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Kiss: Sea Crest High Book Two

Page 11

by Carrie Banks

  “Well Ms. Andrews. We’ll have to change that, especially since you’re going to be my date to the SYC’s tent party in a few weeks.”

  “I can’t wait. That’s the one and only thing I’ve always wanted to go to. Every summer, Gabby and I sit in her Jeep on River Road. We listen to the music float across the water while we watched couples dance under the tent on the other side. We would make up stories about them—fantasizing what it would be like to be there.”

  “When we first met, I told you that you’re more real, and more precious than a million yacht club girls. Don’t ever feel like you’re missing out on something.” He leans over and kisses the top of my head.

  The edge of our lust has come down a few pegs because there’ more depth here now; more emotion.

  I won’t say the words, but I know that I’m already irrevocably and hopelessly in love with him.

  I stare into the fire feeling utterly content, for this one perfect moment this man is mine, and I vow to do everything right to ensure I hold onto him.


  Opening my eyes, I’m confused for a few seconds. But I quickly remember where I am and that it’s Sunday morning, so I snuggle deeper under the plush comforter. The vents above rain cold air on us. Sensing I’m awake, Ryan nuzzles the skin behind my ear with his nose.

  “Tessa? Do me a favor and talk to Gabby. She’s your best friend, and you’re my girlfriend, so—”

  “Wait. Back up and call me your girlfriend again.”

  I’m fully awake now and roll over to face him.

  “Yes. You are. I spend every minute texting, calling, or thinking about you,” he slides his hands in my hair, pulling me close for a long, hot kiss.

  “What did you want to ask me?”

  I need to know now before he makes me forget everything.

  “Just talk to Gabby for me. I’ve never seen Barron want to be in a relationship with anyone. If he does screw up…tell her to go easy on him,” he says while sliding my T-shirt up over my head.

  After priming me with his hands and mouth he reaches for the nightstand drawer and pulls out a condom.

  “I’m clean. I get the birth control shot. I need to feel you in me.”

  He moans again tossing the condom on the floor. Sliding between my thighs I feel his thick girth penetrate. It always feels so good every time he thrusts into me.

  Every time, he touches me—I feel the electricity between us.

  It’s hot and intense as Ryan drives into me slow, but forcefully. My body moves up the bed with each pump. He grabs my face to kiss me deep. His tongue moves in and out of my mouth with to the same rhythm, his body is moving into mine.

  “Damn, Tessa, you make me so damn horny. I dream about taking you every night. And it’s just as good as I remember. Fuck. I fucking love you.”

  He moans pulling out and empties himself on me, pulling out just to be safe. He reaches down between us and presses my clit with his finger.

  It’s too much.

  I swore to myself that I’d never have sex without a condom. But there’s something about Ryan that makes me do crazy things. I want to experience everything that he can give me.

  Exhausted, we doze off in the aftermath until the sound of his buzzing on the nightstand wakes us. He slaps a hand out to find it.

  “Goddammit!” He shouts reading the message and bounds out of bed and slams the door to the bathroom.

  “What the hell just happened?” I whisper into the empty air he just occupied, that still smells of us.

  I hastily put on a pair of shorts and throw on a tank top. Heading up to the sundeck I hope some fresh morning air will clear my head. No one else is up yet so I lie back on the plush lounger trying not to take what Ryan just did personally.

  “Here you go.” I sit up and eagerly take the iced coffee Jen hands me.

  “What are you…the coffee fairy? How did you know I needed this?”

  “Ryan buzzed me from your stateroom and ordered it for you.”

  I take a long sip through the straw, instantly feeling better about what just happened.

  “Thanks, Jen.”

  “No problem,” she says and heads back inside.

  Looking out into the horizon I see nothing but open water. Sometime during the night, we left Hill’s Head.

  “Good morning.” Barron says in greeting but doesn’t look me in the eye as he sits across from me.

  I feel slightly uncomfortable around him.

