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When A Bad Boy Wants Your Heart 3

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by Sephiri J

  © 2019

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Previously in When a Bad Boy Wants Your Heart 2


  I was at home making some changes to my website when my phone buzzed the first time. I’d been caught up in trying to figure out my money and how I was going to survive without having to ask City for anything because I know he had a lot on his plate dealing with his father. But when I got the message from Giselle’s messy ass, all that flew out the window. I had to read her text message twice before I responded.

  Me: Bitch you a whole ass liar. What is wrong with you? Get the fuck off my phone before I come find you and snatch your wig off.

  I hated a lying ass bitch. City told me that none of his exes had ever been to his house. He told me I was the first woman he’d dated who had been inside the place he called home, so if Giselle thought she could tell me some bullshit without some kind of proof, she had me fucked all the way up. My phone buzzed again, and I looked at it, but when I did, all the warmth ran out of my body.

  She had texted me a picture of herself in a tub. I knew for a FACT that it was City’s tub because we had sex in that tub a few times a couple days ago.

  “What the fuck?” I said aloud.

  She sent me another text.

  Giselle: You don’t have to believe me if you don’t want to. This was this morning while he was getting ready to leave. You don’t believe me, go look your damn self. I bet my earring is still sittin’ in the bed where I left it.

  I jumped up from my chair and ran to my closet to put on some shoes. How the fuck did this bitch have a picture inside my man’s house if he never let anyone come to his house before? Pictures didn’t lie, so that had to mean City was lying. I had to go see for my damn self if she left her earring in the bed. Flashbacks of Dontrell’s cheating ass flew into my mind, and I started to hyperventilate. I couldn’t deal with another cheating ass nigga so soon after dumping the last one.

  Rushing out my house, I jumped in my car, only to hear my phone buzzing again. It was another Instagram message from Giselle.

  Giselle: You know he’s a neat freak too. Just make sure he threw out the condom we used. I think it’s under the bed.

  “What the fuck!” I yelled as I drove down the street.

  I used one hand to steer while the other went to City’s name and number. I dialed him and waited impatiently for him to pick up.

  “What’s up, baby girl?” his deep voice said over the line.

  “Where are you?” I angrily asked.

  “Woah, what the fuck? What’s the problem?”

  “Don’t play with me. Where are you? Wherever the fuck you are, you need to meet me at your house now,” I said. My heart was racing, and I was trying to calm myself down, so I wouldn’t run off the road.

  “Yo, I don’t know what you on right now, but I’m at the shop. I got a tattoo to start, so whatever this is gon’ have to wait till later, shorty,” he said in a clipped tone.

  I could tell he was irritated from my tone but he hadn’t even begun to see me upset.

  “City, on God, if you don’t get to your house in the next 15 minutes, you can just lose my number. Your little bitch Giselle sent me a picture that she took in your fucking bath tub this morning. Talkin’ about she was with you this morning and left her shit in your bed. Get to your house now and open the door for me, or I’m breaking the door down myself,” I screamed at him.

  “What the fuck!” City yelled. “Look, I don’t know what you talkin’ ’bout, but I ain’t seen Giselle today, and she damn sure ain’t been in my house.”

  “Well, bring your ass to the house so I can see for myself. I’ll be there in five minutes, and I’m waiting ten before I find a rock,” I said and then hung up.

  I felt hot tears falling down my face as I thought about whether what this bitch said was true or not. I prayed she was making shit up to get under my skin, but I couldn’t explain away that picture.

  Five minutes later, I got to his house. There were no cars in the driveway, and I made myself wait patiently in the car for ten minutes like I said I would. Seven minutes later, I saw City’s car flying down the road.

  I hopped out as he pulled into the driveway. He glared at me as he got out of his car.

  “The fuck is this about? If you was any other bitch, I would’ve been blocked you. Why you callin’ me at work acting a fool and talking ’bout Giselle been in my house? You know you the only one that’s ever been here,” he yelled at me.

  “Don’t start with me, City,” I said as I pushed my phone in his face and showed him the picture. “Open the door.”

  His face registered confusion as he looked at the photo.

  “When was this?” he asked, looking back at me.

  “You tell me, nigga! Open the door!” I yelled.

  I knew I was making a scene, but I was so angry. I wanted to get in the house and look with my own eyes as I hoped I wouldn’t see anything that would set me over the edge.

  He sucked his teeth and walked to the door. I was right behind him, and as soon as the door opened, I stormed in. Taking the stairs two at a time, I barreled into his bedroom. I ran over to the bed and yanked the comforter off. Out the corner of my eye, I saw City walk into the room as I felt around under the sheets.

  “What the fuck is this?!” I screamed as my hand closed over a silver hoop earring.

  Pulling it out, I walked back to him and pushed it up in his face.

  “How the fuck did that get there?” he asked.

  He had a genuine look of confusion on his face, but there was no way he didn’t know about this. No fucking way.

  “Is this Giselle’s earring, City?” I asked as I held the earring up with a shaking hand.

