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Into The Spirit

Page 57

by Marie Harte

  Fallon snagged her bottom lip and gripped it between her teeth, trying to resist the need to answer him. If he just circled her clit a few more times…

  “Tell me, or I’ll make you want so bad you’ll have to beg me before I let you come.”

  Fallon cried out, so hot with need she felt as if her body were burning from the inside out. She fisted his hair in her fingers and tugged, knowing the slight pain would only strengthen his resolve. She looked down at him, catching the steely look in his eyes and threw her head back, practically screaming out the words he needed to hear. “I want you to lick me until I come. Damn it, I want you to fuck me until I can’t stand up!”

  Gil smiled against her flesh. “Your wish is my command, darling.”

  Fallon held her breath, the anticipation making her head spin. Gil shifted between her legs, opening her wider, repositioning her thighs over his shoulders. His finger was still lodged inside her, but he was holding it still, making her ache until she wanted to scream.

  “Ready, baby?”

  “I can’t wait…”

  He moved. His fingers—two now, or was it three—thrust inside her pussy just as his lips clamped around her clit, milking it with strong steady pulls. Fallon arched off the ground, fire racing through her body and into her groin. It flamed higher, dancing black dots across her vision. The ground was swaying, shifting the view over his shoulders. Trees. Sky. The dark brown of his hair. She twisted to get closer, to grind her pussy so far in his mouth she’d feel as if he’d climbed inside her. She was close. So close.

  “Don’t rush it. Make it take you, baby. Fight as long as you can. I want to eat you forever.”

  Fallon cried at his declaration, wishing they were more than hot words spoken in the moment. She wanted to come, but fighting made the release that much hotter. He pulled out his fingers and thrust his tongue inside her, fucking her deep and strong. The feeling faded around her clit, and she knew he was tormenting her. Prolonging her pleasure until her body went over of its own accord. He lapped at her, the wet sound making her want soar. Damn, she needed to come.

  “Gil. Now. Oh God. So close. Just a bit more.”

  Gil hummed against her cunt, replaced his tongue with his fingers again and suckled her clit, sending her over the edge and into bliss. She screamed his name, not sure if the sound was only echoed in her head or if she’d shaken the ground with the vibration of it. Gil only sucked harder, inching his fingers deeper, drinking in the liquid that seeped around his hand and slipped down her thighs. She felt something soft around her fingers and slowly realised her hands were still speared through his hair. It took several tries before the message got through and she released her hands, letting them fall boneless by her sides. It’d been so long since she’d come that hard, and her body needed a chance to regroup.

  Gil moved, a soft whimper accompanying her breath as he eased free of her body and moved over top of her. She was still panting, her eyes squeezed shut.

  “Can your toys make you scream like that?”

  She forced her eyes open. He looked roguish and sexy, and she couldn’t help but smile. “Not even close.”

  Gil seemed surprised by her honesty, but only paused for a moment before widening his smile. “Good answer, sweetheart.” He leant down and licked her lips. “Ready for the main course?”

  Fallon answered by arching her hips up, and slipping the first few inches of his hard, hot shaft inside her.

  Gil’s head snapped down and he gazed at the vee of her mound, where their bodies were now joined. He pulled back and she knew he was watching his cock slide back out, part of the length now covered in her thick cream.

  “Like what you see?” she taunted, grinding him inside again.

  Gil moaned and looked back down at her. “Do I like seeing my cock covered in your juice as it slides in and out of your hot little pussy? Oh yeah, baby. I like it a lot. But I like the idea of fucking you until you can’t stand up even more.”

  Fallon closed her eyes as he punched his hips forward, driving his cock deep inside her weeping channel. She wanted to scream, but the air hissed from her lungs as the pleasure tore through her body. He was hard and thick, and the sharp entrance he’d made had been a fine line between pleasure and pain.

  Gil stilled, his sac lodged against her flesh, his cock brushed up against her womb. His mouth was pulled tight, his eyes heavy with lust. “You okay?”

  She nodded, not able to speak the words aloud. She was stretched tight, but after months of emptiness, she wasn’t about to complain.

