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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  “Yeah…” Mary answered, pausing for a moment. “But I feel caged. I can’t explain why. God knows I want to be happy with Faelan.”

  “Have you told Faelan this?” Brie pressed, now concerned not only for Mary, but Faelan’s heart.

  “Of course not! It would only hurt him. You know how much he’s been through already. But I can’t shake this feeling.”

  Brie felt a sense of foreboding but advised, “It’s natural to have an adjustment period. Sir and I certainly did. It’s completely normal.”

  “I hear you, Stinky Cheese, but let me put it to you this way. When I hear Lea go on and on about the Russian, I can’t help but feel I’m missing out big time. I don’t think I’m cut out to be collared to one man.”

  Brie looked at her sympathetically. “Mary, do you remember how desperate you felt when you lost Faelan? Even when you were at the Sanctuary with all those men, you said it meant nothing without him.”

  Pain flitted across her eyes. “I do remember…” Her voice quavered when she admitted, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Brie. When I don’t have Faelan, I’m miserable. When I’m with him, I feel the need to break free again.”

  “Faelan loves you, Mary. You couldn’t ask for a better-suited Dom,” Lea assured her.

  “I know that. Don’t you think I know that? That’s why this hurts so much…”

  “It’s easy to feel the grass is greener on the other side, but it’s unhealthy to think that way when you’re in a committed relationship,” Brie told her.

  Mary’s hard exterior crumbled briefly, her voice breaking when she confessed, “I hate the thought of hurting him.”

  “Please, Mary, don’t,” Brie begged. “Tell him how you’re feeling. Give him a chance to deal with the doubts you’re experiencing.”

  “I don’t think you understand, Brie. The day I tell him is the day I walk away.”

  Brie closed her eyes, already feeling Faelan’s pain. “Promise me you’ll give yourself time to work through these feelings. Commitments this deep take time.”

  “How long, Brie?” Mary asked. “How long do I wait when everything in me is telling me to run?”

  Lea’s eyes lit up. “Have you thought of talking to Captain?”

  “No,” Mary snapped. “I don’t want Vader involved in this.”

  But Brie agreed with Lea, thinking it was a brilliant suggestion. “Captain is perfect because he knows the situation and respects you.”

  Mary suddenly took on the look of the Blonde Nemesis of old when she hissed, “Don’t you dare fucking tell him!”

  Brie shot back angrily, “Don’t worry about me. He would expect to hear from you if you’re having trouble. Talking to Captain is on your shoulders, not mine.”

  “I don’t get you, Mary,” Lea complained. “Not one little iota.”

  “Women are so stupid,” Mary growled. “I don’t even know why I bother telling you two anything.”

  “Because you know we’re bound together for life—a gift from the Submissive Training Center,” Brie affirmed. She didn’t want Mary doing something rash, something she would regret forever so Brie reminded her, “I’m here if you need me, day or night. That hasn’t changed.”

  “Even though you irritate the crap out of me, the same goes for me, Stinky Cheese.” Mary paused for a moment and added, “Even you, big boobs.”

  “Aren’t you just a big old softie under those razor sharp claws?” Lea cooed.

  Brie laughed nervously, hoping their friendship would be enough to see Mary through. It seemed whenever things were going well for Mary, she felt compelled to ruin it.

  “So Brie, you haven’t brought it up… I gotta ask. How much money did get for your wedding?” A curl of a smile showed up on Mary’s red lips.

  Brie blushed and said nothing.

  “That wasn’t rude to ask, was it?”

  “Not at all, Mary. I’m curious too,” Lea answered, smiling at Brie.

  “Sorry, you guys. I hate to admit this, but I haven’t opened them yet. In fact, I totally forgot until you mentioned it just now.”

  “Well, you better get to it, woman. Inquiring minds want to know.”

  Lea broke out in giggles. “Subbie time is always a hoot. I just love us!”

  “Me too!” Brie agreed.

  Both girls stared at Mary expectantly. She finally rolled her eyes, added in a lackluster voice, “Me three.”

