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Charmingly Wicked

Page 4

by Teresa Gabelman

  Angel gave Wicked a narrowed look just as Thorne was glaring at Vance.

  “Wonderful.” Wicked grinned ignoring Angel’s stare. “Seven sound good?”

  “Perfect.” Vance said, then looked at Angel who glanced his way. “The door locks now. As soon as you order a new door, I’ll replace it and take it off what you’ll owe me.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Angel argued with a shake of her head.

  “I broke it. I’ll pay for it and fix it.” Vance’s tone indicated he would win this battle. “I’ll see you all at seven.”

  All three of them watched as Vance got into his truck and left. That’s when both Angel and Thorne turned on Wicked.

  “How in the hell do you know I can cook?” Angel slammed her hands on her hips.

  “Wicked I thought we talked about this.” Thorne growled crossing his arms over his chest.

  “Dad said you can cook like a five-star chef.” Wicked said first to Angel then glared at Thorne. “And you talked, I just didn’t listen.”

  “Talk about what?” Angel asked confused on so many levels.

  “Nothing.” Wicked cleared her throat shooting a warning look at Thorne that Angel didn’t miss. “Now what do you want to cook for dinner. I’ll make sure you have it all.”

  “Wicked I was going to run and get the paint for tomorrow. I don’t have time to make a big dinner.” Angel huffed in frustration.

  Twirling her finger Wicked sighed as paint and supplies appeared at their feet. “There you go.” Wicked looked pleased with herself. “Consider yourself ready to pain tomorrow.”

  “Send that back.” Angel gasped, her eyes wide. “I won’t have you get in trouble for me.”

  “Who in the hell am I going to be in trouble with.” Wicked looked confused.

  “We aren’t supposed to do that.” Angel pointed at the paint.

  “Who told you that bullshit?” Wicked frowned then rolled her eyes. “Rook? Okay, tomorrow after you finish here we start on training. This is not against our laws Angel. Now if I said here is your new banking account with a shit load of money in it, then yes, I will be taken to witch’s prison, but not because I served up a few gallons of paint and brushes.”

  Angel felt a little dumb and hated it, but she didn’t know. Reaching down she started to pick up the paint to take it inside but stopped when she heard Wicked sigh loudly. Looking up she frowned. “What?”

  Once again Wicked twirled her finger and the paint along with the supplies disappeared. “The door is locked and your bag as well as keys are in the car.” Wicked gave her a grin. “Now what’s for dinner?”

  Shaking her head Angel rubbed her forehead. “I don’t know. What do you guys want?”

  “Well dad said his favorite is your blackened salmon fillets with roasted potatoes and garlic green beans.” Wicked cocked her eyebrow.

  “A man after my own heart.” Bruce along with Rook headed their way. “Not the green beans…gag…but the salmon sounds delish.”

  “Fine.” Angel said, glancing at her phone to see the time. “Guess I better run to the store.”

  Wicked laughed. “The food is already at the house waiting for you.”

  “Then why don’t you just use your magic and whip it up while I stay here and paint.” Angel frowned.

  “Nope.” Wicked headed toward the car pulling Thorne along with her. “Want to see if dad was just being a dad by bragging on you or if you can really cook.”

  “Why don’t I believe you.” Angel called out thinking this was all very suspicious. “And what if Vance doesn’t like salmon?”

  “Oh, he’ll like it.” Wicked got into the car then gave her a sweet grin with a finger wave as Thorne backed out and turned around.

  “Guess you’re stuck with us since they just left me and poor Rook here.” Bruce griped as he went to the car and waited for her to open up the door.

  Once Bruce was inside she shut the door and glanced at Rook who perched on the hood. “Are you getting in?”

  “What’s going on, Angel?” Rook waddled his way toward her.

  “Nothing.” Angel could never hide anything from Rook.

  “If you didn’t want to cook dinner you should have said so.” Rook never pulled punches with her. “You’re too nice.”

  “Story of my life.” Angel snorted opening the door. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Now come on and let’s go.”

