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The Malone Brothers Boxed Set

Page 24

by S. L. Sterling

  “Sorry about the noise, Carter. I wasn’t sure when you’d be home. I got up and had a quick shower. I had this in my bag from work last night, so I got dressed and made myself comfortable while waiting for you to come back.”

  She came around and flung that hot little body at me, giving me a hug. I prayed that she wouldn’t be able to feel my growing excitement. As she wrapped her arms around me, I noticed that she still wore the same damn body lotion; a light fresh mix of citrus invaded my senses. She smelled good enough to fucking eat.

  “I see that,” I said, wrapping my arm around her and pulling her against me for a quick hug. “So, you comfortable here? You’re going to stay here until you find something, right?”

  “Well, I really don’t want to impose on you and I do have that hotel room.”

  “Hope, give it a rest. I told you you’re not the kind of girl that stays there. So, unless you found something else, I won’t have it any other way. You’ll stay here with me. I’ll be busy with work and studying anyway, so if you’re worried about seeing me often, I can assure you that we probably won’t even cross paths. You have free rein, and you can have what’s-his-name here if you want.”

  I averted my eyes. I knew his damn name—it felt like poison on my tongue, but I wanted to know if she was still involved with Trent, and this was the easiest way to find out. It would be better this way, instead of coming home to find them together.

  “It’s okay. No need to have Trent here. I’ll find a place as soon as I can.” Well, that blew up in my face. I didn’t get the answer I needed, and I watched as she walked back around the couch to grab her water. Her phone suddenly pinged with a message. She grabbed it from the table, and I could see the tension roll through her body as she read whatever was on the screen. She rapidly typed out a message but still sat there, a frown on her face, staring at the screen, finally tearing her eyes away and looking back at me. “So, what’s going on?”

  She threw her phone back down on the table and sat down on the couch. I grabbed a bottle of water and then joined her. “I’m not going to lie to you, Hope. I find it odd that you are in the city working at Joe’s. So, are you at least going to tell me what you are doing here?”

  “I told you, I left home. I thought maybe I might look into going back to school.”

  “I see.” I took a drink, emptying the water bottle. “Why? Isn’t what’s-his-face going to take care of you?”

  She hung her head. “Carter, you know what his name is, and I don’t want to be kept by him. I want to do this for me, to prove to my parents that I can.”

  I frowned. “Are things not so good in paradise, Hope? I mean, that is why you left me, because things would be easier, right? That way you didn’t have to go to school or work.”

  A deep pink color rose to her cheeks, and she looked away. “I have to go get my things. I don’t want to have to pay for another week.” She got up from the couch, leaving me sitting there, water bottle in hand.

  “I asked you a question. That is why you left me, isn’t it?” I needed to know, and it couldn’t wait. “You left me because I was never good enough for your father...or for you. With me, you would have to work for what we needed. It wasn’t going to be handed to you on a silver platter.” I followed her into my roommate’s room—her room for now. She had her little backpack that she was using as a purse sitting on the bed, and her head was in her hands. “That’s why, isn’t it?”

  “I never left you, Carter. You came here to look at apartments, and you never came back.”

  “I did too. I spent a couple weeks here, and after I found this place I came right back. I called and left you a message. I wanted you to come with me. I wanted to surprise you, but it seems you were already...preoccupied.”

  “What are you talking about?” The look on her face scared me; it told me she really didn’t know what I was talking about.

  “I left you a message. I told you I was through here, that I’d found us a place. You never returned my call and when I returned, I saw you in the park. I watched as you kissed him. I thought maybe I was mistaken, so I watched you for a bit. You walked home with my best friend, hand in hand, and there on your front porch he kissed you again.”

  “What park?”

  “The park by your house.”

  She blinked hard. “Carter, no, you left the message that you were through with me. You didn’t even have the decency to tell me to my face. Instead, you left a message on my family’s answering machine. I was totally devastated, Carter.”

  I stopped. Had she not gotten my message? “Did you not get my message?”

  “No, my dad told me. He didn’t want me to hear it. I cried for days, Carter. It felt like my world had ended.” She wiped tears from her cheeks. “I have to go and get my stuff, although I have no idea why I should even bother.” She got up and pushed past me, slipped her shoes on, and walked to the door. “Oh, and before I forget, your neighbor returned your boxers.” She walked out the door, slamming it behind her.

  I stood there in a daze. She had never gotten my message. Her father had lied to her. Lied to her to take her away from me. He really didn’t think I was good enough for her. I stood there, letting that sink in for a moment. Once the realization hit, I headed out the apartment door and across the hall, and knocked on Felice’s door, for a totally different reason than finding out why she showed up at my apartment door with another man’s boxers.



  I had felt better after talking things through with Felice. She may be a bit of a tease, but she was my best female friend, and she knew a lot about my past relationship with Hope and what had happened. Just like my brother though, she had told me to tread lightly, not to let myself get involved with Hope, and I was doing my best to follow that advice. I had spent most of the following week out of the apartment either working or studying. But the nights we were both home proved to be the hard ones as I watched her prance around the apartment half-naked, in those tiny little shorts and tank tops. I was at the point that I couldn’t take it much more. I wanted her, and if I was in the apartment while she was still up, I could barely concentrate on anything else.

