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Archie Greene and the Magician's Secret

Page 17

by D D Everest

  But Archie was already running on into the shadows.


  Wolfus Bone pursued the flarewolf through the dark corridors of the museum, his eyes fixed on the beast as it loped along in front of him.

  As he entered one of the smaller galleries, he was met with a wall of flame, scorching the side of his face and chest. The flarewolf sprang at him, sending him sprawling, and knocking the blade from his hand. Bone lay on his back like some giant insect unable to right itself.

  He could do nothing as the creature’s salivating jaws closed on his throat. With his last breath Bone reached out for the shadow blade, his long fingers grasped for it in the darkness and felt its cold touch. Drawing it into the palm of his hand, he plunged the blade through the flarewolf in one upward motion. It felt like his hand was passing through fire. The flarewolf gave a high-pitched howl. It twisted and turned on the blade. Darkness spilled from it, like fetid subterranean fog. Neither liquid nor vapour, it oozed from the creature and evaporated in the light.

  Wolfus Bone lay on his back gasping for air. He felt his own life draining from him. His side where the creature had wounded him ached with a dull pain. His head throbbed and his sight was blurred. He heard a sound, and someone knelt down beside him. He was too weak to see who it was, but he felt them wipe the darkness from his eyes.

  ‘Where is the flarewolf?’ Bone asked.

  ‘You have destroyed it,’ the voice said, soothingly.

  A cup was held up to his mouth, and he heard a voice whisper, ‘Drink this. It will ease your pain.’

  Bone opened his eyes and looked up into the face of Arabella Ripley. She smiled.


  The Crypt

  Archie held the pendant aloft so that its green glow lit his way. Before him were seven marble plinths, a large iron cage on each. Four of the cages contained books whose covers were shut tight. But the fifth plinth was empty and the door of its cage was open.

  A man stood beside it. In one hand he held a set of silver keys and in the other he clutched The Book of Souls. An eerie blue light spilled from it.

  ‘Professor von Herring,’ Archie cried. ‘Thank goodness you’re here. But aren’t you meant to be at the meeting with the museum elders?’

  Von Herring smiled. ‘I left the meeting to look for you. Now that I have found you everything is going to be all right.’

  ‘But Professor,’ Archie said, ‘you don’t understand, The Book of Souls wants to be with the other Terrible Tomes. That’s what it wanted all along. It’s trying to release their magic. We have to stop it.’

  Von Herring gave him a pitying look. ‘No, Archie, it’s you who doesn’t understand. The Book of Souls is where it was always meant to be – and now that you are here too, we can begin.’

  ‘Wha— What? But we have to protect the museum,’ Archie said, backing away.

  ‘How very touching,’ said a voice behind him. Archie spun round and saw a figure standing in the shadows. Something was very wrong.

  ‘Who are you?’ Archie demanded.

  ‘Come now boy, surely you recognise the greatest magical book collector the world has ever known,’ the man sneered. Archie felt his stomach give a sickening twist as he recognised the cold, grey eyes.

  ‘You’re Arabella’s grandfather! But it can’t be,’ he gasped. ‘Arthur Ripley is dead!’

  The man laughed. ‘That’s what I wanted you to believe. When I escaped from the fire I was barely alive. It took me years to recover, but now I’m ready to claim my greatest prize – The Book of Souls.’

  ‘But how do you know about the book … ?’

  ‘It’s really very simple,’ said Ripley. ‘John Dee’s associate was my ancestor Morton Ripley and he left a record of all their dealings. While I was recovering from my injuries I found it among the papers at Ripley Hall. Morton had arranged for The Book of Souls to be delivered to you on your twelfth birthday. He knew that one of the Ripley family would be there to collect the book and collect you – because you see Archie, you were always part of the plan.

  ‘You still don’t understand, do you?’ laughed Ripley. ‘I came back for The Book of Souls. But the book on its own is no use to me. My ancestor realised that when he found it in the collection at Ripley Hall.

  ‘He knew that only a gifted book whisperer could reveal its secrets and there hadn’t been one of those for centuries. So when he heard that the great magician John Dee was searching for the book, he had a brilliant idea. Dee was famous for his scrying skills. Why not use him to find the next great book whisperer?

