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The Baby Bump_Black Knights MC

Page 1

by Sophia Gray

  This is a work of fiction. Any names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons--living or dead--is entirely coincidental.

  THE BABY BUMP: Black Knights MC copyright 2017 by Sophia Gray. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.


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  THE BABY BUMP: Black Knights MC

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  THE BABY VOW: The Angel’s Keepers MC

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28


  THE BABY OATH: Anarchy’s Reign MC

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Also by Sophia Gray

  THE BABY VOW: The Angel’s Keepers MC

  THE BABY OATH: Anarchy’s Reign MC

  THE BABY PACT: The Twisted Saints MC



  HIS BOUND BRIDE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance


  MOAN: The Cantonneli Mafia

  CONSUME ME: The Bleeding Prophets MC

  DEVOUR ME: A Dark Bad Boy Romance (The Wicked Angels MC)

  SUBMISSION: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (The Marauders MC)

  DADDY’S ANGEL: A Dark Bad Boy Baby Romance (Crowns of Satan MC)


  FILLED: Berserkers MC

  Prize: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance

  Sign up to my mailing list by clicking here:

  THE BABY BUMP: Black Knights MC

  By Sophia Gray


  Hannah Kane thought she could handle the lifestyle.

  But there’s nothing like an outlaw to make a good girl go bad.

  And when I corrupt her, I’m not gonna do it halfway.

  I’m gonna own her from the inside out.

  Starting with my baby in her womb.

  She thought a fling on the wild side would cure her boredom.

  Too bad it’s never that easy.

  If she wants in, she’s gotta go all the way in.

  And that means submitting to me.

  I thought a roll in the hay would be enough to send her packing.

  I have no doubt she’s never been with a man like me before.

  A savage.

  A rebel.

  A beast who will make her beg for his touch.

  But I was wrong.

  One taste wasn’t enough.

  We both wanted more.

  Until we hit a little bump along the way…

  A baby bump, to be exact.

  And when her father discovers what I’ve done to his daughter,

  He’ll come for my blood.

  Normally, I wouldn’t give a damn.

  I’m a biker, not a coward.

  No civilian could scare me.

  But Hannah’s father is no normal civilian.

  He’s a vicious cop with the entire police force at his beck and call…

  And his sights are aimed straight at me.

  Chapter One


  “So you’re the new boss, eh?” There’s a big, angry looking guy wearing a black bandana and spikes on his shoes right in front of me. He’s looking at me like he’s going to bash my face in at any moment, but I’m not worried. In my world, bigger doesn’t always mean nastier.

  “Yep.” I sit back in my chair and kick my feet up on the stool across from me; it’s right next to the one he’s sitting on.

  “What’d you do to Samuel to get him to step down? Suck his cock? Let him fuck you up the ass?”

  Samuel was the old leader of the Black Knights. He’d been in charge for over a decade, but apparently no one had noticed how old he was getting, except for me. Some of these old fellows didn’t know how to accept change; that meant I was going to have to make them.

  “I don’t really like to brag.”

  The angry biker smirks, but there’s something dangerous in his gaze. I sit forward in my chair but don’t move my feet. If I back off in any fashion, he’s won; I can’t let that happen. I watch him as he gets to his feet, and my eyes shift to his hands; they’re curling up into big, meaty fists. There’s no way I can go toe-to-toe with this man, but that’s what brains are for.

  “Actually…” I sit back and fold my arms across my belly. My eyes never leave him. “I lied. There is one thing I would like to gloat about, and it actually concerns you.” When the man’s eyebrows go up, I keep going. “If you attempt to harm me in any way, you’ll end up just like Samuel, only worse. I’ll let you live, so you can
slog out your days regretting the decision that cost you everything.” I tilt my head and eye him sideways. “What’s your name anyway? Do you even have one?”

  He’s taking in deep, huffing breaths like he’s going to explode on me at any moment. I’m waiting for it, and I know I’ve only got one chance to gain the upper hand if he comes at me. If I’m too slow, it’ll be over before it begins; he’s not just big, he’s huge. His face is red and his veins are sticking out like they’re about to erupt from the pressure.

