Kiss: Sea Crest High Book Two

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Kiss: Sea Crest High Book Two Page 3

by Carrie Banks

He only stops to unzip my dress and it falls to my waist. He unhooks my strapless bra and tosses it. Then he’s back working me over… while his tongue finds my breasts. It tugs on each nipple, causing the burn to get hotter between my thighs.

  “Ry!” I moan, floating above the sea. It didn’t take long since I haven’t been touched like this in months…if ever.

  He grabs either side of my face and gives me a wild kiss. I feel like a woman even though we didn’t have sex. He rolls of me panting, while my body still hums from his touch. I turn my head to stare at him.

  He’s so beautiful. Beautiful, wild chaos. And in this moment—he’s mine. I turn to face him, letting my hand fall to his abs and slide lower to rest on the zipper to his khaki shorts.

  He quirks an eyebrow at me. “You don’t...” He breaks off with a hiss as I unzip his fly and my hand roams inside. I sit up, pushing his shorts and boxer briefs down. Now he’s the one, gasping my name out loud as my hand moves up and down. He’s big, smooth, and thick. It’s not long before I feel his body tense and his hands tighten in my hair.

  “Christ Tessa. Baby—I’m going to come,” he warns. He moves his head to kiss me as I feel him quake into my hands.

  Sated and spent, we both lay back and cuddle under the blanket where we just hold each other and kiss. Hours must have gone by since we came back here. My lips are getting chapped, and I need sleep. I excuse myself with a red face and clean up in the nearest bathroom. I did all this with Kyle, but for some reason it all feels new and I feel shy.

  When I was gone, Ryan cleaned up our little nest. He takes my hand and leads me to his stateroom. He opens the door and hands me a T-shirt and shorts. I climb into the bed and snuggle into his arms. I feel close to him now, and I can tell he feels it too when he kisses the top of my head and tells me to sleep.


  The rocking of the yacht slowly wakes me. A hand lays across my waist and another has crept under my shirt, tracing circles on my taut stomach.

  I moan, pushing my hips back. One hand moves higher under my shirt and gently massages each breast; the other slides down. He’s about to dip his hand into my panties when I turn to face him. He lifts my shirt over my head and stares at my chest with a look of pure lust. He nuzzles my breasts, but I grab his head, digging my nails into his scalp. Not hard enough to hurt, but just enough to get his attention.

  “I’m—I’m… kind of a virgin.”

  “I figured.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah. You wanted to get naughty with me, but I saw the hesitation in your eyes both times we made out. Don’t worry. Let’s just take things slow, okay?”

  “That’s what Kyle said.”

  “I’m not that asshole,” he growls. “Don’t compare me to that dickwad again.”

  “Prove it to me.”

  “I will. Every day this summer.”

  I yank his shirt off and trace his tan pecs with my hands. He kisses and licks my neck pushing my hair aside, gently nipping my ear. Things are escalating fast. We line up, pressing into one another. He brushes the hair back from my face and kisses me deeply. His tongue swirls in my mouth—it’s minty and hot.

  I wrap my legs around his waist and press him deeper against me.

  It. Feels. So. Good.

  I want to go all the way with him, but I want to make sure…I want to be sure he’s really mine.

  The shrilling ring tone of his phone on the night table next to my ear startles me. Ryan pushes off me with a frown.

  “Shit. It’s the office.” He scrolls through, scanning a message.

  “Christ. An investor has a question about a deal I’ve been working on.”

  “On a Saturday morning?”

  “Money never sleeps.” He turns back to me, “I’m sorry sweets. I need to get on my laptop.”

  “Okay.” I plant a kiss between his shoulder blades. But I let the sheet fall so he can see what he’ll be missing.

  He puts his phone down and turns around to face me and his stares longingly at my body.

  “Fuck the office,” he mutters, taking me into his arms.


  We did everything but have sex and my body hums as if we did.

  I enter the bathroom and open the cupboards in search of a toothbrush. Finding an array of new toiletries, I help myself. Ryan walks in behind me, meeting my eyes in the mirror as I brush my teeth.