  Even though I’ve been spending a lot of time on his boat, we haven’t conversed much alone. He’s Ryan’s best friend and now Gabby’s boyfriend; I probably should make more of an effort to get to know him.

  “Thanks for having me onboard… again.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s been my pleasure.”

  “How do you think last night went with your dad? He’s a tough one, huh.”

  “Yes, my father has high standards.”

  “Well, I think Gabby passed with flying colors.”

  “I wasn’t referring to her.”

  “Ah, I thought he was unfairly harsh to you.”

  “I deserve it. He has looked the other way too many times while I self-destructed.”

  “Self-destructed? I never thought that. Even before we met, I knew who you were. It’s strange, we grew up only ten miles apart, but worlds away.”

  “I went through a very rough patch last year. I went too far. I know you think I have everything, but sometimes my life feels empty.”

  “Well, even though I have both my parents, I struggle with my mom. She runs hot and cold. Sometimes I walk on eggshells not knowing who she will be on any given day.”

  He smiles, “I know what you mean. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate you and Gabby. It’s comical…girls who have grown up with money turn out to be the gold diggers, not you or her. I feel like I can finally relax with you both. Ryan’s right—it’s refreshing.”

  I smile at his compliment and grip the rail next to me as we roll over a large wave. It occurs to me that he is out chatting with me while The Majesty charges on.

  “Who’s driving the boat? Do yachts have an auto-pilot or something?”

  “This yacht does have an auto-pilot, but I hardly use it. It’ll chart a course but steering through changing waters is best done by hand, with an experienced captain.”

  “So, who’s up there…Gabby?”



  “He boarded late last night, and then we got underway. Gabby told me what happened, and I feel terrible for my role in it. I am truly sorry if what I said to him contributed to your panic attack. It’s just that…Ryan—I’m not used to sharing him. He’s been a brother to me. I probably ran my mouth to JD out of jealousy.”

  “The King of Sea Crest, jealous of me? Tessa Andrews? No worries I’ll make sure you and Ryan still get guy time.”

  He shrugs and puts on a pair of aviators with reflective lenses, shielding his eyes from me as we continue talking.

  “Yes, well, I wanted to facilitate you and Gabby making amends with JD. He’s a cool guy, and I don’t want what I did to spoil anyone’s summer.”

  I get up, giving him a quick hug. He tenses, feeling uncomfortable by my show of gratitude.

  “I’ve arranged a private lunch for you, JD, and Gabby while I take Ryan for some deep-sea fishing.”

  “Guy time already?”


  “Where are we headed today?”


  “I’ve never been. But I’ve always wanted to see it.”

  “You’ll have a few hours when we dock. I rented a sport fishing boat for the day. Hopefully, Ryan will like it.”

  “What are you planning on catching?”


  I shudder and sit back, shaking my head. I’ll never understand men and their constant pursuit of an adrenaline rush.

  “I better head back up to the bridge. Did you bring any work clothes? We can
stay later on Long Island and cruise back overnight. Ryan was planning on leaving Hill’s Head at five A.M. to make it to his office on time.”

  “I’ll figure something out,” I answer, not wanting to waste a second, I can spend here, onboard, living my summer of dreams.

  “Before you go up there… do you mind if I have a word with JD?”

  “Sure. Just don’t break anything.” He looks nervous.

  “I’m not the one with the hot temper. That’s your girlfriend.”

  His tan pales and he rakes a hand through his windblown hair. I pat his arm as I walk by and gingerly take the steps up to the bridge.


  “Hey,” he turns quickly at me paused in the doorway before turning his gaze back to the sea. I sink into the Captain’s seat behind him as he checks the ship’s monitors. “So, you’re back with the guy, huh?”

  I sigh. “I am. He’s…. amazing. I don’t regret anything we’ve done.”

  He flushes and looks at me. “I was just… surprised that’s all. I’ve known you since our Pampers days. I just…I’m protective of you, okay?”