  I sat at the library table. I was supposed to be studying, but instead I was stuck on her Facebook profile. I had friended her again, and now I was checking to see if I could find out her relationship status. Since the last post before her status update was one of her and Trent at the movie theatre a little over three weeks ago, I took that as she was still involved. I huffed out my disappointment, threw my phone on the table, and opened my textbook, trying to bury myself in studying. My last exam was tomorrow, and I needed to pass it in order to take the BAR exam at the end of summer. I had just gotten into the material, finally being able to shut my head off, when someone gripped my shoulder.

  Hunter walked around the other side of the table, spun the chair around, and straddled it. “What are you doing here?”

  “What’s it look like?”

  “It’s just, you normally study at home, not here. You always complain that it’s too noisy.”

  “Yeah well, it is noisy, but my apartment hasn’t exactly been quiet lately either, so I came here.”

  “Is everything okay? Sounds to me you’re avoiding being at home.”

  I ran my hand over my face and leaned back in my chair. If only he knew. “There may be a good possibility that I am.”

  “Why?” he asked hesitantly. I looked up at him, and from the look on his face, he already knew what the problem was. “You invited her to stay, didn’t you?”

  “I couldn’t help it. I went back the other night to make sure she would be okay to walk home. That was the only reason, I swear. When I got there, ole Pete was making advances, so I waited for her. I was just going to walk her home, Hunter, that is all, but then I found out where she was staying, and I couldn’t let her go back there.”

  “That’s why you sent me a text at four in the morning. Carter, she is in the past for a reason.
You don’t deserve to have this shit happen to you again.”

  “Hunter, please, spare me the lecture and just hear me out.”

  He crossed his arms in front of him. “Go ahead then.”

  “She was staying in that hell hole over on Clifford. Everything inside of me screamed not to let her stay there, so I brought her to the apartment and offered her Carson’s room until she finds something else.”

  Hunter closed his eyes and kept them closed, taking in a deep breath. “Awesome, Carter, just awesome. So basically, you’re planning to torture yourself all summer long, perhaps something will happen between the two of you, perhaps it won’t, but then Mr. Big Balls will come walking back into her life, and you’ll be left holding your heart again. Let me ask you, have you ever really gotten over her?”

  “Yes, Hunter, I’ve gotten over her. There have been other women, many women.”

  “Yes, I know, Carter. There have been many women, but none that you have been overly happy with and none that you have dated. I just think you’re making a mistake. I mean, I support you with whatever you decide. You’re my brother; I love you and I want to see you happy. Just be careful.”

  One thing about my brother—he may be cocky, arrogant, and full of himself, but he always cared about me. “Look, I’ve got to study. My exam is on Friday.”

  “All right, man, I have to get to class anyway. You are coming tomorrow night?”

  I nodded and watched as Hunter walked away. He was right, I knew he was. She was in my past for a reason. When I had seen her that night with Trent, it was like someone had plunged a hot knife right into my heart and twisted it. We had only spent a summer together—that was it. We had never slept together, only fooled around a little. She had wanted to wait, and I respected that of her. But, no matter how much I tried to fight it, my heart was telling me it was time for us to give it another try, and sometimes you must listen, because lord knows you don’t get second chances too often.



  “Time, pencils down.” I placed my pencil on the desk. I stretched and looked up at the time. Four hours felt like they had flown by. I was exhausted. I had barely had enough sleep last night trying to get caught up on my studies. I let out a deep breath; I could feel the tension starting to leave my body already.

  “Bring your exams up and drop them in the box on the table. Final grades will be posted in four weeks.” My stomach grumbled and flipped. I felt like I was going to be sick. If I failed this exam, I would be finished.

  As I stepped out into the fresh air and made my way to the car, I turned my cell on and dialed Mike. I wanted to see if he could get out. The phone rang three times before he picked up. “Hey, buddy, are you doing anything right now?”

  “Working. Training more new staff.”

  “I see. If I pop by, would you have time to grab a drink with me? I need to unwind. Just finished my final.”

  “Sure thing.”

  I dropped my bag into the backseat of the car. I was just about to back out of the parking spot when my phone pinged again. Pulling it from my pocket, I saw Hope’s name flash across the screen.


  I was just about to answer, but I stopped. Maybe Hunter was right, maybe this wasn’t the smartest choice I had made. Instead of replying, I threw my phone down on the console and reversed out of the parking lot.

  The apartment was empty and dark when I got there. “I guess she must have gotten tired of waiting for my reply,” I mumbled to myself. I grabbed a quick shower and then dressed into a pair of jeans and a black button-down shirt, threw on a splash of cologne, and made my way over to the pub.

  The place seems more packed than usual, I thought, as I fought my way through the crowd to the only empty bar stool. Mike was behind the bar, so I grabbed the empty seat and ordered a beer.

