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Page 30

by Ahren Sanders

  “Stella, come here,” he repeats himself and crosses his arms waiting.

  I sit on the floor and glare at him.

  “I’m coming to get you in two seconds unless you get your ass over to me.”

  I remain sitting.

  “Fine.” He stalks to me, lifts me by my armpits and carries me to the couch. He positions us so I’m trapped underneath him. “We need to talk.”

  My heart races because he looks apprehensively at me.

  “First of all, you’re moving your office to my building. I’ve cleared half of the fourth floor for you. Security is tight and I’ll feel better if you’re close. Secondly, you’re hiring a new part-time employee. Your workload has increased to beyond a normal person’s capacity. Thirdly, I’ve already hired your new employee. And before you freak out, Laci and Landon are in agreement.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me! You don’t get to decide these things, Max! We’re a couple, we make these decisions together. You do not tell me what to do with my business! Remember the whole asking thing?” I struggle to push him but he tightens his hold.

  “Baby, don’t fight me on this.”

  “You. Are. Impossible! There is no way I’m agreeing to this.”

  He ignores my rant and looks at me with such love and tenderness. “One last thing.”

  “What? You going to tell me what to eat and wear too?” I spew.

  “No, I’m going to tell you that we’re getting married.”

  Breath leaves my body and I stare at him unbelieving.

  His lips twitch and he bends down for a quick kiss. “You’re finally speechless. You’re going to marry me tomorrow.”

  Tears fall out of the corners of my eyes and I shake my head slowly. “No.” My heart breaks with his declaration. This is nothing like the dream proposal I’d always envisioned.

  “No? You think you have a say so? What if I told you that you are everything to me? Beginning and ending my days with you is like oxygen to my lungs. Your smile, your tears, your every breathing moment fills my body with love. There’s nothing in this world more important to me than you. In my darkest hours, when you were taken from me, when I allowed myself to think you may die, I knew I’d die with you. Your heartbeat is the lifeline to mine. Nothing and no one will ever know the depths of my love and adoration for you. People may say you are perfect for me, but to me you’re just perfect. Everything about you is flawless. I won’t and I can’t live another day on this earth without you being my wife.”

  “Oh my God,” I say as the tears continue to flow. This time they are due to my complete awe of this man.

  “Yeah, babe, I thank God every day for you. But as I said, you have no say so. Tomorrow you become Mrs. Maxwell McCoy.” He moves slightly and digs in his pocket. When his hand covers mine, he effortlessly slips a ring on my finger.

  “I love you, Stella Sullivan, and I need you to be my wife. Say yes.”

  “Yes.” The breath catches in my throat.

  “That’s my girl.” His mouth captures mine in a scorching kiss as our bodies grind together.

  Before I can respond, his hands delicately run up my sides, taking my sweater with them. I pull, yank, and push at our clothes until we’re both fully naked and he’s braced over me.

  “I’ll love you until the last breath leaves my body, promise me you’ll love me too.” He sinks into me and I wrap my legs around his waist.

  “Forever,” is my only response as he glides in and out.

  No more words are spoken as we lock eyes and move together. His mouth skims my neck, kissing a path to one hardened nipple. Sucking lightly, he marks me then moves to the other. “The thought of never having this beautiful body again, crippled me. The sounds you make, the way your body fits mine, the feeling of being inside you. I was a dying man. But tonight you have made me the happiest I’ve ever been. I thought nothing could top the day you walked into my boardroom, but I was wrong.”

  Sobs escape my throat and I bury my head in his neck, reeling in the rawness of his confession. “I love you so much it hurts,” I whisper.

  Hands go to my scalp and he pulls me back, touching his forehead to mine. We don’t talk as he makes love to me slowly. With each stroke, ecstasy builds. Being without him has been torture and my body cries in relief. My hips grind into his, creating a rhythm. Both of us become breathless as we chase our release.

  I break our stare as my eyes roll back. The vision in my head of us connected as Max pumps into me causes a whimper. His hard, tight chest rubs against mine and I arch further into him. He picks up speed, and slams into me over and over. Without warning he stops and pulls me back. In one swift move he’s sitting with me still connected to him.

