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Sky's Lark

Page 11

by Cheyenne Meadows

  "Lark? Oh, Lark?"

  "Hmm?" She took advantage of the moment, lightly exploring from his collarbones, down his sternum, and across his six-pack before delving just beneath the waistband of his jeans.

  "Why do I have a feeling someone is getting naked over there?" Ryan's tone sounded more amused than irritated.

  "I don't know. Why?"

  "Because I can hear you panting, sis. I'm letting you go before any more disturbing images pop into my head."

  "Okay." She licked her lips as Bryce flicked open the buttons on his jeans and dropped the garment to puddle at his feet.

  He laughed softly. "Bye, Lark. Play nice with your man."

  "Will do." Punching the button, she ended the call, and laid her phone on a nearby chair, her attention riveted on the gorgeous masculine presence before her. Bryce. The man she loved for his playfulness, his strength, sheer courage, and guts. Not to mention the ideal specimen he presented to whet her desires and stamina to keep her sated and happy.

  "Everything okay?" he asked, stepping from the ankle-shackling jeans.

  She nodded. "Ryan said I should play nice with you."

  The corner of Bryce's mouth tilted up. "Did he?"

  "Uh-huh." Her hands reached for the prize, jutting toward her as if begging for attention.

  He sucked in a breath as her fingers circled him. "I like him already."

  She shot him an impish grin. "I know something else you might like." Kneeling before him, she wet her lips, and flicked her tongue over the tip of his erection.

  A low groan rippled from his chest. "Oh, yeah. Definitely like."

  Chapter 20

  "Whirlwind romances don't normally last," Lark said as they snuggled beneath the blankets of his king-sized bed.

  They'd spent the evening sailing on a wave of passion and pleasure, finally falling asleep well past midnight from sheer exhaustion. Bryce couldn't recall a single more exciting and stimulating night with a woman, each round better than the last. Lark was the ambrosia he couldn't get enough of, full of challenges, teasing, skill, and alluring beauty, she kept pace with him through the hours, pushing him higher and longer than he thought possible. "True."

  "There's already built-in excitement in our careers." She wiggled closer, spooning her back against his front.

  "Yes," he agreed, splaying his fingers across her bare stomach, lightly caressing the soft skin.

  "And we have sparks between us."

  "Yep." They'd awoken minutes earlier. After last night's marathon session, he remained content to simply hold the woman he had longed for from their first kiss, based on a dare, several days ago. Lark, on the other hand, seemed to be in a chatty mood, almost as if thinking aloud about the future state of their relationship. She could analyze and consider as much as she wanted, but he'd already made up his mind. He was prepared to move heaven and earth in order to keep her at his side for life.

  "Sometimes the fire burns out, though," she continued on in a whispery voice.

  "Add more fuel." Feeling her cropped blonde locks tickle his nose, he leaned closer to place his lips against the nape of her neck.

  "Hmm." A soft sigh followed. "What kind of fuel?"

  Gathering her closer, he wrapped his larger frame around hers. "Whatever it takes to make you purr."

  She flipped over to meet his gaze, adjusting his pillow to support her head as well. "You mean the sex?"

  He repositioned his hands to trace her back and cup her delectable rear. "Sex is just part of it."

  Her eyebrows furrowed as confusion marred her pretty face.

  "I want to be with you." His hand trailed over the arch of her hip and up until he rubbed his thumb over her rosebud nipple.

  "I'm not going anywhere today." Lark's eyes closed on a moan.

  He nuzzled her cheek. "I meant I want to be with you today. Tomorrow." He placed a soft kiss to her forehead. "The next day." Another peck to her nose. "And all the days to come." His mouth sealed over hers in a sharing of mutual passion.

  Long moments later, Lark broke the contact, panting for breath. "What are you saying exactly?" She stared at him, her lips slightly swollen from his attentions. Anticipation crossed her features.