  “I know. And I really appreciate that.”

  “I’m sorry. I never meant my words to induce that panic attack.”

  “I know. I wish I could control them.”

  “Did you get meds?”

  I nod. “So, Barron lets you Captain, huh?”

  “Yeah,” he replies, sheepishly. “He’s pretty cool. We stay up late sometimes and talk about yachts. He even gave me a tour of the engine room. You’re in love with Ryan and I’m in love with her.” He gestures to the boat.

  “Well, she is beautiful and sexy.”

  “She is.”

  “I just want you to be happy, okay?”

  “I am.”

  “Just make sure he treats you right, Tess.”

  “He does.”

  JD nods, “Good. Let me know if that ever changes and I’ll kick him in his Harvard ass.” I hop off the oversized chair and give him a hug. “Love ya’, Tess.”

  “I love you, too.” I give him an extra squeeze and then head back below deck to check on Ry, knocking lightly on the door.

  “Hey? Is everything okay?”

  He looks up from his laptop. “I’m sorry about earlier, babe. It was my father. And never knock. This is our room.”

  I cross the soft carpet to the bed and sit next to him. His arm pulls me against his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”

  “That’s fine. I understand.” My hand traces imaginary circles on his thigh.

  “You’re one of the few good things in my life right now. You know that, right?” He closes his laptop. His browser was open to a horse care and feeding site. I’m puzzled but don’t ask. His lips find the top of my head.

  “My parents want to sell Abby’s pony. It was a punch to the gut I didn’t see coming. Everything is still so raw.” His voice thickens.

  I turn in his arms and kiss his lips feeling the salt from his tears in my mouth. My heart breaks wide open for him. “It’s okay,” I whisper against his lips. “You have me now and I’m not going anywhere, I promise.”

  “Tess,” he groans against my lips. I slide my leg through his and push my hips forward. Our hands are heavy and slow as we touch one another. Our kisses are deep and thorough. When our clothes come off and we’re skin to skin, heart to heart, breath to breath—I never want it to end. I want to feel like this forever. Live in a bubble where the two of us are the only ones in the world. I know this is love. True love. I feel it in my bones. I saw it in his wild eyes when he looked at me that second night we met at Barron’s party.

  Everyone around is jealous because they see it too. But I’m not going to fall for it again. I’m not going to let some privileged pretty girl’s broken heart steal anymore time away from me and Ry again. I trust this man moving with me as one. And I love him. Deeply. Foolishly. Irrevocably. Maybe it was fate that night on the beach. I’d like to think it was. Maybe Abby sent me to him to heal his mangled-up heart and make it love again.


  Everything’s clicking into place. The past few Friday nights, Gabby picks me up after work and we drive into Hill’s Head joining Barron on board the Majesty. Ryan usually arrives around eight and we depart.

  Barron takes us cruising around Long Island Sound for the weekend, stopping at Watch Hill, or Long Island. Other times we just moor offshore, and JD joins us when he can. I’m so relieved to have made up with him.

  The SYC’s white tent gala is on the horizon and I don’t own anything suitable besides the gown Ryan bought for me on Block. I know it’s vain, but I want to wear something he hasn’t seen me in. It’s only Wednesday, so I still have time to find a formal gown.

  Jogging up the front steps finishing my run, I rush straight into the kitchen for a glass of ice water.

  “Do you have plans tonight?”

  “No, Mom. I thought I’d stay in.”

  “Well, thank you for finally gracing us with your presence,” she says snippily.

  Rolling my eyes at her, I refill my glass.

  “When will I get to meet the man, my daughter’s been spending all her time with?”


  Trying to avoid her eyes, I open the fridge assessing my dinner options.

  She slams the door shut and gets in my face waving a finger at me, “Are you embarrassed by us? Can’t bring your wealthy Boston boyfriend to our home?”

  “Well…your collection of ceramic Siamese cats is mildly disturbing.”

