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Into The Spirit

Page 52

by Marie Harte

  “Oh God, Fallon. You’re too damn good at that, baby.” Gil thrust into her mouth again, his growl filling the room. “Damn. If you don’t stop, darling, I’m going to come.”

  “So come,” she whispered, swallowing another drop of fluid.

  Gil seemed to hesitate, before thrusting forward again, giving Fallon every inch of his shaft. She took it, opening her throat, pushing the huge head against the back. Gil groaned and stiffened, increasing his thrusts, fucking her mouth with strong steady strokes. She gloried in his pleasure, still aware Charlie was working her ass, pressing three fingers inside until he could separate them and stretch her tight muscles. Sensations bombarded her, layering on top of each other until all she could feel was Gil’s cock in her mouth and Charlie’s fingers in her ass. There seemed to be nothing between them and she knew when Gil filled her mouth, she’d come again.

  “Now, Fallon. Open up real wide for me, ‘cause I’m going to shoot my cum down your throat, baby.”

  She did as he asked, taking him deep, allowing him to drive into her until his cock exploded and hot fluid cascaded down her throat, burning her with such fiery essence a sharp contraction stole through her ass and into her womb.

  “You’ve got her coming again, Gil,” moaned Charlie. “Damn, she’s a little minx.”

  “Just wait until you feel how good her ass is,” Gil tossed back. “It’s like sinking into a hot, velvet vice.”

  Fallon moaned at the words her lovers said, still sucking Gil’s cock. Like Charlie’s it was still rock hard, and she questioned, again, how it could stay so rigid. But if they’d taken some kind of erection drug, then that meant they’d been planning this threesome all along, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She was just going to ask, when Gil’s voice whispered in her ear.


  She opened her eyes as he pulled his erection out of her mouth and knelt down beside her. His chest was heaving, and she could see the fiery need in his eyes. She reached out and touched his face, just as Charlie rose to his feet. She shot both men a heated glance as they reached for her, pulling her gently from the couch. Gil cuddled her against his chest as Charlie threw the cushions onto the floor. She tried to stem the tremors shivering through her body, as Gil laid down with her, bringing her body over his.

  “Nice and easy. We’ll take it real slow.”

  Fallon bit at her bottom lip as Gil spread her legs over his thighs, lodging the head of his cock at her weeping entrance. She’d never needed to be fucked so badly before, and she nearly cried at the slow sweep of his crown through her slick juices.

  “Please, Gil. I need you.”

  “We have to go slowly. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “But I need…”

  Her voice ended in a strangled wail as he pushed the thick head inside her, wedging her tender tissues apart. He felt harder than ever, his cock pulsing with every metered thrust, as he slowly took possession of her body. Inch by inch, so damn slow she wanted to pound her fists on his chest. Her vagina convulsed again, threatening to explode with one hard stroke, if he’d only give her what she needed.

  “So tight. God you feel amazing.”

  Fallon answered his declaration by lowering her weight, taking his cock another inch inside her before his hands tightened around her hips.

  “God damn, Fallon.” He held her firm, resisting the strong twisting motions of her hips. “I won’t be able to keep my control if I take you like that. Just trust me, baby. We’ll give you more than you ever dreamed of.”

  Fallon cursed at the strength of his hold. She was no match for him in bed, and finally had to relent to his approach. Gil eased his grip, allowing her to slowly sink down until his shaft was fully seated inside her.


  “I need you to go harder, faster. Please, Gil.”

  “All in good time. Now lean forward, and give your lover a kiss.”

  Fallon sighed at the feel of his fingers in her hair, loving the intimate gesture, as she bent down over him, brushing her sensitive nipples across his chest. She didn’t bother to hide her satisfaction when a low growl vibrated from his chest, his lips rising to meet hers. She moaned into his mouth, jousting her tongue with his, needing him to give her the strength for what she knew was coming.

  “I love you, Gil.” She whispered the words, nuzzling into his neck as Charlie’s fingers caressed the soft skin of her ass.

  “I love you, too, Fallon. Now let me show you just how much.”

