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Waiting for Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 3)

Page 9

by Samantha Britt

  “Are you suggesting he tell her the truth?” Prince Kalan asked, incredulously.

  Gwen nodded, undeterred by her husband’s reaction. “I am. Sara deserves to know everything. She especially deserves to know everything before she is dumped without so much as a hint as to what happened.”

  There was a knowing in Gwen’s voice that had Ronan asking, “Have you spoken to her?”

  “No,” Gwen shook her head, her firm expression had lightened as time passed. “But I spoke with Kate. She doesn’t know much, but she said Sara told her you two were no longer seeing each other.”

  Ronan’s heart squeezed again. “I– I didn’t know what to do. I almost told her I loved her, and she doesn’t even know the truth about me.”

  Gwen held up her palm. “Don’t explain yourself to us. Go talk to Sara.”

  Chapter 13

  “I can’t believe you agreed to go on a date with Taylor. Give yourself some time, girl.”

  Sara rolled her eyes at the cell phone sitting on her dresser. “It’s not a date,” she yelled into the speaker phone. “We are just seeing a movie.”

  “Yeah, and you are getting dinner. It’s a date.”

  Sara could hear her sister’s simultaneous amusement and worry. It had been two weeks since Ronan basically vanished from her life, and Kate seemed on guard for a breakdown at any moment.

  Well, Sara thought to herself, she will be disappointed.

  After day three of not hearing from Ronan, Sara began to worry. What if he is hurt? What if something bad happened and he needed help?

  Then, after a week, Kate told Sara she spoke with Gwen. Although Kate swears she was very covert about the inquiry, she found out Ronan was fine. Gwen told Kate she had dinner with Ronan the evening prior.

  Sara’s heart shattered into a thousand tiny pieces when she heard the news. For one entire day, Sara tortured herself with questions of what she might have done wrong.

  Didn’t the two just share a romantic dinner the other night? Had she misheard, or didn’t Ronan almost tell her he loved her?

  The thoughts, worries, and questions were overwhelming. After only 20 something hours, Sara had enough. She decided to block him and every single memory of him from her mind. There was no excuse for his behavior other than he was no longer interested in a relationship.

  At first, Sara didn’t believe herself. The two agreed they were exclusively seeing one another.

  Maybe that’s what did it. Ronan was fine dating as long as there wasn’t a label. Once there was an expectation, he bolted.

  That realization pushed Sara over the hump.

  Was she still hurt? Of course.

  Angry? Who wouldn’t be?

  Despite those feelings, Sara did not let the situation interfere with her life any further. She returned to work, both teaching and assisting Taylor and Uncle Frank at the apartment.

  Taylor, surprisingly, turned out to be quite helpful in keeping Sara’s mind off unwanted topics. He was funny and completely charming. It was as if he could sense Sara needed cheering up. She felt grateful Taylor decided to take the task on.

  It was during one of their lighthearted conversations when Taylor brought up the new superhero movie releasing the upcoming weekend. He had an extra ticket from a friend who bailed, and he extended the invitation to Sara.

  “We are seeing Captain America,” Sara said in response to her sister, as if that explained everything.


  “So… that’s not exactly a movie you would take a first date on.”

  “Please, Sara, be real,” Kate chided. “If it’s not a date, why are you taking so long to pick out something to wear?”

  Sara froze, holding a black sweater to her reflection. “I’m not,” she denied.

  “Don’t lie. I know when I’m on speaker phone, and there’s only one reason I would be on speaker phone. You are getting ready. You are putting in a lot of effort for someone who claims she isn’t going on a date.”

  Sara sighed, hating the fact she gave her sister any validation. “I want to look nice,” she explained. “It’s not a date. I don’t want to date anyone.”

  Except Ronan. Sara frowned in the mirror and willed the traitorous thought away.

  “If you say so,” Kate mumbled. “Still seems too soon.”

  “To what? Hang out with a friend? Would you rather I stay locked up in the apartment until I am completely over Ronan?”

