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Page 10

by Ahren Sanders

It’s been three days since the presentation and things have been quiet between Stella and me. I’ve hated every second, but my mind has been preoccupied with getting Erica away from the business. Chris looked over her contract that Edward signed and it’s almost impossible. She gave up a large percentage of her regular commission to get the job and there’s no way to reverse the contract.

  I’ve held Stella close at night reassuring her of my feelings. The plans to celebrate Thursday night were crushed by the fact that I would now be working with Erica. Laci brought over champagne but the mood was somber. I went to answer some emails and walked in to hear Stella crying softly. It broke my heart and I vowed to make sure she knew how much she meant to me. In her mind, it’s too soon to harbor such deep feelings, but she’s never dealt with a man like me. I know what I want when I see it, and when she walked into the boardroom almost a month ago, I wanted her.

  Stella tried to keep her mind off the Erica situation and called my mom to ask if she could bring dessert to the party. I learned she may not be able to cook well, but she can bake. Of course my mom went crazy with this. So I watched quietly last night as Stella turned her kitchen into a small bakery and had every surface covered.

  Laci tried to help but kept eating the dough and Stella lost her shit. Between the stress of the day before and meeting my family, she pushed Laci into the other room. I sat with Laci for a few drinks until Stella finally brought in some samples. Once we sampled and approved, my sweet Stella reappeared and invited us both back to the kitchen to talk to her while she finished. Even though my entire body was aching for her, I didn’t touch her again sexually. I felt like she needed time.

  This morning I woke up with a new sense of determination. Stella is going to meet my family today. My mom’s excitement has me a bit nervous because I’ve never brought a woman home before. I warned my brothers to behave, but it’s Mom I have to worry about. She finally stopped texting me and started in on Dana to learn about Stella. Today is more than a birthday gathering; it’s my family meeting my woman.

  When we pull up to my mom’s house, Stella exhales loudly.

  “Is this your house?”

  “It was, but now just my mom and brothers live here. My brother, Matt, was only twenty-one when dad died, so he moved back in after college. My brother, Mason, is twenty-eight and lives in the guest house in the back. I haven’t lived here in fifteen years, since I went to Georgia Tech. Unless you count summers.”

  “It’s huge! My God, you could fit ten of my little houses in here.”

  “Why would we want to? Your place is perfect.”

  Her face softens and she smiles slightly.

  “Come on, I can’t wait to introduce you. But fair warning, you are the true guest of honor, not Mason.”

  “That doesn’t help my nerves, Max.”

  Ignoring her, I get out and run to her side to help her. We get the bags from the trunk and walk hand and hand to the door. Before we’re both on the porch, the door flies open and my mom stands there beaming. She looks so petite, but for the first time in ages, she looks happy.

  “You’re here!” she screams, running to me. I hug her tight and kiss her cheek, holding onto Stella’s hand. I can feel her trying to pull away.

  “Hey, Mama.”

  She steps back focuses her attention on the visibly freaked woman next to me.

  “You must be Stella.” Mom pulls her into an embrace. Stella looks stunned, but relaxes and wraps one arm around her shoulder. “So nice to finally meet you.”

  Chaos erupts in the house and Mason shouts something about it being his birthday. Both my brothers appear at the door along with Mia and her whole family.

  Fucking great, we aren’t even in the front door yet.

  “Who’s the babe Mom’s hugging?” my youngest brother, Matt, says eyeing Stella.

  “That is my babe, you dipshit,” I growl and everyone laughs. Even Stella.

  She introduces herself and each brother gives her a warm hug, watching me. My mom takes her arm, pulling her away, and leads her into the house. My brothers snicker with shit-eating grins.

  “Good luck getting her away from Mom,” Mason says.

  “Let’s get a beer. Mom has ten minutes.” I walk past everyone and head to the bar.

  Stay for a few hours I keep telling myself. Then we’ll have all night and tomorrow alone. No obligations, no interruptions, nothing. I’m usually a lot more excited about family functions, but when I see both my brothers checking out Stella’s ass in her tight pants, I lose my shit.

