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The Howl and the Pussycat

Page 3

by Ann Cory

  This was going better than he imagined. “Yes.”

  “As in runs on all fours, howls at the moon, runs in packs kind of wolf?”

  Okay, maybe not as smooth as he’d like. “Yes.”

  She clicked her tongue against her teeth. “Where’s your fur?”

  “I only have fur when I’m a wolf.”

  “Right. Of course. And the clothes you have on?”

  “I found them in the cabin,” he explained.

  Out of nowhere, she clapped her hands together. “Bravo. You almost had me going there. You’re very convincing as an actor. Are you practicing for a play? An American Werewolf in London, perhaps?”

  He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s not an act.”

  “Right. Look, I’ve had a traumatic evening and apparently it has affected my good judgment or I wouldn’t be lying here in a bed holding a conversation with a complete stranger, who I’m still not entirely convinced isn’t going to hurt me.”

  “I said I wouldn’t and I keep to my word.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Fine, then I’ll hold you to that, but the whole wolfman thing is overrated. Now if you would have chosen, say the Hulk, then I’d be all for believing you.”

  “The Hulk?”

  “Yeah, hello. The guy who turns green and rips his shirt off before he goes after the bad guys. See, that I’d believe.”

  How could she believe a man turning green and not a man turning into a wolf? “Really?”

  Lips pursed she shook her head. “No, not really. Geez, lighten up, will you? I get it, you want to impress me by making me think you’re some badass.”

  Much as he wanted to show he had a good sense of humor, the fact that she didn’t believe him cut too deep.

  “That’s not it at all. If anything, I’d want you to be impressed that I never gave up searching for you, no matter how tough it got out there. I’ve had only one objective, and that was to find you.”

  She leaned forward and rested her hand on his, a solemn expression on her face. “Listen, I think it’s admirable you’ve searched for this one person. Hell, I think it’s downright romantic, but I’m not that person.”

  His flesh burned with the pleasure of her touch. If only she knew how much she was ripping his heart out. “Yes, you are.”

  As she leaned back, he instantly missed the feel of her.

  “I’m sorry, really. But don’t give up. She’s out there somewhere.”

  Baldric averted his gaze. “I might have to give up.” He realized that if he couldn’t make her believe him, then he’d have to leave her alone. All this time he imagined she would recognize his scent and they could start their lives together. He’d also figured she’d be a wolf. The thought of going back without her turned his stomach sour. His gaze returned to her. “I don’t know what I can say to convince you. I could show you, but I’m afraid it will frighten you like I did before.”

  Her face paled a shade at his words. “Before?”

  “Yes. You ran from me. Can’t say I blame you given the circumstances.”

  “Wait, you chased me? The wolf inside my car, that was you?”

  He didn’t want to admit it, but she needed to know the truth. Through his honesty she might eventually believe him. “Unfortunately, yes.”

  How did you get into my car?”

  “You left the doors unlocked so I shifted long enough to get the door open. Once I got in there I panicked. All the time I was searching for you I played it in my head what I would say when we met, but it was as a wolf.”

  Her brows pinched together. “But, you growled at me, and then you chased me.”

  “I didn’t consider it chasing, it was more like running after you. I’d come so far and I didn’t want to lose you again. You run pretty fast for a human.”

  “When did you change back into a man?”

  “Right before you passed out. I thought it a better choice. Trust me, you wouldn’t have wanted me to drag you by my teeth in here. Wouldn’t want your beautiful body covered in splinters.”

  She raised a pinky to her lips and nibbled at her nail. “Well, I guess I appreciate not being dragged. I don’t, what I’m trying to say is… What you’re asking me to believe is something my mind can’t seem to grasp. The idea of a man who can change into a wolf, and back again, I’ve only seen it happen in movies. Special effects. Tricks of the camera. Not real.”