  During the drive home Angel knew that Rook was right. She was too nice most times. She never raised her voice, never disagreed verbally with anyone even when she disagreed with them inside her head. Her dad always said her name fit her personality and after meeting her sister Wicked, it kinda made sense. Not that Wicked was, well, Wicked, but she definitely spoke her mind. She was a badass. Yeah, that’s exactly how she would describe her sister. They were total opposites and yet, she felt closer to Wicked than she had ever felt with anyone in her life. It was a really good feeling. Maybe it was time to take more than magic lessons from her sister. Maybe it was time to try her badass side.

  Angel chuckled at that thought as she pulled into the driveway.

  “What’s so funny?” Rook, who was now perched on the dashboard, gave her an odd look.

  “Beware of asking such questions.” Bruce, who had been strangely quiet, popped up. “Whenever Wicked does that it means something crazy is about to happen.”

  “Bruce I almost forgot you were in the car.” Angel parked, then turned to glance at Bruce.

  “I was licking my balls.” Bruce answered then gave her a look. “Guess you should beware of asking me questions when I’m quiet.”

  “Noted.” Angel said around her shocked expression before she burst out laughing. “Goddess, what in the hell had some gotten herself into?”

  Chapter 10

  To say Angel was uncomfortable was a total understatement. Not only was she cooking for her family the first time as well as Vance who looked amazing in black jeans and a white button-down shirt that hugged his chest like a second skin, she was wearing clothes that Wicked picked out for her. She looked like a damn gypsy. The long skirt was form fitting at the waist, then flared out in layers in a colorful flare. The pale purple blouse was loose which was fine for her, but the ‘V’ in the front cut a little too low for her liking. Her long black hair was pulled up in a high ponytail with colorful fabric tied around it. Yeah, not her normal attire for sure.

  She usually wore jeans and loose-fitting shirts. She never really kept up with her looks, didn’t have time for it. Another difference between her and her sister. Wicked always looked put together, whereas Angel looked as if she dug into the back of her closet.

  Wicked was helping her take the plates of food to the table. She had fixed Bruce a special bowel and gave Rook his favorite seed and fruit.

  Glancing into the living room as she passed she saw her father having a beer with Thorne and Vance. His laugh made her smile. It was so good to see him enjoying himself with someone other than her.

  “He looks good today.” Wicked was also looking that way. “He said the twins give him more strength which is weird since they drain me of mine.”

  “Yes, he does.” Angel agreed. “He is good with Rose and Jamison. I also think whatever you’ve been giving him has helped him so much more than the medicine the doctors have him on.”

  “So do I.” Wicked said as she headed toward the men. “Come on boys. Food is getting cold.”

  Thorne followed Wicked to the table, then pulled out a chair for her. Angel was surprised when Vance did the same for her. “Thank you.” Angel smiled up at him. “Sorry, I’m not used to having my chair pulled out.”

  Vance frowned down at her. “You should be.”

  Angel glanced away quickly, catching her father staring at her as Vance walked around the table directly across from her and sat down.

  “You need something to drink?” She asked her father.

  “This beer is going down just fine.” Her dad smiled. “I’ll stick with this.”r />
  Angel nodded, as the food began to get passed around. A loud moan and groan broke the silence and everyone stopped what they were doing to stare down at Bruce who had his face stuck deep inside his bowl. Suddenly his head popped up as he looked directly at Angel.

  “This is the best salmon I have ever tasted. You’ve ruined me for any salmon Wicked could magically conjure up. Nothing will ever compare to this masterpiece.” Bruce’s eyes were round with awe.

  “Dang dude, chill.” Rook glanced over at Bruce as if he’d lost his mind.

  “Well, I’m glad you like it, Bruce. I’ll be sure to make extra just for you next time.” Angel gave him a sweet smile, but his face was back in his bowl.

  “Marry me?” Bruce once again broke the silence.

  “Um, I think that’s against the law, Bruce.” Angel spooned out some roasted potatoes onto her plate before handing it to her father.

