Savior (The Inteli)

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Savior (The Inteli) Page 9

by Hazel Gower

  Danickra’s arms came around her. “I did not do anything.”

  She squeezed him tight. “Yes. Yes you did.” She placed his hand on her tummy. “You’re making my family bigger.”

  Danickra gently stroked her stomach, and she felt him kiss her head.

  The conversations went like that for the next couple of weeks. At first while the Nanos did their work she drifted in and out of consciousness. She caught one discussion which put her more at ease though.

  “I need to do more experiments on her.” She could tell Olrica’s slimy voice.

  “No. If I catch you near my mate without my consent, or if I find out you have taken more blood anything at all I will eliminate you.”

  “But clan leader, her skin has done what our did not. The Nanos have regenerated her skin. It did not do this for our people. I need to find out why. If you could jus—”

  Danickra’s roar for him to get out of his sight before he killed him just to shut him up had the man scurrying out.

  Opal had slept a lot better after that. She knew Danickra would never let anything happen to her. Even after the hurtful words she’d said.

  Danickra talked about his childhood, telling her that they lived in the large trees as the oxygen inside them was cleaner and more appropriate for their size. She’d laughed and told him about Ewoks from Star Wars and asked if that was how it was. He’d pulled her close to him and told her it sort of was.

  She spent the weeks talking about home and the friends she had. Danickra seemed to listen to everything she said, even asking questions about certain things like how they could pollute their world like they were doing and why after so many centuries they still fought amongst themselves. Opal answered as best she could, but sometimes as she told him even she didn’t know why humans did what they did.

  As the weeks passed and all Danickra did was cuddle her at night and talked before bed, she started to get a new worry. At first she’d thought Danickra wasn’t having sex with her because she was hurt. When she healed she thought he was giving her time to recover. After a couple of weeks she tried propositioning him several times, but every time he maneuvered out of her embraces and scurried off and she didn’t see a until the next day.

  Did Danickra really like her? Or was he just happy she got pregnant fast and he didn’t have to make love to her anymore? Maybe he really didn’t find her attractive and he was waiting to get home so he didn’t have to deal with her anymore.

  She knew he got boners over her because every night they cuddled and talked she could feel his rock hard cocks against her. Opal didn’t think she could last much longer. She’d never been so horny in her life.

  If Danickra didn’t do something about her elevated hormones soon she would do more than proposition him this time, she would cause a huge scene. They were arriving in Vennous in a day or two, and if she hadn’t found out what was wrong or slaked her lust, she was taking matters into her own hands.

  Chapter Twelve

  Opal stared out the window at Vennous. The planet looked a lot like Earth, with lots of blue and green. The difference was that there was barely any yellow or brown for desert or dry areas on the planet, and the trees and plants were huge. There was also a small planet and one huge grey moon.

  Danickra had said that Vennous was larger than Earth, but the holograms didn’t do the difference justice. Opal sat in the small eight-seater ship, nine if you counted the driver, that transferred them planet side. Danickra who’d barely left her side since the Doomickro attacked, well except for when she tried to have sex with him, sat on one side of her, and Heather sat on the other gripping her hand tight.

  Danickra told her that she should have a warm welcome, and a huge celebration would follow when they found out she grew the next generation. Opal still wasn’t sure how she felt about that. A baby, an alien baby, well, half would be human but still. She did like the idea of starting and having her own family, if Danickra still wanted her.

  Heather worried that because she wasn’t knocked up, as she so delicately put it, that she might not be welcome. She was scared Salamanda would have to get rid of her. Opal had reassured Heather that no one was going to get rid of her, and that being pregnant with an aliens baby wasn’t all it was cracked up to be.

  Since finding out she carried his baby Danickra hadn’t touched her sexually once. Opal was so horny. If the big yellow idiot didn’t make love to her by tonight or sooner she was going to jump him and find some way to tie him down and get what she wanted. Night time was the worst, as in his sleep Danickra fondled and felt her up. She would wake up and get into the mood only to have him wake and stop touching her.

