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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 32

by Red Phoenix

  Now it was on to his next difficult student…

  “Ms. Grady.”

  The stoic woman got up from her seat and walked up the steps, her face as unreadable as the first night he’d met her.

  “The panel and I are concerned by your lack of expression, both physically and verbally.”

  She just stared at him.

  “Can you tell me why that would be a concern for us?”

  She looked out over the stage at her classmates. It took her several moments before replying, “I’m not like everyone here, Master Anderson.”

  “That is not what I asked.”

  “Master Anderson, I’m a complicated person.”

  “That answer does not address the question. Are you trying to test me?”

  “No, Master Anderson.”

  “Answer the question in your next breath or you will be dismissed.”

  There were gasps from the other students. Apparently, they had chosen not to believe his warning that they would dismiss a student if it was deemed necessary. The fact that all the trainers were concerned about her lack of communication skills left him without reservation should he decide it was time for her to leave.

  “My silence is disconcerting, Master Anderson.”

  “It’s far more than that. If you were a Dom and you were scening with someone like you, what issue would you face?”

  She stared at the other students. He wasn’t sure if she was suffering from a feeling of superiority or fear.

  “I would not want to scene with someone like me, Master Anderson. If the submissive can’t tap into her own feelings, how can the Dominant possibly know where her triggers are?”


  She looked to the ground. “Master Anderson, I was hoping you and the trainers here could help me connect with myself. I feel numb inside…dead really.”

  “That is not the purpose of this course,” Brad told her gently, encouraged that she was being honest.

  She braved a look at him. “I’m begging you. Don’t make me leave.” Her gaze returned to the floor.

  Brad looked to the panel. Marquis nodded slightly, and Baron gave a smile of approval while Mistress Lou looked undecided.

  “Fine, I will scene with you while the rest of the trainers watch. The panel will decide your future depending on how well you do under my command.”

  She looked defeated, but answered, “As you wish, Master Anderson.”

  “A proper answer would be, ‘Thank you for the second chance.”

  She nodded, amending, “Thank you for the second chance. I will not fail you.”

  He put his hand on her shoulder. “Now that’s more like it.”

  Brad motioned to an assistant, who brought up a spanking bench and placed it in the middle of the stage.

  “You will undress completely, Ms. Grady.”

  She showed no emotion as she undressed, so he asked, “What are you thinking right now?”

  “Nothing. I’m undressing.”

  “You’re not wondering what my plans are for the bench?”

  She shrugged, “Yes, I suppose I am.”

  “Then connect with that curiosity and let it show on your face.”

  She looked at him, frowning. “How?”

  He turned to the other students. “How do you express your curiosity nonverbally?”

  Miss Henderson’s hand shot up first.

  “Yes, Miss Henderson?”

  “I glance in the direction of the instrument multiple times, Master Anderson. I can’t help myself.”

  Brad nodded. “Anyone else?”

  Miss Rodriguez rose her hand next. “I tend to lick my lips. I guess in expectation of the unknown…”

  “Yes, that is a common reaction.”

  Brad turned back to Ms. Grady. “I want you to be conscious of your thoughts and allow what you are thinking to show on your face and in your action as you finish undressing.”

  She took a deep breath before proceeding. Her forced glances at the bench were comical, as was the way she licked her lips as if both actions were unnatural to her. However, she was trying and that counted for something.

  “Kneel before me, Ms. Grady.”

  She got down on her knees, and kept her gaze forward with a blank stare.

  “Look up at me.”

  Her gaze moved upwards to meet his.

  “You are not limited to actions. Sounds, not words, are also helpful. I want you to make noises that express your thoughts as you unzip my pants and free my cock to suck it.”

  Her gaze remained glued to his eyes as she fumbled with his pants. Once his large cock was bared, she looked down at it and said, “Hmm…”

  Brad had to stifle a laugh. “Ms. Grady, while I appreciate your honest expression, keep your partner in mind. What other way could you express yourself without sounding like you are contemplating an inanimate object.”

  She actually cracked the tiniest of smiles. “I’m sorry, Master Anderson.” She grasped his cock and made a soft moan before opening her lips and encasing the head of his cock in her mouth.

  Leading by example, Brad groaned loudly, expressing his appreciation of her lips. She began sucking with more enthusiasm. “Do you see how my reaction spurred your own?”

  She broke off the suction to answer him, and he fisted her hair pushing her mouth back onto his cock. “I did not say to stop. You must answer with my cock in your mouth.”

  She looked up at him, and let out a long, muffled, “Mmmm…”

  Brad smiled down at her. “That’s acceptable, Ms. Grady. You may disengage.”

  She released his cock, her lips making a popping sound as she did so. She sat back down on her heels, her face suddenly becoming blank again as if a light bulb had been switched off.

  “Mount the bench,” he ordered.

  Brad rolled up his sleeves as she climbed onto the bench. He walked up to her slowly and ran his hand over the smooth curve of her buttocks. “Thoughts as I touch you?”

  “I don’t like it.”


  Ms. Grady thought for several moments. “It’s too soft.”

