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Once Upon a Royal Christmas

Page 17

by Robin Bielman

  The next morning…

  Rowan pulled the sheets up over her face. It didn’t matter how much she loved listening to Theo’s voice, hearing her words read aloud was weird.

  Especially when he was the subject of said words and sitting next to her in bed.

  Her story had made the front page of the Courier and her phone had been ringing off the hook since early this morning. Apparently, the article had already been picked up by other news media sources too. In between congrats and praise from family and friends, Theo told her without words how much he treasured her. His quiet adoration had her voicing her fondness for him quite loudly. Twice.

  “Unlike a famous athlete or actor, when you’re born into royalty, you don’t know any different and take every day as it comes without thinking about it, the prince said. But family and private time do become your safe haven, and so spending time in Marietta with my grandparents and getting to know them and this small town has been fantastic. I’m just an ordinary person here. No special treatment. Although my grandmother seems intent on me gaining ten pounds with her delicious cooking.”

  Rowan smiled underneath the covers. She could tell by Theo’s pause that he probably was, too.

  “I’ve gotten to know Prince Theodore over the past few weeks and he’s anything but ordinary,” Theo continued, and she went back to cringing as he read her actual words. Yes, she knew he’d probably read the story, but not with her lying naked next to him! She couldn’t believe how much had changed from yesterday to today. Theo was hers. Forever.

  “He treats everyone he meets like they’re special, and he’s genuinely interested in their story. That is especially true with kids and is evident in the tireless work he does on their behalf. He says much of this inherent caring comes from his mom. When reflecting on her, Prince Theodore said he and his brother plan to do everything they can to make sure she’s never forgotten. ‘I hope my mother’s charitable work and dedication to helping others shows in the contributions I make. She’s always in my thoughts and with that, my accomplishments become hers, too.’”

  Silence filled the bedroom until the newspaper rustled.

  Rowan peeked out from under the sheets to find Theo staring off somewhere distant, the newspaper lowered into his lap. She sat up and put her head on his shoulder. He kissed her temple. “I know she’s looking down on you and is very proud of the person you are,” Ro said.

  Theo tossed the newspaper to the side, turned, and had her flat on her back a second later. He braced himself on his elbows above her and smiled. She giggled. She’d been doing that a lot, happiness continually spilling out of her.

  “Your article is brilliant. Thank you.”

  “You haven’t finished reading it yet.”

  “I’m positive the brilliance continues.” He kissed her temple, her earlobe. “I am the focus, after all,” he teased before kissing her neck. Openmouthed affection continued up to her mouth where he licked her bottom lip before slipping inside to tangle their tongues.

  She poured her heart and soul into the kiss.

  The sound of yet another text broke them apart. As Theo reached over to check his phone, Rowan’s cell chimed with a message, also. She grabbed it.

  “It’s Hawk,” Theo said. “It appears news has spread that I missed my flight and am shacked up with you. And PS, word is we’re expecting a baby.”

  “Not twins?” she joked. “Cassidy says, and this is all in caps, HOW DID YOU NOT TELL ME PRINCE THEO IS STILL HERE? Then not in caps, ps, you’re on birth control, right?”

  “I’m sorry our little bubble of bliss didn’t last longer,” Theo said.

  “It’s okay.” She brushed a lock of hair off his forehead. “I’m guessing there’s going to be a lot of things said about us and I’ll need to ignore at least fifty percent of it.”

  “No second thoughts?”

  “Not a one. We put an ornament up. That means you’re stuck with me.”

  He smiled again. “There is no one else in the world I’d rather be stuck with than you, but I do have a question.”

  Her heart pounded. Theo hadn’t officially asked her to marry him. She assumed the gift hanging on the Christmas tree pretty much did his talking, but she hoped to hear those traditional four words from him one day, and even though it was quick, now would be okay.

  “Fly home with me tonight? I want you to meet my father and brother.” He cupped her cheek, stared down at her with love stamped all over his handsome face. “And I hate the thought of being so far away from you.”

  She closed her eyes for a moment to compose herself. This was still a great question. One she wished she didn’t have to say “no” to. “I can’t. Christmas is in two days and my family is here. Plus, I think it might be better to sort through everything with your father without me there. I don’t want to add any friction between you two. And also?” She gripped his shoulders and flipped them so she was on top. “You cannot spring a trip to Montanique on me like that! A girl needs to prepare for a meet the family and country. I can’t make a first impression like the one I made on you. That would be horrible.”

  “Slow down there, princess. How do you know what kind of first impression you gave me?”

  Rowan made her are you for real? face. “I think it’s safe to say getting tangled in dog leashes and then having one of the dogs urinate on you ranks up there with worst first impressions ever.”

  “I’d classify it as most memorable. And also?” He grasped her waist and turned her over so he was back on top. “I knew right then my life would never be the same. You captivated me from the second I met you, Rowan Palotay.” He kissed her softly. “And you’ll captivate Montanique.”

  “Okay,” she whispered. It was hard to argue with him when he looked at her with so much reverence in his incredible blue eyes.

  “I’ll miss you while I’m gone, but you’re right, I should do this on my own first.”

  “I’ll miss you, too.”

  He glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. “So this leaves me six hours to show you how much I love you.”

  She looped her arms around his neck. “I’m all yours, Your Highness.”


  Part Two

  One month later…

  Hawk stopped their rented car in front of Rowan’s cottage and parked. Snow had accumulated by the truck-full and the holiday wreath and Christmas tree were gone from view, but everything else looked the same.

  “We’ll meet you up at my grandparents’ house for dinner,” Theo said from the passenger seat. “You’ll make sure everyone and everything is good to go?”