  Gil lowered down over her, rubbing his chest against hers. “You’re tighter than ever. I’m sorry, baby. I shouldn’t have entered you so quickly.”

  Tears stung her eyes, but she blinked them back. He sounded so sincere, so damn loving it was almost as if the months of separation had been some kind of bad dream. She reached up and nibbled at his ear, whispering his name in the low, sultry tone she knew he loved.

  “Nice try, darling. But I know you’re feeling it. We’ll take it slow for a while. Let you adjust to me again.”

  Gil moved slowly, dragging the heavy length of his cock through her sensitive tissues, making her back arch and her legs tighten around his hips. God, he was so thick, so filling, she swore she felt every inch of his shaft as it left her body, leaving only the bulbous head still clenched inside her. She tightened on him, feminine power surging through her at the husky groan that tore from his chest.

  “Tease,” he breathed, pushing back in, forcing his cock through the tight walls of her pussy. “That’s it, baby. Squeeze me. Tighten on me real good.”

  He locked against her flesh, giving her a few moments to adjust to his width before pulling out again and slowly thrusting back in. He didn’t pause this time, but his pace stayed easy, his hips pumping gently against hers.

  Fallon traced the muscles in his back, not quite sure when he’d lost his pants. She remembered tearing his shirt, but then he’d attacked her clit and everything had blurred into his tongue, his hands, and how they touched her body. She could feel his skin against hers, his muscles bunching beneath her fingers. She traced his back, dipping into the hollows as he flexed his muscles, following the sleek lines up to his shoulders and along his arms. She could see the scars on his left side and avoided them, not wanting to give him any reason to pull away from her. Their need was intense, but she wasn’t convinced he’d stay if she reminded him of why he’d left in the first place.

  “Feeling better?” he asked, increasing his thrusts slightly.

  She arched her hips up, taking him deeper. Her juices were slick and wet, allowing him to penetrate her easily now. She nipped at his bottom lip, licking away any hurt she’d caused. “Faster, Gil. Go faster, darling.”

  He smiled down at her, pressing harder, taking her deeper. She moaned and met his thrusts, levering off his back, using her heels to keep her channel aligned with his shaft. Another orgasm started building in her stomach, flowering outward, and threatening to pull her under.

  “You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to watch you come again for me.” He rocked faster, pumping his hips more firmly into hers. “I can feel it building, baby. The way your cunt tightens on me as it starts to pulse. And your skin gets all pink. Damn, it’s amazing.” He laughed at her gasping cry. “Oh yeah. Don’t fight it. Come for me, Fallon. Come for me, now.”

  Fallon screamed, his finger suddenly stroking her clit, adding another layer of sensation to her body. The heat punched through her stomach, spiralling upwards, sending sparks of fire into her womb. She felt the orgasm stall, hanging her on the edge for one glorious moment before the dam gave way, and she exploded in Gil’s arms.

  “Oh, Fallon. You’re so beautiful. So damn beautiful. God I love seeing you like this.”

  Fallon moaned, too lost in the pleasure to say anything. He hadn’t climaxed with her and she knew he was just waiting for her to fall back to earth before sending her over again.

  “Gil.” Her voice was
weak and distant, and she wasn’t sure if she was speaking or just thinking his name.

  “I’m here, baby. Just breathe.”

  “More,” she moaned. “I need more, Gil.”

  “Oh, there’s more. Let me show you just how much.”


  The word was ripped from her chest as Gil pounded into her, filling her with every inch of his cock. Hard, fast, deep. Over and over, pulling up on her hips, stretching her, filling her. She heard her voice shatter the air, Gil’s name joining with the thunder that played in the sky. Gil thrust again, relentless in his pursuit, fucking her like a man with nothing to lose. Her body pulsed again, teetering on the edge, needing just one more push.


  Gil’s roar filled her head, sending her over, blinding her with hot flashes that filled her vision. He pulsed inside her, spilling his seed, as he came over and over, his body stiff against hers. She held on, her fingers digging into his shoulders, her legs clamped around his back. She wasn’t sure how she managed to breathe, as he pulled her close, dropping gentle kisses across her hair.