  Hell, he'd fallen in love with her that first night when she threatened to kick his ass for accosting her and demanding a simple kiss. Brave, beautiful, and full of attitude, she snared his attention, carved a place for herself in his heart, and set him on a fast track to eager and cherished devotion. Instead of shying from commitment, for Lark, he embraced it fully. He'd never wanted anything as much as he wanted her.

  No time like the present to confess my feelings. Steeling his resolve and sucking in a breath, he answered her truthfully. "I know it's soon, but believe me when I say that I love you, Lark."

  A slow smile appeared on her face as her eyes lit up with happiness. "Good. Because I love you, too, soldier."

  "Marine," he automatically corrected with a rueful grin.

  "My Marine." She laced her arms around his neck and pulled him flush for another lip lock.

  "My soldier, my dove, my love," he whispered against her soft lips before covering them with his own.


  "Merry Christmas," Bryce whispered against Lark's ear as they snuggled under the warm blankets of his king-sized bed.

  "Mmm. Merry Christmas to you, too." She turned her upper body enough to look into his face. The face of the person she'd fallen in love with during a mission that destroyed a cocaine factory, killed the drug lord, and sent a DEA supervisor to prison for several years. Through it all and since, Bryce had kept her on her toes, given as good as he got, and proved to be just the man she'd searched for, the other half and a true complement to her. No woman could ask for more.

  She still worked for the Wind Warriors while holding a contractual position with the DEA. Bryce returned to his suburban detective position, moving her from her big city apartment to a smaller city house still minutes away from the hustle and bustle. So far the arrangement worked out well, giving them quality time together as well as enough time apart to keep their relationship fresh and prospering.

  With a mischievous grin, she wiggled her bottom against his groin, earning a nip to her ear and a low groan from him. "We have to get up. You need to get your present." She chuckled then scurried out of the bed before his long arms could catch her and drag her back for another round of lovemaking. As tempting as that might be, she wanted to watch the expression on his face as he found his gift more. "Come on, lazy bones."

  He growled and lightly slapped her bare bottom as he moved past her to his closet. "Tease."

  "Yep. But you love me anyway." She slid a pair of fuzzy pajama bottoms on, followed by the matching top. Plain white socks completed the package.

  Turning, she watched Bryce dig through his closet, noting the way muscles in his back slid under the flesh as they extended and retracted. His butt cheeks clenched as he rose on tiptoe to reach the top shelf, the sight nearly setting her mouth to watering with want. And, her mouth wasn't the only body part getting wet.

  "I'll go get your present ready." She quickly headed out of the room before she changed her mind, grabbed that luscious rear, and rode him until the cows came home.

  With a quick glimpse back at the door, she snuck down the hall and into the office where a large dog crate sat. Kneeling down, she smiled as a pink nose pressed against the door. "Shhh. I'm going to take you outside to potty, but we have to be very quiet. I don't want to give away the surprise."

  Ryan brought Rose by earlier, meeting Lark at the back door, in order to help keep the pet a secret until the right time. She feared Rose would become lonely and begin to bark, ruining the well thought-out plan.

  She unlatched the door, taking the medium-sized apricot and white spotted dog by the collar, smiling at the wrinkled red bow around her neck, and led her through the kitchen and quickly outside via the small garage door that led to the backyard. Not wasting a moment, the dog found a spot
and squatted, then jogged back to Lark, her mouth open in a wide smile as her tail wagged with enthusiasm.

  Lark patted her head and gave her a big hug. "Okay. Let's go meet Daddy."

  Since Lark had moved in with Bryce less than a month ago, they'd discussed getting a dog a couple of times, both somewhat interested but concerned their jobs required too much of their time in order to be available for the animal's needs. Bryce tossed out the idea for an outside dog, but Lark quickly vetoed it, citing the lack of companionship and the fact that she couldn't stand at the door in a warm house and watch an animal freeze its rear off in a drafty doghouse in the snow and ice. Thus, each time they'd discussed the matter, it ended up tabled for later.

