Book Read Free


Page 3

by Ahren Sanders

  We stare at each other without speaking for several seconds before Laci clears her throat and moves to introduce herself.

  “You must be Mr. McCoy. I’m Laci Barnes.” She shakes his hand, which breaks our stare down.

  “Call me Max.”

  “Okay, Max.” She smiles sweetly at him still holding his hand. “Bella forgot to mention how handsome you are.”

  I want to throw something at her head. She’s flirting with him right in front of me

  “Bella?” He looks confused.

  “Yeah, it’s Stella’s nickname. We’ve called her Stella Bella forever.” She looks between us and winks. Her intent is to get a rise out of me. We never tell clients my nickname. To me, a nickname is reserved for family and close friends. Not paying clients. Especially not presidents of multi-billion dollar companies.

  He gives her a polite grin but his eyes turn warmer when he looks at me.

  “Laci, let go of Max’s hand and let us get to work.” I give her a look that hopefully tells her to cut her shit.

  “Okay, let me know if you need anything.” She turns and licks her lips seductively, giving me the sign that she approves.

  I roll my eyes and watch her walk out. Max’s mouth is set in a grin and heat fills my cheeks because he saw the exchange.

  “Well, now you’ve met Laci.”

  “Yes, I’ve met Laci.”

  “I’m sorry about her somewhat inappropriate behavior.” I motion to the table for him to sit. Before I can join him, my phone starts buzzing with a series of text messages. Glancing down, Laci’s name pops up.

  First message—He’s fucking hot, why didn’t you warn me?

  Second message—The look he gave you was more than professional, as soon as y’all saw each other the room went still.

  Third message—Holy shit! Doing research now. Stellax is sounding better and better.

  “Everything okay?” Max asks.

  “Yes, just work stuff.” I switch the button to silent hoping my face isn’t too flushed.

  “Work stuff with your assistant in the other room?” His eyes dance with humor and I laugh.

  “Maybe, she’s working on a very important project for me,” I lie. “Let’s get started.” I lay out my notes from the last week of research.

  It’s been ten full days since I was hired and a week since my business dinner with Max. Either he or Dana has communicated with me directly daily. Even though he said he cleared his schedule, there are other things that require his attention. In my business, generally clients want to see presentations, business plans, and then results. But Max has given me access to anything I ask. It was him that requested this meeting today.

  So far, I’ve read and noted the allegations, the unsafe working conditions, the federal payoffs, and the recent financial reports. Max was right, the significant decline in profits in the last six weeks were starting to spread to other companies owned by Hurst & McCoy.

  “Before we go over your notes and plans, I need to tell you. I’ve called an emergency meeting with my executive team, two weeks from today. It’s mandatory so I had to navigate around some previously scheduled engagements. But I have a full commitment from every member of my team to be in this meeting. It is very important to me to have them understand the direction we are taking before we go to the board. The board will be harder to convince of certain aspects of your plan. But with the support of the team, I’m certain we can get board approval,” Max tells me.

  “Wow, I know you wanted to move fast, but two weeks is so soon.”

  “I have complete faith we’ll be ready and cleared my calendar until the day of the meeting. I’m one hundred percent yours.”

  ‘One hundred percent mine,’ runs through my mind and the tingling sensation returns.

  “Well, we better get started. How about I tell you my thoughts and we go from there?”


  For the next two hours, I outline my strategy. Max listens intently, making his own notes. His phone buzzes several times but he never answers, giving me all his attention. At six, Laci comes in and gets our dinner order.

  Once our food arrives, Laci goes home for the night. Max takes over telling me about the non-profits he looked into and the wage increases he wants to implement. We both decide it’s a good idea to bring in a few members of his executive team to work with us on executing the changes so we can have this project plan in action in eight weeks.

  I wrote up a few press releases for him, which elicits a groan. He’s scheduled to talk to the local news this Friday.

  When I look up, it’s already after eight pm. Max’s hand covers mine, causing me to jump in my seat.

  “We’re done for the night, Stella. I’m going to take you out for a drink.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’ve got things to do.”

  “You’re right, I do. Those things include a quiet place to relax, a single malt scotch, and your company.” His voice is soft yet firm.

  “Really, Max, my plans include a nice glass of wine and my couch.”

  His face is unreadable as his eyes pierce my own.

  “A glass of wine sounds nice. I’ll pick it up.” He stands to grab his coat and I stare at him dumbfounded.

  “Ummm, what just happened?”

  “You turned down my invitation for a drink, so I invited myself to your house for a glass of wine.”

  A giggle escapes. “Max, you didn’t really ask me to join you for a drink. You told me we were going.”

  He looks stunned. “I guess you’re right, I need to improve my skills. Next time, I’ll ask. But now, I’m ready for a glass of wine. Let’s go, you ready?”

  “Really, Max—”

  “Stella, you’re bruising my ego here. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since our dinner together. Please have a drink with me.”

  My mind is screaming at me this is a terrible idea, but excitement bubbles sending tingles throughout my body. When our eyes meet, his usual confidence has been replaced with apprehension. I grin slightly and gather what I’ll need to look over in the morning.

