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Brie's Submission (10-12) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set Book 4)

Page 50

by Red Phoenix

  Candy let out a little meow and put her hands together in a feline beg position.

  “Very well.”

  Captain removed the bowl and commanded her to sit between his legs. He then produced a candy fish and showed it to her. “Today you are going to learn to balance this on your pert little nose.”

  Candy let out an excited mew, her hands pawing the air in a show of excitement for the challenge.

  Captain leaned over to balance the fish on the tip of her nose. “Don’t let it fall,” he told her affectionately.

  The small fish started to lean to one side, and as much as Candy tried to compensate, it slid off and fell to the floor.

  She looked up at him with big round sorrowful eyes and a pouty bottom lip.

  Captain smiled to himself, stating, “It was an acceptable first try. Let’s see you do better.” He balanced it back on her nose.

  Candy held perfectly still, keeping the fish in place.

  “Now you’re not allowed to move from this pose until I say so,” he explained as he reached down and began caressing her small breasts.

  Candy mewed softly as he teased and tugged on her nipples.

  “Don’t move…” he reminded her as he began rolling her left nipple between his thumb and finger.

  Candy purred in pleasure and the fish slipped, falling to the floor again.

  Captain tsked.

  The moment he verbally released her to move, Candy lowered her chin to her front “paws” and looked up at him with her ass in the air in a sexy kitten pose that begged for forgiveness.

  “Although you have not succeeded today, you have aroused your Master with your attempts.”

  Captain kept hold of the leash as he unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the belt loops. He laid it on the arm of the chair and patted his thigh, commanding, “Up.”

  Climbing onto his lap, Candy wore a huge smile as she lay facing him with her head resting on the arm of the chair and her naked body curled on his lap.

  Captain began petting her skin as if it were soft fur. “I want you to remain still as if you were balancing the fish, my pet.”

  Candy made a cute little meow to state her understanding.

  Captain then let his hand go lower as he started to concentrate his attention on the area between her legs. She opened her legs a little wider as he began to explore her pussy, spreading her outer lips open before he began rubbing her wet clit.

  Soon Tono heard the sound of her slippery excitement. He took a deep breath, reminding himself not to get too mentally involved with the scene. He looked down at Brie and felt certain she was having similar issues.

  Captain became more aggressive in the handling of his sub, thrusting his finger inside as he teased her G-spot, then pulling out to lightly slap her bare mound.

  Soon Candy was panting, obviously turned on by his rougher treatment.

  Captain changed tactics by picking up his belt. “Does my pet desire to be punished?”

  Candy nodded, purring seductively.

  He folded the belt, pulling tight on her leash as he delivered the first light smack on her ass. Candy squirmed on his lap but lifted her butt for more.

  Captain pinkened both buttocks before laying the belt down and returning his attention to her pussy. He thrust two fingers in and began to milk her G-spot. Candy let out a low, sensuous meow.

  “Are you close, pet?” Captain asked gruffly.

  She looked up at him and nodded.

  “Show them how my pet comes for her Master.”

  Candy threw her head back and smiled as her body tensed. She trembled in his arms for what seemed like minutes before she finally relaxed and purred. Candy lifted her head and rubbed her cheek against him.

  Captain chuckled as he stroked her hair. “Good girl… Now for that pink tongue to fulfill its promise to me.”

  Candy gracefully left his lap and sat down in a cat position between his legs. Captain undid the button and unzipped his pants, freeing his hard cock for her. He lay back in the lounger, commanding, “Lick me, pet.”

  This kind of play captured a certain innocence that was appealing. Tono had to admit that watching Candy settle between his legs and purr softly as she gave his shaft long, slow licks was provocative.

  Captain let out a groan of manly satisfaction as his sub lovingly licked and sucked his cock.

  Tono glanced away, forcing his breath to slow as he emptied his mind. Watching his friends scene together had turned out to be a bigger test of his control than he’d imagined. He had to laugh at himself for being so naive.