  “They are collectibles. Worth a lot of money, in fact, I saw some on—”

  “Antiques Roadshow?” I finish for her.

  “Hmmpff,” she says stomping her foot.

  “I’m just teasing. Ryan can’t take any more time off. He’s coming this weekend but we’re going to be busy getting his sister’s pony settled in. Next weekend, he’s taking me to the White Tent Party.”

  “Oh my,” she says putting a hand on her heart, “that is exciting. I hope you get photographed for Coast and Country. I can’t wait to bring the next issue to my Tai chi class and show all my friends.”

  “I know. Gabby and I are going back to the second-hand boutique downtown to find gowns. Wait—since when are you taking a Tai chi class?”

  “Oh, Tessa, it’s so relaxing. The meditation has been helping my nerves a lot.”

  “Yeah, I can tell.”

  “You girls can’t go back to that store in town for your dresses, though. Oh no— you can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “You’ll probably end up buying a gown that was worn last year. Where do you think all those designer clothes come from that you find in that store?”

  “Good point, I never thought of that. What am I going to do? It’s three days away.”

  “Call in sick tomorrow. I’ll take you and Gabby down to Fairfield County. The people there have more money than Hollywood. It’s full of investment bankers and their wives. There are more than a few consignment boutiques between Westport and Darien, and I promise the dresses will all be spectacular.”

  “I can’t call in sick. Besides, Gabby and I can’t pay second-hand prices in Darien. Even at a discount it’ll still be too expensive.”

  “Tessa, this qualifies as an emergency in my book. Since you’ve spent every weekend on Barron Foster’s love boat—you haven’t even spent any time with me.

  Besides, I’ve been working some extra shifts. If my daughter and her best friend are going to the party of the year, they will go in style. I’d be happy to help you and Gabby pay for gowns.”

  “Are you sure?” I stare at her in shock. She’s never been this generous before. I hope she sticks with Tai chi.

  “Absolutely! Imagining you dancing away at that party…makes even me feel young again.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate it.”

  “I never thought I’d ever hear you say those words,” she says, clapp
ing her hands.



  True to his word, Barron had the forgotten stables at his estate ready for Cody in no time. I rented a small trailer and hooked it up to my Range Rover.

  My heart is in my throat as I pull down the drive past the green pasture and white fence and park behind the barn.

  Abbs loved it here.

  No matter how much time passes, I just know it’ll never get easier for me to accept she’s gone.

  The horses nicker as I enter the barn. My eyes adjust to the dimmer light as I walk past several stalls and round the corner.

  “Hey, boy.”

  Cody comes over to the open barn door secured with a rope. Goddamn it. Seeing the pony’s sad eyes make me feel like shit. His heart is broken too. But he’s been here, practically abandoned, with no little girl sneaking him mints and carrots.

  My hand raises to stroke his soft face. “I’m sorry, boy. My heart’s broken, too. But don’t worry. I’ll make up for you being forgotten somehow, okay?”

  “Mr. Stone.”

  “Hello, Roy. It’s been a while.”

  “It has. The barn hasn’t been the same without Abby. She was a ray of sunshine.”

  “Nothing’s been the same without her,” I reply, touching my forehead to Cody’s.

  “Are you sue you can take him on?”

  “I wouldn’t be here, otherwise. I’ll take good care of him for her.”

  “Alright then.” Roy, the stable manager picks up a halter and a lead rope. “Let me show you how to put this on. He’ll need ear plugs for the ride to Connecticut. I’ve packed up all his tack, his winter blankets…and here…”

  I lift my head from Cody’s neck. I’m not even ashamed to let the old man see my tears. In his hand is a picture of Abby on Cody. Her smile is as bright as all the stars littering the heavens.

  My hand shakes as I reach out to take it from him. “Thank you.”

  He clears his own throat, “Her show ribbons are here too. She kept a trunk with her riding clothes and boots.”


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