  “I’m on it. Your grandmother has already texted me three times. Did you really have to give her my number?”

  Theo smiled. “She asked. I gave. You try saying no to her.”

  “Yeah, yeah. See you soon.”

  “Thanks, Hawk. For everything.” It had taken time to get the king to fully embrace Theo’s choices, and Hawk had been a key voice of reason with both parties. What had sealed the deal, however, was Rowan herself.

  Theo’s dad had walked in on a video chat he was having with Rowan, and when Ro saw him in the background, she immediately said hello. Her warm, friendly voice and disposition had the king sitting beside his son a minute later and engaged in conversation that drew genuine smiles from his father for the first time since…since Theo’s mom had passed.

  Theo had sat back and watched the two, his heart bursting with love for his country girl. And that was when it hit him. His father had fallen head over heels for a girl from Marietta. One conversation with Rowan, and his dad recognized something special. Something unique and beautiful, and right before Theo’s eyes, his father bonded with Rowan in a way a father bonds with a daughter.

  Hawk lifted his chin toward the cottage. “You’re welcome. Now go get your girl.”

  No sooner had Theo shut the car door than the cottage door flew open and Rowan came running toward him. She leaped into his arms, her legs wrapping
around his waist, her arms curving around his neck. “You’re here!” she said, then latched onto his mouth like she was starved for his taste. He was certainly starved for hers.

  He carried her back to the cottage while they kissed. Once inside, he kicked the door closed.

  She let go, putting her feet on the floor. “Hi,” she said, relieving him of his coat before taking his hand and leading him to the couch. “How was your flight?”

  “It was good.” He’d piloted the plane this time, with plans to fly back with Rowan as a passenger. He cupped her face in his hands. “God, I missed you.” He kissed her again. They’d talked, texted, FaceTimed, or video chatted every day, but nothing compared to being with her again.

  Her soft, delicate hands held his neck as she kissed him back. “Missed you more,” she murmured against his lips before pulling back. “Want to see it?” she asked, beaming.

  “Yes, I want to see it.” Truthfully, he wanted her naked first, but she was so excited he could wait five minutes before he had his way with her.

  “Don’t move.” She jumped to her feet, and he watched her hurry down the hallway, her backside sexier than he remembered.

  Being apart had been awful, but it had given them a chance to share lengthy conversations and get to know each other even better. They’d also gotten intimate with dirty talk and naked video time. Rowan was game for anything, and thinking about it made him hard while he waited for her to return.

  “Close your eyes,” she called out. He closed them. “Are they closed?”

  “Yes,” he said.

  He heard her shuffle back into the room.

  “Okay, open them.”

  The painting Rowan held in her hands stole Theo’s breath. He’d sent her a photo of himself, his father, and Otis and asked if she would paint the official royal portrait. She’d been nervous about accepting, but did it for him. “It’s amazing,” he said, getting to his feet. “Outstanding, incredible, perfect.” He took the canvas from her and carefully set it to the side. “Just like you.”

  Scooping her into his arms, he carried her toward the bedroom.

  “Thank you. Do you think your dad will approve?”

  “I know he will. He can’t wait to meet you in person, by the way.”

  “I’m looking forward to it, too.” She put her palm on the wall, halting their momentum. “Hold up,” she said playfully. “What do you think you’re doing, Your Highness?”

  “Taking you to bed. You’re all mine for the next two hours and I plan to worship every inch of your body.”

  She lifted her hand. “Very well. Carry on.”

  He also planned to get down on one knee and ask her to marry him. He’d arranged for her parents, brother, and Cassidy to be at dinner tonight, too, so he could propose to her in front of the people who meant the most. Theo had spoken to her father a week ago to ask for her hand in marriage, and having his blessing meant a great deal.

  Theo’s father had something special planned for when they arrived in Montanique.

  Rowan kissed the underside of his ear. “I missed your smell,” she said.

  “I have a cure for that.” He tossed her onto the bed. She bounced. Giggled. “And will tell you all about it later, but right now, no more talking.”

  “Bossy Theo is kind of turning me on.”

  “Kind of?” He undid her jeans and pulled them down her legs.

  She kicked the denim off and scooted up the bed. “Come closer and see.”

  After that, she quickly stripped off the rest of her clothing, he shed his, and their hands and mouths left no body part untouched.

  “I love you, Ro.”

  “I love you, too, so, so much.”

  One hour and forty minutes later…

  She said yes.

  The End

  It’s going to be a royal Christmas…

  Don’t miss the newest royal releases!

  His Jingle Bell Christmas by Barbara Dunlop

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  A Royal Christmas Princess by Scarlet Wilson

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  Christmas at the Castle by Melissa McClone

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  Rowan’s brother Nick has his own love story. Find out what happens in…

  Falling for Her Bachelor

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  About the Author

  When not attached to her laptop, USA Today Bestselling Author and RITA Finalist, Robin Bielman loves to read, take hikes with her hubby, and frequent coffee shops. A California girl, the beach is her favorite place for fun, relaxation, and inspiration.

  She loves to go on adventures, and has skydived, scuba dived, parasailed, gotten lost in the wilderness (and only suffered a gazillion bug bites for it) hiked to waterfalls, and swam with dolphins. In her spare time she also tries to put her treadmill to good use while watching her favorite TV shows, indulges her sweet tooth, and plays a mean game of sock tug of war with her cute, but sometimes naughty dog, Harry.

  Writing is a dream come true, and she still pinches herself to be sure it’s real. She lives in Southern California with her high school sweetheart husband and loves to connect with readers.

  Get the scoop on Robin, her books, and sign up for her newsletter on her website at


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