  My eyes fly open and meet his hungry stare. I feel every inch of him hard and pulsing. The scorching heat from his gaze sends a thrill through me and I push my whole body into him.

  “Look down Stella, watch as you take every fucking inch of me inside with each thrust.”

  I do as he says and watch the most erotic sight in my life. His hands grip my hips and he rotates under me. The new movement touches me deeper and I clutch his shoulders tight, trying to hold on. The familiar burn that only Max can elicit starts to build. My body gets so hot, I feel like bursting into flames. Moans escape from my lips and I throw my head forward.

  He knows when I’m close because my muscles go tight and he kisses me lightly. “Let go, Bella, I’m with you.”

  I arch into him one more time then cry out as the orgasm takes over my body. Black spots cloud my vision and he goes faster, causing me to come again. I shatter against him in pleasure, screaming his name. He twitches slightly and then attaches his mouth to my neck, no doubt marking me there too. Slamming into me once more, his breathing deepens and he growls as he comes, pouring into me.

  I sit back slightly, and kiss a trail along his jaw. “That was amazing.” My voice is barely a whisper.

  “It’s always amazing, Bella.” He lays us back and pulls me across him. As soon as he slides out, I miss his warmth.

  We lay several minutes, breathing heavily. Until realization of what just happened hits me.

  “Max, we got engaged,” I say softly.

  “Yes, and we’re getting married tomorrow.”

  The shine in his eyes is undeniable, in this moment, I want to agree, but logic rears its head.

  “We can’t get married tomorrow. Our families need to be with us. And I want a real wedding.”

  “Our families will be with us. I’ve arranged it all. And you’ll get the big wedding. The Justice of the Peace is coming to my mom’s house tomorrow and we’ll have a small reception, then Jenny, Laci, Amy, and you can plan the most elaborate wedding this town has ever seen.”

  “You planned it like this didn’t you?”

  “What?” he smirks giving away his answer.

  “You never really asked me. Similar to never asking me to have a drink with you when we first met. Similar to inviting yourself to my house for taco night. You still haven’t learned to ask anything.” I smile.

  “I’ll ask now, will you give yourself to me for the rest of your life? Will you stand by my side as my equal, my lover, the one who keeps me sane? Will you give me children with topaz eyes and strength and courage?”

  “I already said yes.”

  “Then I’d say I’ve learned to ask.”

  He hardens in me again and grinds against my hips.

  “I’m still not letting you hire my new employee. I put my foot down there.”

  “Babe, he’ll be at the wedding tomorrow. You’ll love him. You already do.” His face searches mine, waiting for me to catch on.

  “No,” I barely whisper, understanding his words. “Pedro?”

  “Yeah, babe. He’s coming here to finish high school and go to college. I’ve worked through my channels and got him, his grandma, and brother moving to Atlanta. They’ll need a place to live so Laci suggested your house.”

  “Are you real? Am I goi
ng to wake up and find this is all a dream?”

  “I ask myself the same thing daily.”

  The ring flashes and catches my attention. The largest emerald cut diamond solitaire that I’ve ever seen is nestled on my finger. “This is unreal. When did you get this?”

  “The first day you came here and I begged your forgiveness.”

  “That was months ago.”

  “Yeah, but one look from you when you understood my life, I knew. You were it. I asked your dad weeks ago at the cabin. Then I told Marshall and Laci when you were rescued.”

  “Why tomorrow, Max? Can’t we wait a bit until I have time to prepare?”

  “You don’t have to do anything, it’s all taken care of.”

  “You’re not answering me. Why tomorrow?”

  He sighs and lays his cheeks to my neck. “I can’t wait. There’s a primal urge in me to claim you, make you mine, tell the world we are married.”

  “A bit much don’t you think?”

  “Not when it comes to you.”

  “Okay, but you need to move. If I’m getting married tomorrow, there are some things I need to do.”