  His chest tightened at the thought of her coming around. “Actually, I spend most of my time as a wolf. Very rarely do I take this form. But I understand what you’re saying.”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Do you? Because I’m not the kind of woman you can spew a bunch of nonsense to and have me trust it to be true. Okay, maybe at one time, but believe me, I don’t like being toyed with.”

  The last thing he wanted her to think was that this was some kind of game. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I feel foolish having thought you’d accept my words right off the bat. I’m just elated to be this close to you. It has been one hell of a journey to get here.”

  After a long pause, she finally spoke. “Seriously, are you for real?”

  Baldric put his hand up. “I swear. I wouldn’t lie about something that meant so much to me. My entire purpose is bound to you.”

  She chewed her lip and then nodded her head. “That’s deep. Do you charm all women with this kind of talk?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The ownership stuff. Do you get a lot of dates acting like you’re some well-to-do sultan?”

  How could he convince her that it was her best interests he cared about? Not someone else’s.

  “There aren’t others. There has only ever been you since our paths crossed and your scent bonded to me.”

  Her chuckle hurt him, but he refused to show it. What did he really expect anyway? It all sounded far-fetched.

  She repositioned herself on the bed and played with a loose strand of her hair. “Okay, let’s say I believe you.”

  His pulse sped up. “Then you—”

  She gave him an icy stare and he immediately shut up.

  “Thank you. Let me finish. Say I do buy the whole you’re a wolfman thing. I’m also supposed to believe that you’ve been tracking a thirty-year-old scent to find your special someone. Thirty years is a long time. How can you be sure you didn’t start tracking the wrong scent?”

  He liked that she asked questions. “Haven’t you ever had a memory come back to you because of a scent? Food you’ve eaten, a special place you’ve been, the smell of the ocean, or a fragrant bouquet?”

  Her lips pursed together. “Well, yeah, I guess so.”

  “Your scent is the most potent I’ve ever come across. Something in your sex and sweat, your skin, the follicles of your hair, it all calls to me. It taunts and teases me.”

  She shot him a skeptical look. “But thirty years?”

  “There’s nothing else like it. You have an unforgettable fragrance. It fuels my every thought, my every move.”

  “I’m flattered, but I don’t know you.”

  He donned his most genuine smile. “But you’ll have plenty of time to get to know me. There are some beautiful places I can’t wait to take you.”

  Apparently, she missed his smile because her frown deepened. “Why would you think, even for a minute, that I’d go anywhere with you? Especially after holing me up in some out-of-the-way cabin?”

  Perspiration gathered on his upper lip. Every time she questioned his treatment or loyalty to her, it felt like a wound to his heart. “Because we have a history.”

  She averted her gaze. “One I don’t recall. Like I said earlier, I’d remember someone like you.”

  Why couldn’t he remember the details of how they met? She needed proof, but what he remembered were the trees, the sound of rushing water nearby, and the moment when he knew deep in his core that everything had changed right then, without even understanding it himself. He’d been young and didn’t know back then that eventually he’d be tracking a human. It had
been a long time tracking her, and he still couldn’t believe they were in the same room together. “I’m fairly certain we met when I was in wolf form, so that would explain why you don’t recognize me.”

  Her eyes widened. “Not to hurt your feelings, but I’m terrified of wolves. Always have been. So you see, we wouldn’t have crossed paths on friendly terms.”

  Baldric never understood the irrational fears of humans, and refused to give up, trying to jog her memory. “What makes you afraid? It’s rare when wolves attack people.”

  Her expression turned serious. “When I was a little girl, my family and I went camping by a lake. I guess I wandered off for a couple hours. It’s a bit fuzzy, but a wolf tried to attack me, and it chased me all the way into a cave. I could’ve been killed.”

  From her brief description, he remembered the cave, and he remembered her. The little girl with her long tousled hair, smudges of dirt across the apples of her cheeks, big brown eyes framed by innocence. The years had been good to her, so good they transformed her into a gorgeous woman. Her hair had darkened slightly, but her eyes, a radiant chestnut, were the same. One look from her could make him do anything, then and now.

