Something Wonderful

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Something Wonderful Page 44

by Todd S. Purdum

  New York Post

  New York State Federation of Women’s Clubs

  New York Sun

  New York Times

  New York World-Telegram & Sun

  Nichols, Lewis

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nimitz, Chester W.

  Nimmo, James

  Nixon, Marni

  Nixon, Richard

  No, No, Nanette

  “No Other Love”

  North by Northwest (film)

  Norton, Elliot

  No Strings

  critics on

  Tony Awards


  “No Way to Stop It”

  “Now Is the Time”

  Nuyen, France

  Obama, Barack

  Odets, Clifford

  Of Thee I Sing

  Oh, Boy

  “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’”

  O’Hara, John



  Bennett’s orchestrations and

  Carousel and

  cast and creative team

  cast recording

  critics on

  de Mille and

  finances and

  Hammerstein on, vs. Show Boat

  Hammerstein writes book and lyrics

  Hart bows out of

  Helburn proposes

  Hersey on

  opening night

  out-of-town tryouts

  Pulitzer Prize


  revolutionary nature of

  rights and

  Rodgers and Hammerstein agree to collaborate on

  Rodgers and Hammerstein writing method and

  Rodgers writes music

  South Pacific vs.

  statehood idea and

  Steinbeck on

  success of


  touring company

  World War II and

  Oklahoma! (film)


  critics on

  finances and

  Rodgers and Hammerstein produce

  “Oklahoma” (song)

  “Old Black Joe”

  “Old Fashioned Wedding, An”

  “Ol’ Man River”

  On a Clear Day You Can See Forever (Lerner & Lane)

  Once Upon a Mattress (Mary Rodgers)

  One Dam Thing After Another

  “One Foot, Other Foot”

  O’Neill, Eugene

  One Minute, Please

  “On the Sunny Side of the Street”

  On the Town

  On the Waterfront (film)

  On Your Toes

  On Your Way

  “Operation Alligator” (Michener)

  “Ordinary Couple, An”

  Oregon Shakespeare Festival

  Osborn, Fairfield

  “Our Heroine” (Michener)

  Our Town (Wilder)

  Pajama Game, The

  Pal Joey

  Papp, Joseph

  Paramount Pictures

  Peace Pirates, The

  Pearl Harbor


  People’s Songs

  “People Will Say We’re in Love”

  Perlberg, William

  Peter Pan

  Peters, Lauri

  Picnic (film)

  Picnic (Inge play)

  Pinza, Ezio

  Pipe Dream

  critics on

  failure of

  Steinbeck on


  Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

  Plummer, Christopher

  Pomahac, Bruce


  Porgy and Bess (musical)

  Porgy (Heyward and Heyward play)

  Porter, Cole

  Potash, Shirley

  “Prelude to Ballet”

  Presley, Elvis

  Prince, Harold

  “Prince Is Giving a Ball, The”

  Prude, Walter

  Puccini, Giacomo

  Pulitzer Prize

  “Puzzlement, A”

  Pygmalion (Shaw)

  Queen O’ Hearts

  Quinn, Anthony

  racial prejudice

  Radio Writers Guild

  Raitt, John

  Reagan, Ronald

  “Real Nice Clambake, A”

  Reinheimer, Howard

  “Remittance Man” (Michener)

  Repairs Inc.

  Republican Party

  Revuers, The


  Reynolds, Debbie

  Riggs, Rollie Lynn

  Rio Rita

  Rittmann, Trude


  Robards, Jason, Jr.

  Robbins, Jerome

  Roberts, Joan

  Robeson, Essie

  Robeson, Paul

  Robinson, Jackie

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rodeo (de Mille ballet)

  Rodgers, Dorothy Belle Feiner (wife)

  Berlin and

  career of

  Carousel and

  children and

  death of

  death of Richard and

  Dorothy Hammerstein and

  Hart and

  heart attack of

  homes and

  I Remember Mama and

  King and I and

  marriage to Richard

  Oklahoma and

  publishes My Favorite Things

  relationship of Rodgers and Hammerstein and

  Richard’s health problems and

  Rodgers, Linda (daughter; later Melnick)

  Rodgers, Mamie Levy (mother)

  Rodgers, Mary (daughter)

  Rodgers, Morty (brother)

  Rodgers, Richard

  aging of

  alcoholism and

  Allegro and

  Andrews on

  Androcles and the Lion and

  Annie Get Your Gun produced by

  autobiography Musical Stages and

  awards and

  Bennett’s orchestrations and

  Berlin and

  Bernstein on

  birth of

  Broadway debut Lonely Romeo with Hart and

  business acumen and

  Carousel and

  Carousel filming and

  Carroll on

  childhood and early life of

  on Chorus Line

  Cinderella and

  collaboration with Hammerstein, as conundrum

  collaboration with Hammerstein, begun with Oklahoma

  collaboration with Hammerstein, revived after King and I

  collaboration with Harnick on Rex

  collaboration with Hart

  collaboration with Sondheim on Do I Hear a Waltz?

