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Waiting for Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 3)

Page 11

by Samantha Britt

  Sara shook her head, staring at the table. “This is unreal.”

  “I know. I’m sorry I told you this way.”

  “Why did you?” Sara raised her gaze to meet Gwen’s eyes. “You didn’t tell me back when you first found out. Why tell me now?”

  Gwen’s expression turned sympathetic. “Because there is a certain guy I care for like a brother, and he seems head over heels for you.”

  Sara frowned, even though Gwen’s words caused a light blush to color her cheeks. “What does that have to do with telling me?”

  “Sara,” Gwen gave her childhood friend a pointed look. “Ronan wants to be with you.”

  “That’s not how it seemed when he disappeared for weeks.” Sara refused to let the fact go.

  “Try to see this from his perspective,” Gwen requested. “Ronan is older, and he is Fae. I bet he did not expect the first woman he would ever truly care for would be human.”

  Sara cringed. “You make it sound like being human is a bad thing.”

  “I may not have grown up in the Fae Realm, but I’ve picked up on some key things.” Gwen looked off into the distance for a second.

  “And?” Sara prompted.

  “And I’m pretty sure it is not normal practice for a Winter Noble to fall in love with a human.” Gwen stated the fact with no hesitation.

  Sara forced herself to ignore the butterflies her friend’s words caused in her stomach. “Then why did Ronan ask me on a date?”

  Gwen shook her head in refusal. “Nope. I’m not going to speak for him anymore. You need to talk to Ronan.”

  Sara hesitated. She wondered if she even wanted to continue the unbelievable conversation, let alone speak with Ronan. “I’m not sure that is a good idea.”

  “Sara,” Gwen’s voice implored her to see reason. “Give him a chance to explain himself – to explain his actions. You don’t owe him anything, but I think you will regret it if you don’t give him the chance to tell you why he did what he did.”

  She hated to admit it, but Sara knew Gwen was right.

  Despite how confused, betrayed and shocked Sara felt, she would regret not seeing Ronan again. Even if they amicably ended their relationship, it would offer Sara the closure she would need to feel like she could move on.

  “Alright,” Sara agreed once she made her decision. “Would you ask Ronan if he would be willing to speak at the apartment? We can use the main office to talk.” Having Ronan in her living room would feel too intimate for the conversation they needed to have.

  “Of course.” Gwen reached out to cover Sara’s hand. She gave it a light squeeze before pulling back. “I think you are doing the right thing.”

  Sara could only hope her friend was right.

  Chapter 16

  The television played in the background, filling the quiet apartment with noise. Sara sat in her uncle’s green recliner, replaying the conversation with Gwen.

  After agreeing to meet with Ronan, Sara managed to learn more about Gwen and the new reality she lived in.

  It was terrifying to learn her friend’s life had been in danger for a period in time; all because of some ancient Fae prophecy.

  Sara also found the whole “prophecy revealing Dual Court Fae would destroy the world” to be utterly ridiculous. Gwen only chuckled and shrugged. Apparently, Fae were very superstitious beings.

  It must have been hard for Gwen to learn her mother was murdered and her biological father still lived. Sara’s head spun with the intricate links between all the people in both Kalan and Gwen’s family, and she was sure Gwen merely scratched the surface of all the detail.

  How could Sara not realize something so major happened in her best friend’s life?

  When the two were saying their goodbyes later that day, Sara could not help but wrap Gwen in a tight hug. What would she do if she ever lost her?

  Now, hours passed and Sara still didn’t know the approach she would take when she and Ronan would finally meet. She almost regretted agreeing to it so quickly. It might have been better to give herself more time to think.

  “Oh well,” Sara muttered into the empty apartment. “No turning back now.”

  A loud ringing made Sara jump in her seat. She reached over to the end table and froze, seeing Gwen’s house number.

  Steeling herself, Sara answered. “Hello?”

  “Sara?” A masculine voice replied, surprising her. “It’s Ronan.”