  “I’d listen if I were you.” I don’t need to look toward Will’s face to know that he’s right next to me in my blind spot. Will Asalov is my childhood friend; we’ve been through every level of hell together.

  “And why’s that?” tall, red-faced, and angry growls.

  Will steps toward him. I speak then, and a smirk tightens my lips. “Because if you look inside the room behind me there are ten men and two women who would absolutely love to come out here and wipe the floor with you. Now if that’s what you want, be my guest. Otherwise you can fall in line… or leave.”

  There comes a great huff from the big man before he turns on his heels and storms heavily from the bar. The door slams behind him and makes the walls rattle. A few old pictures of the bar in its youth fall to the floor with alternating thumps.

  “Hm.” I lean back in my chair and tilt my head toward the ceiling. “I really need to make some changes to the Black Knights. More… of something. There is a piece missing.” Rubbing my hand along the light stubble on my jaw, I think deeply. “Women.” I feel that tell-tale ‘lightbulb’ moment as it surfaces in my mind. “We need more women.”

  “Women?” Will blinks in confusion. “Why do we need more women?”

  “Because of that thing that just left. Women can offer a lot of things men can’t, like common sense and–”

  “Sex? You just want them for the sex, don’t you?”

  “Hey, even I’m not that shallow. Maybe my father was, but not me. Look around? If we want sex, we don’t have to look far. My mother was one of the toughest people I can remember knowing, and I want to honor that. I need to.”

  Willhas a seat across from me where the angry biker had been only moments earlier. He’s got this concerned look on his face that I don’t like; it usually means he’s about to ask me something personal. “When are you going to tell me what happened to your mom? It’s been years, man.Years.”

  “Maybe in a few more years.” I mumble the response, because I don’t really believe it. I’ve never told anyone about what happened to my mom, and I sure as hell won’t be starting now. No one will understand; not even Will.

  He snorts and gently kicks at one of my boots on the stool. “You’re such a loser sometimes. But I’m telling you, one day I’ll know why. One day I’ll figure out why you hold women in such high regard. To me they’re just fun bags running around, waiting to be screwed by the likes of me.” He holds up his hands. “Except the two you have in your gang. I learned that the hard way when Hailey nearly ripped my eye out with a broken bottle. And Debbie just stood there with this smile, like she was going to join her if I didn’t stay down. But women like them… they’re hard to find. Real hard.”

  I groan inwardly. “And you wonder why I don’t tell you anything important. ‘Fun bags’? Really?” A snort makes my nostrils flare, and I laugh. “Yeah, I remember that night; I wasn’t gonna stop them if they decided to finish you off, either. But that’s what you get for calling Hailey a pink ho with fake breasts. Those are all real, and so is the rest of her. Debbie, too. And I can promise you that there is absolutely no way that either of them are going to fuck you. You’re beneath them.” With a chuckle, I lift a shot of sweet alcohol to my lips and take it down

  “Ouch, man. Ouch. When did you get to be such an asshole?” He laughs, though, as if it’s all one big joke.

  I’m debating whether I should respond to him or not when the bells above the door chime. My feet drop from the stool, and I sit up to look. Three women, all of them in their early 20s, enter the bar. Two of them have dark brown hair down to their hips. They’re wearing tight skirts and nearly see-through blouses, and their bras are pushing their breasts up so that they look ready to spill over the tops. I can hardly see their faces, because they’re so covered in makeup, and I can smell their perfume from here.

  The third woman is different. She’s shorter by at least a few inches, and I notice that her heels aren’t as high. Tight pants hug her legs instead of a skirt, and I must admit they’re some of the best legs I have ever seen. A wine-colored blouse is done up to her collarbone, and her make-up is subtle. It adds an element of mystery that I like. Her hair is blonde, and she seems almost rebellious. It’s all in the way she holds herself, like she’s looking for trouble.

  “Hello? Earth to Andre. Are you home? Do I need to give you mouth-to-mouth or CPR?”

  That ‘mouth-to-mouth’ comment tears my attention away from the blonde beauty. I stare at Will. “What?”

  “See, even you think women are just for fun. I saw the way you were looking at those incoming ladies, especially the one with the blonde hair. That means I get to call shots on the brunettes.”