  “Ah…” Brad snapped his fingers and the assistant brought a table with several instruments on it.

  Brad picked up the crop and showed it to her. “Show me your thoughts about this instrument without words.”

  The girl stared at it dismissively.

  “Based on that response, I would assume you do not care for the instrument or at the very least, have no interested in scening with it.”


  “But I think your disinterest is misplaced.”

  She gave him the briefest look of defiance before returning to her indifferent look.

  Brad moved to her side and commanded, “Turn your head toward me. I want to see your reaction as I use it on you.”

  Ms. Grady stared at him, giving him nothing in her expression.

  “Remember, I am expecting a reaction.”

  She nodded, and made a strange face trying to give him something. It was as if the girl was totally disconnected from herself—a third person in the mix—and was faking a reaction for him.

  “Don’t force it, Ms. Grady, but be conscious of your feelings and thoughts. Let those show in your face.”

  Brad had never experienced anyone like her before. He slapped the crop against her fleshy ass, warming it up.

  Her face remained expressionless, but he felt her desperation. She wanted to feel something.

  Brad would make sure she did.

  Without warning, he slapped her left buttock with authority. She cried out, her eyes registering surprise and then amusement. She looked at Brad, daring him to do it again.

  He did, with even greater force.

  Ms. Grady gasped, her eyes twinkling—for the first time registering pleasure.

  Having a better idea of her pain tolerance, Brad began delivering a volley of alternating strokes. Her ass became red as welts appeared. When she eventually closed her ey
es, he stopped.


  “I…like it.”

  “Now I’m going to fuck that smarting ass of yours,” he informed her.

  Brad set down the crop and positioned himself behind her, spreading her ass cheeks with his hands. He could see she was wet from the crop.

  “Continue to look at me, Ms. Grady.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at him.

  Brad dived right in, curious how she would react to his challenging girth. Unlike most women, she did not grimace or show discomfort. On the other hand, she didn’t show pleasure either. He might as well be fucking a blow-up doll for all the expression in her face.

  Brad pushed in further and finally heard her begin to pant, a common reaction for many women. Needing more, however, he commanded, “Show without words what you are feeling right now.”

  She had to think about it before she bit her lip.

  At least it was something…

  “Now, show me with your eyes what you are feeling as I fuck you.”

  She narrowed her eyes ominously.

  What the hell did that mean? “Ms. Grady, what are you trying to express to me?”


  “It looks more like a glare.”

  Her eyebrows raised in surprise. “Really?”

  This woman was a piece of work.

  Brad gave her a few more solid strokes before pulling out and ordering her to kneel before him.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She did so as she looked up at him. Yet again, he was facing a vacant expression.

  Brad closed his eyes as he stroked his cock, building up his orgasm. He stared down at her as his come shot forth, covering her lips and chest with his manly essence.

  She blinked a few times, but that was it.

  “Thoughts?” he asked as his come dripped from her chin.

  The girl shrugged.

  “I need more than that.”

  “It was like kissing. I’m willing, but it doesn’t do anything for me.”

  He snapped his fingers and the assistant threw him two towels. He handed one to Ms. Grady as he cleaned himself off.

  Brad made her face the panel for questioning.

  Marquis was the first to speak up. “Ms. Grady, on a scale of one to ten, what would you give the scene?”

  She gave Brad a sideways glance before answering, “A four.”

  “And the reason for that score?” he pressed.

  “I like the crop. I didn’t know that until now.”

  Mistress Lou followed her answer with, “Would you say that you are more responsive to pain?”

  Ms. Grady shrugged. “Maybe…I guess.”

  Baron asked her, “What did you learn from the session?”

  “That I am capable of feeling something.”

  “That is all for now, Ms. Grady,” Brad told her. “The panel and I will discuss your performance and let you know tomorrow if you will be continuing.”

  “May I speak, Master Anderson?”

  “Of course.”

  She looked at the trainers. “Tonight was probably the best sex I’ve ever had.”

  Brad was shocked by her statement and felt sorry for the girl. She was not on the same level as the other students—not by a long shot. If the trainers were to keep her, she would need extra instruction just to keep up.

  He wasn’t sure if the other trainers would be willing to put in the time, but he would plead his case for her.

  Brad sat in his office later that night, having gone through half a box of thin mints as he typed up his thoughts about the night.

  He was surprised to hear a knock at the door.

  Brad quickly boxed up the remaining cookies and threw them in the drawer, before standing up behind his desk and commanding formally, “Come in.”

  Marquis Gray entered his office. “May I have a word with you, Headmaster?”

  “Certainly,” he answered, gesturing to a seat.

  “I’d like to offer my time for the student, Ms. Grady.”

  Brad grinned. “You have hope for her too?”

  “I believe she may have masochistic tendencies and not know it. I think I can help her, and am willing to put in needed time.”

  “I agree with your assessment and will take you up on the offer.”

  Marquis frowned for a moment and then cleared his throat. “You have something… here,” he said, wiping the right side of his own mouth.