  “Of course not,” Kate spoke quietly, attempting to calm her agitated sister. “I just worry about you. You still haven’t told me what happened. It’s killing me that I am not there to pry it out of you.”

  Sara chuckled but even she could hear it was hollow. “That’s because nothing happened. Ronan and I are just over. Nothing special to report.”

  “You know I don’t believe you.”

  “Well, you don’t have to,” Sara’s irritation returned. “It was nice talking to you, but I am going to be late. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Alright,” Kate replied. “I love and miss you. Talk to you soon.”

  Sara returned the sentiment before reaching over and pushing the end call button. She slipped on the fitted, black sweater before wiggling into her dark, skinny jeans. She looked at her appearance and wished she had more energy to put on makeup.

  Sara really wasn’t trying to impress Taylor. She was trying to look like she was okay – like her heart wasn’t broken two weeks ago.

  Glancing at the time on her phone, Sara grabbed her shoes and headed down to the parking lot. Taylor was locking up as she walked by the main office.

  “Ready for the greatest movie of your lifetime?” Taylor asked, jogging up to her. The pair continued walking to her car.

  “That’s quite the claim,” Sara commented on his exaggeration. “What if it’s not the greatest movie?”

  “Then, fair Sara,” Taylor feigned despair. “You will have to go on living without me. My poor heart couldn’t take the disappointment.”

  Sara laughed, unlocking her car, and sliding inside. Taylor fell into the passenger seat.

  “Thanks again for offering to drive,” Taylor said, smiling. “Very Green of us to carpool.”

  Sara continued to chuckle. “No problem.”

  As she entered the ramp for I-35, the pair discussed where they would like to eat before the movie.

  “How about Gloria’s?” Taylor offered. Sara’s fists gripped the wheel. “I remember you said you liked that place.”

  Sara nodded, shoving sad thoughts away. “I do. But it might be too fancy and take too long. How about something faster?”

  Taylor shrugged, indifferent. “Sure. Any preference?”

  “No, not really. I’m not high maintenance,” Sara gave him a winning smile. “Dealer’s choice.”

  Taylor rubbed his hands together, maniacally. “Well, well… my choice. What shall it be? Raw squid or cow’s tongue.”

  “How about neither?”

  Taylor laughed. “There’s a good steakhouse by the theatre. It isn’t super fancy or anything so the wait shouldn’t be long. Want to check it out?”

  Sara agreed, thinking a grilled steak sounded delicious.

  The dinner was great. The food tasted delicious and the company was lighthearted and entertaining. Sara had a great time learning more about Taylor.

  It’s funny. You can work with someone and not know hardly anything about him. In fact, Sara’s knowledge about the manager pretty much ended with the third sheet of his resume.

  “I didn’t know you had a brother.” Sara commented on the newest revelation.

  “Yup. Josh. He’s two years older than me.”

  “Where is he?”

  “In Houston, actually.”

  “What’s he do?”

  “He’s a doctor.”

  “Woah! No way? You know Kate is a nurse down there. Which hospital does he work at?”

  Taylor looked down. “Oh, you know. Just a research hospital.”

  “A re
search hospital? So does Kate.” It was then, looking at Taylor’s uneasy expression, when Sara grew suspicious.

  “Taylor. Does Kate work at the same hospital?”

  “I believe she does.”

  Her eyes widened. “Why didn’t you say anything? She could have contacted your brother and had a friend.” Sara’s sisterly protectiveness made her emotional. She hated knowing Kate was completely alone at the start of her move.

  “Well… uh. That’s the thing. You see, I did give Kate Josh’s number… in case she needed anything her first few days.”

  “Really,” Sara leaned back and observed him. “That was nice of you.”

  Taylor shrugged and reached for his glass. “It was nothing.”

  “Did she contact him?”

  Taylor nearly choked on the water he sipped. “Ye–yes. I believe she did.”

  Realization dawned. Sara watched as Taylor floundered for a way out of the conversation. “What aren’t you telling me?” She asked point blank.

  “I’m sure Kate would rather be the one to tell you.”