  “We’re not related.” Bruce gave her a pleading look.

  “You’re a fucking cat man.” Rook cawed bobbing his head back and forth. “It has nothing to do with being related.”

  “Rook watch the beak.” Angel warned, then smiled at Bruce. “I don’t think your lady friend would be happy about that.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Rook flapped his wings out. “That’s why you’d turn him down?”

  “She kicked me out.” Bruce said and Angel heard a little bit of sadness in his voice.

  “What in the hell did you do this time?” Wicked huffed with a shake of her head.

  “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” Bruce sounded defeated and also a little bit guilty. “I wasn’t looking at Tina’s tail, but I got accused of it.”

  “Now you being an asshat today makes sense.” Rook added, then continued eating.

  “So that’s why your hairy ass has been around more.” Thorne frowned down at Bruce.

  “You need to make it right with her.” Wicked pointed her fork at Bruce.

  Bruce snorted, but remained quiet.

  Thorne looked around at them all. “Yes, if you’re crazily wondering, we did just have this whole conversation with a damn cat.”

  “Bite me, Thorne.” Bruce mumbled, but everyone heard it.

  “Don’t tempt me, cat.” Thorne shot back.

  Angel had to turn her head and cover her chuckle. She noticed Vance had a big grin on his face also. Feeling sorry for Bruce who was not only moping but staring longingly at anyone who put salmon in their mouth, she cut hers in half.

  Standing she walked over and placed it in his bowl. Still kneeling she leaned closer to him. “Make it right with your girl, Bruce.” Angel touched his furry head. “And no female wants to think her man is looking at another girl. Makes them feel not very special.”

  “Yeah. Thanks Angel.” Bruce said after a moment of thought before burying his face back into his bowl.

  Angel stood and went back to her seat to finish what was left of her meal. Her eyes touched on everyone’s plate and either they liked it or just didn’t want to be rude because every single one of them was almost empty.

  “And I thought Rook was bad.” Her father snickered when he leaned toward her. “Bruce takes the cake.”

  “Yes, he does.” Angel grinned loving to see her father enjoying himself.

  She straightened and caught Vance staring at her. “How was your dinner?”

  “I have to agree with Bruce.” Vance nodded down at his now empty plate. “I’ve had a lot of salmon in my lifetime, but never anything as tasty as that.”

  “Marry her dude.” Bruce, who was now laying on his back with his full rounded belly sticking up in the air. “It would be totally worth it.”

  Angel felt her face burn, and for a split second she wondered how Wicked would respond to that. The table was silent after Bruce’s suggestion to Vance.

  Putting on a serious face she looked directly at Vance. “Without a proposal as grand as Bruce’s for marriage sir, I don’t think I can believe you enjoyed the salmon at all.”

  A flicker of emotion passed over Vance’s face before he tilted his head back and laughed loudly. Angel smiled liking the sound…a lot.

  “Shall I get on bended knee, madam.” Vance cocked his eyebrow at her.

  “Too late.” Angel gave him a regal stare as she stood up taking her plate. “I will be accepting the cat’s proposal.”

  “Sweet!” Bruce said, then burped loudly.

  Angel turned from the table, but not before noticing four very different expressions from each person at the table. Wicked had a huge grin, her father’s eyes were open wide in shock, Thorne was glaring at Vance and Vance, well, Vance was looking at her exactly the way she dreamed a man would one day look at her.

  Yeah, being more like Wicked seemed to be a lot more entertaining than her boring self. Feeling better than she had in a long time she began to clean up the kitchen humming under her breath.

  Chapter 11

  After dinner they all moved outside to the firepit where Thorne had started a nice fire. It was a warm night with a slight cool breeze. While the men had another beer, her father included, she drank a glass of wine with Wicked.

  “So, what do you do, Vance?” Her father asked leaning toward the fire.

  “I’m a security consultant.” Vance replied looking at ease. “Mostly for large corporations, but I do have some smaller scale company clients.”

