Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4) Page 43

by Red Phoenix

  “Thanks, you were part of my inspiration.”

  She blushed and moved toward the aromas wafting from the kitchen. “It smells heavenly.”

  “It should, I used your recipe.”

  She giggled. “Although it seems I was trying to compliment myself, I’m honored. It smells like you did a fine job.”

  He walked behind her and put an arm around Autumn’s shoulders. Not too intimate, but definitely a possessive hold. He felt her momentarily stiffen in his arms, but she relaxed when he made no other move.

  “I learned from the best,” he said in a low, seductive tone, squeezing her tighter before letting go.

  Autumn turned to face him. “A mushroom walks into a bar, and the bartender says, ‘Hey, you can’t drink here.’ Mushroom says, ‘Why not, I’m a Fun-gi!’”

  He chuckled, moving in closer. “Do you always make jokes when you’re nervous?”

  “No… I…” Her lips curled into a smile. “I suppose I might.”

  “Why are you nervous with me?”

  Autumn shrugged and scooted past him. “Why don’t we have a beer?”

  “Would it help with your nerves?”

  She held up two bottles. “It might.”

  “Then, by all means, let’s have a beer.”

  Tono took them from her and popped the bottle caps off and handed one back. Autumn clinked her bottle against his. “Here’s to good pizza and good friends.”

  “And a little bondage,” Tono added, putting the bottle to his lips with a grin.

  She froze for a moment. “Are you…”

  He nodded. “Yes, I plan to introduce you to my jute tonight.”

  He saw that momentary flash of fear but, to her credit, Autumn pushed through it and asked, “What kind of rope work?”

  “Something simple. A gentle introduction.”

  He was relieved when she smiled. “I like the sound of that.”

  The timer went off for the pizza. Grabbing his mitt, Tono pulled the pie, covered in bubbling cheese, out of the oven. “First, we dine on the patio.” He smiled gave her a flirtatious smile, adding, “And then I tie you up.”

  Her giggle was a little higher pitched than normal, hinting that Autumn was feeling anxious, but the excitement in her eyes let Tono know she desired to connect with him in this way.


  Tono took his time eating the simple meal, chewing each bite slowly as he watched her. He purposely drew out the time before their first scene, wanting to heighten the experience for Autumn.

  When he determined the time was right, Tono stood up and held out his hand to her. “Come with me, beautiful. Let’s find out how you respond to my jute.”

  He noticed the increase in her breathing and smiled to himself as he led her inside. “Go to the guest room and dress in the silk robe.” When she looked like she was about to protest, he added, “Trust me, the only binding I want you to feel is my jute, not your street clothes.”

  “But I can keep my underclothes on, right?”

  He shrugged with a slight smile. “I leave that totally up to you.”

  Tono washed and dried his hands before going to the stereo and turning on his favorite flute music. The soothing sound of the instrument filled the great room as he went to his bedroom to change into his black kimono.

  He returned and stood on the mat with jute in hand, waiting for Autumn to make her entrance.

  When he heard the door of the guest room finally open, he walked down the hallway to meet her.

  Her eyes lit up when she saw him. “Oh, Ren, you look so handsome.”

  “Thank you. You’re equally as handsome,” he said with a playful grin.

  She turned her head toward the music. “It’s a lovely melody.”

  “It’s the music of Native American flautist Carlos Nakai. He is my favorite artist. He blends his music with other cultures, including that of Japan. I had the honor of meeting him a few years ago. He’s as soulful in person as he is when he plays his handcrafted flutes.”

  “If this song is an indication of his work, I think he just became a favorite of mine as well.”

  Tono guided her back into the great room and noticed when she looked up at him her expression held both desire and apprehension.

  “There is no reason to be afraid, Autumn. Everything I do tonight will be for your pleasure.”

  She gave him a hesitant smile. “I trust you, Ren. I just feel this is a pivotal moment between us. What if I don’t like it?”

  “Then we will stop.”

  “Okay…” Autumn took a deep breath. “I think you should know that of all the people I have ever met, you are the only one I would trust to do this.”

  “It’s my hope that you not only enjoy the experience, but that it moves you on a deeper level.”

  She put her hand in his. “Lead the way, Tono Nosaka.”

  It was the first time she had called him by his title, and it stirred the Dominant in him.

  “Sit on the mat,” Tono instructed, holding out his hand to help her to the ground, knowing her prosthetic made it more difficult. Once Autumn was settled, he positioned himself behind her and put the rope on the floor next to him.

  “I need to wrap my arms around you.”

  Nervous giggles met his words. “Okay.”

  With permission given, Tono put one arm around her chest above her breasts and the other beneath them. She tensed at this more intimate contact, so he held her tighter and whispered, “I want you to match your breath with mine.”

  She nodded, and within a few moments, he felt her relax in his arms.

  Tono picked up the jute and instructed, “Hold out your hands and feel the rope that is about to bind you.”

  She took it and ran her fingers over it. “I expected to it to be softer.”

  “The jute must be strong enough to suspend a person.” He leaned over her shoulder and rubbed the cord between his fingers. “It has been conditioned so that it is gentle on the skin, but still leaves an attractive mark.”