  “Kate’s not here, and she hasn’t told me anything. I think it is safe to assume she isn’t planning to anytime soon.

  Taylor did not say a word.

  “So what is it?” Sara asked again. She donned a persuasive smile. “I won’t say anything.”

  Taylor smiled awkwardly in return. “Please don’t tell her I told you.”

  “You have my word.”

  Taylor released a breath. “I think Kate and my brother are… dating.”

  Sara stared, trying to read if there was more information coming. When Taylor continued to look like a fish out of water, Sara finally let herself relax with a grin. “That’s it?”

  Taylor tilted his head. “You aren’t upset?”

  Sara laughed. “No. Of course not. Why would I be?”

  “I don’t know. Because Kate didn’t tell you?”

  Sara waved her hand. “That’s nothing. I’m not surprised. Kate likes to keep her conquests from me. I think she is afraid I will judge her.

  “Not that your brother is a conquest, or anything,” Sara quickly added.

  “Please,” Taylor held up a reassuring palm. “Don’t worry about me. I think it is a very fair assessment to say your sister has conquered my brother. He hardly talks about anything else.”

  “That’s nice,” Sara smiled, happy her sister had someone in Houston.

  “It is,” Taylor agreed. “They seem to get along very well.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” Sara smiled at Taylor, and he returned it but with something more. She did not miss the subtle gleam in his eye.

  Sara quickly looked away. “Shall we?” She asked after making a point to glance at her watch. “The movie starts in a half an hour.”

  “Yes, let’s go.”

  Thankfully, the rest of the evening passed with no odd looks or uncomfortable moments. Sara and Taylor watched the latest Captain America movie and were gushing about how much they enjoyed it during the drive home.

  “Who knew the soldier was his childhood friend?” Sara asked aloud, thinking over the complex storyline of the film. “I had no idea.”

  Taylor agreed. “It was well written. And the special effects? Ah-mazing.”

  Sara laughed at the adolescent inflection he put into the phrase. “Definitely.”

  The Civic pulled into the apartment complex, and Sara drove up and parked beside Taylor’s car. “That way you don’t have to walk too far in the cold,” she explained, grabbing her purse and hopping out of the car. The unseasonable cold had continued into the end of November.

  “Thank you,” Taylor said, gazing at Sara. He walked around the car and stood in front of her. “You’re something else.”

  There it is again, Sara noted the awkward gleam in his eye.

  She offered a small smile. “Hey, thanks. You aren’t so bad yourself.”

  “I mean it, Sara,” Taylor took a step closer. “I think you are amazing. You’re smart, incredibly sweet, and surprisingly funny.”

  “Surprising?” Sara couldn’t resist asking as a joke. Once again, she was trying to break the awkward atmosphere.

  Taylor didn’t comment. Instead, he reached out and lightly touched the back of Sara’s hand. “I’m being serious. I’ve never met anyone like you.”

  “Taylor,” Sara began, moving slowly out of his reach. She didn’t want to be rude. “You hardly know me.”

  “I’m aware, but what I do know makes me want to know you better. I felt it almost from the first moment we met during the job interview. Why else do you think I jumped at the offer so quickly?”

  Sara was baffled. “Because it was a good offer?”

  Taylor chuckled and reached for her hand again. “It was not a bad offer,” he allowed. “But no. You were the determining factor. I wanted to get to know you better, and you didn’t seem like a person who would make that easy to do.

  “Otherwise,” his grin grew, illuminating his face. “I would have just asked for your number.”

  Sara couldn’t help it, she blushed. She might not be receptive to his advances, but she was flattered nonetheless.

  “I don’t know what to say.” She mustered the strength to say.

  Taylor closed the gap. “You don’t have to say anything.”

  He reached his hands up to cup Sara’s cheeks.

  In that split second, it seemed a million questions ran through Sara’s head. Was he going to kiss her? Did she want him to kiss her? Did she like him? What should she do?

  Taylor’s eyes searched her own. Not seeing blatant discouragement, he began to lean towards her lips and close his eyes.

