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Devil's Promise (Chaos Bleeds Book 12)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  Devil broke the kiss, pressing her back against the sofa. With his gaze still on her, he placed his hands on her knees. He spread her legs open then ran his hands up her thighs, underneath her, cupping her ass before pulling her forward so that she was near the edge of the sofa.

  He still hadn’t looked at her body yet, his eyes on her face. The way he kept watching her though, it was like he wanted to eat her.

  “My cock is so hard right now. I’m going to eat your pussy, and I want you to scream my name as I do.”


  “I want you to spread yourself open for me. Show me your cunt, Lexie.”

  She reached down between them and, using her fingers, opened the lips of her pussy so he saw her.

  His gaze moved down her body, going from her tits until he came to her pussy. He moaned. “Now that is a pretty little cunt right there, and it’s all mine.”

  She gasped as he slid a finger down her slit, pushing inside her. He added a second finger, rocking back and forth. He pulled his finger out of her pussy, sliding it up to stroke her clit.

  “Watch me, Lex. Watch me play with you.”

  Staring between her spread legs, she saw his hand moving through her slit, teasing her clit then down to enter her, before drawing back to continue to play.

  The pleasure was immense, but it wasn’t enough to make her come, just enough to make her desperate and begging for more.

  He drew his fingers back and sucked them into his mouth. “You taste so good.”

  She cried out as his mouth latched onto her clit, sucking and nibbling at the bud. He stroked back and forth but not staying long before moving down, plunging inside her, fucking her.

  She arched up, needing more and more of his touch, but he wouldn’t give it to her exactly how she liked. He was torturing her, making her beg for more.

  “You’re all mine, Lexie. All fucking mine and everything you do is for me and me alone. You have no idea just how fucking much I want you, crave you, need you. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you because I love you so fucking much.”

  His fingers moved between her thighs, and she felt him fucking her to the knuckle. He was back with two and three fingers, stretching her.

  “Let me hear you scream, Lexie. We don’t have to hold anything back. I want to hear you. Don’t stop.”

  She didn’t hold back her moans as he continued to lick and suck at her pussy. She watched his tongue dance across her clit and enjoyed the feel of his fingers. They were not as big as his cock, but they made her ache in all the right ways.

  Her orgasm started to build, and as she was about to get to that peak, he suddenly stopped, pressing a kiss to her clit.

  “Devil, why did you stop?” she asked.

  Her entire body was shaken.

  He sat back, wiping his face. “I can never get over how good you taste.”


  “Oh, yeah, you let go of my neck in the bath.”

  “Wait? What? I … we’re not done here.”

  He shrugged. “You’re right, we’re not. I’ll be in the pool when you’re ready.”

  She watched him get to his feet and walk away.

  Her mouth was open, and she was shocked that he’d actually leave her like this. How could he leave her … so desperate?

  You doubted him.

  Gritting her teeth, she was tempted to bring herself off, but she knew she wouldn’t do as good a job of it as Devil. Grabbing the nearest pillow, she released a scream. Devil would make her pay for thinking that she wasn’t good enough.

  She got to her feet and made her way toward the kitchen, which led out the back.

  Devil was on his back in the pool. His cock was hard, she saw all the way from the kitchen. This wasn’t about the two of them fighting. She had no interest in that.

  You’ve got to get your shit together.

  Going out there, he won.

  Staying inside, she lost.

  She wanted him. All of her problems were her own doing. Clenching her hands into fists, she decided to ignore them. Stepping out into the garden, she folded her arms and watched Devil. He truly was a magnificent man. Strong, fearless, determined; the best kind of person she’d ever known. He looked death in the face and laughed while he did. Throughout all of their troubles with the club, she knew he’d never let anything happen to her or their family.

  Chaos Bleeds was their family as well.

  “Have you decided to join me?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. I’m still annoyed at myself. I can’t believe I accused you of cheating. I mean, what is wrong with me? I’m so stupid.”

  “Those feelings will pass when I’m inside you.”

  “Your ego knows no bounds.”

  “It’s not about the ego, babe. I know what to do with myself, and I don’t need to have an ego when I make you come.” He stood up in the water. “I don’t want you to ever feel like I don’t want you. Bottling that shit up won’t do between us. You can hide it from the others, by all means. You and me, we’re together forever.”

  She smiled. Stepping into the pool, she walked up toward him. “Together forever.”

  “That’s right. I made you a vow and a promise. I will keep them, Lex. For better or for worse. I will love you for the rest of our lives.”

  Chapter Six

  Lexie wrapped her arms around his neck. Devil gripped her hips, holding her as she wrapped her legs around him. He padded over to the steps, sitting down, and she straddled his waist.

  Cupping the back of her head, he brought her down to kiss.

  “Please don’t torture me all night. I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “I want to go walking down the beach completely naked. Will you do that with me?” he asked.

  “What is it with you and walking naked everywhere?”

