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When A Bad Boy Wants Your Heart 3

Page 14

by Sephiri J

“She can stay gone,” Bo piped in, and I chuckled as I kissed her on the forehead.

  “Last I heard, my boy told me he saw her in Vegas doing some modeling thing. I don’t give a fuck, as long as she stays out my face,” I said.

  Just then, a doctor walked toward us in the waiting room. I stood as Guwop stood because it looked like he had news for us.

  “What you got for me, Doc?” Guwop asked anxiously.

  “Are you ready to come meet your new baby?” he asked all smiles.

  “Fuck yeah,” Guwop said and walked past the doctor.

  “We can do three at a time,” the doctor said.

  Guwop looked at me and nodded, so I reached for Bo’s hand, and we followed the doctor. We walked into the room, and Sade was sitting up on the hospital bed. When she saw us, she smiled and looked down at a bundle of cloth that she had in her hand. As I walked up, I saw that the baby was wrapped inside.

  “Oh my god!” Bo cooed as she ran to Sade’s other side.

  Guwop walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “You okay, baby girl?” he asked looking at Sade then back at the baby.

  “Uh huh,” she said. She looked exhausted but happy. “It’s a boy,” she said while looking down at the baby.

  She held him up for Guwop who took him. He looked nervous as fuck as he held the tiny kid.

  “He’s beautiful, sis!” Bo said, and I looked at her as she wiped tears from her eyes.

  “Yeah, he gave me a hard time, but he’s here,” Sade said all smiles.

  “My son,” Guwop said and grinned. He never looked this fucking proud.

  “What we gonna call him, baby? The name we decided?” Sade asked.

  “Yeah. Jayce Anderson,” Guwop said, and I nodded. “Jayce, meet your uncle and aunty, man. I’m so glad your little ass is here.”

  I looked at the four of us plus Jayce and smiled. This was my family, man. I looked at Bo, who looked so overwhelmed, and she winked at me. I knew she felt like we were all she had too. Since her dad passed, it was crazy how life worked out. We’d found out that he’d left her his two-million-dollar life insurance policy, and none of it went to her mother and sister. But Bo wasn’t the type of person to leave them high and dry, even though I probably would have.

  She found out that they’d moved into a one-bedroom apartment in Hialeah because that was all they could afford. Her sister had started working as a waitress at a diner in the hood, and her mother was driving for Uber. I bet that shut their bougie asses up real quick. But Bo had gone ahead and started sending them $1,000 a month to help them survive. She said they were still her blood, but she barely had contact with them.

  She had been through a lot, but I hoped she felt how much I loved her. I hoped she loved this rock that I had in my closet at home as much as I did because I was planning to ask her ass to marry me this weekend. I was planning to give her a better life than anyone else she could have ever been with, including that bitch ass nigga Dontrell. Bo heard his ass had asked for a paternity test, but the crack baby was 99.9% his. His girl, Nichole, left the baby on his doorstep and disappeared. So, he was out here raising the baby himself. That’s life, I guess. Ain’t got shit to do with me, though.

  I looked over at Guwop again, who was still looking down in awe at his son. I wanted that, and I knew I would have it with my girl. Life was good, and even though it wasn’t perfect, I wouldn’t have it any other fucking way.


  More work by Sephiri J

  Thank you so much for reading my latest work! I really hope you enjoyed it. If you liked it, check out my list of additional work below, all on Amazon and all free on Kindle Unlimited.

  A Real Boss Snatched My Heart

  All I want for Christmas is a Real Boss (update to A real boss snatched my heart)

  Mesmerized by a Certified Thug

  Twisted off his Street Love (spin-off of Mesmerized)

  Fallin Hard for a Thug

  Fallin Harder for a Thug

  Deadly Love Triangle

  The Secret series (contemporary womens fiction)

  Follow me on social media at:

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  Also, don’t forgot to join my exclusive reading group on Facebook, Sephiri’s Reading Escape, to be the first to know about new releases, sneak peaks, contests, giveaways and book discussions.

  Website coming soon!

  Stay tuned for my next release, coming real soon.


  Previously in When a Bad Boy Wants Your Heart 2



  1. Bo

  2. Sade

  3. City

  4. Guwop

  5. Lucas

  6. Bo

  7. City

  8. Guwop

  9. Bo

  10. Lucas

  11. City

  12. Sade

  13. Guwop

  14. Bo

  15. City

  16. Bo

  17. Guwop

  18. City

  19. Bo

  20. City

  More work by Sephiri J

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  A Real Chicago Love Story

  Sneak Peek!

  Chapter 1

  Oh my God!

  With her hands grasping the crisp envelope that her grandmother had given to her, Star felt tears of happiness well up in the corners of her eyes. Her eyes had nearly bulged out of her skull when she read the return address. Excitement bubbled up in her gut when she saw Northwestern University on the outside.

  Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm down, reminding herself that whatever was inside could either be good or bad news. Although she prayed that she had been accepted into the school of her dreams, she didn’t want to get her hopes high only to be let down if things didn’t work out her way.

  Ripping open the envelope, she closed her eyes and said a quick prayer before opening them to read the letter inside.

  Congratulations! Your application for admission to Northwestern University has been accepted. We are offering you a four-year full tuition academic scholarship. This scholarship will pay all your tuition and fees based on your stellar high school GPA.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God!”

  Star was flabbergasted. Her legs almost buckled underneath her. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing and reread the letter several times until her eyes began to water. She was on the verge of tears.

  Walking behind her, Ebony hugged her tight, pulling her into a bear hug.

  “I’m sooooo proud of you, big sis,” she crooned as she rocked her from side-to-side. “I knew you were waiting on these letters, so I saved them until I could give them to you. I’ve had them a long time.”

  Suddenly, guilt came over Star and she bit her bottom lip as she and Ebony continued their embrace. Since moving in with Polo and taking her place as the queen Gangstress, she hadn’t been able to visit her little sister as much as she wanted. Pulling away, she held Ebony’s shoulders and looked her right in the eyes.

  “I promise to visit more often,” she told her. “And, even once I go to school, I won’t be far, so I’ll always come by and check on you.”

  Ebony was doubtful but wanted to hope for the best, so she nodded her head and flattened her lips into a small smile. Times had been hard for her l
ately. With Star being heavily involved in her new life, she felt like she had lost her best friend.

  “I promise,” Star repeated. “I have to go now, but I’ll be back. And thank you so much for saving these letters for me. Make sure Grandma gets the money I left her.”

  “I will.”

  After hugging her sister once more, Star turned around and headed toward her brand new black on black Mercedes Benz as Ebony sat on the front stoop and watched. She opened the door and slid onto the black leather seat, starting the engine with the push of a button. Waving to her sister, she pulled off the street and took off down the road, leaving the neighborhood she’d been desperate to put behind her.

  In only a matter of months, her life had upgraded to a level that she could have only seen in her dreams. Gone were the days where she got her clothes from Wal-Mart or the local corner store. She now rocked designer shoes and was dripping in labels. Around her neck, she wore icy necklaces worth a down payment on a mortgage, and her wrists were dripping, too. Polo made sure of that and always kept her pockets stacked. Money was no longer a concern.

  As soon as she hopped on the interstate, heading into the city, her cellphone began to ring. She quickly grabbed it, smiling when she saw who was calling.

  “Hey, baby,” she cooed into the phone, her tone as sweet as sugar.

  “Bae, where you at?” Polo asked, his voice pressed the way it usually was when he was missing her. “I ain’t seen you all day, and I can’t wait to wrap my hands around that fat ass.”

  Giggling, Star glanced at her rearview mirror and noticed the Black SUV trailing her. The truck held four of Polo’s shooters, and they accompanied her wherever she went, providing her with security at every moment.

  “I know you called Trey already, and he told you I’m headed your way. So, you won’t have to wait too long.”

  “What I look like callin’ another nigga to ask ’bout my chick? I ain’t call Trey, but I’m glad to hear yo’ ass comin’ this way. I got somethin’ for you when you get here.”

  Star shivered, feeling lust ripple through her body before settling right between her thighs. She knew what Polo had for her, and it was thick, juicy, and long.

  “I’ll be there in ten minutes,” she told him in a tone thick from desire.

  “Make it five.”


  The moment Star stepped into Polo’s plush, luxury penthouse, the delicious aroma of frying food consumed her. Even though this had been her home for the last couple months, each time she walked in, it was like entering paradise.

  The condo was located on West Monroe in the heart of the Loop. Downtown’s opulent shopping centers and huge towers surrounded them. This area was meant for the mega rich… or, in this case, a hustler clocking major commas.

  The first thing that shocked her when she moved in was the way Polo meticulously kept things in order. He was a neat freak, and everything was organized to perfection. Even his t-shirts, socks, and shoes were arranged in his closet by color.

  Lined on the backside of the mauve, L-shaped sofa were thirty-one White Castle bags that Star had collected earlier that day before leaving to visit her sister. Each one came from a ward in a hood ran by a G.D. governor and, as queen, Star collected them on the same day each week.

  She heard the thick baritone of Polo’s masculine voice as he walked down the sprawling staircase. He was in a heated argument with someone. Wearing boxers and a white beater with gold and black diamond chains hanging around his neck, the vision of him was amazing to witness. His muscles glistened under the cathedral ceiling window, illuminating the many colors of the setting sun over his body. It was a spectacular array of hues.

  “Don’t fucking worry about the old man and his money, Sloan. Yo, you startin’ to get under a nigga skin—like you don’t like your position with me. Like you tryna challenge how a nigga run shit—”

  Suddenly he looked over and saw Star standing across from him next to the large panoramic picturesque window in the living room. She loved this spot in the apartment most. Standing there gave her a feeling like she was high in the clouds overlooking the entire city of Chicago. Like she was on top of the world.

