I appreciate it.”

  I lean my head back against the leather seat and close my eyes. The silence in the car as well as the motion soon help lull me to sleep.

  “Payton, I know we had said two weeks and that’s it, but I’ve had an offer come in and they want you. It’s a three day shoot. It’s a little more prominent than what you’re used to,” Jerald tells me as he places a pizza onto the table in front of me and Harriet.

  “Where is it?” I ask, really not wanting to be away from home for too long. I’ve been here for twenty four hours and he’s already talking about another job.

  He smiles as he rubs his hands together, I swear the man gets excited at the prospect of money. “It’s happening in Hawaii. We’ll leave here on Thursday afternoon, by the time we arrive in Hawaii it’ll be Friday. We’ll spend the weekend there and then you’ll return home to Portland on Monday.”

  “Who is it?” I wonder, usually, it’s smaller fashion houses that have been hiring me. But the glee in Jerald’s eyes tells me that it’s something more than that. “Jerald?”

  “Pay, it’s Bennato fashion.” My breath hitches at his words. He can’t be serious?

  Everyone in the fashion industry knows that Isabella Bennato learned everything about fashion from her mom, Angelina Serafini. The ultimate fashion icon. Serafini fashion house is the most prestigious fashion house in the entire world.

  “She wants you for your first solo shoot. She’s renting out a beachfront house for you to stay in while you’re in Hawaii, all expenses paid for. Plus your fee; she’s practically tripled it.” The smile he’s wearing is contagious, “You do this, Pay, and you impress her. This could open some doors for you.”

  A plan starts forming in my head, “I’ll do it. Is there any chance that I could rent out the property we’ll be staying in for an extra week afterward?”

  Jerald smiles, he’s come to know me really well in the past four months. “Of course, I’ll call Isabella’s people and see what I can set up. But Pay, if not that one, I’ll find one for you and have your family flown out to spend the week with you.” He turns on his heel, his cell phone already at his ear as he waits for Isabella Bennato’s people to answer.

  I reach for a slice of pizza just as Harriet knocks shoulders with me. “You’re a sweetheart, Payton. Your parents would be so proud of you.”

  I feel my cheeks heating. “Thank you,” I whisper.

  Harriet and I eat and talk about what’s going to happen when I’m finished with my schooling. I’m thinking about taking college courses, all online. I’m not sure yet what I’d major in, but I think Dahlia was right when she told me that modeling wouldn’t last forever. I want to have something that I love that I can fall back into when the time comes.

  “Well,” Jerald says walking back into the room. “Isabella herself spoke to me, she’s excited to meet you and has offered you the beach house for the full week after the photoshoot for free. Her treat for booking you on such short notice. She’s also sending us her private jet to pick us up when we finish this shoot.”

  I stare at him, stunned. I can’t believe this. “Pinch me.” I gasp. “Ow.” I say rubbing my arm and glare at a smiling Harriet who just shrugs.

  I don’t think I’ve seen Jerald as happy as he is right now. “You’re going to make me rich, Pay.”

  I roll my eyes, damn, the man’s dramatic as hell.

  “It may have been one of the shittiest days of your life, but it could also have been the best.” Jerald muses as he takes a seat on the sofa while reaching for a slice of pizza. “It’s good to see you looking better. You’re a good girl, and he’s an ass for doing what he did. You’ll find someone who’ll love you like you deserve. But not yet. Maybe when you’re thirty.”

  I throw my head back and laugh, Jerald has taken on the fatherly role in my life. He’s extremely protective of me and ensures that I’m in secure locations whenever I’m away from home. “Whatever you say, Jer,”

  He grins like a loon. “That’s right. Don’t forget it.”

  I glance at Harriet who’s trying her best not to laugh and I relax even more. I’m actually okay, I don’t need to have Silas in my life to survive or succeed. All I need is people who love and care about me and I’m happy.

  Chapter 5


  I throw open the door and slide out of the car. I need a fucking drink, today couldn’t have gone any worse. Nothing has been resolved and I’m angrier than I have ever been. Yet, I know that what’s happened has torn us apart and there’s nothing I can do to fix that.

  I storm into the house and stalk toward the kitchen, my gaze directed at the bottle of whiskey that’s on the countertop. It’s as though someone knew that I needed it.

  “Silas…” Caston says and I glance at him, the anger in my body still simmering. “What the fuck happened?”

  “A fucking shit show.” It’s the only way that I can think of what happened. “She wasn’t even there.” I pour myself a drink and down it in one, loving the burn as it slides down my throat.

  He frowns, “What the hell? Isn’t it a fucking school day?” I would laugh at the protectiveness in his voice. He’s never met Payton before but he knows everything about her.

  “Yeah.” That’s why I went, I was fucking positive that she’d be there. She wasn’t. “I ended up speaking to her aunt.” I pour another glass and that’s when Caston moves, he takes the bottle from my hand. “Fuck,” I growl as I down the glass of whiskey.

  “What?” I hear the worry in his voice.

  “She did come here that day.” His eyes widen. “She walked in while that bitch Julia was trying to come on to me. I pushed her away, but from what Payton’s aunt says, what Pay saw was bad and she believes that I was cheating on her.”

  “Fucking hell,” he whispers and I nod. “What are you going to do?”

  I sigh, “I’ve no idea. She’s changed her cell number, she’s hardly home according to Tyler.” Right now, I’m fucking pissed, my girl believes I’ve cheated on her and there’s no way that I can change her mind about that as I have no way of contacting her.

  “What do you want?” he asks and I know what
he’s thinking.

  “I want her. I’ll always want her.” It’s the truth, I know deep down in my bones that Payton is the only woman for me.

  He nods, “I feel the same about Saya.” We’re silent, both of us thinking, I’m trying to think about what I could do to get her back. “I hate to say this, Si, I really do and I’d probably kill you if roles were reversed, but your girl has been through a lot. Too much. Give her time, and then go get her.”

  I’m moving toward him before I can stop myself. “Don’t fucking say that,” I growl. “She’s mine.”

  He nods, not even batting an eyelid at me advancing on him. “She is, believe me, I know. But, Si, things right now are shit. Focus on football, get to where you want to be then go and get your girl.”

  I walk away before I send my fist into his face. Can I really just give her up? That’s never even crossed my mind before, nor will it ever again. Yes, I’ll leave her be for now, but she’s mine and that means I’m going to wait until I can finally get her to see that.

  I groan as the sunlight hits my eyes. I wince when I move, my head pounding as pain radiates inside. God, how much did I drink last night?

  Images bombard my mind, my hands on a woman, her mouth on my cock. No. Fuck no. We didn’t do that? I shake my head, and even more images come through. Fuck. I had sex with her. My stomach rolls at the mere thought.

  A soft moan comes from beside me and I close my eyes as tears fill them. What have I done?

  Fingers trail up my body and I grasp them to stop the assent. God, what the hell was I thinking? Opening my eyes I glance at the blonde woman beside me. She’s pretty, as are most of the football groupies. They’re all blonde, big tits, and a lot of makeup. Not my type at all, but you can’t deny they’re pretty. “Time for you to go,” I say, my voice low and full of anger. I never thought I’d be one of those guys, the ones that use women just for the sake of it. And yet here I am, kicking the woman beside me out of bed and I don’t even know her name.


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