  “Hi,” she returned, proud her voice was not shaking like her hands.


  Silence followed. Apparently, Ronan did not know what to say either.

  “What’s up?” Sara felt brave for continuing the conversation.

  “I spoke with Gwen,” Ronan supplied, finding his voice.

  “And?” Where was this new confidence coming from? Sara didn’t know, but she thanked God it came to her during that moment.

  “She mentioned you would be willing to speak with me. Is that true?”


  Sara could hear Ronan’s relieved sigh. “Thank you.”

  Sara knew he couldn’t see her shrug, but she did it anyway. “No problem.”

  “When would you like to meet?” Sara asked after another bout of silence.

  “Well… I can be there within moments,” Ronan provided.

  Sara floundered. That fast? “Aren’t you at Gwen’s?”

  Ronan hesitated. “I am.”

  “Oh,” Sara whispered, remembering Gwen’s description of ‘fazing’. “That’s right.”

  “Would you be free to speak in five minutes?”

  Sara took one look at her pajamas before she quickly offered an alternative. “How about an hour?”

  “Of course,” Ronan complied. “I will see you in one hour.”

  “Okay. Bye.” Sara quickly ended the call and leaned back, trying to calm her racing heart. She might have sounded indifferent, but her mind was swirling with thoughts and worries about seeing Ronan again. She knew she agreed to do it, but the reality of the situation hadn’t hit her until she heard his voice.

  Sara hated to admit how much she missed hearing the deep tone… how much she missed him. She didn’t know how their conversation would go, but Sara had to admit Gwen was right. Sara would have regretted not giving Ronan a chance to explain.

  If only Sara believed she could be swayed to trust him again…


  Sara sat in the leather chair at the office, refusing to look out in the parking lot for Ronan’s arrival. She did not expect him to arrive in a vehicle and seeing him appear out of thin air might send the anxious girl over the edge.

  At precisely 4:32 pm, one hour from when Sara hung up the phone, Ronan opened the office door.

  Not knowing what to do, Sara remained seated but turned to face the doorway.

  “Hi,” she reminded herself to breathe.

  “Hello,” he returned, walking over to the waiting area in the room. He lowered himself onto the edge of the yellow accent chair in front of her.

  Ronan’s posture spoke of confidence and a maturity Sara never really noticed before. She should not have been surprised to learn he was years older than he appeared. His every action and word seemed to speak to his true age.

  “Thank you for being willing to speak with me.” Ronan’s hands twitched. Sara realized she was staring at them. She forced herself to meet his eyes. The familiar piercing blue sent a shiver down her spine.

  “I figured I should let you explain rather than ignore you forever.”

  Ronan winced at the cool statement. “I am glad you did.”

  “So,” Sara refused to let an awkward pause occur; unsure what she might do or say if she was not distracted by a conversation. “You are Fae.”


  “Like a fairy?”

  The corner of Ronan’s mouth lifted. “Not quite. Humans tend to think of fairies more like pixies.”

  “So you cannot shrink?”


r fly?”

  Ronan laughed. “No, I do not fly.”

  “But you can transport places?”

  His mouth flattened. “That is correct.”

  “And you can make people forget things?”

  Sara would never forget Taylor’s dazed expression after Ronan told him to get in his car and drive away. It seemed Taylor was in a trance with no control over his mind or body.

  That, perhaps, was one of the most frightening things Sara learned from Gwen. She didn’t know how she felt being around people who could make others do or say anything against their will.

  Ronan noticed her unease. “I can make people see or believe an illusion. In Taylor’s case, I glamoured him to forget what he saw about me.”


  “I figured it would be easier to only have to explain myself to you, not you and Taylor.”

  Sara frowned, not liking the way Ronan emphasized their names together. “I take it not many humans know about you?”

  “None, except you.”

  Sara exhaled, realizing she had been holding her breath. A small part of her wanted to learn other people knew about the magical world which seemed so entwined with theirs.

