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Perfect Strangers

Page 6

by Jan Stryvant

  "I don't hate you," Sean purred.

  "I don't hate you either," Roxy added and Sean felt Roxy's hands start to run all over Jolene's body as Roxy started in on Jolene's other ear with her tongue as well.

  Sean almost laughed as Jolene's body shivered and she tightened down on him quite a bit, hastening the approach of his orgasm. He hadn't closed the spell yet, and suddenly he could see Roxy's energy joining the flow of his into Jolene.

  That piqued his interest rather severely, but before he could ask Jolene about it, he was there himself, shivering through his own release.

  "My turn," Roxy said as Sean finally wound down.

  "Oh definitely," he laughed.

  Pulling Roxy close he started to kiss that nice hard body of hers, working his way down its length until he got to her sex, and then started in on her with his tongue. He'd need a few minutes to recover, but that didn't mean he couldn't please her until he did.

  Of course Jolene joined in, and when Sean finally mounted Roxy, putting her legs over his shoulders as he made love to her a lot more physically than Jolene tended to prefer, he noticed once again the flow of energy from the two of them into Jolene.

  When Sean finally collapsed onto a very satisfied Roxy, who had her legs crossed behind his neck at this point, he pulled Jolene close as they all snuggled, and he shut the spell down.

  "Is there anyway you can send all that energy back to me?" Sean asked, catching his breath. "That is what Roxy is giving you, as well as yours?"

  Jolene gave a small nod. "Of course. I did that to you last night, remember? But why?"

  "Because I can make a copy of my necklace," Sean smiled, "and I want to make one for Roxy. But it takes a lot of energy, about twice what I've got myself I'm guessing."

  "What? I thought making one of those took weeks?" Roxy asked.

  "Yeah," Jolene agreed.

  "I found a shortcut," Sean sighed and nuzzled Roxy. "But it needs all the energy at once. Well, that and a good quality chain."

  "So, where's a jewelry store?" Roxy purred happily.

  "Boomtown is far enough away that hopefully no one is looking for us, and they got jewelry," Jolene said.

  "Two things," Sean said, "first, we need something sturdy like what I'm wearing, they're not going to have that at Boomtown, we'd be better off getting a choker chain at Cabella's, and I don't think I'd survive giving something like that to one of my wives."

  "And the second?"

  "We don't have a car."


  "Yeah, oh."

  Roxy tapped Sean on the shoulder and unwrapped her legs from around his neck.

  "Let me up."

  Sean carefully untangled himself from Roxy and Jolene, and then watched as Roxy got out her phone and started messing with it.

  After a minute Roxy smiled, "There's a pawn shop not all that far from here, we can walk there and see what they got."

  "What about food?" Sean asked.

  "There are tons of food places around there too."

  "Sounds good to me then," Sean yawned and stretched, then getting up he looked at his pants from last night.

  "I think washing these is a lost cause."

  "What about your backpack?"

  Sean sighed and nudged it with his foot. "Maybe I should have dropped it before I tried playing kamikaze; it's covered in blood and pretty badly shot up."

  Bending over he picked it up, and opening it, he dumped it out on the bed.

  "Oh my poor laptop," Sean sighed, it had two bullet holes in it now. Pulling out his clothes, there was one pair of pants in the backpack; the other one was now burned up, along with several of his shirts. There were however two pairs of the canvas shoes and one pair wasn't even shot up. As for his shirts, well, he had a t-shirt and a button down shirt that were both the same color, so if he put them both on, hopefully the holes wouldn't be noticeable.

  "Well, let's go shower. Then we can throw the rest of this out and figure out our car problems."

  "Are we coming back here to enchant the necklace?" Roxy asked.

  "You know," Jolene said. "There's a CVS right next door. Why don't we go there and see about buying Sean some shirts that don't look all shot up first?"

  Roxy sat up straight, "There's a convenience store here?"

  "Yeah, why?"

  "Do they sell like, hair dye and makeup?"

  Jolene grinned at her, "Thinking about a makeover?"

  "Hell yes! If they can't scry him, or track him, they have to identify him by looks! Well, what if he no longer looks the same?"