  “Yeah, I got that for her when we were together, but on God, Bo, I don’t know how that got in my bed,” he said.

  “Liar!” I yelled and threw the earring at his face.

  I walked back to the bed and looked over at the pillow that had fallen on the floor when I pulled the comforter off.

  “And I bet you don’t know how fucking foundation got on this pillow either, huh? This isn’t even my shade, City! You got this bitch in the bed you fuck me in? You’re such a liar. You know the shit I’ve been through with my ex!” I screamed. I couldn’t help the tears that were falling down my face. “And look at this hair. What the fuck, City? I don’t wear blond weave. My hair is black. You gon’ tell me you don’t know how this got in here either?”

  City looked at me with his mouth open like he didn’t know what to say. For a split second, I didn’t know what to believe because he looked so confused. But maybe he deserved a fucking Oscar. Just then, I remembered the text Giselle sent me about a condom under the bed.

  “Bo, I swear to you, on my mother’s life, I don’t know what the fuck is going on. I was here alone this morning. I left and went to the gym, came back then went to work. That’s it. Giselle was never ever here!” he said then walked and pulled on my arm.

  “So, I guess you let other niggas fuck your ex in your bed then, huh,” I said and pulled out the condom from under the bed then kicked it with my foot, so he could see.

  His eyes got wide, and he shook his head.

  “How stupid do you think I am, City? I know you fucked with a bunch of people and you’re used
to bitches falling over themselves for you. But I told you, you break my trust, and that’s it. That’s it! For you to do me like this is a slap in the face. And you don’t even have the decency to tell me the fucking truth,” I screamed at him.

  “I’m not lying!” he roared, coming up to me and pulling me toward him. “Giselle must’ve set this shit up. She been wanting to get at me. I don’t know how she did this. She must’ve broken in and set this up.”

  “How, City? How does she know where you live? And where did she break in at?” I angrily pulled away from him. Running downstairs, I went to the living room with City right behind me.

  “Where are the broken windows? Huh?” I screamed, running from room to room and looking at the windows. They were all intact. “You telling me she got in through a locked door?” I asked, tugging on the back door, which was still locked. “I saw you put your fucking key in the front door when you came here just now. The door wasn’t unlocked. So, tell me, City, did she glide her plastic ass in like a ghost through the walls?”

  “I don’t know, Bo,” City said and rubbed his hands down his face.

  He looked defeated, and I was crushed. I had developed such strong feelings for this man, so dealing with the reality that he was sleeping with someone else when I was almost sure I loved him was killing me.

  “She’s what you want, so go be with her. Lose my number because I’m done,” I said then walked around him and toward the front door. I was hurt beyond belief, and he didn’t even attempt to come after me.

  As I rushed out the front door and down the driveway to my car, tears stung my eyes. I wiped my face fiercely and put my car in reverse. City Bailey and I were done. Crazy part is, if I had just gotten a message alone with no evidence from that crazy bitch Giselle, I would never have believed it. However, I couldn’t ignore so much that was right in my face. He was a cheater, just like the rest of them.

  I peeled out the driveway and down the street, so I could get away as fast as I could. My phone buzzed as I drove, and I glanced at it. I swear, if that was Giselle, I would find her wherever she was and beat the shit out of her just for fucking with me.

  I reached for my phone and saw that I had a missed call, but as I picked it up, it started to ring again. Dontrell. I exhaled and answered.

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “Bo, hey!” Dontrell’s deep voice said on the other line.

  “What do you want?”

  “Are you okay? You sound upset.”

  “Please don’t act like you care. What do you want, Dontrell?” I snapped.

  “I’m sorry. Look, I’ve been trying to reach you. I know a lot has been going on, and we have a lot to talk about. Can we meet somewhere? Please, just one time,” he pleaded.

  I didn’t know what to do. I had a million thoughts running through my head. My money was drying up, my mother cut me off, and I was starting to feel like all men were the same after what I witnessed with City today. I didn’t want to entertain Dontrell, but I felt emotionally exhausted.

  “Just hear me out this one time, and I promise if you still want nothing to do with me, I promise I will never try to reach you again,” Dontrell said.

  I sighed. “Okay. Where do you want me to meet you?”


  It had been days since me, City, and Lucas stole those cars. Things were coming together a lot quicker than I thought they would. My mechanics broke all the cars down real fast, and the buyers I had lined up moved in to take them off my hands. I had one more run to make with a buyer in Fort Pierce, but the rest was already moved out. Yesterday morning, I’d put $2.3 million in cash in my safe at the shop. That was more than even I had expected to make. Things were looking up, and I was feeling good. All I had left to do was finish out this transaction with the Fort Pierce buyer, split the money up, and pay everyone who needed to be paid, and I would be good to go.

  I was sitting at the crib going over some numbers on the books when my phone rang. Lucas was calling me.

  “What’s good, bruh?” I asked, putting him on speaker phone.

  “Aye, yo, how you been, fam?” he asked me.

