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The Alliance in Peril: The Chronicles of Jake -- Book 3 (The Chronicles of Jake Trilogy)

Page 15

by Peter Lewis Atkinson

  I turned to Mieka and said, “Please ask if I can have a go.” This happened, but the senators just laughed at first, then one gestured at me to sit in the driving seat. The driver showed me the bell only. I rang the bell and these senators gave me the impression by the way they responded as though I was a child with a toy. They had no intention of demonstrating how to drive the tram. That did not matter, I had watched what Alenna had been instructed to do. I did the same and we moved off. You should have seen the mix of disbelief and horror on not only the driver’s face but also the senators’. The driver snatched the controls from me and stopped the tram.

  I looked at them and asked through Mieka, “What is wrong, have I done something that has broken protocol on your planet?”

  The reply was odd but also patronising, “Men do not have the intelligence to take on such a task as to driving a tram.”

  I was annoyed at such a suggestion, saying through Mieka, “Fine, if you think that way, but who just landed our ship at your port? Well, I will tell you, it was me! I am the only adult on-board who can pilot the ship. Why do you think males are not capable of doing the same tasks as females?” I did not mention my daughters were quite capable pilots.

  I looked towards the senators for a response. They did not believe me and thought I was making up stories. Alenna confirmed, “Jake is the pilot and a very good one at that.” They were now very curious and wanted to see for themselves. After a discussion took place between the senators they decided to find out how good I was by giving me the chance to drive the tram again. The driver was hovering over me, as she for one, did not think that was a sensible move at all. The controls were straightforward. I first gave two short rings on the bell before moving the lever to the first position which made the train move forward. Once we had momentum I moved the lever to the second then the third position. I was unsure about the maximum speed the tram was permitted to travel at but had a good idea. There was a red line on the speed gauge so I played safe and kept the speed below the red line. This was fun, I had never driven a tram or a train before.

  I said through Mieka, “This is easy peasy. There are only two controls; one is for forward, reverse and the other for throttle. Why you think that a male cannot master this easy task is beyond me.” The brake came on automatically in the zero position. Just then an internal bell rang, along with a button flashing. I guessed what this was. It a failsafe system. If I did not press the cancel button the brakes would be applied automatically. No attempt by the driver to push the button was made. I was not going to give them the pleasure that I had failed, so I hit the button. The driver’s face said it all. She was indeed shocked that I knew how to cancel the auto brake system. We were coming into a station. I dropped the throttle which slowed us down and at the right moment I put the lever in the Zero position and the tram came to a stop. I got up and smiled at the driver, who had her mouth open in a way I knew she could not believe what she had witnessed. A man had driven her tram. She then took over to transport us the rest of the way, until the tram finally reached its destination. I was beginning to suspect there was a problem with males on this planet. This assumption became even clearer as to what happened next.

  We were taken into a large hall. Three large long tables ran the length of this hall, with a further smaller table on a raised stage at one end. Dignitaries were sitting on the two outer long tables. Laid out on the tables was a banquet. We were about to take part in a feast. Alenna, Lara along with our interpreter Mieka joined the senators on the small raised table, while the rest of my family were given seats on one side of the centre table, I sat between Jenna and River. Everyone seemed to be watching me, though they did glance at Yarkeli every now and again. More dignitaries arrived and took the rest of the seats on the centre table. Television cameras were pointed towards us and above our table hung a microphone. Up to now I had not even seen a male Tazsak, let alone met one. Two males of about nineteen were escorted in and were seated opposite me, two females sat either side of these males. Placed in front of everyone was some sort of fruit on a plate. We waited. The two males acted strangely as if they had an attention deficit. They were doing silly things with the cutlery. Then one threw a spoon across the table towards me. One of the females sitting next to him reprimanded him, just like a parent would do to a child. I picked up the spoon and held my arm out as to pass it back. A little shocked at my action one female took it from me and smiled I just nodded towards her. After some words were spoken by one of the senators the Tazsak all picked up a knife to peel the outer skin of the fruit. A female either side of the two Tazsak males peeled the fruit for them. The two males snatched it from the females as soon as it was peeled. I picked up the same type of knife as they had, and then copied what the Tazsak had done, carefully peeling the fruit. I happened to glance up from what I was doing, everyone had stopped peeling their fruit and were now staring at me. I thought to myself, their behaviour gets odder by the minute. Once peeled it was time to taste the fruit. It tasted much like a melon, sweet, juicy and soft. When I had finished I sat back and waited to see what would happen next. Soon everyone had finished and many waitresses collected up the plates which now just contained the peel of the fruit and a knife, though the two Tazsak males had not been given knives. One waitress bent forward to take a plate from one these males and what he did next horrified not only me but my wives and my daughters. He touched her in an inappropriate manner! The waitress, I thought, would have at least slapped him, but she made no response at all to his improper behaviour.

