Savior (The Inteli)

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Savior (The Inteli) Page 10

by Hazel Gower

  His tail hand came around and played with her nub, and she pulled her mouth from him to scream. “Move. Faster.”

  He pumped into her in enjoying her tightness. Opal’s legs clamped around him, and her hands gripped his hair. Her mouth came back to his, and their tongues dueled. He moved then faster and faster until he felt her core and arse squeeze him in a vise-like grip.

  Opal bit his lip so hard she drew blood and yanked at his hair. That was it. As soon as she sucked on his bloody lip and the pain of her tug on his hair, he pulled out and flipped her over so she was on all fours. A meow noise left her, and he eased his large cum-coated cock into her arse, and his smaller dick into her pussy. She let out a long-drawn out moan.

  Draping himself over her, he sank all the way in. Closing his eyes to calm himself, he stilled when he sat deep inside her.

  “Move. Please. Oh God,” groaned Opal.

  She moved forward, and he slipped out. She shivered beneath him and pushed back at him.


  As she yelled his name in a long-drawn out breath, he snapped his eyes open, her tight muscles clenching around him. He sighed, and her pace picked up.

  “Show me I’m yours. Show me you still want me. Come on, come on,” she said as she slammed back against him.

  Her prodding made him snap. His control slipped, and he started pounding into her in a mindless frenzy.

  “Yes. Yes. Harder!” Opal screamed.

  Straightening he watched as his cocks disappeared inside her over and over. As he moved faster he used his tail hand to strum her clit, and she come undone, yelling his name as her pussy and arse clamped around his dicks in a vise-like grip. He pushed into her one last time and let himself go on a roar. “Opal.”

  Grunting, he rolled them to the side as he fell onto the bed. Opal was breathing quickly, and she clung to him giving him a kiss on his chest, on his cheek, and lastly on his lips.

  “That’s what I needed. I’ve missed this with you. Please don’t stop loving me ever again.” Opal gave him a lingering kiss.

  Opal stared up at him with big brown eyes, and he knew he was a goner. Somehow this little Earth-woman had made him love her. He traced the planes of her face and knew he’d never love another. Never touch another. Opal was it for him. He thought that even if she wasn’t his true mate he would have fallen for her.

  Opal was everything to him. She wasn’t afraid of him, and she knew how to stick up for herself. Opal was willing to learn, and … she knew how to rile him up to get just what she wanted. He chuckled pulling her tighter into his embrace

  “You do realize you are going to have to meet my people and family at some time.”

  Opal let out a long sigh and snuggled into him. “Yeah, I know. But let me sleep a little, and I’ll meet them when I’ve had a rest now I’m satisfied.”

  Kissing her head he took a deep breath, breathing her in. Mmm, home. Closing his eyes he told himself to rest for a moment and enjoy Opal in his arms before he had to deal with all the dramas of being a leader.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Danickra didn’t want to wake Opal. She’d slept all afternoon and through the night, but the medical bay doctor wanted to do some scans on the young. On the ship they’d only done blood tests to confirm the pregnancy as the medical bay had been destroyed in the Doomickro attack.

  His people were also eager to meet their new Queen. A party had been planned for tonight to celebrate her arrival, the child she carried, and the hope she brought.

  Danickra gazed down at her as he held her tight in his arms. One of her arms and legs were thrown over him, and her head rested on his arm. He didn’t want to move. He enjoyed having her like this too much. The tips of his claws trailed up and down her back, and she groaned.

  “Mmm, that feels good.” Opal wiggled herself onto him more. “What time is it? How long did I sleep?”

  He sat, lifting her up so she straddled him and brushed his lips against hers. “It is morning. You slept through the afternoon and night.”

  Opal kissed him and ran her fingers through his hair. “Are you disappointed I slept through meeting your people? I’m sorry. I don’t regret, though, what you did yesterday. The last couple of weeks have been driving me crazy with you not making love to me. I need you, Danickra. I need your touch. I need to know you still want me. Do you still want me?”