  He smirks and starts removing his clothes.

  They fall to the floor with a swoosh.

  My skin flushes and I look away, turning on the faucet. The shower turns on, and I can’t help raising my eyes, catching a view of his toned, naked butt in the mirror.

  “I wanted to make you feel better,” Ryan shouts from inside the stall.


  “I’ve seen yours. It was only fair that I show you mine. Although, yours is way better.”

  I like this side of him.

  Who knew he had a sense of humor?

  I open the door quickly and before I can chicken out—I give him a quick, hard slap on one butt cheek.

  He jerks in surprise and before he can turn around, I close the door.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” he calls out as I walk back into the cabin putting on my now infamous sundress.

  I need to find Gabby and JD but most importantly, coffee. I’m familiar enough onboard to find my way to the sky deck. Ryan said that’s where breakfast usually is served.

  “The view up here is amazing,” I take a seat facing the island behind us. This part of Block has few restaurants and shops and is more secluded than Old Harbor where the ferries go back and forth all day.

  The shoreline here is exceptional. It’s scattered with coves and inlets where thick sea grass and dunes line isolated beaches.

  “Where’s Ryan?”

  “He had a work email he needed to handle. What are your plans today?” I ask Barron while helping myself to a bagel and some fresh fruit.

  “I thought you girls might like a tour around Block by sea, we could find a good spot to drop anchor, maybe Ryan and I could do some spearfishing.”

  He stands and gives Gabby a quick peck on the cheek. As Barron looks out over the rail, with his coffee mug in hand and sharp eyes noticing everything, he truly is a captain.

  “I’ll need to head up to the bridge in a minute to check the tide schedule,” he tells us as a steward comes out with a refill for him and carrying an iced latte which she hands to me.

  This really is a boat of dreams. Waking up in bed with Ryan and now a latte? I could get used to this life.

  Raising my eyebrows at Gabby, I whisper, “What happened last night?”

  She kicks my leg under the table and shakes her head, gesturing behind her where Barron still stands. He comes closer to us, putting his coffee down on the table. “I’ll have Ryan take you to shore. You can pack up your bags and spend the rest of the Fourth here, with us.”

  “I know I’d like that,” Ryan says against my ear. He kisses my cheek, dropping into the seat next to me.

  “Hmm, a weekend aboard a twenty-million-dollar yacht or the futon bed at Dex’s house? I can’t decide. We need some time to think to about it, right Tessa?”

  “If we decide to stay…do me a favor, and don’t post it everywhere!”

  Ryan and I share a look, and we all burst out laughing.

  “Wait. What about JD? It was his idea to come to Block Island this weekend. I won’t ditch him.”

  “He’s cool.” Barron replies nonchalantly, then turns and walks up the stairs to the bridge.

  “I’m going to get JD and Lisa, to make sure they will be ready to go soon.” Ryan gives me a wink, walking inside.

  “This truly is turning into the summer of love for all of us,” I remark, watching the door Ryan just went through.

  Gabby whips off her sunglasses, staring at me like I’ve completely lost my mind.

  “Chica, don’t read too much into any of this. Don’t get caught up in the moment forge
tting who Barron and Ryan are—”

  “Who are they?”

  I hate how she is always so cynical. Her words puncture my heart, making it bleed just when I thought it had healed enough to try again.

  “You know who they are—complete players. Do you really believe we are the first girls Barron and Ryan have hosted on the Majesty this summer? Don’t be naïve. I’ve heard about it for the last three weeks at work. It’s easier not to get hurt if you keep your head in the game. These waiters hand out condoms and coffees on the same tray.”

  “I hear what you are saying, but I just wish for once you could stop being so negative. Ryan finally opened up to me last night. He was different—told me some very private things about his past that I don’t think he would share with just anyone. He knows I’m a virgin and isn’t pressuring me at all…I might be ready to let someone in again.”

  “Really? This is the same guy who a few weeks ago rented a hotel room after knowing you for two days and expected you to go, right?”