  Opal still couldn’t decide what had stopped him and his sexual ways to her. Danickra couldn’t hide was how happy his little Danickra became anytime he saw her. She felt the evidence every morning or even when he cuddled her. She continued to worry that he was repulsed by her and he didn’t want her anymore. Her brain wouldn’t stop thinking up all kinds of things as to why he didn’t want her anymore. Why he wouldn’t make love to her.

  Opal felt lonely and unloved. Heather thought the pregnancy hormones were making her overreact.

  “Hey, Opal, did you see that?”

  Startled out of her musing she turned to Heather. “Sorry. I missed it, Heather. What did you see?”

  Heather cocked her head to the side and studied her for a moment before she answered. “I just saw a humongous bird. Like an eagle but four or so times bigger.”

  Heather’s eyes narrowed on her, and Opal shook her head. She didn’t want Danickra to think something was wrong with her and give her to Olrica to do tests, or confine her to a room and add an extra guard. She knew that’s what he’d do if Heather even thought something was wrong with her. Opal had had enough tests and body guards following her everywhere to last her a lifetime, and she swore if someone came at her with some kind of device to see if she was okay and at one hundred percent she’d hurt them. She was going insane having Cavlar as her constant shadow. If she got an extra one she would blow her top.

  Turning back to the window she took in everything. Vennous’s grass was greener, the sky a darker, clear blue, the bark on the giant trees a dark rich healthier looking brown. A massive white bird flew by, and Opal knew her mouth must be gapping open. She had known everything was bigger on Vennous, but to see it for real was amazing.

  While her arm had been healing, Danickra had told her about where he lived, and what wildlife was about. He told her that they lived in the trees, and she’d laughed and said, “Oh like Ewoks?” Danickra looked at her liked she was crazy until she explained what Ewoks where and how they lived.

  She’d been shocked when Danickra said, “Yes. We live a lot like them.”

  Opal had been surprised, because she’d thought a technologically advanced race would live in something more extravagant than trees. But once Danickra had explained why, that it hid them from predators and enemies, the air was fresher, and it didn’t disturb the environment too much, she kind of caught on and understood.

  The ship slowed, and the craft started to go down toward the ground. They never touched the ground, but hovered by the biggest tree she’d seen so far. Opal turned to look out the back windows as a panel in the tree opened and the ship got close and floated. Cavlar stood and opened the door and slid a ramp across the opening. Two of Salamanda’s men went out first, before Heather let go of her hand and Salamanda followed his men with Heather in tow. Opal watched as a huge group of red Inteli surrounded Salamanda and Heather.

  Danickra stood and held out his clawed hand to her. “Come, my Queen. They all await you.”

  Opal looked around at the four Inteli left. Wizbe stood next to Cavlar and two other yellow Inteli stood behind her and Danickra. Chewing on her lip she glanced out the door to see a rainbow of Inteli. Her stomach flipped as she remembered the time she’d first meet a group of Inteli and how all the men touched her and the outcome of everyone scaring her.

��They won’t hurt me, will they? I mean they want all want to touch me?” Opal hated how her voice sounded, but, scared and unsure, she didn’t think right now she could handle a couple of hundred Inteli touching her. The only Inteli she wanted touching her was now speaking into the device on his shirt. She studied Danickra, and focused in on him to help soothe herself.

  “You will be fine. No one would dare touch you.” Wizbe grinned and took a step toward her only for Danickra to snap at him.

  “Shut your mouth, brother. I used to think that, too.” Danickra’s eyes looked at Cavlar for a moment before they turned back to Wizbe. “I’ve become too soft. No more. If anyone touches Opal who is not authorized I will kill them. No explanations. I also intend to find out who betrayed us and make them pay. When I’m finished no one will think me soft or lenient.” He glared at Cavlar. “Opal and my child are number one. I want your best on the job.”

  Opal sat stunned as a fierce look came into Cavlar’s eyes, and she looked to Danickra and shivered. Oh God, they were lethal. Danickra was the scariest predator she’d ever seen. His purple eyes flashed and darkened, his claws lengthened, muscles bulged, his teeth looked sharper, and he seemed to almost grow.