  “Oh, baby.”

  He seemed like he wanted to say more, but the rest of his breath sighed out against her hair as he lowered his body onto hers, allowing some of his weight to press into her. She smiled and let his body cover her, a warm contentment settling inside.

  Gil felt Fallon melt against him, her small body protected within his, and had to fight back the tears that burned in his eyes. He could feel his chest tighten around the heart he’d hidden from her months ago, and knew he’d only been running from the truth. The only question that remained was how long could he continue to hide?

  Fallon nuzzled against his neck, gently biting his jaw. He chuckled, and eased back enough to gaze into her eyes. They were soft and bright, and so damn blue it was as if she’d captured the brilliant hue of the ocean inside them. His chest constricted again, and he closed his eyes against the rush of emotions smothering his senses. She made him feel alive, and he wasn’t sure if he was ready to feel anything.


  Her voice was soft and timid, but edged with the same fear he felt rising inside him. He forced himself to meet her gaze, his best smile curving his lips. “Still hungry, darling?”

  Fallon’s face flushed a deep red, and he could tell she was fighting the urge to hide against his neck. His cock was still inside her, not as hard as when he’d fucked her, but enough to let her know he wasn’t finished just yet. She shifted her body beneath his, a low moan trembling from her lips as the motion pressed his groin against her clit and his cock just a bit deeper inside her. He smiled.

  “It’s okay. I’m hungry, too. See?” He punched his hips forward, thrusting his crown against the end of her channel. She arched into him, more cream flowing from her body to cover his shaft. The warm juice spilled along his cock and across his sac, and he lost the tentative hold he had on his control. “Knees, baby. Now.”

  Fallon moved, whether by her volition or his he wasn’t sure, but before a drop of her cream could fall off his cock, he had her turned, the pale skin of her ass glowing in the dim light. “Spread your legs wider, baby. Let me see how bad you need me.” He smoothed his hand along her hip, whispering more demands as she inched her knees apart, baring her ass and lips to his view.

  “Very nice. Now let me see how wet you are.”

  Fallon moaned as he slid his fingers through her crease, dipping into her heat and spreading the moisture around her clit. “Oh, baby. You need it real bad, don’t you? Once wasn’t enough, was it?”

  “Oh God. Now. Fuck me now, Gil!”

  “Demanding little vixen.” He moved his hand up, circling her tender nether hole. “Too bad I’m not prepared to take you here,” he moaned, sliding his finger slightly into the tight pucker. “You know how much I love fucking your ass.”


  The word came out as a plea and he felt his cock throb as she pressed back against his intrusion, sinking it completely inside her.

  “Damn it, Fallon. Don’t test me, or my need might outweigh my good sense. I don’t want to hurt you, baby. Just my finger right now. You’re too tight for anything else. I need to prepare you.”

  She moaned her disappointment and reared back on him, thrusting his finger inside her ass again.

  “Damn, you’re intoxicating. Just relax and feel what I can do for you.”

  Fallon’s breath hissed from her chest as he pumped her ass with his finger, keeping the rhythm steady and strong. He’d spent months dreaming of touching her like this, and wasn’t about to rush the sheer pleasure of seeing her body under his spell.

  “More. Pump me harder.”

  “How about I give you something else to think about,” he countered, brushing his swollen head through glistening folds. “Ready to feel me inside you again?”

  She arched back, catching the head inside her hole.

  “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’. Now put those pretty breasts down lower, so I can see more of you.”

  Fallon moved, her ass pushing higher as her breasts grazed the dirt. Gil thought about offering his shirt to her, but he didn’t think he could spare the time to look for it. She’d tossed it away after practically ripping it off his back, and he didn’t want to spend one more second without his cock inside her.