  “Want to enjoy some fresh air?” he asked Brie.


  The two headed out to the back for some privacy as they collected themselves.

  “That was hot, Tono. I think I liked Captain’s scene just as much as Marquis’s.

  He wiped the sweat from his brow. “I’ll admit I was surprised by the potency of both.”

  “I’m really glad you brought me here, but I have no idea how the heck I’m going to sleep after this.”

  He laughed. “Yes, I failed to fully appreciate the talent of our friends.”

  “I really like the setup here at Twisted. Seems more intimate, doesn’t it?”

  “I do like the smaller size and less crowded venue,” Tono agreed.

  “I wonder what Marquis wants to talk about.”

  “Why don’t you ask and find out?” a low voice stated.

  They both turned to find Marquis Gray standing quietly behind them.

  “It is good to see you, Marquis,” Brie said, looking like she wanted to hug him but was afraid to ask.

  He held out one arm as an invitation and embraced her like a father would. Brie lay her head on his shoulder, taking deep breaths as she took in the energy he offered.

  “I have missed you, pearl.”

  She broke the embrace and looked at him sadly. “I have missed you too. Both you and Celestia.”

  “Is there still no improvement for Sir Davis?”

  “He is improving,” she insisted. “He just hasn’t woken up yet. But I can tell he’s close. Isn’t that right, Tono?”

  Tono nodded. “His spirit is strong when I enter the room.”

  “Is there anything else I should be aware of?” Marquis asked, gazing intently into her eyes.

  Brie shook her head, but said nothing.

  “If there were something I could help with, you would tell me?”

  Brie’s lips began to form an automatic yes, but the force of his stare made her pause for a moment, and she answered, “If I were free to ask for help—yes.”

  “Meaning?” Marquis Gray pressed.

  “I’m not asking for help.”

  He raised his eyebrow. “I do not care for that answer.”

  Tono understood his frustration and explained, “There is a special circumstance that we hope to have resolved soon.”

  “So you are involved?”

  “The authorities are involved,” he responded.

  Marquis turned back to Brie. “This is a legal matter?”

  She shook her head. “I can’t say.”

  Marquis stared hard at Tono. “Master Anderson has been cryptic about it, and now you are being cryptic with me as well.”

  “Out of necessity.”

  “I do not have a good feeling about this.”

  “My hands are tied, Marquis Gray,” Brie said apologetically.

  “They are not, but maybe they should be,” the trainer replied.

  To Tono it sounded like Marquis Gray was making a joke, but with his intensity it came off more like a threat.

  “Marquis Gray, I appreciate your concern for me, truly I do,” Brie said. “However, to protect Sir, I’m required to keep silent.”

  “I am afraid it will be to your detriment.”

  Brie frowned.

  Tono spoke up. “The situation is being addressed.”

  Marquis Gray did not appear convinced and told Brie, “If you should ever requ
ire my help, do not hesitate.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Marquis.”

  He turned to Tono. “The same goes for you, Tono Nosaka.”

  Tono gave him a respectful bow.

  Marquis Gray looked at Brie again, his eyes softening. “I would like to see your face grace my world more often.”

  She looked as if she were about to cry.

  “I will take my leave. Until we cross paths again, Mrs. Davis,” Marquis Gray stated.

  Tono put his hand on Brie’s back. Instead of heading back inside, he guided her to the parking lot. “Well, Marquis certainly took care of my raging libido.”

  Brie giggled softly. “He has the power to both create and kill it.”

  They rode back to the high-rise in silence. Tono didn’t want to cause Brie more worry, but he agreed with the respected trainer. The chills he’d felt every time he heard Lilly’s name had not dissipated.

  They walked into the apartment well after midnight.

  “I suggest we call it a night,” he told her.

  Brie nodded, giving him a friendly hug. “Thanks for an incredible evening.”