  ‘The second part of his plan was even more brilliant. He instructed Folly & Catchpole to deliver the book to you so that you and The Book of Souls would arrive together. On the day the book was meant to be delivered we were waiting – my accomplice and I. But you didn’t show up and that idiot Screech didn’t know where the book was, so I had to be patient. Of course, we couldn’t allow Screech to go around blabbing about what we were up to so we kept him quiet.’

  ‘But why did you grab Peter Quiggley?’ demanded Archie. ‘He knew nothing about it.’

  ‘Yes, well, one apprentice looks much like another,’ said Ripley. ‘We thought he was you but it soon became clear that he was clueless, so we threw the little shrimp back. And now you are here.’

  Archie stepped away. He felt sick to his stomach. He realised he was caught in a trap.

  Arthur Ripley smiled. ‘And now you are here, you will command The Book of Souls to release its last, and greatest, secret.’

  ‘Never!’ cried Archie, defiantly.

  ‘You will do as you are told,’ von Herring ordered.

  ‘And if I refuse?’

  Ripley gave a cruel laugh. ‘Oh you won’t refuse,’ he said. ‘Because if you do your cousins will die.’

  As he spoke, Archie was aware of other figures in the shadows. Von Herring pushed Bramble and Thistle forward. Their hands were bound and they were gagged. Archie stared into their wide, frightened eyes.

  ‘So you see, Archie, you really have no choice,’ said von Herring. He handed the silver keys to Ripley and carefully placed The Book of Souls on the ground.

  ‘You will command the book if you value your cousins’ lives.’

  Archie stared desperately at Bramble and Thistle’s terrified faces.

  ‘All right,’ Archie said. ‘But what makes you think I can even open the book?’

  ‘Because you are a book whisperer,’ said von Herring. ‘You have the power. Now, hurry. It won’t take the museum elders long to realise that I am not at the meeting and they will come looking for us.’

  Archie gazed at The Book of Souls. Its cover was secured by the silver clasp with John Dee’s symbol etched on it. He knew what the symbol meant now. It was a warning. The old magician had not wanted the book to be opened, but Archie had no choice.

  ‘Open!’ he commanded under his breath. ‘My cousins are depending on me.’

  With a click, the clasp opened. The strap with the clasp slithered onto the ground and the book’s cover sprang open.

  ‘Command the book to release its last secret!’ demanded Ripley. ‘Do it!’

  Archie felt his panic rising. ‘But I don’t know how,’ he said.

  ‘I am disappointed in you, Archie. But since you have chosen to be so stubborn, I have no choice.’ He turned to von Herring. ‘Feed them to The Book of Souls!’

  Archie saw the frightened look on Bramble’s face as von Herring pushed her roughly towards the open book. As he did, The Book of Souls grew until it was several times its original size. Its surface shimmered like a pool of dark water. Bramble tried to struggle, but von Herring was too strong.

  ‘Wait,’ cried Archie. ‘Don’t hurt her. Tell me what I have to do …’

  Von Herring did not answer. His eyes were fixed on the pendant around Archie’s neck. ‘That pendant,’ he said. ‘It is John Dee’s scrying crystal. I recognise it from the portraits. Where did you get it? Give it to me.’

  He snatch
ed the pendant from around Archie’s neck, breaking the silver chain. The green crystal pulsed once and Archie felt a sudden foreboding.

  The Book of Souls was glowing with a strange blue light. The open pages rippled like the surface of a black lake. ‘Get back,’ he cried to his cousins. ‘Stand away from the book.’

  Bramble and Thistle pulled back, but von Herring was rooted to the spot, staring into the crystal. His eyes were wide. His face suddenly changed. Confusion replaced delight. ‘But what is this? What is happening? No, not me. Take the girl,’ he screamed. The pendant fell from his hand, clattering onto the flagstone floor and Archie picked it up.

  The surface of the book began to churn. Two claw-like hands reached out and seized von Herring. He didn’t even have time to scream before he disappeared beneath the surface of the pages.

  Arthur Ripley shook his head. ‘He was a fool,’ he sneered. ‘He should have known that The Book of Souls would require something in exchange for releasing its secret. And now it has his soul. And if you refuse to co-operate then your cousins are next!’