  We walk to my car and he looks around the dark parking lot.

  “Do you work late often?”

  “Yes, although only about two nights a week at the office. I work from home a lot. It gets lonely here when Laci leaves.”

  “Is there security?”

  “It’s a safe neighborhood.”

  He nods and stops in front of my car. I start to give him my address, but he holds up a hand.

  “I have a confession, I know where you live.”

  My paperwork! The agreements I signed have all my personal information.

  His lips spread in a lopsided grin, causing me to smile back. “Okay, see you in about twenty minutes.”

  He shuts my door and watches me drive away. I should have mentioned there’s an entire wine fridge at my house stocked and he doesn’t have to stop, but decide to use this time to calm my nerves.

  Running through the door, I tear through the house frantically clearing mostly the living room and kitchen. Deciding to change, I throw on a pair of leggings and sweater, and top my hair in a high bun. My house phone starts ringing and I remember my cell is still on silent.

  “Hello!” I answer breathlessly.

  “Please tell me you are out of breath for a good reason,” Laci teases.

  “Yes, Max is bringing a bottle of wine over and my house was a mess.”

  “Shit! Why couldn’t you have waited until after your house was cleaned on Friday? Have you lit some candles?”

  “Why would I do that? And I didn’t plan this. He insisted.”

  “Light the lavender candle, it’s relaxing.”

  “Is it too much? I don’t want to give a wrong impression.” I reach for it anyway.

  “There’s no impression to give. The way he looked at you today was purely primal. He wants you, Stella.”

  “Ugh, don’t say that. Did you do your recon yet?
Is he involved with someone?”

  “In my opinion, he’d have to be a complete asshole to invite himself to your house alone for a glass of wine if he’s involved with someone. He’s definitely not married. But still, I’ve got feelers out and a few searches running. He seems pretty private. Two brothers and mother living in the area.”

  “I know all that, you dipshit. I may have been the one to tell you. That’s what you came up with your Google search?”

  Silence. Not Good.

  “What did you do?” I brace for anything.

  “Well, I sort of eavesdropped and heard about your two big meetings to present the project plan.”


  “I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping online for you.”

  That’s it. My crazy friend is fired.

  “Did you work on anything for our other clients? What about the invoices on your desk?”

  “Stella Bella, I promise to do everything tomorrow. I had to get you something new to present to those stuffy suits.”

  My doorbell rings and my stomach returns to a fluttering mess.

  “I have to go. Have your ass at the office by nine tomorrow morning. Be ready to work. And I want you to bring me a shitload of coffee and muffins.” I walk to the door and start unlocking the series of bolts.

  “No can do, boss woman. You can’t eat muffins for the outfits I have coming. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do tonight with the clandestine CEO. Love ya!” She hangs up before I can scream at her.

  I throw the door open and gasp. Max is holding an enormous bouquet of so many flowers they take up my doorway. The smell of lilies fills the small foyer and I inhale deeply.

  “Wow, these are beautiful.”

  “Only fitting,” he states and doesn’t elaborate.

  I lead us to my kitchen, get a vase, and arrange the flowers. Max leans against my counter and watches me uncork the wine and pour us two glasses. My eyes widen in surprise when I catch the vineyard name.

  “Oh my God! This is one of my favorite winery’s ever. Did you know?”

  “Yes.” He raises the side of his lip and looks at me humorously.

  “What? How?”

  “Let’s just say, it’s good to have a quirky assistant.”


  “Yeah, I had Dana call her.”


  “Last week.”

  “She didn’t mention that. I may have to rethink firing her tomorrow morning then.”

  His face drops and he looks shocked.

  “Don’t worry, charmer. I’d never really fire her. Just the thought crosses my mind when she does crazy ass stuff like she did today.” I hand him his glass and start walking to the living room.

  I sit on the end of the sofa closest to the fireplace and Max surprises me by sitting right next to me. His knee brushes against mine and goose bumps rise on my skin.

  “What did Laci do today?”

  I think about how silly it sounds, but decide to tell him anyway. “Laci has a heart of gold and I’d walk through fire for her, but our work ethic is very different. So while you and I slave over convincing your teams we are doing the right thing. She’ll make sure I’m appropriately dressed.”

  He laughs and shakes his head. “Thank God for Dana. She helps with all my personal shit. She took care of my dad too. She’s like family.”

  “She’s really sweet. Laci and I both like her.”

  “There’s a lot of her to like. She’s been amazing. I mentioned she worked for my dad, but it was like she worked with him. She knew what he was thinking or needing before he even asked. She does the same for me. My mom and she are practically best friends and when he died she helped Mom through some dark days.” His warm feelings for Dana are evident with every word he speaks.

  “Laci’s able to read me like that. I’ve tried to get her to take a bigger role in Sullivan PR, but she wants to take care of me.”

  We sit and talk for the next hour about our assistants and how much we depend on them. He asks me again about carrying a large workload with such a small office and I tell him I’m looking into getting a temp to help out a few days a week. Then Laci and I can decide if we need another person full time.