  Her breath hitched as Charlie traced the long hollow between her cheeks, once again probing his finger inside. It felt so much tighter this time, the width of Gil’s cock squeezing the walls of her anus shut.

  “You’ve got such a pretty ass,” said Charlie. “So round and firm. Relax onto Gil, darling, and let me inside.”

  Fallon closed her eyes, trying to relax the muscles in her ass as Charlie eased her cheeks apart, gently opening her tight little pucker. He took her slowly, pushing against the small opening, thrusting softly until the head was clenched in her tight ring of muscles. She cried out, not sure she could stand the pleasure and pain that ripped through her body, threatening to drag her into the darkness. She whimpered against Gil’s neck, clenching on his shaft as Charlie sank deeper inside her anal channel, until his sac pressed against her flesh.

  “Oh yeah, baby. Tighten on me,” rasped Gil, pulling out until the only the tip was still inside her before plunging back in. “Milk my cock, Fallon.”

  Fallon’s back bowed in pleasure as both men began to move. It was like a well-choreographed dance that picked up speed until their twin shafts were pounding into her, sending her from one orgasm into another. She didn’t know if it was the anal play or the way Gil grazed her G-spot, or both, but she was dying and she didn’t want saving.

  “Damn, you’re so hot and tight,” moaned Charlie, slamming his cock into her ass. “I can feel every move Gil makes.”

  Fallon could only whimper, trapped between pleasure and pain as both men filled her body. Every stroke Gil made filled her with pleasure, quickly followed by the pass through her ass, adding a bite that was driving her insane. It was too strong, too intense, too… something.

  “Gil! So much…oh God…now, now, now!”

  Her screams filled the room, mixed with the sounds of wet thrusts and male groans. Like a symphony, it rose, gathering strength until the very walls vibrated with the heady sounds of sex. The room dipped and swayed, suspending her on the verge of consciousness, when Charlie roared out behind her, spurting the first hot jet of semen into her ass. It coated her anal walls, heating her already enflamed tissues.

  “Charlie! Oh God, yes!”

  Her cry of release was followed by Gil’s, his ejaculation filling her channel until the excess seeped out around his cock, coating her thighs and his stomach. Darkness merged with light, fire swept through her body as her final orgasm shook her to the core, clenching the muscles in her groin so tight both men stopped, held prisoner by her body. She could hear them groaning, trying to push through the last of their release. She opened her mouth for one last soundless scream before collapsing on Gil’s chest, her body totally spent.

  “Damn it. I’ve never come so hard in my life. You’re amazing.” Gil brushed his hand down the curve of her back as he pulled her even closer. “Just breathe, Fallon. Everything’s okay.”

  The words came from far away, as if spoken from another room. She tried to open her eyes, but nothing seemed to work. She sighed, content to let the men move her once they were done.

  “Thank you, baby.” Gil’s words seared through her heart, the love in them overwhelming. His lips were soft against her ear as he kissed her gently. “I’ll always remember this night.”

  Fallon mumbled something against his chest, too exhausted to form words. She felt Gil smile at her attempt, smoothing his hand down her hair and across her shoulders. The last thing she heard was Charlie’s groan of pleasure as he pulled free from her body, and k
issed her on the cheek, whispering his thanks, his devotion. Then the world faded into Gil’s heartbeat and hers.

  Fallon opened her eyes as the scene shifted around her. Suddenly she was standing in a warehouse, the smell of decay and urine heavy in the air. She looked around, hoping to see the way out when the sound of gunfire filled the air. She screamed, ducking behind a large box as more shots and a loud blast echoed through the empty space. Men shouted in the distance, their feet thudding against the floor, followed by cries of pain and more shots. She covered her ears, needing to dull the sharpness of the pleas. She’d never heard men beg for their lives, and the sound tore through her chest. It seemed never ending. Shots. Screams. More shots. She waited until a bleak silence fell over the warehouse before she turned to leave. She twisted behind the box, crawling towards the rear of the building, just as two men moved in front of her, one carrying the other across his shoulders. They were dim against the shadows, their faces blurred into the surroundings. She edged forward, fear holding her captive, as the smaller man placed the other man on the floor, catching his head before it hit the dusty wood.

