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by Johann Grimmelshausen

  Chapter 10

  Tells of nothing but heroes and famous artists

  This was followed by the midday meal at which I once again put on a lively performance. I had decided I would castigate all follies and censure all vanities, for which my current position was well suited. No guest was too great for me to reproach and upbraid him for his vices, and if one objected then either the others laughed him to scorn or my master would remind him that no wise man gets angry at a fool. Ensign Madcap, who was my worst enemy, I put on the rack straight away. However the first to reason with me, at a nod from my master, was the secretary. I called him a fabricator of titles and mocked him for all the obsequious modes of address he used, asking how he would have addressed mankind’s first father, Adam.

  ‘You talk like an unreasoning calf’, he answered. ‘You don’t realise that since our first parents many different people have lived who so ennobled themselves and their family through rare virtues such as wisdom, heroic deeds and useful inventions that others raised them above all earthly things, even above the stars, making them into gods. If you were human, or if you had at least read the histories like a human being, you would see the differences between humans and would allow them their titles of honour. Since, however, you are a calf and incapable of achieving any human honour, you talk of this matter like a stupid calf, begrudging the human race something they delight in.’

  ‘I have been just as much a human being as you’, I replied, ‘and have also read quite a lot, enough to conclude that either you do not understand this matter properly, or your own advantage stops you from saying what you think. Tell me, what are these marvellous deeds and admirable inventions which are sufficient to ennoble whole families for several hundred years after the death of the heroes or the artists themselves? Do not the heroes’ strength and the artists’ wisdom and understanding both die with them? If you cannot see that, and if parents do pass on their qualities to their children, then I must assume your father was a codfish and your mother a stick-in-the-mud flounder.’

  ‘Ha!’ answered the secretary, ‘if this is going to be decided by insults, then I could point out that your father was a coarse Spessart peasant, but although the greatest oafs come from there, you have sunk even lower by becoming a brainless calf.’

  ‘Exactly’, I replied. ‘That is just what I’ve been saying, namely that the parents’ virtues do not pass on to the children, so that the children are not automatically worthy of their parents’ titles. It is no disgrace that I have become a calf, since in that I have the honour to follow in the footsteps of the mighty King Nebuchadnezzar. Who knows whether it is not God’s will that I should become a man again like him, and a greater one than my Da? I praise those who ennoble themselves by their own virtues.’

  ‘Assuming, for the sake of argument alone,’ the secretary said, ‘that children might not always inherit their parents’ titles, you must admit that those who ennoble themselves by their own achievements are worthy of all the praise they get? And if that is the case, then it follows that it is right to honour their children for the parents’ sake for, as they say, blood will out. If there were still some of Alexander the Great’s descendants here today, who would not honour in them their forefather’s bold courage in battle? He showed his desire to fight when, as a child and too young still to bear arms, he cried because he was afraid his father might win everything and leave no conquests for him. Did he not conquer the whole world before he was thirty and wished there were another for him to overcome? Did he not, when abandoned by his men in a battle against the Indians, sweat blood from sheer rage? Did he not look as if he was surrounded by flames so that even the barbarians fled from him in battle out of fear? Who would not think him higher and greater than other men? Does not his biographer, Quintus Curtius Rufus, attest that his breath smelt of balsam, his sweat of musk and his dead body of rare spices?

  And here I could add the examples of Julius Caesar and Pompey. The first, above and beyond the victories he won in the civil wars, engaged in battle fifty times, defeating and killing 1,152,000 men; the other, besides the 940 ships he took from pirates, captured and subdued eight hundred and seventy-six cities and towns, from the Alps to the southernmost point of Spain. Of the fame of Marcus Sergius I will say nothing, and only dwell briefly on that of Lucius Siccius Dentatus, who was Tribune of the People when Spurius Turpeius and Aulus Eternius were consuls. He took part in a hundred and ten pitched battles, eight times defeating men who had challenged him; on his body he had forty-five scars from wounds to show, all of them in front, none in his back, and he marched through Rome in the triumphs of nine generals, which they had chiefly earned through their courage. The fate of Marcus Manlius Capitolinus would be no less, if it had not been diminished by the manner of his death, for he could show thirty-three scars, not to mention his saving the Capitol and its treasures from the Gauls. And what of Hercules and Theseus and all the rest, whose undying fame it is almost impossible to recount? Should these not be honoured in their descendants?

  But now I will turn from war and weapons to the arts. They appear to be of lesser importance but the masters in them still achieve great fame. What skill do we not see in Zeuxis who, by his ingenuity and craft, deceived the birds into thinking the grapes he had painted were real; or in Apelles whose picture of Venus was so natural, so beautiful, so perfect, so exquisitely delicate in every line that the young men fell in love with her. Plutarch writes that Archimedes pulled a large ship, laden with goods, across the market square in Syracuse with one hand on one single rope, just as if he were leading a packhorse by the bridle. Twenty oxen could not have pulled it, to say nothing of two hundred calves like you. Should he not be honoured by a special title which reflects his skill. He also made a mirror with which he could set the enemy’s ships on fire while they were out at sea; and Ptolemaeus devised a remarkable mirror which could show as many faces as there are hours in the day.