  Ripley pushed Thistle forward. ‘So what do you say now, Archie Greene? Are you ready to do as you are told?’

  Archie had no choice if he was to save his cousin.

  ‘Whatever secret you still contain, I command you to reveal it.’

  There was a hissing sound and black letters began to appear above The Book of Souls. The letters twisted into words.

  Archie knew that it was dark magic but he was unable to stop himself uttering the words.

  ‘Let darkness fall

  Let darkness reign

  The power that was

  Shall rise again.’

  The Book of Souls began to shake violently. Its cover, which was stretched tight, started to ripple and bulge as if something were trapped inside. Shapes appeared in its surface. Suddenly, a dark inky liquid erupted from the book like a volcano.

  At first it oozed like molten black clay, but gradually it began to take the form of a tall and very angular man in a long purple robe. Around his neck he wore a ruby gemstone on a silver chain. His face was deeply lined and he had hollow cheeks and a long hooked nose. His white skin was the gnarled texture of the book’s cover. Long black hair threaded with silver framed his gaunt face and his staring black eyes seethed with malice.

  Archie had seen that face before.

  ‘It can’t be!’ he exclaimed in horror.

  ‘Oh yes it can,’ Ripley cried, his voice exultant. ‘The book’s last secret is the soul of Barzak himself!’


  The Final Secret

  Barzak was almost seven feet tall and towered over the others as he took in his surroundings. The dark warlock clenched his claw-like hands. His black fingernails curled at the ends like talons.

  Ripley’s voice was triumphant. ‘You see, Archie, when he was caught in the fire, Barzak did the only thing he could to survive – he gave his soul to The Book of Souls. But he needed a book whisperer to release him – and now he is free!’

  The warlock clicked his fingers and The Book of Souls pulsed with blue light.

  ‘All is ready,’ Ripley said, indicating the Terrible Tomes in their cages. ‘The book whisperer is Obadiah Greene’s descendant. It was his power that released you.’

  Barzak’s bloodless lips twisted into a thin smile. His black eyes turned hungrily on Archie. His voice sounded like thunder.

  ‘So, boy, you have the gift. You can unlock the Terrible Tomes and release the dark magic.’

  Archie turned away. ‘Never,’ he cried, defiantly.

  Arthur Ripley laughed. ‘We have all the persuasion we need,’ he said, gesturing at Bramble and Thistle. ‘He will do anything to save his cousins.’

  ‘Then let it begin,’ Barzak said. The warlock closed his eyes in concentration. Archie heard voices inside the cages. ‘Release us from our prisons,’ the voices hissed. ‘Let us bring our dark magic to the world. Let the dark age begin!’

  ‘Patience my dark brothers and sisters,’ thundered Barzak. ‘Long have you waited for this moment – I am restored to you. Together we shall bring a reign of darkness that will last a thousand years.’

  The warlock turned his gaze on Ripley.

  ‘Unlock the cages!’

  Ripley fitted the first silver key into the lock of the first cage and turned it, moving down the line until he had unlocked all four of the cages containing the Terrible Tomes.

  ‘Are you ready to use your gift to release the Terrible Tomes?’ he asked.

  ‘Never!’ Archie cried again.

  Ripley’s face twisted into a crooked smile. ‘Very well,’ he said.

  He put one hand on Bramble’s shoulder and the other on Thistle’s and propelled them towards The Book of Souls.

  ‘What a shame that your cousin is too foolish to save you,’ Ripley sneered.

  ‘Do you really think you’re going to get away with this?’ demanded Archie, trying to stall for time. He was desperately racking his brain to think of something. Anything.

  ‘Who’s going to stop me?’ laughed Ripley.

  ‘Gideon Hawke,’ said Archie, trying to sound more confident than he really was.

  ‘That idiot? Don’t make me laugh. No, Archie Greene, no knight in shining armour is coming to your rescue.’

  Something clicked in Archie’s mind. A light went on. A knight in shining armour! That’s what he needed.

  ‘Funny you should say that!’ he said, reaching inside his bag and producing the glass phial.