  Baldric did his best to contain his excitement. “You’re mistaken about the part of being chased by a wolf.”

  She tightened her jaw. “No I’m not. I remember the night very well. I still have nightmares because of it.”

  “I didn’t chase you. I saved your life that day. It’s when our paths first crossed.”

  Her brows knitted together. “So you’re saying something else chased me?”

  “Yes, a grizzly bear. I remember being surprised that any humans were around after warnings of grizzly sightings. You were all alone and scared. The grizzly caught your scent and was readying for attack, but I intervened. You were so small, so innocent, I couldn’t let it get you. I snapped at it with my teeth until it took off in the other direction, and then led you to the cave where you were safe. I waited with you until your parents came.”

  She blinked slowly and then gazed at him with breathtaking tenderness. “I-I didn’t know. They said a wolf tried to attack me and that’s the only truth I’ve ever known.”

  Baldric didn’t want to lose the closeness they shared right then. He needed her trust. Everything else would follow. “I’m sure it’s what they thought at the time, too.”

  Jacquelyn broke her gaze and looked down. “You must have been young yourself.”

  “I guess so, just a pup.”

  She stared up at him through the veil of her lashes. “And since then you’ve been looking for me?”

  “It started a couple years later, as I matured. The need to find you consumed me. Your scent turned me into a slave. It has kept me from any interest of being with another.”

  The strap of her outfit slid down her shoulder as she sat up, allowing him a peek at the swell of her breast. Such sweet torture.

  “You mean, you’ve never had sex?”

  He shrugged. “I’ve saved myself for you.”

  Her smile brightened the cabin. “Wait, seriously, you haven’t had sex this whole time?”

  It was evident the idea pleased her and he answered with pride, “I’ve…taken care of myself when the urge has become too much.”

  She slapped her knee and snorted. “Unreal. You’ve got to be the most committed male I’ve ever met. However do you manage?”

  He didn’t want to tell her how difficult it got some nights, when the desire threatened to overshadow his rationality. In the end he decided the risk of losing her scent because of another female, wasn’t worth it. “Out of love and respect I’ve waited. It’s my way of honoring you.”

  A tinge of pink spread across the bridge of her nose. “Well, obviously I didn’t wait around for you, so you see, I’m no good.”

  Baldric didn’t concern himself with who she’d slept with. He’d pleasure her like no one else. “I didn’t ask you to wait.”

  The way she chewed at her bottom lip was endearing. “Not to say that I’ve been with many men, mind you. I’m not suggesting I’m some tramp. I have standards and boundaries.”

  He did his best to suppress a laugh. “None of that matters now that I’ve found you. I hope you won’t deny me.”

  She pressed her sensuous lips together. They were sure to taste sweet. “I make no promises. This is by far the craziest thing I’ve ever heard in my life, but I won’t deny that you’ve piqued my curiosity, among other things.”

  His heart thundered loudly in his ears. Her distrust had waned. “I’ll resort to any tactics necessary to be with you. Even if it means pleasuring your body until you can’t take it anymore.”

  Her eyes sparkled. “Would you kidnap me? Use brute force and take me against my will?”

  Baldric shook his head at her playful challenge. “I told you, I’d never harm you. But I assure you, saying no to me won’t be an easy task.”

  Chapter Three

  Jacquelyn studied him. He’d done what she thought would be the impossible. He had won her over. Somehow his words had lulled her doubts and left her in a terrified fascination. Terrified he wouldn’t touch her, and fascinated by the prospect of sex with someone who had saved himself for her. Of course, she couldn’t ignore the obvious traits that drew the hunger from between her thighs. Seductive stare, strong physique and a cock she imagined would fill her to full capacity. And what was with the fierce determination about his role in her life?

  Regardless of the possessive manner in which he spoke, his demeanor remained uncharacteristically gentle, laidback even. “I’ve got to hand it to you, there’s no shortage of verbal foreplay with you. It makes me curious.”