  Until last week. While browsing on the computer, she'd stumbled across a website that showed pictures of homeless pets available for adoption. She'd become intrigued, quickly typing in her zip code to search the local rescues first. Hundreds of pictures appeared for her to not only look at, but read what little information they knew about the animal. Nothing really caught her eye, until the picture of "Rose" came up on the screen.

  The golden retriever mix had been abandoned, her owners had moved and didn't bother to tell anyone or find a home for her, simply leaving her in the backyard with no food or water. Luckily, after a couple of days, the concerned neighbors called Animal Control. They'd taken her to the local shelter where she'd waited until her time was up, only to be saved in the final hour by a rescue group who just happened to visit for the day. According to the foster parents representing the rescue, they'd seen those sad eyes that spoke of an old soul that wanted nothing more than a human to care for her and couldn't turn their back on her. The four-year-old female was calm, smart, and playful, loved everyone and anything she met. Really, an angel with fur who deserved better than the miserable lot in life she'd endured thus far.

  Lark would be forever grateful for their compassion as they'd saved the canine she fell in love with. After meeting Rose, she'd immediately signed adoption papers and made arrangements to pick her up on Christmas Eve, so she could surprise Bryce on Christmas morning. She could have easily brought home another pet or two, but felt one would be pushing the limit, thus putting the dream of additional pets on the back burner for much later.

  Taking a deep breath, she pushed through the kitchen and into the living room where Bryce sat on the couch waiting for her. Rose tugged and Lark released her, smiling with sheer joy as the friendly dog immediately jumped on his lap, covering his face with doggie kisses.

  "Good morning, Rose." He chuckled while rubbing his hands over the excited girl, finally managing a moment to meet Lark's gaze over the dog's wiggling body.

  Bewildered, she tilted her head, watching Rose love all over Bryce with familiarity. A soft bark pulled her attention across the room where a huge rottweiler rested on a dog bed, busily gnawing on a chew bone the size of her arm. "Cav?" The dog looked up, wagging his stub for a tail as if recognizing his name. "I don't understand." She turned back to Bryce.

  "Lydia, the foster mom, called one day when you were out. She didn't realize Rose was to be a Christmas present, so she told me about your visit and plans to adopt her and then said that Cavalier's adoption fell through. Since they were bonded so closely, she wondered if you would take them both."

  Rose finished greeting Bryce, then hopped down to the floor, stopping in front of the huge male that doubled her in size. As Lark watched, Rose lowered her muzzle, licked Cav across the forehead, then flopped down beside him, chewing on the opposite end of the bone. All the while, Cav simply watched her, his cropped tail flicking now and again, with no warning growls or possessiveness in his body language.

  Amazing for a dog dumped out in the country to survive on his own several months before. Good Samaritans had found him dragging a metal foot trap attached to his toes, limping, and in pretty rough condition. A rescue had immediately taken him in, heading straight for the vet who had to amputate three toes on the right front foot and place a steel bar in his left rear leg in order to stabilize a femur fracture and allow for it to heal properly. Through the whole process, never once did Cav show aggression, meanness, or hostility. Instead, he warmly greeted everyone he met and soaked up love and attention any way he could. The foster home accepted him, where Rose and he clicked, playing and roughhousing one another like puppies, only to curl up together for sleep time.

  Bryce continued to watch the two. "After she told me his story and how much they really needed one another, I went to see them. I know we hadn't made definite plans, but Lydia assured me that Rose stole your heart and knew Cav would do the same given the chance."

  "Your brother 'fessed up about bringing Rose by before daybreak. I got him to bring Cav at the same time, keeping him in his carrier until you were ready to spring your surprise."

  "He's a sly one."

  "Yep." He faced her once more. "I think they're a perfect fit."

  She sauntered over to the couch, sat down, and cuddled up against Bryce, a beaming smile covering her face. "I can't believe you, marshmallow heart and all." His dark eyes sparkled. "No wonder I love you."