  ‘Is that the best you can do?’ sneered Ripley. ‘Do you really think a popper stopper is of any use against the dark warlock? You are pathetic, Archie Greene.’

  Archie ignored the taunts. He hurled the glass phial at the flagstone floor.

  Ripley was still talking. ‘Enough. It is time to finish this. Say goodbye to your cousins, Archie Greene!’

  There was a loud popping sound behind them. A horse whinnied.

  Suddenly, a deep voice boomed from the shadows: ‘Unhand them you foul villain! For Archie Greene and the Museum of Magical Miscellany! Charge!’

  With a thundering of hooves, Sir Bodwin careered towards the startled Arthur Ripley. Ripley stared in disbelief. Then he let go of Thistle and Bramble, and ran into the open cage prepared for The Book of Souls.

  Sir Bodwin pulled on his reins and his horse reared up. Its front hooves pawed the air, closing the door to the cage. The knight turned his steed around and charged again, this time at Barzak.

  ‘In the name of magic, you shall not prevail this day you fiend!’ he roared. But Archie’s relief was short-lived. Barzak raised one clawed hand. Knight and horse ezaporated with another loud pop.

  Barzak’s dark eyes flashed with rage. His voice echoed off the walls. ‘You dare to defy me, book whisperer? For that you will die! But you will serve your purpose first.’

  Archie felt his hope fading. But in that moment he heard another voice. It was a quiet voice that whispered in his ear. It said, ‘Have courage. All is not lost. The Tomes are powerful but they rely on fear. The warlock needs your fear to give him power, too.’

  Archie remembered The Little Book of Blessings. He knew that only he could hear her voice.

  ‘What about my cousins?’ he whispered back.

  ‘They must be brave, too. But I will help you. When the warlock tells you to release the magic from the Terrible Tomes, release me instead.’

  Archie could hear the hissing voices inside the cages. The sound was deafening. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate.

  ‘Release the Terrible Tomes!’ thundered Barzak. ‘Release my dark brothers and sisters, book whisperer – or your cousins will die!’

  What was it that Gran had told him about courage? Real courage wasn’t when you felt brave; real courage was when you were frightened but acted anyway. For the first time in his life he really knew what she had meant. His legs felt like jelly and he was afraid they would fail him. Archie pulled The Little Book of Blessing
s from his pocket. ‘Stay with me,’ he whispered. ‘I need your magic.’

  Then he screwed up all of his courage.

  ‘I release the magic that lies within

  I believe in its power above all things.’

  He directed his words not at the Terrible Tomes but at the little book in his hand. The Little Book of Blessings began to glow, giving off a warm orange light that lit the dark cavern. Archie felt an outpouring of wisdom and courage. And most of all he felt a great surge of hope. The little book felt comforting in his hand, and he felt its magic giving him heart.

  ‘Archie Greene, you have the power to save magic. Believe in yourself,’ it whispered.

  Barzak’s black eyes burned with hatred. The warlock raised his voice. ‘Fool! You think you can disobey me?’

  And then suddenly Archie heard a new voice. It was a thin voice, and yet it did not waver.

  ‘I cast you back into the darkness. I command you return to where you came from,’ it cried. And in that moment Archie recognised his own voice. And as he did, the words became visible, written in fiery green letters that hung in the air. And Archie smelled the aroma of a star-lit night.

  A look of shock and anger passed across Barzak’s face.

  ‘What is this?’ he thundered. ‘How dare you place this feeble magic before the Terrible Tomes? You will pay for this, book whisperer. You and your family are twice cursed.’

  Barzak loomed over him, but Archie cried out again. ‘I cast you back into The Book of Souls.’

  The Little Book of Blessings gave one final pulse of light and Archie knew that it was the very last of her magic. With a sound like thunder, Barzak was sucked back into The Book of Souls. Like some grotesque jack-in-the-box, the warlock writhed and twisted as he fought to keep the book open. His black talons ripped at the bindings and his dark eyes flashed with hatred.

  And then with a scream like a dying animal, his dark robes folded into the pages of the book, and the wrinkled skin of his face and hands disappeared back into the cover. With a final flash of blue light, The Book of Souls snapped shut.


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