  “Damn it, Charlie, don’t do this to me.”

  The man cursed as he shook his friend by the shoulder. She moved closer, needing to see the man’s face.

  “You promised we’d always be partners. Now wake the fuck up!”

  Gil! Her heart slammed into her chest as she recognised the man kneeling over the other. His chest was covered in blood, a black patch burnt into the left side of his shoulder. He was coughing up blood, desperately trying to rouse his partner. She looked down, nausea washing over her as she stared at Charlie’s face. His skin was white and his face was frozen in a grimace. She could tell by the way his head lolled to one side he was dead, but Gil wasn’t giving up. He pressed down on the wounds, too many to count, and breathed his own laboured breath into Charlie’s mouth.

  “Live, damn you!” he yelled, pumping down on Charlie’s chest, making the blood run from his body.

  Fallon stepped forward unable to look away, needing to share in Gil’s pain. But they moved with her, always staying a step away.

  “No! Please, Gil!”

  Sirens blared in the distance, rain fell against a grease-smeared window, as Gil battled against death. Slowly his body succumbed to his injuries, until he lay beside his partner, his eyes open, but unseeing. Fallon sank to the floor, unable to move. Tears fell, sobs wrenched from her chest as she watched her lover slowly dying. She felt his pain, his regrets, knowing even if he lived he’d be lost to her forever. She put her hands to her head, trying to block out the sudden blast of music in her head.

  Fallon bolted upright, clawing at the images tumbling across the darkness. Gil, his body shuddering in the cold, blood slowly leaking from his shoulder. Charlie, lifeless, splayed out on the floor as thick pools of blood gathered around him. She could taste the metallic scent, hear the desperate gasps, feel the guilt pour through her as her hand lunged out, grabbing the annoying object off the small table. Words collided in her head, as she flipped the phone open, mumbling the first line that popped into her mind.

  “9-1-1, do you need police…” She stopped, unsure of what to say. She didn’t know where she was, or what time it was. A man breathed on the other end, and for a moment, she thought it was Gil.

  “Aren’t you going to ask me what I need?”

  The voice was deep and dark, like the sound of evil clawing up from the depths of Hell. She felt her body tense, a cold shiver shimmy down her spine. “What?”

  There was a moment of silence before the eerie words wavered over the line. “I said, ‘aren’t you going to ask me what I need’?”

  Fallon pulled the phone away and stared at it for a moment, finally registering where she was. Home, however dismal and empty, she was home, tucked into her bed. She placed it back beside her ear, not sure what was happening. “What do you need?”

  A rough cackle filtered through the static and she cringed at the menace the sound carried. “Well, it’s a little late for the ambulance, but I’m certain the police would love to stop by and take a look at my work.”

  “And what work is that?” she asked, staring into the darkness, afraid the sound might be coming from one of the shadows.

  “I save sinners from their sins. I restore their faith and free their soul.”

  “And how do you do that?”

  The man sighed, a hint of remorse edged in his voice. “I purify them.”

  A wave of heat flashed through her, but she pushed the dizzying feeling away. She needed to keep focused. Somehow this psycho had dialled the wrong number and she needed to get as much information as possible to give to the police. “Okay. I’ll send the police your way. Where are you?”

  “Where… 195 Mortimer Street. It used to be the old gospel church. It’s on the right.”

  “And what’s your name?”

  He laughed then, a grating sound that seemed to echo off her bedroom walls. “You can call me, The Priest.”

  Fallon frowned into the phone. The Priest. Couldn’t he have come up with a better code name than that? She shook her head, ready to ask her next question, when he spoke to her again.

  “What’s your name?”

  “I go by operator number. Would you like that?”

  He chuckled and she knew the bastard was smiling. “I’ll just call you, Angel. Goodnight, Angel. And don’t worry, we’ll talk again real soon.”