  “You have your friends to thank for that, I was simply acting as your chauffeur.”

  She smiled, taking his hand. “Seriously, thank you, Tono. Being away from the BDSM community, I forget how much they sustain me.”

  “I felt the same when I was away.”

  Brie squeezed his hand. “We’ve been through a lot, you and I.”

  “We have.”

  “So, I’ll see you bright and early in the morning to meet with Mr. Thompson?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  They both retired to their rooms. Tono had just closed his eyes when he heard the distinctive buzz of the Magic Wand coming from Brie’s bedroom.

  He shook his head.

  There was nothing else to be done after hearing that, having endured a long night of sexual frustration.

  Tono took out the photo of Autumn from his wallet and pulled down his boxers. He imagined Autumn leaning over to kiss him deeply with those pink lips while he stroked his rigid cock. It didn’t take long before he clenched his teeth in a satisfyingly hard climax.

  They met with Mr. Thompson first thing the next morning.

  Brie surprised Tono when they arrived at the office. “Tono, I would like you to come to the meeting with me.”

  “Won’t your lawyer be opposed to that?”

  “I don’t care. Last night, Marquis made me realize just how foolish I am to keep you in the dark.”

  If Mr. Thompson was surprised to see Tono enter the room, he didn’t show it. The lawyer held out his hand to shake Brie’s before shaking his.

  He indicated they both should sit. “As you know, this is the last day of the imposed deadline, but we have yet to hear from Miss Meyers since her phone call. The police did recover her phone last night in an alleyway near the hospital.”

  “So they aren’t any nearer to catching her?”

  “They’ve increased their presence, but at this point that is all they can do.”

  Brie shuddered. “It’s like she left the phone as a calling card for me.”

  “Mrs. Davis, she has not sent over any documentation of the genetic test she claims to have. Therefore, I am left to conclude she has no case against Mr. Davis, and is trying to use scare tactics to convince you to pay. I suspect she’ll try something today, but hold your ground. She has nothing to support her accusation.”

  “And if she goes to the press?” Brie asked.

  “We will immediately counter with the breaking of the restraining order, her lack of evidence, and your testimony that she has threatened blackmail.”

  “I hope it doesn’t come to that.”

  Tono could feel her anxiety rising and asked, “How are you doing, Brie?”

  “I feel nauseous, but I’m taking heart that it’s almost over—whatever happens.”

  Mr. Thompson stood up. “Miss Meyers has chosen to play a dangerously foolish game. One that will only succeed in landing her in jail.”

  Brie stood up to shake his hand. “Thank you for helping me through this. Your dedication to Sir and to me has been invaluable.”

  “While it’s not over yet, serving you has been my distinct pleasure, Mrs. Davis. I deeply appreciate the devotion you’ve shown to your husband, and I hope he recovers soon.”

  Tono drove Brie straight to the hospital to be with Sir Davis, knowing that the security staff was on high alert. Lilly would not be able to reach Brie unless she physically came to the hospital, and she would be unable to contact Brie unless she called using a direct line.

  While Brie stayed in the ICU with Sir Davis, Tono took the opportunity to make the rounds outside the hospital, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman. He was unnerved by the fact that he did not feel her presence.

  The whole day went by without any incident, so Tono was on extra alert as he took Brie home. Again, the police sent regular patrols through the neighborhood, taking the threat seriously.

  Brie was convinced Lilly would leak it to the press and spent the night obsessively watching the television, switching channels constantly, waiting for the news to break.

  By midnight, Brie turned to Tono. “Maybe she gave up knowing her goose was cooked.”

  “Possibly,” Tono answered, but neither of them believed it.

  “Maybe she got hit by a bus?” Brie joked, but her smile quickly faded.

  “There is no telling what has happened. It seems odd she would choose to do nothing, but we will not let our guard down,” he promised.

  Brie gave Tono a quick peck on the cheek. “Thank you for being my rock and protector today. I wouldn’t have made it without you.”