  “I’ll pummel you both if you don’t quit staring at her ass, or anything else for that matter.”

  “Jesus Christ, did you see her eyes?” Mason asks Matt as if I’m not standing here.

  “Forget about her eyes. Did you see her body?” Matt replies.

  I growl and guzzle the beer in my hand. Both ignore me.

  “Hey, balls for brains, both of you! Eyes to me!”

  They look at me with amusement. Waiting.

  “She’s mine. Don’t fucking think about it. It would suck for Mom’s new tile to have blood stains.”

  “You fucking serious?” Mason asks comically.

  “More serious than anything in my life.”

  “Man, who knew the infamous bachelor would finally grow some balls and claim a real woman?”

  “Don’t be a smartass, Matt, she’s different.”

  “How?” he goads me.

  I sigh, we’re getting into pussy territory. “She just is.”

  Mason starts to open his mouth when the door opens and Dana and her husband, Dave, walk in. I’m so thankful for the interruption I make a note to give her a full service spa day on her cruise.

  My mom emerges from the kitchen with Stella behind her and they both embrace Dana. When Dave meets Stella, he hugs her firmly and I decide it’s time to get back to her. Enough with the men touching her.

  “Ms. McCoy, I hope you don’t mind, but Max invited my best friend and business associate today as well,” Stella says timidly when I get to her side.

  My mom looks around the room confused. We all know this act and wait for the punchline.

  “Stella, dear did you see the ghost of my mother-in-law?”

  Stella stills against me. Her face turns white and I hold back my laughter. “Nnnnoooo, ma’am.”

  “Then there is no Ms. McCoy. You call me Sara. Always Sara. And Max already told me about your friends, as did Dana. I can’t wait to meet them.”

  Stella relaxes against my arm and I kiss her temple lightly. My mom’s eyes shine watching us.

  “Alright everyone! Back porch now. Those burgers won’t cook themselves.” Mom motions for everyone to get moving.

  The men sit down and the conversation revolves around the upcoming football season. There’s a loud banging on the side yard, against the fence. Laci and some man about six four come though screaming for Stella. As soon as she sees them she runs and hugs them both. Jealousy rages through me. Who the hell is this guy?

  “Relax brother, my guess is he isn’t interested in Stella, or the blonde,” Matt says to me laughing. As soon as he says this, I remember Stella’s new employee.

  “Laci! Get over here, girl!” Dana yells as she and my mom make their way to the fence. I follow behind.

  “Everyone, this is my best friend Laci Barnes and our associate and friend, Landon,” Stella introduces them.

  “Sweet baby Jesus, are they all straight?” Landon says unashamed.

  I look to the left and right and see both my brothers flanking me with grins. “Yes,” we say in unison.

  Everyone cracks up, including Landon.

  “Hey, hot stuff! Come help me!” Laci points at me.

  “What the hell is in here?” I groan when I lift the bag she was carrying.

  “You’ll thank me in about ten minutes,” she whispers and winks.

  My mom starts jumping like a schoolgirl, clapping her hands.

  “Laci, what did you do?” Stella a
sks nervously.

  “Stella Bella, Dana told me the McCoy’s used to love a good pool volleyball tournament, followed by copious amounts of drinks and dancing. I brought bathing suits, towels, liquor, and overnight clothes in case we need them. I heard someone named Mason was having a birthday.”

  She looks around and my brother actually blushes. I don’t blame him. Laci is a beautiful woman and her outfit hugs her body tightly. I quickly introduce everyone.

  Laci and Dana start talking at once and I catch Stella’s eyes. She’s smiling widely, looking at all the people we love with kindness. Mia scoots up to me and starts whispering in Spanish. I listen and nod approvingly. She moves away and goes to get the blender, while I take the enormous bag to the patio.

  “Girls to the house, boys to the cabana! Everyone change and meet back in fifteen minutes. Matt, please set up the volleyball net!” my mom yells and pulls Stella and Laci with her to the living room.

  I yank Stella away and my mom’s eyes soften. The rest of the women disappear, dragging the bag behind them.

  “You okay?” I ask, rubbing my finger along her jaw.