  Fallon listened to the phone disconnect, the empty air loud in her ear. She went to press her recall button when the image slammed into her head, the picture so bright, so clear, it knocked her back against the mattress. She screamed out, thrashing against the visions filling her mind, as they pulled her into another place. An altar, dotted with candles, centred on the sculpture of Christ. A woman’s body spread across it, her limbs hanging lifeless towards the floor. She was young with blonde hair that melded into red, the ends still dripping blood onto the smooth wood. Her body was slashed in long strips that seemed to spiral out from her abdomen, ending at the tips of her fingers. Her eyes were open and dull, staring up towards the heavens. Fallon looked closer at the girl’s chest. Just above her left breast was an intricately carved cross, the edges curved and sculpted. She’d never seen anything like it before. Her eyes followed the lines, tracing their path until they stopped at the woman’s groin.

  Fallon turned away, unable to look at what the monster had done. God, there was so much blood it ran in rivulets down her thighs, collecting in the toes of her high heeled shoes. She couldn’t imagine what he’d stuck inside her, but it’d shredded the woman’s cunt. She tried to cover her eyes, when a dim silhouette moved in the distance. She drew her hand over her brow, shielding herself from the glare of the candles, just as a man opened the door. He was large, with blonde hair sprinkled with grey and a long black coat. His hand hung down by his side, absently twitching a knife against his leg. He paused for only a moment, his back to the altar, his head tilted to one side before stepping into the rain, his outline vanishing into the night. Fallon moved to follow when a pain ignited in her temples, dropping her to the floor. The room began to sway, dipping first right, then left. She heard the phone tumble to the floor, saw the lightning flash outside her window, a moment before her eyes rolled back in her head, pulling into oblivion.

  Chapter Four

  Fallon pried her eyelids apart, squinting at the bright light casting long shadows in her room. She was lying on the floor beside her bed, a blanket crumpled at her feet. She pushed herself up, only to fall back down at the pain that speared through her temples. A muted moan feathered from her lips as she tried to remember how the hell she’d gotten on the floor.

  “Oh God.” She closed her eyes and pressed her hands against her head as images flip-flopped across the darkness, blurring together memories from the previous night. Gil, his tongue curled around her nipple as Charlie stroked his along the velvety skin of her soft inner lips. Twin cocks thrusting inside her, shatt
ering her sanity as she climaxed over and over before falling asleep on Gil’s chest, Charlie’s whispered thanks following her into the darkness. The shooting. Both men covered in blood, lying beside each other as sirens echoed through the building. A man’s voice, dark and hushed, calling to her in the dead of night. A woman…

  “No!” Fallon forced herself up, ignoring the way the room dipped and swayed as she searched for her phone. She found it buried beneath the blanket, the lid still hinged open. She pressed the buttons, searching the call history, needing to see what number belonged to the bastard from her dream.

  “What?” It didn’t make any sense. The only number that had called her cell was an old number from the office. She frowned, remembering Jane’s call. The room circled again and Fallon closed her eyes, grabbing the table to stop the rotation. She touched a button on her cell without opening her eyes.

  “Radio communications, Colleen.”

  “Colleen, it’s Fallon.”

  “Hey, Fallon. How are you? I was surprised they hadn’t called you in yet?”

  “I need a day off. Hey, do me a favour? Look at last night’s history and see if there were any calls to…” Damn, what was the number? “…the 100 block of Mortimer Street.”

  “Sure thing, Fallon. Hey, is everything okay? You sound…different.”

  “I’m fine.” She paused as she listened to Colleen typing on the keyboard. “Well?”

  “Sorry, Fallon. I don’t see anything on Mortimer Street. Not for the past few days.”

  “Damn.” She bit her bottom lip, wondering what to do. If she let it go, and the call had been real, then the police would never catch the guy. But if she’d only dreamt it? “Hey Colleen. Do you think you could send a unit over there, say to maybe 195, and have them take a look around? You could say you got an anonymous call about a suspicious male hanging around there last night.”

  “If you think there’s a need.” Colleen paused and Fallon knew the woman was more than puzzled.


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