  Autumn shivered in his arms.

  It was time to see if she responded to the call of his rope.

  Tono halved the length of the jute and started at the top of her chest where his arm had just been. He was careful as he bound her, making sure not to touch her breasts although he purposely came close. He took his time, letting the jute slide against her skin, grazing the intimate areas he would not touch with his hands. He noticed the effect it had on her as the barest outline of her nipples showed underneath her silk robe.

  He hoped to convince her to lose the bra and panties next time—provided there was a next time.

  Tono began tightening the rope around her torso. “Do you want it tighter or is this comfortable?”

  “Tighter,” she told him.

  Another good sign…

  He tightened it slightly, keeping in mind that this was her first experience. Some novices asked for more and then suddenly panicked.

  “Does this feel good?”

  “No, tighter please, Tono.”

  His loins surged with pleasure, hearing that title spoken so freely from her lips.

  “Do not forget to match my breath. If it becomes overwhelming, say so.”

  She nodded, closing her eyes to concentrate on his breathing. He tightened the rope even further and then began the next set of knots. When he was done, he placed his hands on her shoulders and closed his eyes, taking in this unique moment of intimacy.

  Her spirit was like the yellow light of the sun, and he basked in it for several minutes before standing up.

  Tono picked up his camera and explained, “I would like to take a picture of you bound in my rope.”

  For the first time, real panic showed on her face. “Oh no, Ren, please don’t!” she whimpered, struggling in her bonds as she tried to cover her face with her hair.

  He put the camera down and called out to her. “It’s okay, Autumn. I won’t take a picture.”

  She looked up at him like a frig
htened animal. “Please don’t ever take a picture of me, especially when my face is not covered up.”

  He knelt beside her, cradling her cheek in his hand. “There is no need to cover up and no need to shy away from my camera. Every part of this face is pleasing.”

  A lone tear ran down her cheek. “Please, Ren, untie me.”

  Tono was surprised by the turn of events, but he now better understood how deeply she feared her own body.

  Only love and patience could combat that.

  He went to the stereo and switched the song to one that was slow and light, like a whisper on the wind. He then sat behind her, determined to continue their intimate connection even as he unbound her from the rope.

  “Close your eyes, and listen to the music as the jute releases its hold. The untying is as spiritually significant as the binding.”

  She nodded, but he could feel her thoughts were not with him.

  “Breathe with me…” he whispered in her ear.

  Almost immediately, she was in sync with him again. He was slow and meticulous as he loosened her from the jute. As he undid the knots, he told her, “I admire the classic lines of your face. You are truly breathtaking.” He chuckled, remembering their first meeting. “I couldn’t take my eyes off you the first time we met. I could tell you that I don’t see the scars on your face, but that would be untrue. I see them, Autumn, and they are as beautiful to me as the rest of you.”

  She shook her head.

  “It’s true. They are a part of you as much as your dark auburn hair and those mesmerizing green eyes. I would not wish them away. They speak to your strength and only enhance your allure.”

  He let the rope fall to the ground and enfolded his arms around her.

  Tono felt the wetness of her tears and understood she was struggling with his words. Hopefully they would find a home in her heart. A seed planted that would slowly begin to grow and flourish…

  Tono turned her bodily toward him so he could gaze into her eyes. “You are beautiful, Autumn Day.”

  She glanced down at her lap, saying nothing, with a slight smile on her lips.

  Tono suddenly felt unsettled, Brie flashing to his mind. He brushed off the vision, afraid he might be suffering from old feelings he’d kept buried and that were only now resurfacing.

  “What’s wrong, Ren?”

  He shook his head, rubbing his chest. “Nothing a kiss can’t cure.”

  She blushed but pursed her lips obligingly, ready to give him a peck.

  “No, Autumn,” he said, leaning in closer. “I want to kiss you like a man should. Your lips have been calling to me for weeks. I can no longer deny them.”

  Her eyes widened in alarm. “Oh Ren…I’m not—”

  “Shhh…” he said, not taking no for an answer this time. Tono cradled her neck in his hand as he moved in for the kiss. At first her lips were hard and unyielding, but little by little they softened against his.

  Flicking his tongue across them, he held her firm when Autumn attempted to pull away. Victory was finally his when she parted her lips and he tasted her mouth for the first time.

  Autumn’s moan was low and sultry, causing his shaft to harden. He kissed her more deeply then, running his tongue over her teeth before thrusting deeper. Autumn’s breath came in short gasps, her body tensing against him.

  Tono broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. He saw obvious fear and the glimmer of raw desire.

  He released the light hold he had on her neck and leaned back.

  Autumn stared at him, looking like she was ready to flee.

  “Is it wrong for me to want you?” he asked.

  She shuddered, taken aback by the frank question. “I’m not ready for this, and why would you want to?”

  “You are ready, but you’re allowing fear to control you.”

  She sounded insulted when she answered. “I’m a fighter. Nothing controls me.”

  “Then explain your question about why I would want to.”

  Autumn threw her hands up. “Ren, you can have any girl you want, as many as you want, and with the skills you require. Why—what possible reason—would you choose me?”