  Lea declared joyfully, her breasts jiggling as she bounced on her seat, “The Three Musketeers of Submission rise again! Oh my gosh, this calls for another joke!” She grinned, “What did one ovary say to the other ovary?”

  “No clue,” Brie encouraged.

  “If that dick comes in here again, let’s throw eggs at him!”

  Mary gave her a death stare that made Brie burst out in giggles.

  “Another point for me!” Lea announced, kissing her finger and making a sizzling sound as she touched her butt.

  The video chat ended with multiple groans. Brie looked out the bedroom window as she undressed and lay her clothes in the top drawer of the dresser. She worried about Lea not coming to LA and what that might mean for her friend. She was also deeply concerned about Mary and Faelan.

  She had to laugh at herself. “Heck, it’s like I’m a mother already the way I worry about everyone. Having this baby should be easy peasy.”

  Brie sought Sir out, needing his physical strength to calm the concerns whirling in her heart.

  “Sir, may I kneel at your feet?”

  “Certainly,” he said, gesturing her to come to him.

  Brie sighed in contentment when her cheek lay against his muscular thigh. That simple contact was enough, but when he began stroking her hair the tingling started and erased all other thought.

  It was just her and her Master—nothing else mattered.

  “Is anything wrong?” he asked after several minutes.

  She kept her gaze directed at the cityscape outside the window. “I don’t know how to help my friends, Sir.” She knew Sir did not like gossip so only told him, “Lea’s not coming to LA, and Mary is having her own struggles.”

  Sir sighed heavily. “There comes a point when all we can do is sit back and allow things to play out the way they must. I struggled with Durov and Samantha’s situation back in college. It gutted me that it fell apart so violently, but I quickly came to realize it was not my place to interfere. My role was to help both survive the aftermath so they could eventually move on from it with the friendship I had with each still intact.”

  “Speaking of Rytsar, Sir, you might be interested to know Lea spent time with him after we left for our honeymoon.”

  “Did they scene together?” Sir asked firmly.

  Brie hesitated to answer him but gave a simple, “Yes.”

  “Damn,” Sir groaned. “Durov couldn’t have been aware of the history between Lea and Samantha. He would never have entangled himself with her if he’d known.”

  “They hooked up at the breakfast, Sir. I didn’t stop them when they left together because I wasn’t sure how to react.”

  Sir resumed stroking her hair after considering the unwanted revelation. “I wished I’d noticed, if only to warn him of Lea’s history with Samantha.” He sighed again in frustration. “Well, there’s nothing to be done now but watch it play out. I will, however, give Durov a heads-up so he’s not blindsided should something come of this.”

  “Lea isn’t planning to tell Ms. Clark,” Brie assured him.

  “The truth always comes out.”

  She looked up at him and confessed, “I can’t help worrying about my friends because I don’t want any of them to get hurt.”

  He cradled her chin. “That is a part of life, and not something you can prevent.” Sir moved, opening his legs. “Right now I want you to live in the moment. Sit right here,” he directed, indicating the spot between his legs, “and face the window.”

  Brie smiled as she sat between his muscular thighs, liking the feeling
of their strength pressed against her body.

  “I want you to close your eyes.”

  She did and soon felt pleasant chills as Sir lifted her hair and lightly kissed the side of her neck. He twisted her hair tighter, moving to the other side.

  “Oh, Sir…”

  He gently pushed her head forward and kissed the nape of her neck. A current of electricity traveled down, warming not only her heart. His tender kisses expressed his love, but also helped to heighten her desire for him.

  “See what you do to me?” he whispered in her ear, taking her hand and moving it behind her to feel the hardness of his cock. Sir grabbed onto her waist and pushed her ass against it for emphasis. “Even though we have succeeded in our quest to get you pregnant, I’m feeling the insatiable need to fuck you again. It hasn’t dissipated.”

  “I feel the same way, Sir.”

  She gasped when he tightened his grip on her hair, pulling it to the side to lightly bite her neck. The sensation increased her arousal ten-fold.