  “Hey, Carter, how was the exam?” he asked.

  “Not too bad. You guys are busy.”

  “Of course, and short staffed, as always.”

  “So, care to tell me what’s going on between the two of you?”

  I glanced around through the crowd, ignoring the question Mike had asked. If I myself had known what I was doing, it would be fine. I spotted my brother and then the rest of the guys. “Mike, I’m headed over to the guys. They’re here already.”

  “You got it. I’ll bring the refills.”

  As I approached the table, I watched Hunter punch Phil in the arm and give him a serious look.

  “Well, if it isn’t the man of the hour. Have you fucked her yet?” Phil called while downing another shot. I rolled my eyes, ignoring him, and glared at my brother before I took a seat. He was the only one who knew Hope was staying with me; how dare he betray me and breathe a word of it to the guys.

  “Hello to you too,” I responded back. “How much of that shit has he had?” I asked Hunter.

  “Maybe a little bit too much. Want a beer?”

  “Already ordered. Just started myself a tab. Mike’s bringing over another round, but I think Phil here needs to be cut off.”

  I looked through the crowd again and then turned my direction back to the guys. They all sat there staring at me with shit-eating grins on their faces. “What?” I shrugged.

  “Nothing, man, we were just hoping for some details.”

  “Details?” I played stupid, pretending to not know what they were talking about and praying that they really didn’t know the situation.

  “Yeah, you left with Felice last night, but then you came back in here for that new chick. We had just left the other bar across the road and saw you come back in here.” I gave Hunter the I’ll-kill-you look. He new better than to tell the guys anything.

  “It was nothing. I forgot something here, and then I helped Mike with something in the back,” I lied.

  “We’re sure you did,” Phil slurred. I glared at my brother, and Hunter quickly changed the subject. Soon they started with their usual banter back and forth, cutting one another up and looking for their next piece of ass, which took the heat off me for a bit.

  A while later, Hunter made his way back from the washroom and sat back down at the table, smacking me on the back. While the other guys were locked into a deep conversation with a bunch of women at the next table, Hunter leaned over toward me. “Don’t look too hard, bro, but she’s here.”

  “Who’s here?”

  “Your woman. She’s in the back booth over there with a guy that very much resembles Trent King,” he answered, nodding in the direction of where they were sitting. I looked over Hunter’s shoulder, a surge of jealousy running through me as I kept my eyes on them. Their conversation seemed to be intense, and it looked like she was getting uncomfortable.

  “Not my problem,” I answered and grabbed some nachos from the plate in front of me. I turned my attention to our group, but I couldn’t help my eyes wandering over to her and their table. I was fine until I witnessed him slamming his fist down on the table, causing her to jump, then he stood up and walked toward the washroom. Everything about her screamed she was on edge, and once he left, she placed her face in both her hands, her body starting to shake. Soon, he returned, sitting down across from her, and their argument continued. When she started to cry harder, I got up from my seat and went to walk over there, but Hunter grabbed my arm before I could get away.

  I looked down to his hand resting on my forearm. “Don’t get involved, Carter.”

  I glanced back over to them, watching. “She’s in trouble, Hunter.”

  “This isn’t your place, Carter, remember.”

  I took my brother’s advice. Sitting back down, I tried hard to turn my attention to what the guys were talking about, but my mind and focus were only on her. I watched her walk into the washroom, her eyes red and her face streaked with tears. I kept my eyes on him: Trent King. We had grown up together, but now he was just a conceited, rich boy instead of my best friend.
  “Carter? Carter? Are you going to join the people at this table tonight?” Derek said, snapping his fingers in my face.

  I turned my attention back to the guys and smiled. “Sorry, guys. I guess I have other things on my mind tonight.”

  Derek and Phil looked at one another and smiled then excused themselves from the table to go and talk to a couple of women at the bar. Hunter sat there staring at me. “Carter, don’t do this to yourself, man.”

  “Do what?”

  “I can see it written all over you. You want her.”

  “Nope, you’re wrong, but I’m not going to sit by and watch her be treated like shit either.”

  “Just admit it to yourself. Stop fighting it. If you want her, go get her.”

  I looked over and saw that Trent was now standing. He said something and then slammed his fist on the table again, but this time he took off toward the door, leaving her there crying.

  Hunter looked in the direction of her table and then back at me. I watched Trent as he shoved his way through a few people that were in his way and pushed the door open, shoving two more girls to the side who were on their way in.

  “Are you going to go make sure she is okay?”

  I looked over. Tears were streaming down her beautiful face. “You guys good?” I heard Mike ask.

  “Bring me two beers, please.” I kept my eyes on her. She wiped her cheeks and looked around the room, one of the waitresses stopping to check on her and make sure she was okay. I watched as Hope nodded, grabbing her hand and giving a weak smile, the waitress finally leaving her. Mike set both beers in front of me, clearing off the few empties we had accumulated already. I excused myself, taking both beers with me. “I’ll be back.”


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