  He smiled as he scanned the vision before him. Fallon’s hair had pulled loose from its clip and now hung in long waves around her shoulders, the red hue shimmering against the white of her skin. Her back was long and lean with just enough muscle definition it looked feminine and sexy. He followed the line down to her waist, loving how it dipped in before splaying out at her hips. She wasn’t skinny or thin, but athletic and curvy, soft and strong, in an alluring paradox that made him want to jump inside her skin.

  “That’s much better,” he whispered, easing forward, pushing just a bit more inside her. “Now I can see that beautiful ass of yours as I fuck it with my finger.” He pressed in, rubbing against the edge until he felt the head of his cock through the thin barrier or skin. “And here… damn, I can feel my cock begging to go deeper, baby.”

  “Gil, you’re killing me. Please, just fuck me. I need you driving hard and fast.”

  “Is this what you need?”

  Gil thrust deep, claiming her sex in one hard movement. Fallon screamed his name as her pussy clenched around his cock, holding it inside, daring him to deny her the pleasure, the fucking she needed. Her ass felt like a vice as he moved his finger forward and reclaimed the hot hole, causing her back to bow and a primal wail to shatter the heavy air. She was gripped with pleasure, and he knew the time for teasing was over.

  He pulled back, one last slow drag of his cock through her swollen tissues before slamming back in, slapping his sac against the soft flesh of her clit. Her body shuddered beneath him, his quick thrusts already sending her into orgasm. Somewhere in the back of his mind he heard his little voice warning him, telling him to go gently, slowly. To make it good for her, but it seemed lost amidst the pounding of his blood and the driving urge to have her submit to him. To acknowledge his claim over her regardless of whether he could say the words she needed to hear.

  “Damn. You feel so good.”

  He moved in perfect rhythm, claiming her cunt with his cock then sinking his finger into her ass. She rocked against him, countering his thrusts, driving him deeper. Her hips were high, angling his shaft over the rough patch of skin he knew drove her crazy as he worked her higher, determined to see her explode again before he gave into the fire burning up his spine, pulling his balls so tight he wondered if they’d tucked inside him. She was close, but so was he.

  “Come for me, Fallon. I want to see you come one more time before I pump my cum inside your pretty little pussy.”

  “Oh God. Yes.”

  Her words filled his head, shattering the last of his control. He pushed into her, once, twice, three times and them he came, his back bowing, his hand gripping her hip so
tight he knew he’d see marks later, as he spurted inside her, filling her with his sperm, his mark. She clawed the ground, convulsing, until her strength seemed to fade and she went limp in his arms. He grunted through the last of his release, pushing into her three more times before the tension eased from his body, and he followed her to the ground, dragging her into his chest with a possessive curl of his hands.

  She shuddered against him, moulding into the natural curve of his body. She looked tired and content, like a woman well pleasured and he smiled knowing he’d given her the rosy glow and half-lidded eyes.

  “Think you can stand up?”

  She laughed and looked back at him over her shoulder, stealing a few soft kisses as she shook her head in reply.

  “Me neither,” he breathed, relaxing, content to just hold her in his arms. She was so warm and soft, despite the cool air and damp ground, and he realised he was holding everything that mattered to him in his arms.

  He bounced the thought around in his head, trying to determine how to act on his revelation, when Fallon nudged him in the ribs.

  “What’s that noise?”

  Gil pulled her closer, his body primed, when he heard the faint sound of music vibrating in the air. He listened, finally recognising the song he’d earmarked for Wade. “Damn, it’s work.”

  He rolled away, hating the loss of her heat the instant his body left hers, and picked through the scattered items on the ground. He found his pants a few feet away, and dug through the pockets. “Here.” He tossed Fallon her phone, loving how she was still sitting naked. She seemed confused and he felt a flicker of panic cool his skin. He couldn’t ignore the call, but their little meeting was far from over.

  “I have to get this,” he warned, holding up his cell. “Why don’t you get dressed and warm yourself up. But stay put. Once I’m finished with Wade, you and I are going to have a chat.”

  Gil turned away, feeling the need to give her a touch of privacy as he flipped the phone open. “This better be important.”

  “What’s the matter, Gil, did I interrupt something? Busy giving it to Fallon— I mean, the phone to Fallon?”


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