  Jolene stood up and started getting dressed. "You two shower, I'll go get some makeup and hair dye."

  By the time they were done showering, Jolene was back from the store and she tossed Roxy a box.

  "I'll be in the shower; you can get started on that."

  "Thanks!" Roxy said looking at it, and then at Sean, "Hmmm, yeah, you'll look different as a blond."

  "Don't forget the eyebrows!" Jolene warned.

  "You're going to dye my hair?" Sean asked.

  "Yup. Now grab a towel, this shouldn't take too long."

  Sean shrugged and getting a couple of towels he sat down on a chair as Roxy went to work on him.

  An hour later, after he'd washed the dye out of his hair, and Jolene had used a pair of clippers on him, he was fairly blond with a lot shorter hair.

  "Here, wear these," Jolene handed his a pair of lightly tinted glasses next.

  "What are they?"

  "Computer glasses, but the look enough like prescription ones that folks will think you need them. Now just a little makeup to make it look like you've got a small blemish on your left cheek, and there! No one will recognize you."

  Sean stopped and looked in a mirror, "Are you sure about this?"

  "Most people looking for you will either be going by a description, or a picture. Trust me; you're not going to stand out. Now, I need to raid some of Roxy's clothes, and then we can get going."

  Sean nodded and put on his pants, socks, and shoes. Jolene threw a large oversized t-shirt at him and he put that on instead of the button down shirt he was thinking of wearing. Jolene had taken a razor to that shirt and when she got done with it she put it on and it was rather hard for Sean to keep his eyes off of her.

  "They won't be looking at you, if they're looking at me," she smiled.

  "So, everyone ready?" Roxy asked, having cleaned up the mess in the room and stuffed everything they were trashing in Sean's backpack, while Sean had reloaded his two magazines. He'd need more ammo soon. And more magazines, two definitely were not enough.

  "What's in the small sack, anyway?" Roxy asked, picking it up off the bed and tossing it to him.

  "A dozen gold coins," Sean said, catching it and putting it in his pants pocket.

  "That's gotta be about twenty grand right there."

  Sean nodded, "Yeah, let's get going."

  Two hours later they were sitting in a fast food restaurant eating lunch. They'd found three heavy chains that would work, that were white gold. There were about a dozen more he could have used, but they were made out of silver, and Sean was quickly learning to avoid silver. Touching it didn't damage him, immediately at least, but it was seriously uncomfortable.

  "We need a car," Jolene sighed.

  "It would definitely help," Roxy agreed.

  "We also need a place to stay," Sean added, "a safe place. One with a lot more escape routes."

  "I wonder how they found us? That place was warded, right?" Roxy asked, looking at Jolene, who nodded.

  "Yeah, it was. I'm guessing that they must have started searching all the buildings in the area, and when they found the tower was warded, they figured that was where you were hiding out."

  "You can tell if a place is warded?" Sean asked.

  Jolene nodded, "If you're inside it, yeah, of course you can. You just can't tell from outside. They must have guessed you were living nearby, after what happened in McDonalds."

  "We still
don't even know who they were," Sean sighed.

  "And we don't know what the ones who got away figured out," Roxy added.

  Jolene sighed, "I need to go visit Sawyer."

  "We need to visit Sawyer," Sean told her.

  "Hon, I don't exactly trust Sawyer not to sell us out."

  "What, even after my dad paid him that little visit?" Roxy grinned.

  "Sawyer's greed often outweighs his good sense, Hon," Jolene pointed out.

  Sean smiled, "So, we appeal to his greed. I give him a lycan necklace to sell, and promise him a lot more trinkets after things quiet down."

  "Hmm, that might work."

  "Now, how about we find a nice place to work a little magic?" Sean winked at the two of them.

  "Oh, there's a nice place just down the block from here!" Jolene smiled.

  Roxy looked at her, "Girl, do you know the location of every hotel in this town?"

  Jolene blushed rather suddenly, "Umm, tantric witch, remember?" she said in a very quiet voice.