  And who would refuse to praise the man who first invented letters? Indeed, who would not praise above all others the one who first invented the noble art of printing, which has brought such benefits to mankind? If Ceres was considered a goddess because she invented agriculture and the grinding of corn, why should it be wrong to honour others with titles which reflect their achievements? True, it is unimportant whether a brute calf like you with your unreasoning bullock’s brain can take this in or not. You are like the dog which lay on the straw in the manger and would not let the ox have it, even though it could not eat it itself. You will never achieve any honour and so you begrudge it to those who are worthy of it.’

  Seeing that he was trying to force me into a corner, I answered, ‘The glorious deeds of heroism would indeed be praiseworthy, if they had not been accomplished with the injury and death of many others. What kind of praise would you call that which is stained with the blood of so many innocent people? And what kind of nobility is that which has been won by the annihilation of so many thousands of other people? As far as the arts are concerned, what are they but vanities and follies? They are as empty, vain and useless as the titles which they might bring a man. They serve either greed, lust or luxury, or to kill other men, like those terrible guns I saw recently on the half-waggons. We could manage quite well without writing and printing if we would only follow the example of that holy man who said that to contemplate the wonders of Creation and recognise God’s omnipotence the only book he needed was the whole wide world itself.’

  Chapter 11

  On the tribulations and dangers of being a governor

  My master also wanted to have his fun with me and said, ‘I see that you despise the titles of nobility because you do not think you will ever be ennobled.’

  I replied, ‘Master, if I were to be offered the honour of your position here and now, I would not accept it.’

  My master laughed and said, ‘That I can believe; all an ox wants is his oats. But if you had nobility of spirit, which those of noble birth should have, then you would strive after high
honours and dignities with all your might. For my part, I am happy that fortune has raised me above others.’

  I sighed and said, ‘Oh what a wearisome happiness! Master, I assure you that you are the most wretched person in the whole of Hanau.’

  ‘How do you mean? How do you mean, Calf?’ said my master. ‘Tell me the reason, it’s not obvious to me.’

  ‘If you do not know, or feel’, I replied, ‘how many worries and cares you are burdened with as governor of Hanau, then you are blinded by your great desire for the honour you enjoy, or else you are made of wood and completely unfeeling. You give the orders, it is true, and everyone who comes before you has to obey you. But do they do it for nothing? Are you not their servant? Do you not have to take care of each and every one of them? Look, you are surrounded by the enemy and the responsibility for holding this fortress falls on you alone. You must look for ways of inflicting damage on your opponents, at the same time making sure your sallies are not detected. Does it not quite often happen that you stand on guard like a common soldier? And as well as that you have to see that there is no shortage of money, ammunition, food or men so that all the time you are extorting contributions from the whole countryside around. When you send out your soldiers to do that, the best work they do is robbing, plundering, stealing, burning and murdering. Only recently they plundered Orb, captured Braunfels and burnt Staden to the ground. They brought you the booty, true, but you have a heavy responsibility to bear in the eyes of God.

  There is enjoyment as well as honour, I grant you, but do you know who will enjoy the treasures you are collecting? And even assuming you manage to keep the riches (which is uncertain), you will have to leave them behind when you depart this life. All you will take with you is the sin you incurred in amassing them. If you do have the good fortune to enjoy your booty, what will you be doing but squandering the sweat and blood of the poor who at present are living in misery, lacking the basic necessities and even dying of starvation?

  Oh, and how often do I see how the heavy burden of responsibility keeps you awake, with your thoughts restlessly running hither and thither, while I and the other calves sleep peacefully, without a care in the world. But if you don’t do all this it could cost you your head if you overlook something that needs to be done to safeguard the people in your charge or the fortress. I have no such cares, and since I know that I must pay my debt to nature, it doesn’t worry me if someone attacks my byre or that I have a constant skirmish with work to survive. And if I die young I will at least have avoided the laborious life of a draught ox.

  You, however, have people setting a thousand different traps for you so that your life is nothing but constant worry and interrupted sleep. You have to fear both friend and foe, who are doubtless trying to take either your life or your money or your reputation or your command or anything else you have, just as you would like to do to them. Your enemies attack you openly, while your supposed friends secretly envy you your good fortune, and you are not even safe from your subordinates. I will say nothing of the way you are daily tormented and driven hither and thither by your burning desire to achieve even greater fame, to rise to a higher command, to amass greater riches, to play a trick on the enemy, to surprise this or that stronghold, all things which, in short, injure others and are both harmful to your soul and displeasing to the Lord our God. And what is worst of all, you are so fawned on by your toadies that you no longer know yourself, so blinded and poisoned by their flattery that you cannot see the dangerous path you are on. They give their approval to everything you do, all your vices they call virtues. For them your cruelty is justice, and if you lay waste to the country and all who live there, they say you are a brave soldier, urging you on to harm others so that they can retain your favour, at the same time filling their purses.’