  He relaxes back and drapes his arm on the back of the couch. His fingertips rub lightly over my shoulder. Even through the fabric of my sweater, my skin prickles. This has never happened to me before. I’ve never felt this level of intensity in such a short period of time. My past relationships have progressed slowly. This is technically only the fourth time being around him, but even our business conversations have taken a lighter tone. When he walked into my office today, there was a glimmer in his eyes that was new.

  His touch moves from my shoulder and trails along my jawline to my chin. Our eyes lock. The intensity of his blue stare burns into me. We both sit silently, staring. Something is running through his mind, I can tell by the way his mouth forms a thin line.

  “Max?” I whisper, scared to break any connection we have.


  “I have to know. Are you involved with anyone?”

  Sadness or disappointment, I can’t tell which, spreads over his face. He looks away and stops all movement with his fingers, pulling his arm back.

  “My life is complicated, Stella. I gave up a lot of freedom and personal choices when I came back home. Certain expectations landed on my plate and difficult decisions were made. I’m not proud of some of them and I’m paying for that.”

  “That’s not really an answer.”

  “No, I guess it’s not.” He doesn’t say anything else.

  My heart deflates. I knew this was a bad idea. He’s a taken man.

  Jesus! Why do I care? I wasn’t going to get involved with him anyway.

  I nod my head in understanding, not asking anymore questions. Moving off the sofa, I hope he gets the hint, tonight is over. His face falls but he gets up and hands me his wine glass, walking to the door.

  He turns to me and the look of hurt and confusion makes me want to hug him. I knew he had some secrets, but I won’t be the other woman.

  He gently cups my face and looks at me sadly. “You know the word Bella is the Italian word for ‘beautiful.’ I think Stella Bella is a wonderful nickname for you. You are beautiful, Bella, I’d say more beautiful than any super model.” He leans down and kisses my cheek and then disappears out the door.

  He heard Laci today and he thinks I’m beautiful, just like the girl in the picture. Two tears run simultaneously down each cheek and drop to my collarbone. Why the hell am I crying?

  What a fucking asshole. That’s exactly what I am. I left Stella’s house last night letting her think I’m involved with another woman. The energy and connection between us was buzzing and I could get lost staring into her amber eyes for the rest of my life. Yes, my life.

  I never believed in love, even though my parents had a wonderful marriage and cared deeply for each other. I just didn’t think it was for me. I sowed my wild oats in undergraduate school, but slowed down in law school. A few women have kept my interest, but nothing more than a few nights. The energy required in a serious long-term relationship doesn’t interest me.

  But the moment my eyes landed on Stella Sullivan, I knew she would change me. I tried to push down the ramping desire growing for this woman, but it’s no use. My thoughts drift to her all day long. My body hums with lust when I think of running my hands through her long dark hair while I hold her close. Jesus Christ, her body, with all her curves, drives me crazy.

  Her dedication and drive is admirable, but her vibrancy and glow are the true reason I’m drawn to her. I saw a few pictures around her house last night of family and friends and wanted to know so much more about her.

  The look of disappointment on her face plagued my mind and I didn’t sleep at all. Not wanting to ever see that look again because of me, I made a decision. I can’t tell her everything, but I will tell her about Erica.

  “Dana!” I shout int
o the intercom.

  “What?” she snaps back.

  “Call Stella Sullivan and have her come over at ten. Tell her we need to go over some things and plan to clear her schedule for the day. Then, call Laci and find her favorite place to eat lunch. Order in.”

  “Maxwell McCoy, if you ever bark at me like that again, you’ll miss me when I’m gone.” Dana stands in my doorway with her arms crossed. The look on her face makes me grimace. “Your dad tried it once and I told him the same thing.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I’m wound pretty tight this morning.”

  “Wanna tell me why?” She sits in front of me.

  “I fucked up last night with Stella.” I throw my pen across the desk. “She asked me if I was involved with anyone and I froze.”

  “I don’t think that would classify as fucking up.”

  “It would if you invited yourself to her house, brought a two hundred dollar flower arrangement, and a forty dollar bottle of wine. Then proceeded to sit with her on the couch talking for over an hour getting to know each other.”

  “You didn’t?”

  “Yeah, and the worst part is she asked because I couldn’t stop staring into her eyes. They are mesmerizing. The intensity was fierce. All I wanted to do was—well, never mind.” I think how odd it would be to tell Dana I wanted to slide my tongue across Stella’s plump lips until she whimpered and gave her mouth to me in full submission.

  “Then she broke the moment by asking me if I was involved and I said it was complicated.”

  “Talk about mixed signals.”

  “Yeah, the look of hurt was crushing.”

  “Are you going to tell her about Erica?”

  “Yeah. Today, if she’ll listen. That’s why I want her here.”

  “Quick question, why two hundred dollars on flowers?”

  “The shop next to the wine store was closing, I had to pay extra to have him open up and make an arrangement. And I bought everything he had that remotely reminded me of Stella.”

  Dana nods and gets up to leave. “Max, I know you don’t think you deserve happiness, but you do. What happened with your father will be taken care of. Don’t think I haven’t noticed what you’ve been doing the last three years. And the thing with Erica is unhealthy. You need to move her out of your life all together.” Then she walks out.


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