  “You faced the day bravely on your own.”

  She shook her head. “I was brave because of you.”


  Almost a week had passed with no sightings or contact from Lilly. No one could explain the silence. Tono headed outside again, checking the perimeters of the hospital out of habit, and decided to take the opportunity to call Autumn.

  “Still no word?”


  “Ren, I don’t understand,” Autumn stated. “Why would she make those kinds of threats and then disappear without a trace?”

  “Remember, the woman is insane.”

  “So where does that leave you?”

  “I’m not sure. It would be so much easier if we knew where Lilly was.”

  “I don’t like this, not one stinking bit.”

  “Neither do I. It’s like she’s tormenting all of us by not doing anything. It is an odd dynamic to find ourselves in.”

  “Is Sir Davis doing any better?”

  “There has been no marked improvement, but he hasn’t had setbacks either.”

  “How is Brie handling all this?”

  “She’s getting antsy with each day that passes. Wanting me to go home, but afraid to send me away.”

  “Well, I would love it if you came home—just saying.”

  He chuckled. “The moment I feel it’s safe to leave Brie, I’m on the first flight back to Denver.”

  “Fair warning, I’ll hold it against you if you don’t.”

  “Then I might not,” he teased, “because I want you held against me.”

  It was her turn to laugh. “Take care, Ren.”

  “You too, little flower.”

  “What did you just call me?”

  Tono smiled. “You’re a rare flower I intend to pluck when I get back.”

  Autumn giggled. “Oh geez, Ren, now you have me blushing.”

  Tono stared up at the tall building after he hung up and sighed. When would this hospital no longer be a part of his life? When would Brie finally be allowed to move on from here?

  Just as he was just finishing up a response to another model who wanted to do a photo shoot with him, Abby stuck her head in.

  “Mr. Nosaka, someone would like to speak with you.”

p; He glanced over at Brie on his way out and chuckled to himself when he saw that she was working on the scene of his rope work with Lea.

  Tono headed to the nurse’s desk with a light heart. “What’s this about?”

  “Security wants you to join them in the parking garage. Your vehicle was involved in a hit-and-run and they have a witness.”

  Tono groaned, hoping the accident hadn’t rendered the car undrivable.

  He popped his head back into the room to let Brie know. “Hey, I’m headed to the parking garage for a bit. Seems someone hit my car.”

  Brie frowned. “That’s terrible.”

  He shrugged. “I’m sure it’s minor. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  She smiled mischievously, pointing to the computer screen, which showed him twirling a suspended Lea bound in jute.

  “Good memories,” he replied with a grin. “Maybe you can let me look at the edited piece when I get back.”

  “Sure thing.”

  Unfortunately, it took almost an hour to sort things out in the garage. The back fender had been severely bent, causing it to rub against the tire. With the help of one the security guards, he was able to pull it back to make the car temporarily drivable until he could get it back to the rental place.

  He’d been talking to an older gentleman who seemed extremely excited about being the only witness to the crime, but the guy couldn’t describe the driver and only remembered the color and size of the car involved. Tono was humoring him when he suddenly got an uneasy feeling.

  Excusing himself, Tono headed back into the building and became frantic when he entered Sir Davis’s room and found Brie missing.

  He rushed out, trying not to panic. “Where did she go, Abby?”

  “I don’t know,” she answered, sounding alarmed.

  One of the other nurses spoke up. “Somebody called Mrs. Davis on a line here at the nurses’ station. I had to take care of a patient and didn’t hear the conversation, but I do remember she asked for a pad and paper.”

  Nurse Abby looked up the phone history and redialed the number Brie had answered, but she frowned. “That’s really strange, it says the number has been disconnected. Let me page Mrs. Davis on the intercom and see if she answers.”

  Tono waited several minutes but quickly grew impatient. He went back into the hospital room, searching for any clue that might hint to her whereabouts.


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