  “Absolutely, you?”

  “My mom hasn’t smiled this much in years. You’re a miracle worker.”

  “It’s not me, it’s you. She loves you so much. I’m just happy to be here. Thank you for making me come.”

  My shorts grow tight at her words, having her so close makes me want to lay her down and fuck her senseless. “Making you come has become one of my favorite things to do.”

  “Maxwell!” She swats me playfully, smiling.

  “You know how to play pool volleyball?”

  “I’ve been known to do well in the past. You better watch it.”

  “I look forward to it. Now, tell me where is Landon changing?”

  “I’ll invite him in with the girls, if you’re uncomfortable.”

  “I’m not uncomfortable at all. I know where my dick sleeps at night.”

  Her breath hitches, which makes me grow harder. “Where is that?”

  “Beside the most gorgeous girl in the world. Sometimes right against the sweet skin of her ass if her nightie rises, giving me full access.”


  “Stella! Can you two lovebirds cut it out for a few hours? We have to get you ready!” Laci shuts the French door behind us roughly and I curse her existence. My hard on is raging.

  “I better go. I’ll see you in a sec.” She kisses me quickly and disappears.

  When I turn around several sets of eyes are watching me from the cabana and laughing. I adjust my cock in my shorts and run to them. I need to change and be in the cold water before my mom joins us.

  “You’re gone, man,” Mason says to me as he throws me a suit.

  “I’m not denying it. She’s perfect.”

  Laci was right. I do want to thank her. And then kill her. The raise-my-blood-pressure moment is when Stella walked out in a hot pink, halter-top bikini. I grab the closest towel and stalk to her. Her eyes grow wide and my mom starts howling. Everyone else joins in, but I don’t see the humor. Laci tries to step in, but I side butt her and cover Stella in a single wrap.

  “What are you wearing?” I growl.

  “My bathing suit.”

  “Don’t you have something with more coverage?”

  “Are you embarrassed of me?” The tone in her voice is crippling. She thinks I’m embarrassed?

  “Fuck no, you’re fucking stunning. I want to cover you up for purely selfish reasons,” I explain.

  Her face softens and she leans into me, rubbing her chest against mine. “Sweetie, I’ll reserve the red thong only for you. But this is the next best choice.”

  Fuck! Hot pink halters, red thongs, my dick jumps again.

  “Maxwell Andrew McCoy! Let that girl go and make us some Margaritas!” my mom yells.

  “Maxwell Andrew huh? I really like that,” Stella purrs against me.

  I kiss her quickly and then head to the cabana to make drinks.

  Two hours later, everyone is having a great time. Pool volleyball was a joke with guys against girls because of height issues. We had to pick numbers and split the teams. I was never on Stella’s team. But my brothers and Dave took every chance they got to tease me about her. Each of them would pick her up to volley the ball, wrapping their hands around her slim waist. It was a complete distraction to me so I was worthless. In return, I made their drinks stronger so they couldn’t function as well.

  In the end, we played for fun and Mom, Mia, and Dana got the food together. Mason and I grilled the hamburgers, while enjoying the carefree company. I can’t remember a time like this since even before my dad died, we were all in different areas and never got together except for holidays and graduations. My mom kept looking at me with a sparkle in her eye and I winked at her.

  It doesn’t scare me at all to encourage her. Stella’s in my life and if she can welcome her, I want that. Pouring her another drink, I walk over and pull Stella into me.

  “Even with your cover up, my mind is thinking of you in that bikini.”

  “Max, please.”

  “Please what? Please don’t spin you around and fucking claim your mouth? Or please don’t pick you up and take you to a bedroom and fuck the shit out of you? Better yet, should I kiss you then take you to another room?”

  “For the love of all things holy! You two are ridiculous! Here comes Sara, watch it!” Laci pushes past me.

  Stella tries to move, but I run my lips over hers in a soft kiss and then go back to the grill.

  We eat and laugh as we watch the sun fall over the back of the property. My mom and Dana have a serious buzz going when we decide to open presents. Stella surprises me by jumping up and grabbing Laci. Both of them bring out a pile of gifts for Mason. You would think he was eight and not twenty-eight.