  I said to Jenna in English, “That is not what I would expect from any civilised male. Did you see that waitress, she accepted what he did, and do you think what he did is considered a normal thing for males to do on this planet?”

  Jenna replied, “I don’t’ know, but his behaviour is erratic and if I may say, odd! He better not touch me that way or he will get more than a slap.”

  On the table were bowls of many other fruits including something that resembled a bunch of grapes, the fruit was small, consisting of pea-sized berries. One of the Tazsak males picked up this bunch and instead of eating the fruit started to ping berries towards us, but towards me in particular. One hit me in the face at which point he laughed. The other male thought this was fun and had joined in. I had had enough of their behaviour even though the females removed the bunch from them, they both still carried on annoying me. They made faces and stuck their tongues out. I was wondering whether they were a plant, put there to test my reaction. I had to be careful how I responded. I did not wish to cause offence to the Tazsak, but doing nothing is not an option in my eye. I pressed the button on my pid to project the screen. I waved past the main headings to access language where I selected the newly programmed Alkarren to Tazantian. I spoke into the pid knowing full well the microphone would pick up the translation. I wanted to intimidate the males just enough that they dared not do anything to upset me.

  I said in a stern voice, “You two, grow up! You’re acting like children. Sit there quietly or you will answer to me.” I must have sounded like a school teacher that students feared upsetting. One did as I said, the other was still being slightly defiant by rolling his eyes as if he could not care. I stared at him, giving him such an evil look at the same time saying, “Don’t try my patience! I am sure you don’t want me to come round to your side and sort you out”

  Now what I said could have had three scenarios. The first; our hosts may have taken offence to what I had said to the males. The second, I would not know if I had upset them one way or the other. Three, I would be commended. Luckily for me, it was the latter by the looks on all the females’ faces, they seemed somewhat pleased. I was still left wondering why they had behaved like children. Before I could consider my next move our main course had arrived. The waitresses leaned over us, to place a platter in front of everyone. The food looked familiar, fish and vegetables. The fish looke
d remarkably like a flat fish, a flounder to be precise. As for the vegetables, one, in particular, caught my eye due to its colour. The vegetable in question was bright blue. I was at present left wondering how it must taste, as we waited until our hosts were ready to eat. One of the Tazsak males started to poke the fish on his platter with his finger. I made a cough sound to draw his attention, making a stern look at him and at the same time shaking my head. He looked intimidated by me and refrained from poking the fish. Again the females either side of the males cut up the vegetables for the males and also scraped the fish from the bones. I was left wondering why they can’t do that for themselves, they are definitely being treated like children. The males did not wait like everyone else, they started to eat the food, and no attempt was made to stop them. When the time came for everyone else to eat, I had to try that blue vegetable first. It was quite soft. Its taste, well I could not put a finger on whether it tasted like any specific vegetable I had ever eaten. The nearest guess would be that it tasted like a mashed up mix of potato, swede, and carrot. I found the vegetable very palatable.

  I wanted to know what it was called so I asked one the Tazsak females, “Excuse me I was wondering if you could tell me what this blue vegetable is called, please?”

  The Tazsak female a little surprised at my polite request said, “Oh err, it is called, lobdo and is a very popular vegetable.”

  I replied, “Thank you, I must say its taste is most pleasing. By the way, what name are you known by?”

  She, I believe, wanted to ask me a question, so she said, “I am called Liliana, and you are Jake aren’t you?”

  I glanced around and could see that everyone within earshot was listening to our conversation. Not only that, but the TV cameras were pointing towards me. I replied, “Yes I am Jake, have you been informed in advance that I was coming to visit your world?

  Liliana said in reply, “We had been informed that all human men are intelligent and dominant over their females. On top of that, we also hear some human men are violent. My people could not accept that without finding out for ourselves. A petition was raised hoping that a male human could visit our planet so we could see with our own eyes if this was indeed true.”

  I replied, “That statement is not quite accurate. First I would contradict that males were more intelligent than females. That is not a true statement at all. There are some clever humans of both sexes. Certainly, not all human males can be classed as clever. Some are, let’s say, quite dumb. As for males being dominant, yes and no to that statement. Where there is a democracy, I like to think males and females have the same chance in life, but alas some men still think they can dominate females. I am not one of those. I subscribe to the fact both sexes should be treated as equal in general situations. Your last worry that some human men are violent, I am sorry to say that must be considered true. On the other hand, some females can be too. I must again stress though that I am not one of them”

  Liliana said, “You seem very clever for a male?”

