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The Baby Bump_Black Knights MC

Page 9

by Sophia Gray

  “Right now I just need to fuck you into my bed.”

  His hips shift, and I gasp at the sensation of his hard member still deep inside me. I rock my body against his own and slide fingers through his hair. He rolls me over until we’re both on our sides. I feel the warmth of one of his hands against my waist, and I hold onto his hair as my tongue laps against his bottom lip. He kisses me deeply, long and hard, and I let him take the tangling of our lips and tongues wherever he wants them to go. The taste of him alone distracts me from my goal, and I moan into his mouth.

  With a whimper, I push him onto his back and squeeze my thighs against his hips. I push my chest out and tilt back my head so that he can have a perfect view of my breasts. My hips roll and rotate in a slow rhythm while my hands slide down his chest. I caress both pecs at the same time, my digits sliding over tight nipples. His hands, large and warm, squeeze my breasts and make me gasp. He leans up and sucks on one, and our eyes meet. I feel a flush rise to my cheeks, and I rock harder on his length while a smile draws across my mouth. Taking his chin, I pull up his mouth and kiss him again. His powerful body rolls me onto my back again, and I cry out his name as he pounds me into the grizzly fur.

  I lock my ankles around him, and one of my heels digs into the small of his back. My thighs clutch at him, squeezing as my womanhood tries to drag him in deeper and deeper. The emotion that pushes him to crash against my body over and over again has me breathless and begging him for more. A long, throaty moan is lost in our kiss as his fingers rub my clit. The bundle of nerves feel like they’re on fire under his touch, and my thighs open wide for him. My ankles unhook from his back to fall to both sides of him. His tongue tastes delicious in my mouth as I suck on it hard while massaging it with my own.

  With a series of cries and gasps, my body bucks and thrashes beneath him. Climax comes quickly, but with his insistent rubbing and stroking, it lasts for an incredible 60 seconds. My feminine walls throb and clamp desperately around his member, and I use those muscles to stimulate him into climaxing with me. I hear him cry out in what I can only imagine is pleasure. A thrill rushes through me like a wave, which sends hot tingles under my skin. My whole body tightens around him, and our juices mix together. The sensation of his seed as it fills me makes me cry out his name until my voice cracks.

  “Kristel… fuck. You feel so damn good.” He’s pounding me so hard it almost hurts, but I don’t care. I cling to him and writhe beneath him while my mouth kisses his own. My lips eventually drag across his jaw to his ear, where I suck and lick. I almost laugh as he shudders over me, and I roll us over again so that I’m above him. My hands splay firmly across his chest.

  “So do you…” I hug him close as our bodies grow still. My fingers stroke through his hair. I kiss him softly as my eyes close, and a sigh parts my lips. “So good…”

  He pants hard underneath me, out of breath. With a smile, I nuzzle him with my nose and squeeze my thighs around his hips. My hands slide along the length of his neck to his shoulders, and my mouth lowers to brush across his. His eyes open to look at me, and the smile on his face takes my breath away.


  He smiles more, and I swear there’s a twinkle in his eyes. “Hey.”

  My body lowers across is, and I relax over the length of his body. I cuddle him close while bringing a blanket over us both. “Andre?” I wait a heartbeat before speaking again. “When are you going to tell me what happened to your mom?”

  He looks away from me, and I see a frown touch his lips. His fingers curl against my shoulders as that emotion dominates his features again. He looks angry and distraught at the same time, but this is important to me.

  “Andre. If you tell me what happened to your mom, I’ll tell you something personal about me. Is that fair?”

  His blue eyes drift back to me, but the frown is still there. “Yeah. That’s fair.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  We lay there in silence for a long time, all wrapped up in each other. I can feel each breath she takes. Her heart beats close to my ear because my head is resting on her chest. More than anything I want what I feel for her to be nothing more than a phase. She’s beautiful, and I tell myself I let her on board because of that. Deep down, though, I know there’s more to it than that. I haven’t even told Will what happened to my mom.

  “She was shot.” As I speak, I feel the weight of my mother’s death upon me. It’s like a truck has landed on my chest, and I take in a few deep breaths. I can barely get any air. “By the cops, but it was an ‘accident.’” A hard swallow almost hurts as it goes down my throat. “The forensics team found a bullet in her chest from an officer’s rifle. The guy who killed my mom went to court, but he was never convicted of anything. My dad, he found out who the cop was who fired that shot. And you better believe he found him and killed him right there on the spot. After that, we moved before he could get caught and ended up here.”

  Kristel watches me with an almost blank expression. I know her well enough by now that she’s trying to hide how she feels. Maybe she’s scared or maybe she’s angry. That I don’t know.

  “I’ve never told anyone about my mom before.” My brow furrowed. “And I have no idea why I just told you.”

  “I’m glad you did. And I’m sorry. That’s awful.” She traces little patterns in the skin above my collarbone. Her hair feels like soft feathers all over my chest. “And because you did, now you get to find out something about me. So what do you want to know?”