  What was she talking about? How could she not know he wanted her all the time? He was hard right now. Danickra rubbed his cocks against her. “I always want you.” He captured her face in his hands. “You are my Queen. The mother of my young and the woman I cannot live without. I will always want you.”

  She sighed and leaned into him. “Don’t make me go without again. You, Danickra, have become very important to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without your touch or not being able to taste you.” She kissed his mouth, and her tongue came out seeking entry. He opened and let his own meet hers.

  He pulled his mouth from hers as beeping from the outside of the room told him he was needed. “Youmnda, I’m sorry, but we have to get up and go. As much as I would love to finish this we have a busy day ahead of us. The washroom is to the left, and next to that is the closet. Clothes have been placed in there for you. Why don’t you go clean up and I will sort out whoever is outside.”

  He watched as she eased off him and went to the wash room. He got out of bed and went to see who was summoning him.

  On the other side of the panel stood Cavlar.

  “Report,” Danickra said.

  “Medical has been paging you all morning, and the other clan leaders grow impatient to see what kind of young you’ve produced. I have also upped the security around the Queen to a level one.”

  Danickra nodded at Cavlar. He glanced quickly behind him before he spoke. “Good. When I’m not with her I want at least three of our best men guarding her.” He lowered his voice. “If she leaves the clan house I want triple, and make it known that no one touches her or they deal with me.”

  “Yes, Clan leader.” Cavlar saluted him. “Do you want me to come with you now?”

  Danickra felt Opal before her arm came around him.

  “Hi, Cavlar, are you still on babysitting duty?” She turned her face up to Danickra. “Do you have to be somewhere? I thought you were going to show me around.”

  His stomach dropped as she gazed up at him with sad eyes. He was thankful he didn’t have to leave her. “Yes, I—we—have to be somewhere. Cavlar is coming as added protection.”

  Opal eyed him like she was searching for something, but finally she shrugged and moved her hand down to hold his. “Okay, let’s go.”

  Cavlar led the way, and they followed as they walked to medical. Danickra prayed to all the gods and goddess that everything with Opal and the young would be all right.


  Opal looked around her as they walked through hollowed out wooden hallways, up stairs, and elevators. Different colored Inteli stopped and stared at her, and after a while she stared back. Stores were scattered along the way, a place where meat hung from hooks, another with what looked like huge fruit and vegetables, and she saw three clothing stores with women standing around and talking. Opal didn’t see many Inteli women, but the ones she did see didn’t seem happy to see her. A couple even saw her and turned their backs to her. Something didn’t seem right.

  They came to a door with the pyramid on it, and all the clan leaders stood out the front. She saw Zinoro in with the group when he stepped out and smiled at her. “We are eager to see the young.”

  Crap! That was the reason why they were all here. Danickra guided her through the door, and she saw a place similar to the labs on the ship. The difference a bed lay in the middle with a clear screen hovering it.

  A red Inteli came forward with a blue following behind him. “Hello. I am Griva, medical officer one.” He pointed to the blue male. “This is Quarm, medical officer two. Can you please lie on the bed?”

  She gripped
Danickra’s hand tighter as she felt all eyes on her. She couldn’t do this with all the people in here. “No. Not until everyone is out.”

  Griva’s eyes narrowed on her. “They are the rulers. I cannot tell them to leave.”

  Straightening her shoulder she turned to the men. “I can.” Opal glared at each of them. “This is private. Leave now.”

  No one moved. They all stood their ground. She let go of Danickra’s hand and shrugged her shoulders. “Fine. I won’t do any test willingly without all of you going out. Danickra will stay, of course, and the doctors.”

  The Purple Leader sneered at her and walked towards her. “I will put you up there and hold you down if I have to.”

  Danickra snarled and pushed her behind him. Cavlar and a yellow Inteli she hadn’t met before stood on either side of her. “Bablin, touch her and you die.”

  Opal stared through the bodies surrounding her. “Why do you need to be here anyway?”