  Sara watched him draw near, still questioning if this was something she wanted. Realizing she would not have the strength to stop it now, her eyes began to flutter shut.

  As her lids were almost completely closed, Sara felt a rush of air beside her, blowing up her coat. In the same instant, Taylor’s hands felt as if they were practically ripped away from her face.

  Sara opened her eyes and drew a sharp breath.

  Ronan stood in front of her. He looked as handsome as ever in a sharp military suit, holding Taylor off the ground by the back of his collar.

  “Ronan?” She whispered, rubbing her eyes. She couldn’t believe it was him. “What are you doing?”

  Ronan stared at her, looking more wild and un-composed than Sara had ever seen.

  “Sara,” he greeted with a clipped tone. “And who is this?” He asked, shaking Taylor in demonstration.

  It was only then Sara noticed Taylor seemed to be struggling for breath. “Ronan!” She exclaimed. “Put him down. He can’t breathe!”

  Looking like it took some effort, Ronan dropped Taylor to the ground. The young man promptly began coughing, trying to catch his breath.

  “Are you alright?” Sara asked Taylor, bending at her waist to look at him.

  Ronan touched her shoulder and firmly guided her to a standing position. “He is fine.”

  “What the hell, man?” Taylor yelled between coughing fits. “How did you move that fast?”

  Sara’s eyebrow rose. “What do you mean?”

  “The bastard came out of nowhere,” Taylor wheezed, glaring at Ronan. “It’s like he… just transported to us.”

  Sara turned to Ronan and did not miss his agitated state.

  “What is he talking about?” She asked him, trying to keep any emotions from showing. She refused to let him see how unsettled she was by his presence.

  Ronan did not respond. His glare focused on Taylor, but it periodically made its way to her. His eyes were cold and distant, something Sara had never seen from Ronan before.

  Sara narrowed her eyes. “Can I help you with something?”

  Ronan’s frown grew. “No. My mistake. I’ll leave you to your date.”

  Without thought, Sara corrected him. “It wasn’t a date.”

  Ronan’s head snapped up to her. She looked back at him, continuing to
give him a disbelieving stare.

  When he didn’t say anything, she finally had enough. “What, Ronan? What are you staring at me for?”

  Taylor interrupted by aggressively rising to his feet. He shoved Ronan away from Sara. “What the hell are you man?”

  “Taylor!” Sara reached towards him, trying to calm him. “Chill out.”

  “No!” Taylor yelled. “You didn’t see what I saw. No one was around us, Sara. I saw him. He literally appeared out of nowhere. What the hell are you?” His last question was spat towards Ronan.

  Sara pulled her hand back and looked between the men in front of her. Taylor seemed adamant in his accusation Ronan somehow appeared from thin air. It was hard not to wonder if he was telling the truth, especially when Ronan did not make any attempt to deny it. But that was just… crazy.

  “Sara,” Ronan drew her attention. “We need to talk.”

  Sara didn’t know what to do. She looked at Ronan. He was dressed in nice clothes but looked like a complete mess. His hair was disheveled and there were shadows under his eyes.

  “I don’t think this is the right time,” she responded. She turned her attention to Taylor.

  “Are you alright?” She asked him again.

  “Sara,” Ronan’s voice pleased. “Let me explain.”

  “Taylor is here, Ronan,” Sara latched onto the first excuse she could find. “I need to make sure he gets home.”

  “I will take care of that.”

  The next moment, Ronan put himself into Taylor’s line of sight. “Taylor,” he said, trying to get the other man’s attention.

  Taylor leaned away, looking furious with the man in front of him. “Don’t talk to me you frea–” Taylor stopped speaking the moment he made eye contact with Ronan.

  Sara watched the interaction in complete confusion.

  “Taylor,” Ronan repeated, looking deep into the man’s eyes. “You had a nice evening with Sara. After she dropped you off, you said goodbye and drove yourself home. Get into your car and drive safely home.”

  Sara watched Taylor’s expression turn passive. He twisted around and automatically made his way to his car. Sara’s jaw dropped when she saw the man enter the vehicle and drive away.


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