  I remember when I first met Kristel, I didn’t care about anything else except for her body. Now that I know her father is a cop, I do want to know more about her. I want to know more about her father, too. My mind mulls over question after question, but I keep pushing them away; the question needs to be perfect.

  “Why the hell did you join Black Knights?” She giggles softly against my neck, and I glance at her. I raise both eyebrows and nod. “I’m serious. You’re not a city girl. You can’t shoot a gun. You can’t fight. You can’t even play pool. You wear all of these fancy-ass clothes and make up. So come on… what’s the real reason why you joined?”

  She watches me as though I’ve just lost my mind, but I stare right back at her. I lean in and nip her bottom lip. “Come on, Kristel. What is it?”

  When I feel her hands pushing at my chest, I sat up. She wriggles her way out from under me and wraps a blanket around her shoulders. With both hands, she pushes that luxurious blonde hair over one of her shoulders before she curls in against my side. I wrap an arm around her hips as I roll onto my back and look up at her.

  “I should have known you’d ask me that.” With a small shake of her head, she lets out a sigh. “If you knew my parents – I mean really knew them – you’d understand why. They’re so overprotective and in my space all the time. It’s like they’re watching over my shoulder even now. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them showed up on your doorstep to see if I was okay.”

  I frown. “You didn’t tell them you came here, did you?”

  “No, of course not, you dummy.” She gives me a smile and smacks one of my hands. “My point is, they’re overbearing and really, really annoying. I know they mean well, but I’m not a teenager anymore. They need to figure that out. Talking to them hasn’t worked. Going to college hasn’t worked. Following the rules in general hasn’t worked.” She shrugs. “When I walked into your club and saw you there, I wanted to get back at my parents for being so oppressive. And when I found out who you were and what you did… I had to get in.”

  “So you joined the Black Knights as an act of rebellion against your parents?”

  “Yep. I did.”

  I can’t help but laugh because, from what I know of Kristel, it sounds exactly like something she would do. “I’ve already said this, but you are the most impulsive person I know. Who walks into a bar and decides, right there on the spot, that they’re going to join a biker gang to get back at their parents for being overprotective?” />
  She rolls her eyes. “Okay, it doesn’t sound as good when you say it like that. But it was a really bad day. I’d just found out that my parents were moving closer to the campus residences. Practically next door. I know them well enough to know that it wasn’t random.”

  Another chuckle rumbles from me. “They’re your parents, Kristel. They’re supposed to be protective.” When she gives me a look, I hold my hands up. “Hey, they are. And you should cherish them for as long as you can. Even though your dad scares the hell out of me, and I don’t like that he’s a cop, family is still everything. It’s all we have in the end.”

  “Really? You’re actually on their side?”

  “Fuck no.” I flash her a grin. “No parent should smother their kids. I’m just saying that they care. They have to if they’re going through all of that trouble to stay close to you. Try and look at it in a different way.”

  She looks at me with a skeptical stare, and I can’t help but give her sides a tickle. When she squirms, one of my hands end up over her belly, and we both freeze.

  “Are we really going to do this?” She asks me. Her eyes are on my hand.

  “Yes.” I don’t feel nearly as decisive as I sound. “We’re really going to do this.”

  “Are we still going with the plan?”

  “The one where you don’t tell your parents about me?” After a heartbeat, I nod. “Yes. I think it’s the safest smartest move. The baby is safe, you’re safe, and I’m safe. And if anything happens down the road, we’ll deal with it.”

  “I was almost sure you’d say you didn’t want the baby you know.” The admission is soft, but audible, and catches me by surprise. “Especially after I told you who my dad is.”

  “It was a close call.” I may as well be honest. “The club isn’t really a place for a baby and I’m still not sure I’m ready to take that kind of responsibility on. But I’ll figure out a way to be there when you have her. I promise, Kristel.”

  The smile she gives me takes my breath away, and I draw her in closer. She turned around and lays her upper body across my chest, her arms wrapping around my shoulders. I kiss her hungrily until my stomach rumbles loud enough to make her giggle. My hand slides across her belly as I sigh under my breath. I can’t think of a time where I have ever felt this content and this comfortable with a woman.

  “I think someone’s hungry.” She pokes at my stomach. When she tilts her head and looks at me, she’s still smiling. “And I know you will be. You’re way more of a family guy than I’ll ever be.”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to regret being ‘that guy’ one of these days.” With a grunt, I get to my feet and head down the stairs. “Go ahead and have breakfast if you want some. I’m gonna take a shower and meet you out in the kitchen in a few minutes.” I don’t bother with my clothes as I make my way to the bathroom. In a way, I regret turning on the water and letting it wash across my skin; it means that Kristel’s scent is gone.

  It’s 45 minutes later when I pad into the kitchen. It smells delicious and Kristel has two plates set up. When she sees me, she pulls two trays out of the oven and places them on oven racks on the counter.