  “Yes.” I hang my head. “But he explained all that. I know I haven’t mentioned Ryan in weeks, but I was thrilled to see him last night. I’ll be cautious, but I’m putting all my chips down on the table and going all in for Ryan Stone.”

  She looks incredulously at me, “Have you lost your damn mind? Did you not learn anything from what happened with Kyle? You need to slow down and take your foot off the gas pedal, or you’ll end up going over the cliff again. I hated seeing how you were last year—broken. I worried about you all the time…you had disconnected from everything. You fall in love too quickly, just slow down.”

  “I know I was completely numb. I barely remember those days. I was like a robot, mechanically going through the motions.” I shudder at the memories, “I never want to feel that way again.”

  “Good. Because every time I went to your house, you were sleeping. I still can’t believe you didn’t flunk out. Only you could maintain a high GPA while being totally checked out.”

  “I know. Academics comes easy for me. What do you think I should do? I really like him.”

  “I’m not sure. You and I are polar opposites. I know I could handle it, but you can’t seem to stop yourself before the fall.”

  “So, teach me.”

  She’s about to answer when JD appears towing Lisa behind him. “I just refueled the Zodiac. As soon as everyone’s ready, we can head to shore,” Ryan announces taking the empty seat next to me. He sits so close that our bodies touch from arm to ankle.

  “Coffee first. I need a gallon after the night I had,” JD winces. He’s definitely hung over.

  Barron walks down the short flight of steps from the bridge, “You all need to hurry. If we are going to have time to cruise over to the bluffs and get back in time to secure a prime spot for tonight’s fireworks—you need to get a move on.”

  “The clock’s ticking. You heard the captain. I’m leaving in five minutes, whoever is on the aft deck gets to shore. If you’re not there, you’ll have to survive with what you’re wearing,” Ryan smirks.

  I move to get up from the table hoping to be able to take a quick shower before we go, but Ryan’s arm snakes around my waist, stopping me.

  “You won’t need any clothes this weekend.”

  My face turns red as everyone around the table snickers.

  “Unlike Gabby—you won't find me skinny dipping,” I reply with a wink, jogging down the stairs to the main deck and darting inside before my five minutes are up.


  The water is rougher than it was last night. I jostle hard with each wave that slaps into the Zodiac as Ryan races us back toward shore. Barron warned us a small thunder system is moving past a few miles out to sea and that it might be a bit bouncy.

  I’m gripping the side so hard to stabilize my body that my hand is numb and white, and my legs are soaking wet from the spray kicking up.

  I’m wet, cold and shivering.

  Even though, I’ve lived near the ocean my entire life—I’ve never spent a weekend at sea, much less on a multi-million-dollar yacht.

  Looking away from the rolling waves, my eyes study the man who’s an enigma to me. Ryan handles the small watercraft just as masterfully as Barron as he darts around buoys and other boats that have dropped anchor. It’s obvious that he has done this, many times before.

  The conversation I had with Gabby an hour ago plays in my head. Maybe I should listen. I’m falling too fast and I need to slow down, but I’m not sure how to tell my heart it needs to go back in the cage when it just found freedom again.

  Closing my eyes, I feel the wind whip across my face. My hair blows behind me like a curtain. I vow to rein myself in and put the protective barrier back in place. I open them with newfound steel and resolve not to let another man make a fool of me.

  It’s probably for the best that we got interrupted before we went all the way this morning. I know Gabby was right about the condoms. When I was searching the bathroom in Ryan’s stateroom I found boxes of Trojan Magnums.

  “You okay Tessa?” Ryan calls out over the powerful engines.

  I don’t want to shout over the noise, so I just nod my head pretending everything is fine as I shift my gaze back to the water.

  He slowly throttles back the motor as we get closer to land. We coast to shore, still propelled forward by the powerful momentum. JD takes off his sandals and vaults over the side, hauling us onto the beach.

  “Seriously? My feet are going to get cut up on rocks and shells.”

  Everyone smirks at Lisa but she’s still clueless and she keeps complaining. “The ship was first class but dumping me off here definitely is not.”