  “We’re on a private island. Chances are, we won’t get to do this again. Might as well cross some things off our bucket list.”

  “Running around naked is on our bucket list?”

  “Running around naked with you is on my bucket list.” He ran his hand up her back before sliding back down to cup her ass.

  “Is this bucket list long?”

  “It’s reasonable.”

  “I want you inside me,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Then put me inside you.”

  Lifting her up, he watched and counted as she grabbed his cock, placing it at her entrance. Slowly, he brought her down over his cock, filling her.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” he said. “I don’t even know why you’re doubting my feelings for you. There’s no one else in the world I could ever want.”

  Inch by inch, he filled her to the hilt. She arched her back, gasped, and ground her pussy on his dick. He felt every twinge and pulse of her cunt around his dick.

  Lifting her up, he began to rock her on his dick, watching her take him.

  Up and down, he slammed inside her, unable to look away.

  “This bucket list?” she asked.

  “I want to run on the beach naked with you.”

  She let out a laugh followed by a moan as he bounced her on his cock.

  “We’ve done a lot of what I want to do.”

  “Such as?”

  “Fuck while we’re on a picnic. Take your ass. Get you knocked up. Make you beg me. Spank your ass for being a naughty girl.”

  He gripped her butt so hard that he knew he’d leave marks. She had such a fucking hot ass. He was going to fuck it, hear her scream for more as he did.

  “I can’t think when you do that.”

  “Good, I don’t want you to think about anything but me.”

  He spread the cheeks of her ass open, sliding a hand between them, feeling her puckered asshole. “You want me to fuck your ass.”

  The last time he’d been inside her, Simon had walked in, and of course, he’d ended up throwing shit at his son to get out. Lexie had told him until he either put a lock on the door or the kids moved out, an
al was for special occasions.

  Yeah, having his son see his naked ass was never going to be something he went for. That shit even scarred him.


  “Oh, baby, we’re going to have so much fun.”

  Her hands went to his shoulders, and she began to work her pussy up and down his length. He watched her take him, his dick coated in her cream.

  “I want to come, Devil.”

  “Do you want to come all over my cock?”


  Releasing her ass, he stroked through her clit, seeing her eyes dilate, and she rocked on him a little faster, taking him a little harder. It was so fucking sexy, watching her come apart like that.

  He couldn’t get enough of her.

  She was so hot, so ready, all his.

  Devil couldn’t believe she had ever doubted his love for her, or even his need. He was a fucking horn dog when it came to this woman.

  There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her.

  She was the perfect woman as far as he was concerned.

  He felt the first fluttering inside her pussy as she got closer to orgasm. Stroking her tight cunt, he waited, watching her, completely hypnotized as she gave herself to him. Lexie never held anything back. She gave all of herself, an equal of passion and need.

  “Please, Devil.”

  “Come for me, baby. I’ll give you this orgasm. Show my dick some loving.”

  She held onto him and then screamed his name as she came hard. Her cunt tightened around him like a vise, not giving up.

  He played with her until she could no longer stand his touch. Grabbing her hips, he started to fuck her. Drawing her up and down his length, he took what belonged to him, and Lexie was his in every single way that counted. So beautiful and perfect.

  There were no words that could even begin to describe what she meant to him.

  Over and over, he pounded away inside her pussy, hungry for her. Horny, desperate, ready.

  Plunging into her one final time, he spilled his cum into her waiting pussy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he felt that change within her.

  Before they had arrived at the island, the connection between them had been severed. Lexie had been different. Now, she was back. All his, and in his arms. He was never going to let her go again, nor was he going to give her the chance of thinking he would never love her.

  No matter their kids, he would make sure that she knew he wanted her.

  When they got home, the kids were going to have to learn some boundaries because there was no way he was waiting this long to hear his wife come or to make love to her.

  “I love you, Devil, always.”

  He held her tightly, not wanting to let go. Pushing some of her hair off her face, he smiled up at her. “Always. You own me, woman. I’ve never said that to another living soul.”


  “We really shouldn’t do this,” Lexie said.

  She watched as Devil stretched out his muscles. He clearly didn’t have a care in the world, which was incredibly hot. His arms were out, and he was butt-ass naked, all of his ink on full display. This was what she missed so much.

  Not his naked body. She saw that every single day.

  No, it was how open he was with her. Back at home, he always had to be in charge as either leader of Chaos Bleeds or as the father to her children. When they were alone together, he changed before her eyes, and she got to see the real him that he kept hidden. If only people knew he had a playful side. Women would flock to him, which was another reason she adored him.

  He allowed only her to see this side.

  “No one is around, and no one is here to stop us. We’re not breaking any rules here. We can make them as we go along.” He held his hands out. “Come on, baby. Run with me.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ll wobble.”

  “And I’ll love every single inch of you.”


  She grabbed the belt of her robe, but he caught her to him.

  “Let me do the honors.”