  “Where did you find all this food?” I can’t believe what I’m seeing. There are pancakes, hash browns, bacon, and eggs. There is also a large bowl full of chopped fruit mixed with yogurt. “I don’t even remember having half of this stuff anywhere in my kitchen.” Drawn to the sight of the meal, I pick my plate up and fill it. When I sit down, Kristel is already across from me.

  “You had a lot more food in your fridge than you thought then.”

  “It would seem so.” I give her a smile and start eating.

  Kristel is quiet for a few minutes; she seems too quiet as time passes, and she barely eats any of her food. When I can’t stand it anymore, I ask, “What’s going on? You were so …” I struggle to find the right word. “Cheerful.”

  “My dad called while you were in the shower. I told him I was pregnant. I didn’t say who the father was, but he sounded really upset when I wouldn’t tell him. After breakfast, I need to go. I’ll be meeting them in a few hours at their house.” She looks down at her belly, then back to me. “Before I go, I really need to know if we’re going to do this in the background. Or if we’re going to go our separate ways.”

  I pause with a forkful of egg near my mouth. As I lower it, I nod. “We’re going to do this. It might get rocky with your parents, but I think we should stick together.”

  “You mean… date?”

  With a swallow, I let go of the fork entirely and rubbed a hand down my face. At first, I start to think about how the Black Knights will see me if I sleep around with other women while Kristel is pregnant. I also think about my own standards and how I have always viewed women. As things to be used. They’re fun for a little while, but the idea of commitment scares the hell out of me. There’s no greater commitment than a baby, though.

  “Yeah... I mean date.” Inside I feel like a nervous wreck, which is unusual for me.

  She reaches out and takes one of my hands; she looks as awkward as I feel. “Okay. After I talk with my parents, I’ll let you know what they say. And I’ll come see you every night that I can after my classes. I still want to be part of the club.”

  My fingers squeeze around her hand. “You know where I’ll be. Don’t call me about what your parents say, though. Come see me and you can update me face to face.”

  “I will.” Her hand squeezes mine. “And then we’ll figure this out together.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  The place is almost a disaster. There are moving boxes everywhere, and the entire place smells like cleaner. More than once I asked my parents if they want to go somewhere else to talk, but they insist on staying at home. I step over a few smaller boxes in order to reach the table so that I can sit down in one of the few chairs left. My parents sit down across from me, and while my mother looks concerned, my father looks unimpressed. I am going to have to lie to them, and I am going to have to lie well.

  “Were you serious about what you said on the phone? Are you sure?” My mom sounds nervous. She’s biting her nails.

  I draw in a deep breath. “Yes. I was serious. I am pregnant. I… made a mistake last month and spent the night with someone. He was young, handsome, convincing. And… I don’t know, you guys don’t really need all the details.”

  “It doesn’t sound like you even know the details.” My father has his arms folded across his chest. “Who is this guy? What if he’s got some kind of STD? What if he’s a criminal? You don’t know anything about him so why would you take off with him in the first place? Your mother and I taught you much better than that, young lady.”

  I swallow and sit up as my father speaks. My nostrils flared, and I breathe deeply. I need to stay calm. “I’m 23, dad, so I’m not a teenager. And I’m not your little girl anymore. You need to let me grow up and make mistakes. Otherwise how will I know what’s wrong or right?”

  He purses his lips at me. “This should have been an easy one, Kristel.”

  “Dad!” I clench my fingers into fists. “Didn’t you ever do anything stupid when you were younger? What about the time you told me about smoking weed behind school just to get the attention of that Daisy girl you liked?”

  “This is different.”

  “Okay…” I fold my arms across my chest and stare intently at him. “How? Last I remember, you did have sex with her.”

  “Robert!” My mother sounds shocked.

  My father holds his hands up in a defensive position and lowers his head. “Okay… okay. So maybe I did, but it was only once. It never happened again.”

  “I thought I was your high school sweetheart.”

  “You were, honey. But that was after Daisy.”

  I look between my parents and fight hard not to laugh. It’s like they’re back in eighth grade again.

  “How come I’ve never heard of this Daisy girl? Who was she? What grade was s
he in?”

  My father gives me a narrow-eyed glare before he looks back to my mother. “She was in twelfth grade when I was in eighth. One year before I met you. Now can we please get back to the issue of Kristel’s one-night stand and the fact that she’s pregnant?”

  “Fine.” My mother arcs an eyebrow. “But we’re going to talk about this later.”

  “Thank you.” He hefts an audible sigh and sits down again. “Now. Kristel. I understand that the story you told removes a lot of my credibility, but I’m still your father.”

  A frown tugs the corners of my mouth downward. “Mom…are you hearing this? Am I 12 years old again? This is one of the reasons why I went to college! You two are always on my ass no matter what I’m doing. And if I do something well, it’s great, but anytime I mess up it’s like a giant fucking disaster! I’m an adult now. You guys need to understand that, okay? And I want to keep this baby, but I can’t do that without your help.”


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