  Speaking with others, besides Gwen and Ronan, might offer Sara a better grip on the topic as a whole. It was disappointing to learn no one else knew what she did.

  “Is there a reason for that?” She asked, the idea of confiding in Kate crossing her mind.

  “As a general rule, Fae tend to not interact with humans,” Ronan revealed. “Humans have a hard time coming to terms with the reality of what we are and the things we can do.”

  “Gee, I wonder why?”

  Her sarcastic joke earned another small grin from Ronan.

  “It is also rare for most Fae to visit the Human Realm,” he continued. “Those who spend time here are subject to observation from the authorities in their respective realms. Our leaders make sure visitors to your world do not cross any lines when interacting with humans.”

  Raising an eyebrow, Sara asked, “I would imagine dating a human could be considered crossing the line.”

  Ronan looked down for a moment. “You are not wrong,” he admitted.

  “Are you not being monitored by your respective authorities?” She repeated his phrasing.

  “I am not.”

  Sara blinked. “Why not?”

  “Because I work for Kalan.”

  “And what does that mean?” Sara watched as Ronan picked an invisible piece of lint off of his pants.

  “Well,” he paused. “You could say Kalan, and his family, are the authority I would respond to.”


  Ronan turned his head sideways and observed Sara. “Gwen did not tell you?”

  “Apparently not.” Obviously.

  Ronan leaned forward. “Kalan is a prince in Winter Court. He is the prince, actually.”

  Sara’s jaw dropped. Her friend lived in a real life fairy tale. “Gwen is a princess?”

  Gwen is so lucky.

  Ronan smirked. “Yes, but of her own right. Gwen is the princess of Summer Court. Her grandparents are the king and queen.”

  Sara couldn’t believe what she was hearing. How could Gwen have left that out during their discussion?

  On second thought, Sara knew how.

  Gwen was, almost to a fault, one of the most modest and humble people she had ever known. Gwen would not believe sharing her royal status necessary.

  Regardless, Sara told herself, Gwen is going to get an earful the next time we talk.

  “So you work for the royal family?” Sara took them back a few steps in their conversation. “For Kalan?”


  “And Kalan had no problem with you dating a human? Even though it isn’t typically done?”

  “None,” Ronan revealed. “In fact, Kalan encouraged it.”

  “Really?” The news surprised Sara.

  “Really,” Ronan repeated.


  It was Ronan’s turn to look unsure of himself. “I’ve known Kalan all of his life and he knows me very well…”

  Sara resisted prompting Ronan to continue. She could see he chose his words carefully.

  “Kalan knows me well enough to know I don’t often pursue women, much less human women.”

  The thought of Ronan dating anyone else did not sit well with Sara. It was like receiving a swift punch to the gut while someone squeezed the air from her lungs at the same time.

  Ronan continued, unaware of the impact his words had on Sara. “Kalan could tell there was something special about you, based only on the fact I could not keep myself away from you.”

  Ronan paused, a charming pink forming on his manly cheekbones.

  “That is not to say I did not try,” he admitted, referencing the years of not speaking to Sara. “But after Gwen and Kalan’s wedding, I knew it was hopeless. I couldn’t stay away from you if my position at Winter Court depended on it.”

  “I had no idea,” Sara whispered. The young woman was unaware Ronan risked so much by choosing to date her. It was almost too much. Ronan hardly knew Sara when he made such a significant decision. How could he justify it?

  Ronan continued to lean forward, abandoning his stiff posture to rest his elbows on his knees. “I am fortunate you gave me a chance. I wasn’t exactly practiced at trying to woo women.”

  Despite the tense nature of their talk, Sara couldn’t help but chuckle. “Woo? You were trying to woo me?”

  Ronan’s blush deepened. “I was. I am,” he corrected.

  Her amusement ceased the moment Ronan’s intense eyes caught her own. Sara’s throat suddenly felt dry. She struggled to swallow.