  “I’m incredibly attracted to you.”

  “But why?” she cried, her claws suddenly coming out as if he had said something offensive. “Do you have some weird amputee fetish, or do you just feel sorry for this little crippled skater?”

  Tono was surprised by the accusation. but only smiled as he took her hand which had balled into a fist of anger during her outburst. He held her wrist firmly as he slowly opened her fist, exposing her tender palm. He kissed the center of it as he looked at her and repeated, “I’m attracted to you, Autumn.”

  “Why, Ren? I need to know,” she pleaded.

  Now that he had Autumn’s attention, he told her the truth. “I am fascinated by those bright green eyes that sparkle with hidden secrets I want to know.” His eyes drifted down to her lips. “And I am entranced by the sensual curve of your mouth—the way it teases me with those arched lips that smile so freely.” Tono boldly stared at her chest. “And your body begs for me to touch it, to discover its many pleasures.”

  He gazed into her soulful eyes again. “I am completely captivated, and it is only because of my self-control and respect for you that I do not push you to the floor and let my passions run wild.”

  She sounded shocked. “I had no idea you fel—”

  “You may not acknowledge my desire for you, but it is very real. I have been patient long enough…”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I want to move forward in this relationship. I’m tired of standing on the sidelines waiting for you to invite me in.”

  Autumn stared at him, not saying a word.

  He let the silence extend, allowing her thoughts to play out without interruption.

  “You frighten me, Ren.”

  “In what way?”

  “I don’t know, and that’s what scares me.”

  He tilted his head. “Did you enjoy kissing me?”

  She unconsciously touched her lips with her fingers, shaking her head slowly. “No, it’s too much.”

  “Too much?”

  “I told you I wasn’t ready.”

  “But your body is. I felt the way you responded. Why can’t you let go of your inhibitions and give in to your desires?”

  She sighed heavily, looking bereft. “We work so well together as friends. Why do you want to ruin it?”

  “I want more.” He saw her tremble, his statement having more of an effect than she wanted to admit.

  “What if I don’t?”

  “We will remain friends, of course, but I would be forced to move on. Although I am a patient man, I am still a man with sexual needs.”

  “Couldn’t you just use one of the subs for release?”

  He looked at her with a pained expression. “I’m looking for more than that, Autumn.”

  “But what if I can’t be what you need?”

  “How will we know unless we try?”

  She let out a small gasp. “I’m so afraid of losing our friendship. I don’t think you can appreciate how precious it is to me.”

  “I can, because I feel the same way.”

  “Then why mess with it?” she pleaded.

  “I cannot continue to stand in stagnant water. It has no life force.”

  Autumn closed her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you, Ren.”

  He lifted her chin with his finger. “Then let me in…”

  Autumn drove home soon after, explaining that she needed time to think about what he’d said. Tono let her go, not interested in exploring the relationship further unless she was all in.

  Autumn had to want this as much as he did, or it would end in heartache for them both.

  It wasn’t until he was outside, sitting on his mat on the backyard patio, that he felt that unsettling sensation again. He touched his chest, now more aware of the pain.

  Tono realized it hadn’t been his gr
owing feelings for Autumn that caused it.

  He immediately got up and returned to the house, picking up his phone and dialing Brie’s number. It went straight to voicemail. He couldn’t explain why, but the ominous feeling he’d experienced in the dream returned full force.

  He left a message. “Brie, I need to know you are okay. I realize we just spoke yesterday, but I need to hear your voice.”

  He placed the phone on the nightstand beside his bed and tried to rest, but sleep proved impossible as the image of Brie disappearing under the water haunted his thoughts.

  Tono was relieved when the phone finally rang and he saw that it was her number. “Brie?”

  “No, Tono Nosaka. This is Candy. I got your message for Brie and she gave me permission to let you know Sir Davis was involved in a plane crash last night. She is fine and Sir is alive but in critical condition. That’s all I can tell you right now because we’re waiting on the doctor for more information. Brie doesn’t want anyone else to know until she’s had a chance to speak with the medical team.”

  “I will not share the news, but please let her know I’m here if she needs me.”

  “I will.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tono hung up the phone, his heart deeply troubled. The idea that Sir Thane was involved in a plane crash chilled him to the bone. Tono couldn’t handle the thought of him dying, not after the recent loss of his own father. Sir Davis had been there for him, a pillar of strength when he’d been on the brink, watching his father die.

  Now he knew the reason for Brie’s tears in his dream…

  Tono’s heart ached, and he longed to go to Brie to comfort her. But to leave Autumn now, at this fragile point in their relationship, might kill his chances with her.

  And yet, if Brie needed him, he would make the trip. The warning of the dream had been too vivid to ignore.

  Tono hoped he would not be forced into making that choice.


  Autumn called the next day and immediately apologized. “I was out of line last night. I should never have been so rude to you when you were simply being honest with me.”

  “So what is the reason you’ve rejected my advances?” he asked bluntly, needing to know the truth.

  It took several moments for her to answer. “Ren…I’ve have never shared this with any man. I actually never thought I would have an occasion where I would ever need to.”


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