  “We want to see the evidence for ourselves that you carry young.”

  Opal eyed the purple man with the orange hair and silver eyes. “Okay. You and Zinoro can stay. The rest are out, or I won’t do it.”

  She glared up at the leaders until one by one they nodded and left. She was left with the two doctors, Danickra, Bablin and Zinoro.

  She got up on the table and lay down. The clear screen came down and hovered over her stomach. The room became quiet as everyone seemed to hold their breath. Then she heard the two doctors whispering.

  Danickra growled, and she turned to see him walking to the doctors with death in his eyes. “What do you mean it must be broken? Why do you need more Earth information?” He grabbed the red Inteli by the throat.

  Opal sat up, looked around and gasped as she saw the big screen. She could see a couple of blobs and three white flickering spots. “What do you think is wrong?” she whispered.

  Quarm stepped towards her only to pause as Danickra roared at him. He pointed to the shadows on the screen. “I’m sorry, but this child needs to be terminated.”

  She gasped and covered her tummy.

  “You see those flashing circles? That’s the heart.”

  Opal counted the circles, one, two, three. “Holy crap! I’m having triplets.”

  “What do you mean triplets?” Quarm asked.

  “It means I’m having three babies. Is there any way we can have a closer look?”

  “Yes. But you would need to lift your clothes, and I would have to touch you.” Quarm’s face was alight with excitement.

  Opal watched Danickra as he dropped Griva and came to her wrapping her in his arms and placing her on his lap as he sat on the bed. “Are you telling us there is nothing wrong? That you can have more than one young growing inside you?”

  “Yes. When you got your information on Earth didn’t you come across the information that human women can carry more than one baby? There have been records of a woman carrying eight.”

  “Dannina, Uvinya and Olrica went through the information and gave us what we would need. Then we went through what we felt important.”

  Trying not to freak out herself, she took a deep breath and took charge. “Put me back on the table, and we’ll check if it is true.”

  Danickra gently placed her on the bed. Then he stepped to the side and held her hand. “You may proceed,” he said to Griva and Quarm.

  They lifted her shirt and felt around her stomach with their tail-hands before they placed two small screens on her.

  “Turn your head to the left,” said Griva.

  “Oh. My. God.” Opal could see the outline of three tiny babies and their three pounding heart beats. She brought the hand not held by Danickra up and traced each outline. She didn’t know how long she stayed like that staring at the screen and tracing the images of her babies.

  “Do they have plates?” Bablin asked, shaking her out of her trance.

  She glared over at the Purple Leader. “I don’t care if they do or—”

  She was cut off by Griva. “Yes. I can see the plates starting to develop.” He pointed to the outlines.

  Her mind felt like it was about to explode.

  Danickra cleared his throat. “Do they have tails?”

  “This is amazing. Yes, all three do. Our genes must be strong.”

  Danickra had an almost blinding smile on his face, and she didn’t think anyone could sit up any straighter. He looked so proud of himself.

  Opal turned back to stared at the screen. Her babies were going to be hard-plated and have tails. The doctors here knew nothing about humans. What happened if they only looked like Inteli? What if the rest of them were human? The Inteli knew nothing about humans. What information they had been lost in the attack they’d had on their way home. Opal needed someone. She needed a human.

  Opal hated what she was going to demand next and get them to do, but she wanted her and her children to have every chance of survival. “You have no idea about triplets, let alone human pregnancies. I need to go home.”

  Danickra snarled.

  She took a deep breath and told herself she was doing the right thing. “Or I need a human doctor and nurse. I can’t believe I’m asking this, but you have to take a baby doctor, an OBGYN and a nurse. Make sure they’re not married and have no close family.”

  Just as she thought, the room erupted into chaos at her demand. The panel opened, and Cavlar and his men and all the clan leaders came in.

  She half listened as they fought and argued over what to do with her.

  “We cannot go out so soon after the Doomickro attacked. We need to protect your Queen, Danickra, and Salamanda’s,” the Red Clan Leader said.