  Baldric circled his hand dramatically and bowed. “A woman as beautiful as you must have to turn away many suitors.”

  Now there was a word. “Suitors? More like strays. I attract them. Men with commitment issues and relationship phobias.”

  “And this guy who hurt you tonight?”

  Jacquelyn frowned at the thought of Ted. “When did I mention him?”

  He gave her a sheepish grin. “I overheard you on the phone in your car.”

  All thoughts from before had managed to slip from her mind. “Oh, right, when you were the…wolf. Wow, is that ever strange to say. Anyhow, Ted is, or was, my longest and most problematic relationship.”

  His hand rested on the bed beside her. Very distracting.

  “What went wrong? Did he hurt you?”

  She soaked in his compassion. “Well, we hurt each other, but the real problem stemmed from our lack of communication. I guess it’s why I’m not that upset. The breakup was inevitable.”

  “What would you like to have said?”

  Jacquelyn worried she’d sound selfish. “To pay more attention to me and my…needs.”

  His gaze turned dominant and locked on her tightly. “You’d never have to ask for those things from me.”

  Lips pursed, she held in a snicker. “Oh no?”

  He brought his face close, his musky scent intoxicating. “When I touch you, it will be all about you.”

  She swallowed hard. Her tongue felt like it had tripled in size. “Oh.”

  “Will you let me touch you? Explore you?”

  Sure she wanted him to touch her. Explore her. To fuck her. Sex offered escape. Took her mind off the real issues at hand. Gave the illusion of emotional depth. Just once she’d like to believe sex could be something more, but she’d learned to deal with disappointment. Expectations were dangerous.

  Sex with a stranger wasn’t a new concept, not a fact she was proud of, but this man, he came across completely different. His words of loyalty were attractive. How he’d saved himself for her. The seduction sounded like the best invitation she’d had in years. Jacquelyn was willing to believe in the illusion for a while. What did she have to lose?

  “I don’t know if your words sound extra good because I’m still reeling from a breakup, or if I’m aroused because you give off the most ama
zing sexual vibes. Don’t ask me why your somewhat controlling behavior turns me on, but it does. I could stay locked up in here with you for a week and probably be okay with it. Once we leave, though, everything would go back to the way it was before. I’m not giving you any guarantees.”

  Sweat glistened on his chest, provoking her desire to touch him.

  He brought his lips near her earlobe and caressed her with his voice. “Things wouldn’t be the same, we’d be closer and I’m not leaving without you.”

  Her body was on fire. She didn’t see how she could refuse him anything, but wouldn’t show it. Yet. “What if I don’t want to go with you?”

  Baldric moved his face until they met at eye-level. “I’ll leave it in your capable hands. I stand to lose everything without you, but if it will mean your happiness, then it’s a small price to pay.”

  Oh, he worked in strange and mysterious ways. “Dammit. See, that’s what I mean. I look like the bad person here if I say no, and it isn’t fair. I didn’t pick up that love at first scent thing the way you did. I’ve been living my life, being with other men, trying to figure out what I really want. All of a sudden you show up and all I hear is how you’ve suffered. How you’ve gone without and sacrificed. How you need me. I don’t know what to make from any of it.”

  “All I can do is offer you honesty. Loyalty. Love. I’ve nothing to hide. I don’t mean to make you feel guilty. Let me give you what you want.”

  His words were like furious strokes against her clit, sending a heated surge between her thighs.

  Baldric leaned forward and placed his palms on either side of her cheeks. His warm breath caressed her face. Soothed any anxiety she’d held. She smiled at his predatory stare.

  “I want you. Can you say that you don’t want to experience me?” His deep voice drew a sigh from her lips. Moisture gathered between her thighs as his hands moved along her skin. Her gaze flickered to his impressive stature. Broad shoulders. The way the muscles in his arms flexed. Sinewy ripples that taunted her to run her hands along his body. His hot stare made her wet beyond belief. A look like he owned her.

  “What is your answer?” Concern narrowed his brow.


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