  “Hey…” Star waved her fingers and smirked coyly, looking at him. He gave her a nod along with a half-smile and then continued his conversation.

  “Well, my nigga, I do shit differently. I promise you the old man gon’ get his money, but if you keep this shit up—I’m tellin’ you now, joe—ain’t nothin’ good comin’ out of this on your end. I’ma count this shit up tonight and do what I’m supposed to do from there like I’ve always done.”

  Quietly watching him, Star couldn’t help but notice the huge third leg poking through Polo’s boxer shorts or his ripped six-pack which flexed nicely as he paced the floor. His body was chiseled, sculpted like an African statue that one would see in a museum.

  “Damn, nigga, bring that big, sexy ass over here,” Polo seductively intoned as he grabbed his crotch.

  She could see his elongated dick hanging like he had a miniature baseball bat in his hand.

  Damn, she thought as she sashayed over to him, nervously nibbling on her bottom lip.

  He roughly grabbed both of her ass cheeks and squeezed hard, making her butt jiggle before smacking it.

  “Take them leggings and panties off,” he ordered. “I want you bent over, butt ass naked, so I can dick you down. A nigga sufferin’ from some major stress.”

  “Wait—I want to talk to you about somethin’,” Star managed to say too late.

  “Let’s talk later. Right now, I need to feel you.”

  She flinched when she felt him pull at her leggings and split them, tearing her lace thong as well. His aggressive, savage ways in the streets didn’t stop once he made it to the bedroom. Polo was rough, even brutal, but with expertise that fascinated her body. He had introduced her to lubricants, exotic body oils, and other toys that made her body cum like a river between her legs. He skillfully manipulated her body, learning how to please her as he taught her how to please him. And now that she was his woman, there was no part of her body that was off limits to him. He was the only man who had ever sampled her love, and he took full advantage of that. Her body was his playground, and he had no inhibitions, but he demanded that she be the same way.

  Star wanted to talk to him about the acceptance letter from Northwestern, but, by then, her panties were nearly past her knees, and her sex was throbbing as Polo probed her with one finger. He had her so wide open, and her clit so sensitive, that she could feel a chill run over it from the air conditioning.

  “Damn, your shit stay wet. You got my dick rock hard.” He groaned while looking at her like she had sexual powers that he couldn’t believe.

  Star giggled girlishly and before she could even move, he was snatching her clothes off, pulling and tugging at her body. That mannish shit turned her on as she let him have his way, her pussy throbbing with anticipation of what was to come.

  Once he was finished taking her clothes off, she stood nude, and he was right in front of her, looking down at her like the trophy she was. His breathing was heavy. A sliver of light from the setting sun came in from the ceiling dome, holding them in an ambient glow.

  “I know you had a long day. Probably tired, and you seem a little tense,” he said, running his fingers softly across her arm. “I got somethin’ for that ass.” He grinned sheepishly.

  With timid steps, Star approached him, knowing exactly what he had for her in order to calm her down. The first time he’d tricked her into it, but this time she was fully aware of what she was taking. Polo pulled the pill out, set it on the tip of her tongue, and Star swallowed it down. Ecstasy turned her into a freak, and now that she’d learned how to ride the high, she enjoyed the crazy things that Polo did to her body.

  The drug began to take effect, and Star watched in awe as Polo stroked himself wantonly, enlarging himself with each stroke. She licked her lips in anticipation, halfway wondering if she was a glu
tton for pain.

  “Come here. Bend over the couch and place your right foot on the ottoman.”

  Before she could move, he directed her body, picked up her leg, and bent her spine, stretching her into position. He had her with her ass up, pussy open, and legs extended so far, she could feel a draft dancing along her middle. It teased her in the best way, making her gush honey down her inner thigh. He reached inside a drawer on the coffee table and retrieved a condom, ripped it with his teeth, and put it on.

  “You need to make an appointment for some birth control. Quick,” he told her as he’d done many times before. He was adamant about not wanting kids.

  Using his saliva like some type of erogenous lubricant, he spit on his fingertips and then slapped his hand on her shaved vagina, easing one of his massive fingers inside. The feel of him stirring her made Star purr like a kitten.

  “Ohhhh, shit!”

  He massaged her clit like a genie’s lamp, as if he was trying to get several wishes. With his other hand, he grabbed a remote and pressed a button, turning on music, a slow jam, as he softly explored her.

  “That feels so good. Don’t stop…” she whispered, closing her eyelids tight.

  As he continued to work her, he also eased his thumb in her ass while he began to position himself. Standing back, he placed the head of his dick at the entrance of her sweet opening and started to push, slowly but with determination, splitting her inch by inch. Star cried out. It was ecstasy of the best kind.


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