  “Go for it.” I look back to the women and watch them walk to the bar. They’re only a few stools down from us. Because there’s a lot happening tonight, I can’t make out what they’re saying.

  “Only if you snag the blonde. I wanna see you hook up first because really… how long has it been since you’ve had areal ride? Eh?” Will gives me a lecherous smile and juts his chin toward the women who are now seated. He’s tapping his fingers on the bar with what I can only conclude is impatience; I really want to take him up on his challenge.

  “Fine. You’re on. But we need rules.”

  He sits up, and that smile turns into a grin. “Rules are meant to be busted, but whatever. I hope they’re not too hoity toity.”

  I smirk at him. “One: the woman with the pants and blonde hair is mine. The brunettes are yours. Two: Sabotage is frowned upon, but not illegal. Three: If you don’t score withboth brunettes, I get a crack at them. The same goes if I miss out on the blonde one. Four: No fighting. Yelling and name-calling are fine, but I don’t want anything violent happening here; we have a reputation to hold up. Five: If we both strike out, we’ll share a long, lonely night drinking shots and reminiscing about the ‘old days’ when everything was easier.”

  Will is quiet for some time. I have a feeling he’s pondering my rules. “All right.” He nods and holds his right hand out to me. “You have yourself a deal, Mr. Zelnick.”

  With a smile, I reach out and take his hand. I give it a firm, solid shake. “Excellent. Now go ahead. Let’s see what you can do, Mr. Asalov. I’m betting you’ll be back here with a pout on your face within a minute or so.”

  “Hah. Hah. Hah. Just for that,you go first. Otherwise neither of us are going home with anyone tonight. Besides, I’m the one who saw them first. That means I get to say who goes first.”

  I laugh and slam one of my hands down on the bar. “You always were an asshole. But you’re on.” With a shift of my hips, I drop my feet down from the stool and stand up. I stretch and run fingers back through my hair. The short tufts somehow comfort me as my nerves flutter in anticipation. I’m used to being put on the spot, but with a woman this hot, I know I need to give this everything I’ve got.

  “All right,” I whisper. “Here we go.”

  Chapter Two


  “Are you serious? They bought a houseright next to your dorm?” My best friend, Danielle Janno, is standing next to me in the lineup.

  We’ve escaped the confines of college life and are taking cover at a local biker bar called Black Knights. I’ve always been the “good girl,” at least in the eyes of my parents, but I’m so sick of them. They have never not been in my life, and college was my way of escape.

  “I’m totally serious. So now I have to spend another four or more years of my life with them
looking over my shoulder. They’re officially moving in next month.” The line starts moving, and I walk forward.

  “That sucks. How on earth do you manage? If my parents were like yours, I’d have fled the continent by now!” She shakes her dark hair, and the little silver pearls in it shimmer.

  My shoulders slump, and I shrug. “Who knows? But that’s why I’m here, right? If they can’t take a hint in the traditional way, then it’s not my problem. Seriously, they’re the reason why I’m here in the first place. And we have all damn night to figure out what I’m going to do to show them I can be a big girl. I’m not a damn child anymore!”

  “Damn right you’re not!”

  I give her a grin after I flash the doorman my I.D. He looks it over, then ushers me inside. Danielle and our other friend, Wendy, come in behind me. The place is a lot smaller than I expected, and it doesn’t smell like sweat and cigarettes. While there’s a masculine edge to it, I don’t detect anything raunchy or terrible. There are a lot of men at the bar, and off in one of the corners is a younger guy playing guitar. Over the speakers comes country-style music, but it’s not so loud that it dominates the atmosphere. The lights are dim, but I can still see just fine. More than that, no one looks murderous. It’s a biker bar, so I was expecting guns, knives, and huge beards.

  “Why are they all staring at us?” Wendy, more Danielle’s friend than mine, scoots closer to me and grabs Danielle’s arm.

  “Maybe this isn’t the best idea.” I look around at all the faces, and my heart starts to pound. We should have gone to one of the other local bars that don’t involve bikers or angry men. Right now, all I can see is the potential for a kind of danger I’m not asking for.


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