  “Nope, the one downfall to my plan is only having a fiancée for twenty four hours. I plan on taking full advantage of this time together. Most of it spent inside you.”

  My body responds to his as he grinds against me.

  “Give me one hour. Then you can have the rest of the day, night, and tomorrow morning. But I need one hour. There’s something I need to do.”

  He rolls off me groaning and I run to the bedroom. When I look back he’s staring at me intently with his eyes shining bright smiling widely.

  “You have one hour, then I’m coming for you.”

  I shut the door and grab a robe. Knowing he’s taken care of everything for tomorrow, I get my laptop and do the one thing I’ve wanted to do since our eyes first met, buy him a wedding ring.

  Even if I had nothing to do with today, it was perfect. One hour ago, I became Mrs. Maxwell McCoy with our families and friends cheering loudly as we said our vows. Even though it wasn’t a formal ceremony, both our mothers and Dana cried.

  I wore a strapless ivory floor-length gown, adorned with crystals that Laci had ready for me this morning. When I questioned her, she shrugged and ignored me. Max wore an Armani Tux that was made for him. Amy and Laci, and Chris, Mason, and Matt stood by our sides as we said our vows. More than once, there was a sniff behind me.

  Laci picked up the band I chose late last night. When I slipped the platinum and gold ring on Max’s hand he looked at me in surprise. I winked and whispered, “You’re not the only one with connections.”

  We had our first dance as husband and wife and then Mason and Matt whisk me away, claiming me for every song. Pretty soon, Jake and Chris join in until Max threatens to close the party down unless they give him his wife back. My mom and Amy giggle at his tactics, not knowing he’s serious.

  The only men Max doesn’t mind turning me over to is my dad and Marshall. My dad is quiet but holds me close, telling me how happy he is for me. Apparently, Max has shared his love and devotion for me repeatedly with my family. All my dad can say is, “Be happy, Stella Bella. Let that man love you the way he needs to.”

  Marshall, however, is more vocal, catching me off-guard. “I love you, Stella. Loved you since you were a girl. Your dad and I have talked a lot and we both agree Max is the one for you. But if he ever fucks up, you come to me. I won’t allow anything to happen to my girls.”

  “I love you for caring about me, but something tells me he won’t fuck up. We’re kinda soul mates, if that doesn’t sound corny.”

  “Not corny at all, I feel that with Laci’s mom. But the offer stands, you need me, you call.”

  “You know Laci’s next right? She and Jake have a connection. It could get serious.”

  “She could do worse I guess.” His eyes get soft and we both look at Laci and Jake dancing. “He seems solid and she could use some toning down.”

  “Right! Like she’s ever going to calm down.”

  “I don’t want my baby to change, but a good man can do all sorts of things.” He winks at me and I know in my heart he’s already had a conversation with Jake.

  “Excuse me, sir,” a very nervous Pedro interrupts. “May I cut in?”

  Marshall gives him my hand and kisses me on the cheek. “Yes, young man, you may. Enjoy.”

  Pedro takes my hand and puts his arm around my waist tensely. “I’ve never really danced,” he admits.

  “Well lucky for you I’m an expert.” I pull him close and position him correctly, then guide him around the small dance floor.

  “I’m not sure it’s appropriate to dance with my boss, but your sister insisted I come ask you.”

  “I’m not your boss.”

  His face drops and he stops moving. I urge him to keep going. “I’m your friend. There’s a huge difference. You’re going to work with my team, but finish school. Then when you get into college, you’ll have a part time job as you need. Or you can go back to work with Max. You may hate Public Relations, and I’m okay with that. I’ll take your help as long as you want to assist us. We’re a quacky team.”

  “I met Landon, he has a bit of flare,” he says apprehensively.

  “He sure does! Isn’t it great?” I laugh and watch as his face fills with humor.

  “I’m honored for your help, Stella.”

  “I’m the one who’s honored. I don’t know how you came into my life, but you have been a wonderful addition to my family.” My eyes tear up and Max is at my side in an instant.