  Brad licked his lips and tasted the chocolate and crumbs. He chuckled self-consciously. “I was indulging in a guilty pleasure.” He pulled out a fresh box and pushed it toward the man. “Please, have some.”

  “I was wondering why it smelled like a mint factory in here.”

  “That strong, huh?”

  “Out of curiosity, how many have you eaten?”

  “A few.”

  “Stress eating—you?”

  Brad sat back in his chair. “I’m concerned about young Brie, but her phone doesn’t seem to work when she’s at the hospital—I can’t even leave a message. I’m feeling very protective toward the girl right now, but she refuses to leave Thane’s side despite my numerous visits to the ICU. I have yet to see her since the crash.”

  “I think enough time has passed to throw courtesy out the window.”


  “Demand to see her. Don’t take no as an answer.”

  Brad nodded. He looked down at his snack drawer and smiled. “It sure in the hell beats using up my year’s supply of thin mints.”

  Marquis Gray chuckled as he stood up. “So we’re agreed on Ms. Grady?”


  As he was walking out the door, Brad called out after Marquis, tossing him a box. “Don’t forget your thin mints. They’ll see you through the darkest of days.”

  Marquis caught it in one hand, and nodded his thanks before closing the door.

  Brad sat back down and pulled out the roll of unopened cookies from the box. He tore the cellophane and began munching again.

  Ready or not, young Brie, I’m coming for a visit.

  The Damsel

  Brad asked to speak to the head nurse. He stuck out his hand to shake hers when she arrived, giving the woman a charming smile to put her at ease. “Hello, I’m Brad Anderson, a good friend to both Mr. and Mrs. Davis. I was wondering if you could let Mrs. Davis know I need to speak with her.”

  The nurse shook her head. “I’m sorry. Mrs. Davis won’t come out to see anyone. She rarely leaves her husband’s side, even for herself.”

  Brad was ready for that and stated, “Do you mind telling her that I insist on seeing her? I’m not asking.” To emphasize his point, Brad stood with his muscular arms crossed, his feet planted firmly on the ground. “I will not leave until I see her.”

  The nurse chuckled. “I can certainly relay the message, but I can’t guarantee the results.”

  Brad winked at her. “Something tells me you have the power of persuasion,” he leaned closer to look at her tag, “Nurse Abby.”

  She laughed pleasantly. “I will stress to Mrs. Davis how serious you are,” she assured him as she disappeared between the double doors of the ICU.

  Brad was not prepared when Brie finally made her appearance. She looked like the undead with those dark circles under her eyes and the unusual paleness of her skin. He couldn’t help but frown when he first saw her.

  Brie seemed unnerved by his response and blurted, “Sir’s doing better. His color is good, and the physical therapist is working hard on building his muscles so it won’t be as difficult to move when he wakes.”


  “What is it, Master Anderson?”

  “You look terrible. Have you been eating?”

  The girl gave him a flurry of excuses, but it was obvious to him that she was nutritionally deprived. Knowing that she was pregnant was concerning—especially because it was Thane’s child.

  Brad was certain that if his best friend awoke now, he w
ould not be happy to find Brie in such a state. In all honesty, Brad felt responsible seeing her this way. With Thane out for the count, it was his duty to take charge of the situation.

  Brie kept insisting she was fine, which irritated him to no end when he could see clearly she was not so he warned her, “I will bend you over and spank you if you say that again,” he warned her.

  Despite her continued protests, he was able to get Brie to sit while he scrounged up a bowl of soup and the last remaining piece of fresh fruit from the cafeteria.

  Although it wasn’t much, at least it was something.

  He continued to grill her as she ate, and was actually inspired by her feisty attitude when she answered him. The young woman was a spitfire, no doubt about it, but she needed some reining in.

  When Brie confessed that Thane seemed just like his mother, the thought of it gave him icy chills. Brad instinctively grabbed her in a bear hug and held her tight. It was a shock to him when a few moments later she suddenly broke down and started to cry.

  It was as if he had released a dam inside her. Once the girl began, there was no stopping the flood of emotion. All Brad could do was hold on tight and let the tidal wave pour out from her. He ignored the passersby who stared at them, wanting only to protect the hurting girl.

  When the torrent finally stopped, both of them were a mess. He laughed when she patted his sopping wet shirt and apologized. Ripping the soaked material from his body, he got up and grabbed her a box of Kleenex.

  “Tears dry up, but bottled emotions fester. Now blow,” he commanded gently. Brad looked down at her with a feeling of such deep tenderness it almost crushed his heart. She’d been through so much on her own…

  After he had her cleaned up and presentable, he took the numerous tissues and tossed them away, garnering the attention of a nurse passing by. Well, it couldn’t be helped. His chest had that kind of effect on women.

  Brad chuckled as he explained the reason for his state of undress. “My shirt was sacrificed for the damsel in distress,” he told her, pointing to Brie.

  When the nurse offered to personally dry it for him, he immediately agreed and gave her a tip of an imaginary hat and an extra flex of his chest muscles as payment.

  He looked back at Brie when the nurse left, finally understanding his role in all this.


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