  “Good. Takin’ care of some business. The buys went smoothly, so I should be finalizing payroll in a few days,” I said.

  “Cool, cool,” he answered. “Look, you got a minute? You at the shop? I need to come by and talk to you about something real quick.”

  “I’m at the crib. Not gon’ be at the shop till later today,” I said as I looked back at the computer screen.

  “You got a minute? Can I come by and chop it up with you? I got some serious shit we need to discuss,” Lucas explained.

  “Serious shit like what?” I asked, looking away from the screen and frowning down at my phone.

  He exhaled hard. “I heard some things, man. I need to come through and let you know what’s been going on.”

  “Ima need you to give me more than that, bruh. What you talkin’ ’bout you heard some shit? About what, nigga?” I asked.

  I hated when people talked in riddles, and I needed Lucas to spit this shit out.

  “It’s about your boy City, bruh. That’s why I wanted to have a conversation with you in person. He plottin’, man, and you need to know about that shit,” Lucas said.

  I looked at the phone like I was hearing things. Lucas was buggin’.

  “The fuck you talking about? Plotting against who?” I asked.

  “It’s better you hear with your own ears, man. I heard in the streets that City felt a type of way about the job we just did. Talkin’ ’bout he deserved a bigger cut, and you weren’t bein’ honest about the amount of money you made overall when the job was done,” Lucas explained to me over the phone.

  “Man, quit the bullshit. If City had a problem with me, he wouldn’t be out in the streets talkin’ shit. He would come to me and address that. I don’t know who you heard that shit from, but they need to check their source.”

  I’d known City my whole life, and I knew he wasn’t about to take our personal business to the streets if he had a problem with me.

  “I talked to him myself, nigga,” Lucas said, and I frowned. “I went to see him earlier, and cuz I knew you probably wouldn’t believe it, I recorded the whole conversation. That’s why I wanted to come by, so you could hear. He said that shit.”

  I didn’t know what to say. That’s not what I expected to hear. But, still, City wouldn’t talk shit about me either way. Lucas must’ve taken that shit out of context.

  “Aight, come through,” I said and leaned back in my chair. “I’ll text you my address.”

  “Cool,” Lucas said and hung up.

  I put my phone down and sat back in my chair for a minute. That shit didn’t make any sense. Part of me wanted to call City and find out what happened before Lucas even got there, but I figured I should wait and see what exactly Lucas wanted me to listen to before I made any other moves.

  My thoughts were interrupted by loud knocking at the front door.

  “The fuck is that?” I asked.

  I wasn’t expecting any drop ins or deliveries, and Lucas couldn’t have gotten there that quick. Making my way to the door, I looked through the peephole and frowned.

  Opening the door, I looked at the two men standing on the other side looking back at me.

  “Can I help you?” I asked, watching them with suspicion.

  One of them flashed a badge in my face. He was white, tall, and sported a buzz cut. The other one was big, tall, and Hispanic. He looked at me like I wasn’t shit.

  “We’re looking for Stanley Anderson,” the white one said.

  “That’s me. Who are you?” I asked and glanced at the badge.

  “I’m Detective Morris, and this is Detective Garcia. We have reason to believe you were involved in an assault and grand theft a few nights ago outside of Charlotte. Can you tell us where you were on the night of February twelfth?”


  Since I’d gotten the news that I was pregnant, I’d been on clo
ud nine. Greg was ecstatic, and even though the last few days had me wondering if he really loved me like I wanted him to, his reaction to my pregnancy made me start to feel better about us. He’d called his mother, father, his two brothers and sister in Cali, and told them the news. He even told his 89-year-old grandma.

  I could feel the excitement coming off his skin, and I was so happy that I was able to give him that feeling. As for me, when I told my father, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. I was his only child, so I know he wanted a grandchild too. Although he didn’t like that Greg was the father, he was beyond happy that I was happy.

  I finally saw Bo and cried when we finally got face to face. I missed her so much. She hugged me so tight and told me she was sorry, but she still meant what she said about Greg. She was just sorry for hurting my feelings. I understood where she was coming from. Greg had fucked up, but I chose to try to work things out, and she knew it was my life, and my decision. When I told her that she was about to be a godmother, she had screamed and hugged me so hard. It just made things so much more real for me.

  Now, I was at home folding laundry and humming to myself as I thought about the road ahead. I couldn’t help but wonder if I was having a girl or a boy. I wanted it to be a girl, so I could spoil her and dress her up, but I heard little boys loved their mama and were the cutest things in the world. Either way, as long as I had a healthy baby, I would be good.

  Greg was sitting in his office doing some work, and Summer was in the living room on Greg’s laptop applying for jobs. Ever since Greg told her I was pregnant too, her whole demeanor had changed. Before, she had a smug attitude like she had something over me because she had two of Greg’s kids, but now she couldn’t say shit to me. I hated the fact that we were basically having ghetto twins since we were pregnant at the same time, but I couldn’t do anything about that now. All I knew was that I needed her to be out when the four weeks was up. I wanted to start turning the room she was staying in into a nursery.


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