  “You’re always trying to find new ways of getting me out of clothes.”

  “You love it.”

  She really did.

  He opened the robe and slid it off her shoulders where it fell to the ground. She took a deep breath. There was no hiding now. He could see every single inch of her and then some more.

  Lexie placed her arms on his shoulders as his hands once again went to her hips. Everything faded away, and all her focus was on this man, the love of her life.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I still think this is crazy.”

  “But fun crazy.” With that, he took her hand, and she screamed as they ran across the edge of the beach. The ocean was so beautiful, and she couldn’t stop laughing as they ran the length and then finally collapsed at the end.

  She fell to the ground on her back, staring up at the sky.

  “I will never forget what that feels like,” he said.

  He dropped down beside her, pulling her against him. She rested her head on his chest. “You won’t.”

  “No, I loved every fucking second of that.” He kissed her lips. He pulled her across him, and she sat up straddling his waist. “Tell me something you love about me,” he said.

  “Really? You’re going to ask that?”

  “You girls are always asking us guys. It’s time I got a bit back.”

  She chuckled. “You want to know what I love about you?”


  “You’ll have to tell me what you love about me.”

  “Have you got the rest of your life to listen to that?” he asked.

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  “Just keeping it real, baby.”

  “Fine, I love your ass.”

  “I do have a fine ass, babe. Just like you.” He gripped her ass, and the pleasure rushed through her body.

  “Your eyes, your nose, and I certainly love your mouth and your tongue.”

  He showed her his tongue, and she giggled. “It’s all for you.”

  “I love your sense of humor. I love the fact that I’m the only one that gets to see it. That you’re real with me.”


  “I love you being Prez. It turns me on to see you taking charge. It’s your club, and you know more than anyone how to look after it.”

  “Chaos Bleeds is in my blood. I’ll do whatever I can to protect it.”

  “Your loyalty to The Skulls. Accepting Tiny stepping down. Making friends with him. Not holding a grudge.”

  “There’s more important shit to life than holding shit locked in like that. I accepted Tiny’s decision ’cause he knew it was his time to step down.”

  She touched his cheek. “And I love that you’re a great father. Even when they all piss you off. You’re always going to be there for them.”

  “They’re my babies. They’re part of you, Lex. That makes them good people in my book.”

  Her cheeks heated. “You always know when to say the right thing.”

  “It’s part of my charm, which I see didn’t make your list.”

  “I love the entire package, Devil. Your charm is still not up to Ned’s standard.”

  “That old fucker wouldn’t even know what to do with a woman like you.”

  “A woman like me?”

  “Yeah, my woman. A woman who is confident.”

  She snorted. “You wouldn’t have believed that when we arrived.”

  “We all have our moments.”

  “You do?” she asked.


  “Have you ever had a moment when you’ve been scared? When you’ve not known what to do?” she asked.

  He stared at her for the longest time. “Yes.” He spoke the word so quietly.


  “That day in the kitchen. Gonzalez was there, and he held you against the kitchen counter. I’ve never been so fucking afraid in all my life. Then the day when they opened fire on T
he Skulls’ clubhouse. We had our babies there, and you were there. Everything happened so fast, even now I can’t remember it all. I know that losing you will end me because I will spend the rest of my life hunting the fuckers that took you from me and when it was all over, I’ll join you.”

  “No, Devil.”

  “Yes. You think I’ll be able to live going home every day and not having you there? While you were in the hospital, I’ve thought about it. I can’t handle that. I know that will break me. It’s why I have everything in place that if anything happens to you, Ripper and Pussy get the kids.”

  “Ripper and Pussy? Why those two?”

  “Because our kids are Chaos Bleeds. Otherwise I’d have them go to Tiny and Lash. They’re my decisions based on the men I’ve seen them become.”

  “I can’t … no, I don’t like that, Devil. You have to be around to take care of our kids.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you on this.”

  Chapter Seven

  Devil poured the sunscreen into his palms, rubbing them together before running them all over Lexie’s back. She lay spread out, hands beneath her head, chin resting on her clasped hands.

  “I don’t like that.”


  “No, I know you’re all about joining me and stuff, but what if I don’t leave from someone taking me out?”

  His hands clenched into fists. Just the thought of anyone hurting his woman made him want to fucking kill. Protecting her was his main priority. It’s why he’d stopped the illegal runs and turned toward more legal activities with regards to the deal they had with Granito and of course now siding with the right side of the Billionaire Bikers. He would never have done any of this if it wasn’t for Lexie.

  “I know you hate hearing about this, but you really don’t have much choice. If you die, I’d have to keep on going, or will you want me to kill myself to join you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then I mean it, Devil. If you kill yourself to be with me, wherever I go, I’ll make your life a misery because I need to know that our babies will be protected. I hate this kind of talk when you have it, but seeing as you’re the one that brought it up, I’ve got no choice but to do this.”


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