  I can tell JD’s annoyed. “She’s not as cute as you thought, now that you’re sober, huh?” I whisper, as he helps me climb out.

  “Why didn’t you take us over to the pier? I’m going to ruin my new Coach sandals in all this wet sand,” she wails.

  JD rolls his eyes, “Because it’s the Fourth of July on Block. Did you not see the hundreds of boats we passed out there?”

  He walks down the beach towards town, literally leaving her behind. I Guess the magic of the night has worn off for them.

  “You guys go ahead back to your friend’s house. I need to make a few more calls. Do think you can meet me back here in an hour?” Ryan asks, pulling me in for a tight hug. I hold myself stiff in his embrace.


  He knows I’m off.

  “We’ll be back in an hour. I’ll see you then, okay?” I answer, not meeting his gaze. I pull away, but he grabs my arm, forcing me to look him in the eye.

  His gaze is probing and intense.

  I’m going to cave. This tough girl routine doesn’t come naturally. “What is it Tess? Did I mess this up already?”

  “No-no. I just think I’m a bit seasick. I haven’t spent so much time on a boat in years.” The lie slips surprisingly easily from my lips.

  The tip of his finger runs across my cheek before he drops a peck on my mouth. “I’ll pick you up some sea-bands at the store. It’ll help.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, quickly looking away. My heart wants to leap out of my chest and bury itself in the palm of his hand, while my brain is warning to hold back. I’m at war with myself.

  Should I shut my eyes and leap? Or desperately try to stop myself from the fall?

  “Hello? Is anyone going to carry me up the beach?”

  I’ve completely forgotten about Lisa.

  “Sorry, chiquita. Your free vacay is over,” Gabby answers.

  She links an arm in mine and we follow JD’s lead back to town, leaving Lisa and Ryan behind. But as I walk away, I feel his gaze burning holes in my back.

  “You’re giving Ryan the cold shoulder, huh?”

  I shrug, kicking a pebble with my sandal watching it roll down the street. “I feel terrible. He hasn’t done anything but be super sweet. I just was thinking about your warning the entire time he was ferrying us back from the Majesty. Do I really w
ant to lose my V-card in a summer fling? He says he wants to see where this goes but how can either of us know where that will be?”

  She doesn’t respond and it’s not long before we reach Dex’s dirt drive.

  The house is silent. Everyone’s probably already out to breakfast or at Back Beach, securing a prime spot for tonight’s fireworks.

  “What happened in the hot tub last night? Did you seal the deal with Barron?” She digs through her bag ignoring me.

  “Well, you definitely have more guts than me. I can’t believe you had the nerve to lecture me about Ryan when you climbed so quickly into his lap like so many other girls before you. I hear the hot tub is his classic hook-up move.”

  She made me feel so stupid earlier for hooking up with Ryan and having feelings for him while she’s doing the same thing with Barron.

  She continues to ignore me, shoving her clothes into her backpack. I sit on the bed and keep needling her. “Did you hear the story about how he screwed up in the Caribbean last year? That was a close call, huh? Barron could be a father right now. And the drugs—I hope he’s at least clean now.” I continue to poke her.

  She pauses, but her head’s still down. Her fist clenches around the rolled-up T-shirt she’s packing, but I don’t shut up. “Are you sure you know what you’re doing…Gabby?”

  Finally, she looks up.

  “Of course, I know what I’m doing. I’m no angel, either.”

  I shake my head. She is something else.

  “How do you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Stay so calm and indifferent.”

  “I’m not indifferent. I just know how to play the game.

  “Spill. How does the great Gabby Rivera never get her heart broken?”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. It’s very simple. I don’t make any guy the center of my universe. I keep myself interesting and busy while letting them know they are on the back burner, and me—I’m on the front.”

  “What?” She’s talking in metaphors and losing me fast.

  “Who gets married straight out of high school these days? No one, that’s who. I’m not going to let myself get hurt because, unlike you—I know how to stop myself from falling too fast. I didn’t have a chance to tell you last night, but I’ve started doing some things to feel better about myself.”


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