  “Do you see that tantra chair over there?” he asked in a husky voice.

  “I do,” she affirmed lustfully.

  “Go to it and lay in the position you want me to take you.”

  Brie was excited by an impromptu session and stood up, sauntering over to it with the grace of a cat. She lay down, cradled in its comfortable curvature, and smiled up at him.

  “Face to face again?”

  “Please, Sir.” She didn’t explain why she had requested the position, wanting to surprise him.

  Sir shook his head, a smirk on his face. He stripped in front of her, throwing his clothes on the couch haphazardly. Standing over her, his cock announced itself, stiff with need.

  “Open your legs to me,” he commanded.

  Brie positioned them on either side of the tantra chair, leaving her sex fully exposed to him. He looked down at her with hunger in his eyes. “Your pussy is already pink and slippery with desire.”

  “Your touch has that effect on me.”

  He lowered himself onto her, sliding his cock into her opening without resistance. Resting both hands above her head for better control, he rolled his hips, giving her the full depth of his love. Brie watched in rapt adoration as his muscles tensed and released with each controlled stroke.

  “You’re sexy to watch when you make love to me,” she admitted, a playful smile on her lips.

  “As are you, wife.” He reached down, playing with a breast as he continued to stroke her with his shaft. She tilted her pelvis, seeking even more depth from him.

  “Greedy little thing, aren’t you?” Sir stopped for a moment, gazing into her eyes. “I love that ravenous need in you.”

  “Only for you,” she whispered.

  Sir met her insatiable need, increasing the depth but not the pace, keeping it a slow, controlled thrust as he looked down at her. The expression on his face was as tender as it was lustful.

  Brie licked her lips provocatively. “May I eat you, Sir?”


  “Yes, I want to take your cock into my mouth and suck until you come.”

  He immediately pulled out, closing his eyes as his cock pulsed on her stomach. “You test me, woman.”

  “Only because I love your cock so very much.”

  “One second,” he announced, abandoning her on the tantra chair to walk back to their bedroom. A minute later, he returned with the Magic Wand in his hand.

  Brie eyes widened as he plugged it in and switched the toy on.

  “You can eat me as long as I get to play with your pussy using this.”

  Brie nodded, excited by the prospect.

  Sir straddled her, lowering himself so his cock was level with her lips. She opened her mouth and guided him in with her hand as he reached behind and settled the buzzing toy on her clit. Her pelvis jumped of its own accord, reacting to the vigorous vibration. Sir tasted of pre-come mixed with her own excitement, the combination an exhilarating treat for her senses.

  “Stay still,” he commanded.

  Brie moaned her agreement on his shaft, closing her eyes to concentrate on the seductive in and out motion of his cock as she took it deeper down her throat.

  The buzz of the wand had her pussy climbing quickly to orgasm. She momentarily broke the embrace of her lips to ask, “May I come, Sir?”

  “So soon?”

  “Eating you and feeling that wand is too sexy to handle.”

  He smirked. “I’m feeling generous. By all means, take me back in your mouth and come.”

  Brie smiled as she opened her mouth to invite him in, thrilled that he was allowing her the freedom to orgasm.

  Her nipples hardened as he began fucking her mouth slowly while the Magic Wand buzzed so alluringly on her mound. The dual sensation of sucking his shaft while her pussy was vigorously stimulated by the toy reminded her of their threesomes with Rytsar. It didn’t take long for the climax to peak, but it was so strong her whole body shuddered when she came.

  “Holy hell, do that again,” he panted, looking down at her amorously.

  Brie looked up at him, sucking harder as he grasped her neck possessively with his other hand, stating his dominance physically and making her submission to him complete.

  Another hard orgasm wracked her body, and she groaned from the intensity of it.

  Sir pulled out, his eyes burning with desire. “That one almost broke my resolve.”

  “Please come, Sir…I long…to taste you,” she replied in gasps.

  “I will fulfill that need only because it pleases me to do so.”

  She smiled, grateful he was being so agreeable.