  collaborative skill of, with Hammerstein

  on commercial projects

  composing and work habits of

  composing method with Hammerstein and

  composing method with Hart and

  Connecticut Yankee revival with Hart and

  death of

  death of Hart and

  death of Hammerstein and

  death of Lawrence and

  de Mille and

  depressions and

  early collaboration with Hammerstein, Up Stage and Down

  early musical influences

  education of

  Ewen on songwriting of

  on failure

  fame of

  fiftieth birthday party

  finances and

  first copyrighted song

  first meets Hammerstein at Columbia Varsity Show

  first musical, One Minute Please

  Flower Drum Song and

  Garrick Gaieties with Hart and

  Halliday and

  Hammerstein’s political problems and

  Hammerstein’s relationship with

  Hammerstein vs.

  Happy Birthday produced by

  on Hart’s lyric writing

  health problems of

  Hersey on Ok
lahoma! and

  hit songs and

  Hollywood and

  homes of

  I Remember Mama as last musical of

  jazz interpretations and

  King and I and

  King and I filming and

  Lawrence and

  legacy and influence of

  Lerner and Loewe vs.

  Logan’s credit for South Pacific and

  London shows with Hart

  lyrics written by

  marriage to Dorothy Feiner

  Mary Rodgers on

  Me and Juliet and

  Mielziner sues

  musical style of

  music publishing and

  Music Theater of Lincoln Center led by

  No Strings with Taylor and

  Oklahoma! and

  Oklahoma! filming and

  On Your Toes with Hart and

  Pal Joey with Hart and

  personality and appearance of

  Pipe Dream and

  politics of

  Porter on

  producing and

  recording contracts and

  revivals and touring companies and

  Rittmann’s arrangements and

  Sondheim and

  Sound of Music and

  Sound of Music filming and

  South Pacific and

  South Pacific filming and

  State Fair film remake and

  success and

  television tribute to

  theatrical knowledge of

  Toast of the Town tribute and

  Two by Two and

  Victory at Sea score and

  womanizing and

  Rodgers, Tily (aunt)

  Rodgers, William Abraham (father)

  Rodgers and Hammerstein Fact Book, The

  Rodgers and Hammerstein firm

  Annie Get Your Gun and

  Happy Birthday and

  I Remember Mama and

  John Loves Mary and


  stops producing plays by others

  Rodgers and Hammerstein Pictures

  Rodgers and Hammerstein Songbook, The

  Rogers, Ginger

  Rogers, Will

  Romberg, Sigmund

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rose, Billy


  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel

  Rowe, Clive

  Ruby, Harry

  Russell, Lillian

  Russell, Rosalind

  Ryan, Robert

  Salomon, Henry

  Sandburg, Carl

  Saratoga Trunk (Ferber)

  Sardi, Vincent, Jr.

  Sargeant, Winthrop

  Saroyan, William

  Saturday Review

  Savage, Archie

  Saxon, Luther

  Say It with Jazz

  Say Mama!

  Sayonara (film)

  Schenck, Joseph

  Schrier, Morris

  Schubert, Franz

  Schumann, Robert

  Schuster, Max

  Schwartz, Jonathan

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold

  Screenwriters Guild

  Segal, Vivienne

  Selznick, David O.

  Selznick, Irene Mayer

  Selznick, Myron

  “Shall I Tell You What I Think of You?”

  “Shall We Dance?”

  Shamroy, Leon

  Sharaff, Irene

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Sher, Bartlett

  Sherwood, Robert E.

  “Shine On, Harvest Moon”

  Shipley, Ruth

  Short, Hassard

  Show Boat (Ferber novel)

  Show Boat (film)

  Show Boat (musical)

  Oklahoma! and


  success of

  themes of

  Shribman, Joe

  Shribman, Owen

  Shriver, Maria

  Shubert brothers

  Sills, Beverly

  Simmons, Jean

  Simon, Henry

  Simon, Paul

  Simple Simon

  Sinatra, Frank

  “Sixteen Going on Seventeen”

  Skin of Our Teeth, The (Wilder)

  Skouras, George

  Skouras, Spyros

  Slaughter on Tenth Avenue (ballet)

  “Small House of Uncle Thomas, The”

  Smith, Cecil

  Smith, Faye Elizabeth

  Smith, Muriel

  Smith, Oliver

  Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

  Sobel, Ronald

  “So Far”

  “Softly, as in a Morning Sunrise”


  “So Long, Farewell”

  “Some Enchanted Evening”

  “Someone to Watch over Me”

  “Someone Will Teach You”

  Something for the Boys

  “Something Good”

  “Something Wonderful”

  Sondheim, Herbert

  Sondheim, Janet Fox “Foxy”