  Danickra hadn’t scared her when she saw him fight the Doomickros, but right now as he spoke about her protection and the people who’d betrayed him she wasn’t terrified. She was turned on beyond belief. He looked so yummy. In this moment she also realized that she was never going home. Danickra wouldn’t let her go. He would search until the end of the universe for her.

  Opal eased herself back up as she really studied him. He was a fierce warrior, although every time he glanced her way his eyes grew a lighter shade and the deadly look died and his body inched towards her like she was a magnet. Danickra wouldn’t hurt her. He actually looked quite handsome, hot even as he stood proud and all alpha male. She shivered as thoughts of his dominance ran through her mind. Grabbing his still outstretched hand, she pulled herself up and lifted his hand to her mouth kissing every finger that gently curled around her hand. The warmth spread through her as she touched him.

  The talking around her came to a halt. Opal felt all their eyes on her. She stared up at Danickra, stood on the seat and yanked him to her. She pulled his face to her and brushed her lips against his, before she traced his soft lips and pressed tighter to his body as she let her tongue seek entry. Danickra let go of her hand, and his arms came around her waist. His mouth opened, and his tongue met hers.

  Opal lost herself in Danickra’s chocolate taste and the feel of him against her. A fire built within, and this time she didn’t know if she would be able to extinguish it if he stopped. Her hands came up, and she gripped his hair holding his mouth to hers.

  A loud cleared throat and cheering had Danickra pulling away from her. She groaned, and her body begged her not to give him up. Opal could feel she was on the edge, and she needed him.

  “What was that for?” He stroked her cheek, and she let out a moan, narrowing her eyes on Wizbe, who she knew had cleared his throat.

  Not caring about the little group still on the small ship she muttered, “Because, when I should be terrified of you moments ago as you went all warrior, I wasn’t. I was so turned on all I could think about was getting you alone and riding you until I got my satisfaction. I studied you, and I thought, wow, he’s mine. He’d never hurt me, and he’d never let anyone take me, or let me leave. He’d follow me to the ends of the universe. I also knew in that moment you would do anything for me.” She dropped her voice. “So if you want to make me happy you’re going to get me out of here and to a bedroom or a bed quick-smart. If you don’t make love to me or just have plain old sex I’m going to explode. Right now. I’ve never been so horny and turned on in my life. You haven’t had sex with me since you found out I’m pregnant.”

  Opal didn’t care about the snickering Inteli around her. She had cracked, broken down. She would see Danickra’s people when she’d gotten what she wanted. Opal knew that making love to Danickra and confirming their connection would ease her worries and make her feel less stressed about meeting his family.

  “You are carrying young. We cannot do what you want.”

  “What! Why the hell not?”

  Danickra’s eyes avoided hers. “It is not how it is done.”

  “Well it bloody well happens on Earth.” She pushed on him and moved away, walking towards the gathered crowd. “This pregnancy has made me hornier than hell, and pleasuring myself doesn’t help. You put some kind of spell on me. If I don’t get laid soon I swear to you I will find a way home and sleep with every man I can until the aching, tingling, burning need goes away.”

  Getting worked up now she walked out of the shuttle and over the plank, fuming. The Inteli in front of her stared wide eyed at her as she yelled at Danickra. “I mean it, Danickra. I’m going crazy. You’ve turned me into a nymphomaniac. Before we found out I had a bun in the oven you couldn’t get enough of me. You can’t say it’s not done. ‘Cause I know women that have been ready to pop their baby and still getting it on with their husbands or boyfriends.”

  Looking over her shoulder she could see she was getting to Danickra. She shivered at his penetrating glare. Maybe if she riled him up enough she might get the response she wanted, no, needed. A voice in the back of her mind told her she’d finally gone crazy, but she didn’t care. This pregnancy was making her nuts.

  Turning around to face him as he stalked towards her she growled, “If you won’t give me what I want, Danickra, I’ll find someone who will.” She turned back to the crowd and stormed to one tall yellow Inteli.