  “Is there much of a need for that kind of service in such a small town?” He asked, and Angel smiled. One thing about her father was he never met a stranger. He could talk to anyone about anything. When Angel once mentioned that fact he laughed and said you could learn more about life by talking to people than you could in any book. Made sense if you really thought about it.

  “Well, you have bigger cities such as Cincinnati, Columbus, Lexington and Louisville.” Vance answered, then glanced her way before looking back at her father. “I took a contract in New York for a big firm. Once I determine what kind of system they need I hire local security teams to implement the plan.”

  “Can you work remotely or do you have to stay there until the job is complete?” Her dad took a slow drink of his beer.

  “This one I’m not sure yet, but most of the time I can work remotely as soon as I have the right people on the job. I leave in two weeks. I was actually supposed to be there now, but everything got moved back.” Vance then smiled knowingly. “You were a cop?”

  Her father laughed loudly, then gave Vance a nod of respect. “And how did you know that?”

  “Just a hunch.” Vance chuckled.

  “You were a cop?” Wicked gasped then frowned. “Wait a minute. You used to work for a company doing something or another.”

  “After you were taken and the police wouldn’t do anything I joined the force.” He gave Wicked a sad smile. “Unfortunately, that didn’t last long before I got sick.”

  “You became a cop because of me?” Wicked sat up straighter. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry? What are you sorry for?” He narrowed his eyes at her.

  “Well, for a few things actually, but mostly because you aren’t going to be very proud of some of the things I did in my past.” Wicked grimaced.

  “Wicked I’m proud of you no matter what.” Their father tilted his head. “And I only became a cop hoping to find you.”

  The sound of cries came over the baby monitor that sat on the table. Wicked stood and walked toward their father. She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “Thanks, dad.”

  Thorne also stood grabbing the baby monitor. “Sorry, but parent duty calls.”

  “Yeah, the beer is starting to hit so I best make my way to bed before Thorne has to carry me there.” Their father stood and wobbled slightly, but Vance stood quickly to steady him.

  “You want me to help you, sir?” Vance asked, still holding onto their father.

  “I’m good.” He laughed, then looked up at Vance. “And it’s Robert, not sir. It was nice meeting you, Vance. I’m sure I’ll see you before you leave, b
ut if not good luck.”

  Vance let him go with a nod. “Thank you.”

  “Night, dad.” Angel hugged her father and kissed him on the cheek. She watched as he slowly made his way toward the house with Thorne close to his side.

  Today had been a good day for him, but what killed her was tomorrow. Not knowing what tomorrow would bring for him. If she could take his place she would. Sighing she sat down and stared into the fire.

  “What kind of cancer?” Vance’s voice broke her out of her thoughts. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “No, it’s fine.” Angel replied, glancing behind her once more to see they had disappeared. “He has prostate, but it’s spread.”

  “I’m sorry.” Vance replied and she could hear the sincerity in his voice. “He’s a good man.”

  “So am I.” Angel gave him a sad smile. “And he is. I don’t know what I’ll do without him.”

  Silence filled the air as she stared into the fire. She knew it was rude but seeing him talking to Vance made it seem like he wasn’t sick at all. It was weird, it was good, and it was so damn sad.

  “You will do what you have to do.” Vance broke the silence causing her to look at him from over the fire. “You may not think that now, but you will go on. It will be hard, every single day it will be a chore to continue, but you’ll do it.”

  “You mother?” Angel knew for a fact he was talking from experience.

  “Yes.” Was his only reply.

  “Was she sick?” Angel hated to pry, but she had wondered what happened to her. She watched him closely, the fire playing shadows over his handsome face. Anger flashed so quickly over his features she wasn’t sure that was what she saw, but his words confirmed that anger was exactly what she saw.

  “She was murdered.” Vance’s voice deepened. She heard pain, regret and rage in each word and it pierced her heart. She also felt those emotions for him. Who wouldn’t? How terrible to live with the memory of a parent being murdered.

  “Oh, my Goddess.” Her hand went to her mouth in shock. “I’m so sorry. Did they catch the person who did it?”


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