  He turned off the wand and put it down for a moment, running his fingers over her trembling pussy. “So wet. I bet that tastes sweet. Shall we make it even sweeter?”

  “Please, Sir,” she purred.

  He turned the toy back on, but at the higher level and said with a wicked grin, “I won’t be gentle.”

  “I don’t want you to be.”

  He held her head still and commanded her to suck. Brie licked her lips in anticipation just before she took his hard shaft. Sir placed the wand on her clit at the perfect angle and she cried out, her whole body humming.

  Sir began to pump her mouth as the wand had its way with her pussy. He put his hand around her neck again, growling low.

  Holy. Freaking. Hell.

  She started whimpering in pleasure, her muscles tensing for a massive come. Her body stilled just before it hit. In response, Sir pushed himself deeper and held himself there.

  Her orgasm was so intense, Brie became a slave to it—her body jerking forcefully as water gushed from deep inside, covering her thighs and the wand with her juices.

  She heard Sir’s intake of breath as his cock began pulsing in her throat as he orgasmed.

  It was heavenly, decadent, and so incredibly sexy for both of them to come hard together.

  Afterward, he dropped the buzzing wand and collapsed on top of her, drained from the experience as much as she was.

  “Wow,” she finally croaked.

  He only grunted.

  The wand continued to dance on the floor as it vibrated wildly. Sir finally lifted himself off to grab it, ripping the device from the outlet. He was covered in a sheen of sweat.

  Sir slowly moved down between her legs to take a lick of her pussy, then began kissing her slick thighs. “Sweeter than I imagined. That was quite a come, babygirl.”

  “I almost fainted from it,” she confessed.

  Sir stood up sluggishly and offered her his hand. Brie took it, needing his help because she was so weak from their encounter. He led her to the couch and commanded her to spoon against him. Neither spoke for a long time, lost in the aftermath of their bliss.

  Eventually, Sir nibbled her ear. “That was no vanilla fucking.”

  She giggled softly. “No.”

  “Was that what you had in mind when you chose the position?”

  She turned her head toward him, a lo
ne drop of sweat rolling down her cheek. “I hadn’t thought of the wand, but yes, the sucking was definitely part of the plan.”

  “Well chosen,” he complimented.

  “The addition of the wand was genius.”

  He chuckled. “Having you come so hard with my cock down your throat was extremely sensual. Completely draining, but entirely worth it.”

  “Sooo draining, I feel like a rag doll.”

  He wiped the sweat from her face. “You make a delectable rag doll, babygirl.”

  She smiled, lifting her head to kiss him on the lips.

  “My life was much duller prior to L.B.B.”

  “L.B.B.? I heard you mention that to Master Anderson, but I don’t understand what it means.”

  He traced the line of her bottom lip. “Its meaning is simple. Life Before Brie.”

  Tears came to her eyes as she stared at Sir. There were no words for the love she felt.

  Brie lay her head back down and snuggled closer, content just to be.

  The Unwrapping

  Sir handed Brie her journal and stated, “I would like you to write a new fantasy for me.”

  She grinned, knowing that such a request allowed her to share her deepest desires with him. “It would be my pleasure, Sir.”

  She settled herself at her desk and opened the pages with reverence. Every fantasy she’d written was dear to her and many had memories attached to them. It had been a while since she’d penned one for her Master, and she felt a thrill of excitement as she began.

  Brie knew exactly what she would write about. It was directly inspired by their time on the island. She had no idea how Sir would be able to fulfill it, but it did not stop her from pouring the fantasy out on the page.

  She was completely lost in the passion of the story when she felt a tap on her shoulder. “Not done yet?”

  Brie shrugged, smiling up at Sir. “Now that I don’t have a time limit, I can write as much as I want.”

  “I may have to buy you a new journal if you keep that up.”

  She looked up at him, feeling all tingly inside, an aftereffect of writing her fantasy down. “I’m almost done, Sir. Just a few more details to add.”

  “I look forward to reading it when I get back.”

  She put her pen down. “Back from what, Sir?”


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