  ‘Who taught you to preach like that, you idle good-for-nothing?’ said my master.

  ‘My lord’, I replied, ‘am I not right when I say you have been so corrupted by your bootlickers and backscratchers that you are already beyond help? Other people can easily see your vices and do not judge you in important matters alone, but find plenty to criticise in minor matters of little account. You can see enough examples of this in great men of the past. The Athenians grumbled about Simonides simply because he talked too loudly; the Thebans complained about Paniculus for spitting; the Spartans criticised Lycurgus for always walking with his head bowed; the Romans found fault with Scipio for snoring too loudly in his sleep, thought it an ugly trait in Pompey that he scratched himself with one finger alone and mocked Julius Caesar because he did not do his belt up neatly; the people of Utica maligned Cato because in their opinion he ate too greedily, filling both sides of his mouth at once; and the Carthaginians disapproved of Hannibal for always going about bare-chested.

  What do you think now, sir? Do you still think I should change places with a man who, besides a dozen or so drinking companions, toadies and parasites, has more than a hundred – probably more than ten thousand even – open and secret enemies, slanderers and jealous rivals? Besides, what happiness, what pleasure or joy can such a man have who is charged with the care and protection of so many people? Is it not your duty to watch over all of them, to look after them and listen to all their complaints and grievances? Wouldn’t that be arduous enough in itself, without having so many who begrudge you your good fortune and seek to bring you down?

  I can see how hard it is for you, how ill it often makes you. And what will your reward be, sir, what will you get out of all this? If you don’t know, then let Demosthenes tell you who, after having loyally supported and defended the common good and the rights of the Athenians was, contrary to all law and justice, banished from the country and driven into the misery of exile, as if he had committed some dreadful crime. Socrates was paid back with poison; Hannibal was so poorly rewarded by his countrymen he was forced to wander the world, a wretched outlaw; the same happened to Marcus Furius Camillus, who had freed Rome from the Gauls, and the Greeks similarly rewarded Lycurgus and Solon, one of whom was stoned to death, the other had one eye put out before being banished as a murderer. No, you can keep your position and the rewards it brings, you’ll share neither with me. For even if everything goes well for you, you will still take nothing with you but a bad conscience. If, however, you try to follow your conscience you will soon be removed from your command as incompetent, for all the world as if you had become a stupid calf like me.

  Chapter 12

  Concerning the understanding and skills of some unreasoning animals

  Whilst I was talking, all those present stared at me, astonished that I could make such a speech which, as they confessed, would have been hard enough for a man with his full quota of wits, if he had to give it extempore. But I ignored them and concluded my speech as follows:

  ‘So that, dear master, is why I would not want to change places with you. Nor do I need to, since the springs give me a healthy drink instead of your fine wines, and He who allowed me to be turned into a calf will surely also bless the herbs that grow in the ground so that they will provide both food and lodging for me, as they did for Nebuchadnezzar, while nature has provided me with a good fur coat. You, on the other hand, often feel sick at the sight of the best dishes and the wine gives you a headache and will soon bring you other illnesses as well.’

  My master answered, ‘I don’t quite know what to make of you. You seem to have much too much sense for a calf. Perhaps under that calf’s skin you have a jester’s coat on?

  I pretended to be angry and said, ‘Do you humans think we animals are fools, then? Well you have another think coming. I tell you, if older beasts could talk as well as I can they could be of greater use to you than those to which you put them now. If you think we are stupid, just tell me who taught the wild wood pigeons, jays, blackbirds and partridges to purge themselves with bayleaves? And the doves, turtle doves and hens with dandelion? Who taught cats and dogs that they should eat the dew-soaked grass if they want to clear out their
full bellies? And the tortoise to heal a bite with hemlock, or the deer, when it is wounded, to look for dictamnus or wild calamint? Who showed the weasel to use rue if it is going to fight with a bat or snake? Who taught the wild pigs to recognise ivy and the bear mandrake, and who told them they were good to use as medicine? Who suggested to the eagle that it should look for eaglestone and use it if it has difficulty laying its eggs? Who is it told the swallow to use celandine to strengthen the sight of its young? Who instructed the snake to eat fennel when it is going to shed its skin and its sight is weak? Who taught the stork to give itself an enema, the pelican to bleed itself and the bear to get the bees to act as leeches?

  I might almost say that you humans have learnt your arts and sciences from us animals. You eat and drink yourself to death, which we animals never do. A lion or wolf that is starting to get too fat starves itself until it is slim, healthy and full of life again. Which shows the greater wisdom?

  As well as all this, look at the birds of the air, look at the diverse construction of their dainty nests. Since no man can copy their work, you must acknowledge that they have both greater understanding and greater skill than you humans. Who tells the summer visitors when to come to us in spring to hatch out their young, and to leave in the autumn for warmer lands? Who teaches them to agree on a gathering place before the journey? Who guides them, who tells them the route? Perhaps you humans lend them a compass so they won’t get lost on the way? No, good people, they know the way without you, and how long it will take and when they must set off from one place for another.


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