  “Do you need water?” Ronan embarrassed her by asking.

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. Thanks, though.”

  Ronan nodded, returning his gaze to his hands. Sara breathed a sigh of relief. She could not think straight if those piercing eyes were on her.

  “As I was saying, I know I did not come off as the most approachable suitor in the beginning.”

  Sara could not deny it. “No. You did not.”

  “May I ask,” Ronan hesitated, rethinking if he should voice his question aloud.

  “Go ahead,” Sara encouraged, only slightly nervous at the potential question.

  “I know I did not leave a very good first impression,” Ronan repeated. “What I do not know is why you gave me a chance in the first place.”

  Sara nearly kicked herself. She should not have encouraged him. How was she going to answer him without sounding like a smitten school girl?

  “I’m not entirely sure, to be honest.” Sara took a deep breath, readying herself for potential ridicule. “I just felt… drawn to you.”

  “You were so sweet the first times we spoke,” she provided. A gentle smile slowly formed on her lips. “You made me laugh. You were kind. You are handsome. You were easy to talk to, but you would disappear for weeks, then months, then years.

  “I wasn’t surprised,” Sara continued. Now that she started talking, she didn’t seem able to stop. “I thought you would be out of my league anyway.”

  Ronan’s head snapped back up, his face revealing complete shock. “But I was. I was completely interested.”

  Sara released a nervous laugh. “I know that now,” she allowed. “I’m just saying… At the time, I had no idea.”

  Ronan’s head swung back and forth, lost in his own thoughts.

  Suddenly, he seemed to remember something. His eyes returned to Sara’s, and they had an unnerving gleam. “You called me handsome.”

  Give me a break, Sara thought, rolling her eyes. “You know you are attractive.”

  “Perhaps,” he allowed with a bright smile. “But it is nice to hear you think so.”

  The pair laughed. For a moment, Sara forgot the craziness of the last 72 hours. She enjoyed sitting and joking with Ronan, remembering how well the two got along.

  Sara never had it be
fore – a person she could be herself with. They didn’t have to go on elaborate dates or crazy adventures. Just being in Ronan’s presence made Sara happy.

  Looking at Ronan, sitting with a smile on the hideous yellow chair, Sara knew he felt the same way.

  “Even though I might not be handling this well,” Sara began, the reality of their conversation returning to her thoughts. “I appreciate you decided to tell me. I was pretty thrown when you just disappeared after our last date.”

  “I handled the situation poorly,” Ronan’s sad tone revealed his remorse. “Please know, I am sorry. If I could do it again, I would have told you the truth that evening.”

  “Apology accepted.” Sara meant it. She was done being upset with him. It was too hard to do.

  Feeling as if their time together was coming to a close, Sara stood.

  “I should be getting back to the apartment. Papers to grade, you know?” Her excuse sounded weak, even to her own ears. Sara prayed Ronan would not call her out on it.

  “Of course,” Ronan stood. “I don’t want to keep you. Thank you again for being willing to speak with me.”

  “Anytime,” Sara delivered the generic response. “See you around.” She turned, reminding herself to walk calmly out the door.

  “Wait,” Ronan called, causing her to pause in her steps. “How about this weekend?”

  Sara turned back and raised her brow. “What about this weekend?”

  “Would you be free to see me this weekend?”

  Sara stilled. Her mind whirled, trying to discern if his offer was sincere. His expression said it was.

  “Wh – what?” She stuttered, unable to properly process speech. “You want to keep dating?”

  “Absolutely,” Ronan surprised her by closing the distance between them. He stopped less than a foot away and picked up Sara’s chilled hands. “If you would allow me to say something I should have told you weeks ago?”

  What could she do but agree? Sara nodded, her entire body tingling from their hand contact.

  “Sara Roberts,” Ronan said her full name with care and admiration. “You are the most wonderful woman I have ever met. You’re smart, adorable, funny, and I have never felt more attracted to anyone else in my life.”


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