  I smiled before replying, “Thank you for that, but no, I wouldn’t consider myself very clever, perhaps a little above the average human male. By the way, what do you do for a living?”

  Liliana proudly replied, “I am a teacher!”

  I now had the opportunity to ask about Tazsak males, “Do you teach males?”

  Liliana laughed before saying, “Males don’t go to school, and it is pointless trying to teach them.”

  I was disappointed and asked “Why would you not teach males? I really can’t see why you don’t. You will be telling me next that they can’t read.”

  Liliana shrugged her shoulders and said, “They can’t.”

  I now knew why the teenage boys had acted like children. They aren’t taught anything. They must be frustrated and bored and that manifests itself in their behaviour.

  I wasn’t going to hide my disgust at the treatment of males and wanted to change their thought on the matter so said, “How long has this situation been going on for? Your world is so different from any other. Alkarr may control their men to a degree, but at least they are educated. As for Earth males, they are taught alongside females. Look at what you had to do for the two males here, you had to cut up their food for them. I cut mine up myself. I would have been insulted if anyone thought I couldn’t undertake such a simple task. Now I must confess that I find the next thing I wish to say, is somewhat difficult to discuss, but here goes.” I took a deep breath before saying, “What I witnessed earlier by an action of one of your males sitting opposite me,” at this point, I stared at the male concerned. I turned back towards Liliana before continuing, “He touched a waitress in a way that would not be tolerated on any alliance world. Males that are considered gentlemen just don’t do that in public and not in private without the females say so.”

  Liliana was surprised and said, “Males have never been educated, but what I am confused about is that you are saying, he touched the waitress in a way that was not acceptable. What way was that?”

  Oh my, she thinks it is normal for a male to touch a female like that! I was not sure how to answer her, so I just said, “He invaded her personal space and touched her in an area that is regarded as sacrosanct, an area that is different from a male.”

  Liliana looked at me strangely before saying, “Men from your planet don’t touch females however they wish?”

  I almost screamed, “No!!! Definitely not. Don’t let any of your males near my family, because if they were to touch them in that way, it would cause a diplomatic row between your planet and the alliance.”

  Liliana could see that I was upset over the incident and said, “We have only just joined the alliance and are learning as we go. I will report what you have said though.” She looked behind her at the cameras before continuing, “I think everyone on Tazanter now knows. I will personally see that no male comes close to your family while you are here.”

  A little relieved I replied, “Thank you for taking my concerns on board.”

  My conversation with Liliana was interrupted be one of the Senators who had stood up to make a speech. Although I had my translator close to my ear I did not catch everything said. This was due to the translator requiring time between sentences to decode what was being said and the senator failed to give any time at all. I could observe Mieka translating in real time to Alenna and Lara. I would have to ask Alenna later what the speech was about if I wanted to know what was said. After the speech, we were returned to our cargo ship. I was curious to know when the Tazsak would collect the cargo of electronic goods. I was informed by Alenna that they would be collected in the morning. I was also informed that we were going for a ride on an airship after that.

  I asked Alenna, “Where are they going to take us?”

  Alenna replied, “We are to be taken to the oldest surviving monument, the one left behind from the days when the Owick ruled the planet.”

  As I wanted to see that monument, I said, “That will be an experience I would not want to miss.”

  The next day a number of transport vehicles arrived and parked close to our ship. Alenna and Lara along with Mieka had just tidied up the final details of the delivery. I was then summoned. Alenna in all her wisdom decided we needed to show the Tazsak females that males could not only work as hard as they could but were quite capable in the process. I was to load all the vehicles by myself without any help. It was not that difficult; no manual heavy lifting would be required. I would unload from our cargo freighter then load onto their transport with the hover lift. First I opened the cargo bay doors. The drivers of the vehicles gathered around the ramp to get a view. They were standing in the way. I had to move them out of the way before I started unloading. With hand gestures, I tried to direct them to move to one side, this did not really work so I had to use the
pid to translate.

  I had the pid translate, “I can’t unload the goods with you standing in the way so please move back and stay out of my way. I don’t want any of you to get hurt” I pointed to where they should stand. They all moved and stood to face me. If anything they looked a little bemused, as if I was joking. They soon found out I wasn’t when I started the unloading. They were not only intrigued but also shocked. Intrigued as to how the hover lift worked and shocked as to why a male was doing all the work without any female supervision. Alenna was watching, though her duty was just that of a chaperone. Back and forth, shifting the cargo from the ship to the vehicles I went, glancing at the Tazsak occasionally as I did. These drivers looked so puzzled, wondering why the males on their planet were so different. I continued until I had finished.


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