  Sondheim, Stephen

  Allegro and

  on Carousel

  Company and

  death of Hammerstein and

  death of Rodgers and

  Do I Hear a Waltz? and

  Gypsy and

  Hammerstein mentors

  on Hammerstein and Rodgers

  on Hammerstein’s lyrics

  meets Harold Prince

  West Side Story and

  Song of the Flame

  “Song of the High Seas”

  Sothern, Ann

  Sound of Music, The

  cast and creative team

  critics on

  film version vs.

  finances and

  Hammerstein writes lyrics

  Lindsay and Crouse write book

  Maria von Trapp on

  Martin and

  opening night

  original cast album

  out-of-town tryouts


  reputation of Rodgers and Hammerstein and



  Rodgers writes music

  Sister Gregory as advisor on

  success of

  Timothy Crouse on


  Tony Awards

  Sound of Music, The (film)

  Academy Awards and


  critics on

  finances and

  new songs for


  soundtrack album

  success of

  “Sound of Music, The” (song)

  South Pacific


  Bennett’s orchestration and

  cast and creative team



  critics on

  as cultural phenomenon

  finances and

  Hammerstein writes book and lyrics

  idea for, and Michener book

  King and I and

  Logan and

  London production

  Martin and

  Michener offered share of

  opening night

  out-of-town tryouts

  portrayal of Southeast Asia and

  racial theme and

  rehearsals and


  Rittman arrangements and

  Rodgers writes music

  Steinbeck on

  success of

  touring company

  South Pacific (film)


  critics on

  finances and

  soundtrack album

  Spanish Civil War

  Spencer, Elizabeth

  Spencer, Natalie

  Springsteen, Bruce

  Stack, Robert

  Stanislavski, Konstantin

  Stanwyck, Barbara

  Star Is Born, A (film)

  “Star-Spangled B
anner, The”

  State Department

  “State Fair”

  State Fair (film, 1945 remake)

  State Fair (film, 1961 remake)

  State of the Union

  Steele, Mary

  Steiger, Rod

  Stein, Jules

  Steinbeck, Elaine

  Steinbeck, John

  Stevens, Gary

  Stevens, George

  Stewart, James

  Stickney, Dorothy

  St. John, Betta

  Stone, Peter

  Stoppard, Tom

  Storch, Larry

  Story of the Trapp Family Singers, The (von Trapp)

  Stothart, Herbert

  “Stouthearted Men”

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Strasberg, Lee

  Strauss, Helen

  Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams)

  Strindberg, August

  Stritch, Elaine

  Student Prince (Romberg)

  Styne, Jule

  “Suddenly Lucky”

  Sullavan, Margaret

  Sullivan, Ed

  Summertime (film)


  Sunny River

  Surrey Enterprises

  “Surrey with the Fringe on Top, The”

  Surtees, Robert

  Suzuki, Pat

  Swanson, Gloria

  Sweeney Todd (Sondheim)

  Sweet Adeline

  “Sweetest Sounds, The”

  Sweet Thursday (Steinbeck)

  Tabbert, William

  Tailor in the Chateau (Armont and Marchand)

  Tales of the South Pacific (Michener). See also South Pacific

  libretto adapted from

  Pulitzer Prize

  Talmadge, Norma

  Tammany Hall

  Taubman, Howard

  Taylor, Deems

  Taylor, Elizabeth

  Taylor, James

  Taylor, Samuel

  Tea and Sympathy (film)

  Temple, Shirley

  Temple Bells

  “Ten Cents a Dance”

  Ten Commandments, The (film)

  Terris, Norma

  Texas, Temple

  “Thanksgiving Follies”

  “That’s For Me”

  “That Terrific Rainbow”

  Theatre Arts magazine

  Theatre Guild

  Allegro and

  Carousel and

  Oklahoma! and

  “Theme of the Fast Carriers”

  “There Is Nothin’ Like a Dame”

  “There’s Always Room for One More”

  “There’s No Business Like Show Business”

  “They Didn’t Believe Me”

  “They Say It’s Wonderful”

  This Is the Army (Berlin)

  “This Nearly Was Mine”

  Thomas, Danny

  Thompson, Jim

  Three Sisters

  Tickle Me


  Time of the Cuckoo, The (Laurents)

  Time of Your Life, The (Saroyan)

  Tinney, Frank

  “Tired Businessman, The”

  Toast of the Town (TV show)

  Tobacco Road (Caldwell)

  Todd, Michael


  Together with Music (TV special)

  “To Keep My Love Alive”

  Tolson, Clyde

  “Tom and I”

  Tone, Franchot

  Tony Awards

  Too Many Girls

  Tormé, Mel

  Town & Country magazine

  Tozzi, Giorgio

  Trapp Family Singers; see also von Trapp

  Traubel, Helen

  “Tree in the Park, A”

  “Trolley Song, The”

  Truman, Harry S.


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