  "With all the things you do to me in bed, it's kind of hard to forget!" Sean purred and then laughed, as Jolene suddenly looked proud, while blushing all the way down to her nicely displayed cleavage at the same time.

  "Okay," Sean told them as they got onto the bed, "while I'm fairly sure I understand the theory, I've never enchanted anything before, and I don't know that anyone has done it this way, either.

  "So, Jolene, you're the expert here. If things look like they're going too crazy, see if you can't throttle it back, or at least cut you and Roxy out of the feed. I don't want you two getting hurt, okay?"

  Jolene nodded, and Sean smiled looking her nicely curved naked body over once again. Leaning forward he pulled her close and gave her a hug and a deep kiss. Then releasing her, he turned and smiled at Roxy, with her more muscular and sleek body and pulling her close he gave her a hug and a long lingering kiss as well.

  Jolene had told them which position she felt would give him the most power and control over what was going on, while allowing her to keep an eye on what they were doing. He'd be on his back again, while the girls made love to him and each other. Only this time he'd be holding one of the necklaces they'd bought in his right hand.

  Sean almost had to laugh at Roxy's excitement. He wondered which she wanted more right now, him or the necklace? He decided his ego was better off not knowing.

  They started off slowly, with the girls kissing and licking at his body, as he let his hands roam over theirs. Sean was already ready to go; just the sight of their nude bodies was enough to excite him. But Jolene had told him that the more pleasure and emotions you brought to the act, the more power you could generate.

  Besides, what guy didn't want two unbelievably sexy and powerful women making love to him?

  When the girls finally climbed on top of him and they all went to the next level, Sean called up his monitor spell, so he could watch the power flows. Picking up the necklace from where he'd set it on the bed, he got his lycan necklace tarball ready and waited for their power flows to all start peaking.

  Just as they did he triggered the tarball to 'download' into the necklace. There was a suddenly surge of power, and the effect was rather interesting as Sean suddenly bucked up hard into Roxy, who was astride him, gasping with a rather powerful orgasm, as Roxy clenched down tightly on him herself, as she also was seized by a powerful orgasm, with Jolene drenching his face as she joined them.

  When they all finally came down, Sean took a moment to catch his breath, and give Roxy and Jolene a hug from underneath as they both held each other panting.

  "Welcome to the joy's of tantric magic," Jolene mumbled.

  "Oh, can we do that again?" Roxy purred, having shifted into her hybrid form. Sean was a little surprised that he'd shifted as well. Using his powers he checked the necklace, everything was exactly as it should be, magically.

  "I don't see why not," Jolene laughed weakly. "I mean we have two more to do right?"

  Sean heard Roxy pick up one of the other necklaces off the nightstand by the bed, and then she took the one he'd just done and handed him one of the regular chains.

  "Back to work, Love!" Roxy purred and reaching down gave him a couple of pats on the chest.

  Sean growled, but while the power he could see through his magic had decreased some, there actually was more than enough left to do two more. The joining of the three of them had apparently generated a lot more than Sean had realized, and suddenly he understood the real reason the other magic users didn't like tantric practitioners. Jolene and he had just unleashed a very large amount of power, undoubtedly a lot more than regular magic users could muster with only three people.

  Grabbing Roxy's thighs, Sean got back to 'work' rather enthusiastically.

  An hour and two rather orgasmic experiences later, a fairly exhausted Sean was being washed in the shower by Roxy and Jolene who were being incredibly affectionate.

  "That was wonderful," Roxy purred.

  "You're just happy that you got a necklace," Sean sighed, relaxing between the two of them.

  "Well, yeah!" Roxy laughed, "But that whole experience was nice. It reminded me of the first time all three of us where together."

  "It can be a tad habit forming," Jolene agreed. "Though we need to be careful we don't wear our Sean here down to a frazzle. He was supplying a lot of the magical energy."

  "You mean our mate," Roxy smiled and hugged him.

  Jolene blushed, "Okay, our mate."

  Sean purred rather loudly when Jolene said that, and turning to her, he took her head between his hands and kissed her.

  "Finally!" Sean smiled.

  "Yeah, yeah. My old master warned me that this might happen one day."