  “That is why we need to go again, you fool. You can see she holds not one but three young inside her.” Opal was surprised to hear Bablin say this.

  “We haven’t found the traitors yet. We cannot leave and bring more potential danger,” the Green Leader said.

  “I will take a small fighter ship, just me and a small crew and sneak away,” Zinoro said, quieting everyone.

  Opal had had enough. She sat up and looked around the room at the leaders, medical staff, and Cavlar and his two men. She had to take control, be the clan Queen. Opal had to show these men that human woman were strong. “Is this room secure? No one can hear what’s going on in here?”

  Danickra squeezed her hand. “Yes. It’s secure.”

  Opal turned nodded. “What we have talked about and what you have found out stays in this room. I hate to take more women, and I don’t like putting any of you in danger, but I need human medical people.” She got off the table and pulled down her shirt. “This should also be a good experiment. We will know if anyone in this room is a traitor if anything happens to Zinoro. Also if anyone outside of the room learns I carry more than one child we will know.”

  All the clan leaders studied her with something akin to respect.

  “She is correct. But how do we explain my absence?” Zinoro asked.

  Opal smiled. She knew from Danickra talking to her on the ship that Zinoro was his best friend. “You are going to start spreading the word, quietly though, that you need to get away as your best friend’s happiness and the joyful news of him expecting a baby is making you jealous and you need time to yourself.”

  Zinoro grinned. “You are good. The traitor may even slip if he thinks I’m disgruntled.”

  Bablin cursed and stood forward. “I have an idea to bring the traitors out also. Everyone knows Danickra and I are not close. We have fought and argued about almost everything.” Everyone around them nodded. “Let us see if I show my hatred of Danickra taking a human and so on, I can get whoever has betrayed us to come out and seek help from me.”

  “Great idea,” Opal said as she grinned at Bablin. “You need to leave now and leave yelling and screaming anything nasty you can think of.”

  Danickra growled. “I do not like this. This is not our way. We fight, interrogate, and we will find out.”

  Opal sighed. She’d
had an uneasy feeling early on when she walked here and all the women gave her funny looks and some turned their backs, that something wasn’t right. Opal had a feeling they weren’t dealing with the type of traitors the Inteli men were prepared for. Stroking Danickra’s arm she murmured, “Give it a day or two. I have a feeling this plan is going to work. But Bablin needs to leave now before the rest of do, and Zinoro needs to leave as soon as possible.” She peered up at Danickra as she pleaded. “Please try this for me.”

  The Orange leader spoke up. “She is right, Danickra. I can feel it.”

  “Okay, if we all agree start arguing, so when Bablin walks out they see we are all out of sorts.”

  Opal bit her tongue to stop the smile that wanted to spread over her face as everyone started arguing and Bablin got into his role, yelling as he left that they would all regret their decision to have humans.


  The celebratory dinner was one of the most uncomfortable events Opal and Heather had been to, and that was saying a lot with how they grew up. All the men were happy and excited to see them; it was the women who weren’t.

  The women gave her and Heather the evil eye all night. The frustrating thing was that the men didn’t seem to notice the hostility towards them.

  Danickra sat next to her and frowned as he said for the third time. “I’m sorry I have no idea where Triniea and Siatia are. They seemed eager to meet you and wanted to come on the trip when I told them I was going to Earth. It must be something important to keep them away.”

  “No that’s fine. I’m sure I’ll meet them soon.” Opal didn’t hold out any hope.

  It went on like that most of the night. None of the women willingly spoke to them. Opal’s uneasy feeling got worse as the night wore on. Something definitely wasn’t right. From what Opal remembered being told on the ship, she thought everyone was happy to have the humans help them find a way not to become extinct. But after tonight Heather and Opal knew that wasn’t right.

  Heather and Salamanda left early because her friend had convinced Salamanda to go home and make babies. “The more sex we have, the more chances we have at babies,” Heather said. Seconds after she said that Salamanda carried her out of the room.


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