  “Pedro, Stella cries a lot when she’s happy. You must have made her smile, because these aren’t tears of sadness.”

  “I’m not sure I’ll ever understand women. One minute we’re joking and the next she’s in tears. Pretty sure a broken rib is less painful than seeing her cry.”

  “Man, don’t ever try to understand women. Just hope to God you find the one that shapes your life.”

  “I hear ya. I’m going back to my grandma, who’s also crying watching us.”

  “Wait!” I yell and launch myself at him. “Thank you for being you. I’ll expect you to call me when you get settled and in your new high school. We’ll work out a schedule.”

  He nods and walks away with his cheeks blushed.

  “You have that effect on people. I’m actually jealous of the boy.” Max takes me in his arms and leads me around the dance floor.

  Ignoring him, I lay my cheek against his chest and breathe him in. “You have a lot of explaining to do, Maxwell Andrew. This isn’t just a party you threw together. The food, the music, the tents. This took planning.”

  “Bella, anything’s possible with money.”

  “Yeah, but how did you do this?”

  “The minute you fell asleep in my arms in the hospital when you were rescued. I told my mom to get ready.”

  “Today is perfect. I don’t think I want another ceremony.” His eyes flutter slightly and he shakes his head.

  “No, I want your dreams to come true. You should have the biggest celebration you deserve. I’m a selfish man, Stella. I needed this, but I won’t take away the girlhood dream you’ve been planning in your head since you were eight.”

  “You really shouldn’t listen to Laci. Everything you just said came from her mouth. But what she doesn’t know is love changes things. Being here with you, on our wedding night, surrounded by family trumps anything I ever thought I wanted.”

  “Well, hopefully you won’t think this it too much then.” He looks at the man behind the bar and jerks his head.

  In less than an instant, the sky lights up with fireworks. Cheers and yelling comes from our crowd, but I nestle into his arms and watch in amazement. Laci comes to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek then backs away. Letting me have this moment with my new husband. He holds me tight against him, rubbing his hand along my back.

  I’m the happiest in my life. I close my eyes and thank
God for the moment I decided to bid for the job at Hurst & McCoy. While I used to think the job would catapult my future, I was completely wrong. The decision to take the chance, brought me my future in the form of Maxwell McCoy.

  10 months later

  I’m going to spank her. Then I’m going to tie her to the bed, fuck her, and make her listen. She knew better than to leave the office today without me.

  I call Laci again, not caring if I piss her off. As soon as she answers, I bark into the phone. “Have you heard from her?”

  “Jesus Christ! Not since you called me five minutes ago. I told you, she has a surprise for you. Leave her alone.”

  “You obviously don’t know how I operate. First of all, I don’t do surprises when it comes to Stella. Second, I want my wife. Where is she?”

  “I. Don’t. Know. She told me she was going to the spa and then to get you something special.”

  “Laci, I know you think I’m crazy, but she’s due with our baby in three weeks. She disappeared without telling me and I’m fucking going crazy. I’m about to pull your fucking fiancé into this shit. Jake is the best tracker I know.”

  “Fucking raw. You are fucking raw, that woman is trying to plan something, trust me. She’s fine.”

  My phone beeps with an incoming call and I sigh in relief when I see Stella’s name.

  “That’s her calling.” I hang up on her and switch over. “Stella, where the hell are you?!”

  “Listen to me baby, there’s a driver downstairs. Grab my bag and meet me at the hospital. Call Landon and tell him to come over for Scout tonight. I’m already in a room and waiting on you. I’ll explain when you get here.”

  “Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”

  “Yes, but stop questioning me and get here.” She hangs up and I grab the duffle by the door and run to the elevator.

  By the time I get to the hospital, I’m a nervous wreck. Every bad scenario has played in my mind. The nurse looks at me kindly as she points me to the right room. Once I get to the door, I open it quietly, not knowing what to expect.

  My beautiful Stella is lying in the bed with her hands resting on her rounded stomach laughing at the TV. When her eyes hit mine, I feel a rush of calmness. They are the color of amber and glistening bright.


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