  He opens mom’s gifts first, and immediately throws on the football jersey she got him. Stella is handing another gift when the back door opens and a shrill voice fills the patio. Every head snaps in the direction of the sound and Erica stands in the doorway, wearing a designer sundress and platform sandals. She’s so out of place it’s ridiculous, but she walks out anyway, with a card in her hand.

  Stella stills beside me and scoots away an inch. Unfortunately, it puts her close to Mason and Erica picks up on it.

  “Mason! Did you get a girlfriend finally? You didn’t think to tell us?” She slides in next to me and tries to grab my arm. I instinctively pull away.

  “What are you doing here, Erica?” I ask sternly trying to control my temper. This is completely stepping over boundaries.

  “Oh, babe, did you think I would forget your brother’s birthday party? Sorry I’m late.”

  No one says anything, waiting on my next move. Everyone knows our situation and I haven’t spoken to this woman since the night we returned from New York. Her being here is a shock because she’s never been invited to my family functions. Showing up, uninvited, is a huge mistake.

  “Ms. McCoy, did you hear the good news? I’m going to be starring with Maxwell in the JOS photo shoot. Isn’t it perfect?”

  My mom’s only response is a forced grin.

  It’s quiet for several minutes and I feel the heat in the air. Erica is oblivious to the change in mood around her and keeps babbling. Deciding that she needs to leave now, I stand up, but a low groan stops me. I look at Stella and her expression is both angry and concerned. Her eyes slide to Mason, who looks lost. I understand completely. She’s asking me silently not to make a scene.

  I still step back from the table and walk to the bar, “Come on, baby bro, get to the rest of those presents. You aren’t getting any younger. And there’s still a half bottle of tequila.”

  He opens more while I busy myself setting up shots. I cut the limes, spread the salt, and hear the cheers behind me.

  “Hoooooolllllly shit! Is this what I think it is?” Mason yells and Stella giggles. The sound sends my heart racing. Her laughter could change e
ven the worst of moods.

  “I was told you liked the Atlanta Falcons, so I called in a favor.”

  My brother stands up and runs around the table showing off an autographed helmet. He brings it over to me with pure happiness in his eyes. Then he turns solemn.

  “Get that bitch out of here. Stella is the real deal.” He doesn’t wait for me to answer but goes back to kiss Stella on the cheek and continue opening presents.

  Something in me snaps. Enough is enough. I turn and walk back to the table and everyone looks at me expectantly.

  “Erica, I need to see you out front.”

  “But, babe, he hasn’t opened our gift yet.”

  “Now!” I walk to the French doors and motion for her to follow. As soon as she passes through Laci starts laughing.

  “You don’t have to be so rude! You embarrassed me!” Erica hisses when we get to the front driveway. “And who the fuck was that woman you kept looking at. Who are all those people?”

  “Embarrassed you? What did you think would happen? Are you that much of self-centered bitch? Did you think I was too much of a gentleman to ask you to leave? You’re not welcome here! How dare you show up? You’re nothing to me. You never were. My obligations to you were strictly through guilt. And those people are none of your business. I told you to leave me alone and get out! I. Am. Done. With. You! What don’t you understand? I’ve tried to be cordial, but you showing up tonight is the last straw. Get your fucking shit and get out of my home and my life.” My blood boils and anger flows through me. For the first and hopefully only time in my life I want to hit a woman. Her blatant disregard for any respect to my family and me makes me regret every single ounce of guilt I’ve ever felt over her overdose.

  “Baby, I know you are mad about the pictures, but please see it from my perspective. We live together, we’re meant to be.”

  “Erica, I’m through. You’re out. Don’t ever show up at my family’s home again. As for your little declaration about us doing the photo shoot together, I’m out. I’m a lawyer, Chris is my lawyer, and I have other legal contacts. I will not stand beside your coked-up ass promoting my brands. You got me?”

  “How the fuck dare you? I’m giving you my image at a discount for your flailing fucking clothing line. How can you turn me down?”


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