  Roxy smiled and hugged them both, "Now, what do you say we dry off and get some food into our mate here, then grab a bus or something over to Sawyer's place?"

  "It's almost three, will he still be there?" Sean asked.

  "He's a fence for the supernatural," Jolene chuckled, "he's always there."

  "Umm hmm," Sean nodded and took a moment to examine the necklace Roxy was now wearing. Interestingly enough, it was now an exact copy of his, right down to the coloration and the tiger's eye stone in the center. Apparently his tarball archive had copied not just the magical aspects of the lycan necklace, but the physical aspects of it as well.

  That gave Sean a few thoughts, but he'd have to consider the implications of that later. Right now he wanted a quick bite to eat, and to go meet this Sawyer.

  Small Change

  "Guns aren't allowed inside the store," Marx said to Sean as he walked inside.

  Sean stopped and looked at the large, well, heavy, almost obese, guy sitting by the door; his lion felt it immediately, wereboar. Big one too.

  Sean smiled at him and looked Marx in the eyes and smiled, "Do you really think I need a gun?"

  Marx's eyes suddenly went very wide, and he noticed Jolene and Roxy entering behind Sean.

  "It's him, isn't it?" Marx hissed at Jolene in a whisper.

  Jolene just smiled and nodded.

  "What are you doing bring him here? Are you crazy?"

  "Here, have a gift," Sean said and handed Marx one of the two lycan necklaces.

  Marx looked at the necklace and back at Sean, "I can't afford one of these!"

  "I said it was a gift, put it on, try it out. I want your boss to be sure I'm selling the real thing here."

  Turning back towards the counter at the other end of the room, Sean, started to walk towards it, looking over the small green man standing behind it. Jolene had warned him about Sawyer. Extensively. She told him he was tall for a goblin, even handsome by their standards. But he was still a rude, crass, greedy, and self-serving man, unless he could make a profit, or his personal safety was on the line.

  "Hey, Tramp! Why are you bringing filthy humans in here?" Sawyer yelled from the back. "Can't you do your tricks in the alley, like all the other whores do?"

  Growling Sea
n walked up to the counter, eyes level with Sawyer.

  "You will not refer to my woman like that, understand?"

  Sawyer laughed, "Why? You gonna do something about it?"

  Sean shifted and looked down at Sawyer, and growled again, "If I have to."

  Sawyer's eyes got wide and he looked at Jolene and then at Roxy.

  "Shit! You brought Tooth and Claw Channing's kid in here, and the Valens' kid? What are you trying to do to me, Jolene! Get out of here! Now! Leave!"

  "Well at least you aren't calling her rude names anymore," Sean chuckled and pulling out the other lycan necklace, he put it on the counter. "Know what this is?"

  "A cheap necklace, that's what it is," Sawyer said looking at Sean nervously. "You want a pawn shop, there's a thousand of them in this town. Go find one."

  "Boss!" Marx said walking up and standing next to Sean, "It's a lycan necklace."

  "Sure it is!" Sawyer said.

  Marx shifted, and Sean notice that as a hybrid, Marx came up to his nose - he was pretty damn big. Sure, Sean was bigger, but he'd definitely rather not tangle with the wereboar.

  "Notice my clothing didn't rip?" Marx said.

  Sawyer looked at Marx, then back at Sean.

  "I gave him one, as a gift," Sean smiled, "so you could prove to any potential customers that you did indeed have a source."

  Sawyer eyed him warily, "What do you want?"

  "Information, lots of it. I need to know who's after me, where they live, what they're doing, what they're afraid of, contacts to people who might help me, and a bunch more necklaces like this one to enchant."

  "And what do I get?"

  "You get that one for free, and we split the take fifty/fifty on the rest of the ones I give you."

  "You start spreading these around, and you know the bottom is going to fall out of the market!"

  Sean grinned, "That's the idea. And after I flood the market with these, I'll start flooding it with whatever other magic items that the councils don't want lycans to have."

  Sawyer paused a moment, and put his hand on his chin in thought, "Let me make sure I have this straight. You want to flood the market with stuff specially designed to piss off the magic users, while I make money in the process?"


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