  He leaned in to place a quick kiss to her nose. "And I have another present for you." He stood up, walked over to the Christmas tree, and pulled a small box from its hiding place nestled on one of the middle branches.


  "I've seen you down here peeking through the packages to find out what Santa brought you." He ambled over, holding the box out to her.

  Impatiently, she tore the paper off only to find a small black velvet-covered jewelry box.

  Bryce reached out, plucked the item from her fingers, a mischievous grin crossing his face. Bending down to one knee, he flipped open the lid.

  Her heart sped and breath caught as she took the ring from its holder, turning the beautiful band this way and that, admiring the brilliant reflection of light off the large diamond. A lump lodged in her throat.

  "Lark? Will you marry me?"

  Tears welled up in her eyes as she focused on his face. With a cry of excitement, she pulled him into her arms. Holding on tight, she pressed kisses to his cheek and jaw. "Yes. Oh, yes."

  He chuckled, sitting back on his heels to cup her cheek and press a gentle kiss to her lips. "I love you."

  "I love you, too. So much."

  He snared the ring, slipping it on her finger, his face reflecting the sheer happiness in her near-bursting heart.

  Both canines paused in their morning treat to stare at them.

  "Don't worry, guys, her bark is worse than her bite," Bryce assured them.

  Lark giggled. "Don't listen to Daddy. For the record, he likes it when I bite."

  The two shared a look before Bryce regained his feet and reached out. Lark accepted, intertwining her fingers with his. "Up for another wrestling match, are you?"

  He swatted her bottom lightly, directing her back to their room. "Maybe this time I'll let you win."

  She grouched up at him, "You let me win and I will kick your ass."

  He laughed. "A warrior to the end."

  "And you wouldn't want me any other way."

  He closed the bedroom door behind them and pulled her into his arms. "Never change, dove. I love you just the way you are."

  "Good thing since you've grown on me. You know. Like mold." She grinned up at him.

  He snorted. "As if."

  She stood on tiptoe, met and meshed their lips together, pouring everything she felt for him into the passionate embrace and leaving no question as to her deeply entrenched love.

  The End

  About the Author

  Growing up in the Midwest, I began reading romance novels in high school, immediately falling in love with the genre, to the point where I decided to write professionally. However, that dream splattered against a brick wall, resulting in quick death in my first writing class in college when my professor told me bluntly that I wasn't any good at it. I shifted gears quickly, and left my writing dreams behind, ev
entually settling on being a nurse.

  A few years back, I stumbled across a fan-fiction writing site on a favorite author's webpage. I began to read stories others wrote, not only making some wonderful close friends from the experience, but also learning to write for the very first time. Here I was able to share short stories, practice my writing skills, and truly develop into a writer. More than that, the experience allowed me to revitalize my dream, as I rediscovered joy in writing.

  When I'm not working or writing, I enjoy working in the garden, canning, and seeing my backyard as a living canvas for my whimsical landscaping, and, of course, reading romance novels.




  Also by Cheyenne Meadows

  Available from Silver Publishing

  As Fate Would Have It


  Tiger's Lily


  Summer's Night

  Sky's Lark

  Reviews for AS FATE WOULD HAVE IT say:

  "The unbelievable chemistry of these two characters, is what makes As Fate Would Have It, the sweltering and fantastic read that it is. Rye is a detective that once worked as an actor. He's not just any actor though, he's a retired porn star, with a whole heck of a lot more experience than the virgin that is Brie. Rye will rock your socks off with his sexy sweet talking and his domineering ways. He's got a hidden sensitive side as well, creating a character that will leave you dying for more with every page you read. Brie is a good girl nurse, with nothing but an uppity spirit flowing through her. She also happens to be most hilarious heroine I have read about in a while. She's determined and strong-willed, never wanting to give up on anything in life. I admire her willingness to take risks in order to help people she knows nothing about. She's a grade A character who will make you want to be a better person yourself.


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