  A deafening roar echoed around her, and a second later Danickra grabbed her, picked her up and put her over his shoulder. Her squeal stopped, and she grinned in anticipation. Opal saw the shocked looks on the Inteli faces as Danickra stomped past them. Everyone gave him a wide berth.

  The fact he’d taken over and lost his cool didn’t scare her. She was excited and could feel her pussy squeezing in excitement at what it knew was to come. Her body rejoiced knowing it was about to get what it’d been craving for weeks.

  She watched as doors passed, and Inteli stood frozen, staring at her. Opal smiled and waved. When they reached the end of a long hall, a huge panel side open, and Danickra growled at people out of the line of her vision. Then his pace picked up, and three more doors and two panels opened. He entered a gold room with the same embroidered quilt that she’d seen on the ship. He placed her on the middle of the bed and came over her caging her in.

  Danickra’s gaze captured hers, and his hands held her arms up, and he snarled. “You are mine. No one will ever touch you again. I will kill them. No one will ever have you but me.”

  His mouth came to hers not letting her respond, and his hands slid down ripping her clothes off. His tail-hand came around and massaged her breasts. Opal pushed herself into his touch craving more. Her hands slid down his body, and she gripped him to her holding tight.

  Danickra’s lips left hers, and she panted for breath. He trailed kisses down her neck and nibbled on her ear.

  “You are a wicked woman.”

  “I’m anything you want me to be. I’ve missed you.” Opal brought her hands around and circled his larger cock with one hand, and stroked his smaller one with her other. “I need you inside me.”

  Danickra let out a long-suffering moan. “I cannot say no to you. You are so beautiful.” His forehead rested against hers.

  She grinned up at him and slowly guided the bigger of his two cocks into her core. Opal watched as Danickra’s eyes darkened, and his face relaxed.

  She let go of his bigger cock and eased herself down, helping him slide deeper into her. She lovingly caressed his face, savoring the feel of him. Opal was, had, fallen in love with Danickra.

  She’d missed him. Opal let that thought sink throughout her and knew she’d never go home. Danickra made her happy, even when he was being a controlling jerk. Closing her eyes, she let go of his smaller dick
and let it rub against her arse, focusing on the building fever coursing through her body.

  “Don’t stop, Danickra. I’ve missed you. I need you to show me you still want me. Please.”


  Danickra took his time savoring every stroke. He’d been so good. He’d let her heal, and had looked into all the information they had on humans and pregnancy, which hadn’t been much since they lost everything, well almost everything, Dangolng had been able to save a small amount of information. Then when she got better he’d been too scared to touch her for fear he’d hurt her and their young. He’d never forgive himself if he hurt Opal. She and their young were his whole world.

  He closed his eyes and leaned into Opal’s touch as she caressed his face and spoke nonsense. How could she think he didn’t want her? He’d woken from sleeping with her every night aching and hard. He was dying for her tight pussy and arse to wrap around him. Danickra even dreamt about her.

  Opal grabbed him and rolled, shocking him as she sat on top of him. “Stop thinking. I want all of you. Stop holding back.”

  He looked up at her speechless. She was gorgeous. Her hair fell in a tangled mess around her, and the pink covered her body in shades. Her lips were curled up in a wicked grin, and her eyes, they shone with mischief.

  Opal bit her lip with her blunt teeth. “Let me ride you.” She rose up and slammed back down.

  Danickra moved his tail hand to gather her juices and readied her arse. Opal arched into his touch, and he watched as her breasts bounced, begging for his attention. He sat up, and his mouth sucked one hard, pointed nipple in. His arms came around her, and he helped her pick up her pace.

  His need was getting out of control, as Opal’s panting got louder and she murmured, “Please. I need …Oh Danickra … harder, give me them both. Now. Now.”

  Giving her what she wanted, he slowed their pace and stretched her arse, easing his smaller cock in. She shuddered. Danickra left her breasts and took her mouth to his, both his cocks seated inside her, and she gripped him tight.


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