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Page 6

by Psychic Hitch (lit)

  “Morning, Cheri,” Monty said when he walked in.

  “Good morning, Monty.” She turned around. “The Peppermint Cheesecake’s been approved to run in December.”

  “I heard it was a hit. Do you want to mix the green mints in with the red?”

  “It would be great if we could, but don’t buy a case of the green. I don’t want it sitting around here for a year. People tend to pass them up after the holidays, because they’re too sweet. We’ll grab a bag from the store.”


  She glanced at her watch. “We still need to come up with something lite and delectable to counter—” The phone rang, drawing her eyes to the caller ID and the 813 area code. She closed her eyes for a quick moment. “I have to take this, Monty. Would you mind keeping an eye on the front?”

  He nodded and pulled the door closed behind him.

  Chapter 6


  “Good morning, Cheri.”

  She picked up a notepad and fanned herself when her body heated at the sound of his voice. “Allen, while the flowers are beautiful, you shouldn’t have sent them. I—”

  “We didn’t get a chance to stargaze.”

  Stargaze, the twinkling things in the sky, the flower, and the sudden wet ache was all too much. “Allen, I told you to leave me alone.” She hung up and stormed from the office, letting the door hit the filing cabinet behind it, more pissed at herself than him. Why couldn’t her body stay out if it?

  Hell, even her subconscious wouldn’t stay out of it. She hated the damn dreams. Either she relived the searing passion or she watched in slow motion as a car careened off an overpass and hit him. Unlike the normal death dreams, as she liked to call them, she never got past the second where car hit car before she woke dripping with perspiration and terrified. The signs around accident shook her up. It was one of the many exits she takes to Wrigley field, depending on road construction. It was a warning and one she intended to heed.

  The door leading to the dining room hit the wall after she shoved through it on her way to the host stand. She pulled the schedule out to see who she had working and mapped out sections for them then returned to the kitchen to do the same on the server board. It was all a mindless task and did nothing to slow the effect of hearing that man’s voice.

  She walked over to the nearest soda station and put the nozzles on it, then filled a glass with cold water. After a long drink which did nothing to cool the boiling blood in her veins, she ran the glass across her forehead. The problem wasn’t solely his voice or the reminder of what he’d awakened in her. The psychic dreams weren’t even totally behind the restless tossing and turning. She needed an orgasm and that’s what kept her awake until exhaustion won out. Her body craved what he did to it.

  The cold glass did nothing for her. She dumped it and went to set up tables for reservations. Or, she could put liquor away. Patty would appreciate that. The phone rang and the host stand was closer. “Rogan’s Steakhouse, this is Cheri. How may I help you?”

  “By not hanging up on me.”

  Cheri frowned and slumped back against the wall. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “What? I haven’t done anything to you in about eighty hours. At least in the physical sense.”

  “You’re stalking and harassing me.”

  “No, I’m reminding you how it felt to be made love to and you’re fighting it. What we had was more than sex. We connected on a realm higher than the physical. I saw it and you can’t hide from it.”

  I have to. Damn it, I have to. She rubbed her forehead and sank down on the floor. “I’ve agreed to see the man I came down to see, if fertilization didn’t happen.” Thanks to the squeak in her voice, her attempt to remind him of her purpose sounded feeble.

  “Cheri, I want to see you; be with you again.”

  Shivers eased down her back as if his fingers caressed her. Damn him for sounding so fuckin’ sexy. “No. This was never meant to be more than sex for procreation. I thought—”

  “I can hear it in your voice. You’re curious and want to find out if the orgasms were a fluke.”

  Hell, yes! She bit down on her tongue before she told him to get on the next plane. A sound had her jumping to her feet. Her ten-thirty opener came through the inner doors of the foyer. She mouthed hello to her.

  “You want to know if that magic we shared in the wee hours of the morning was a one time thing. Would it be so terrible to have fun while you try to conceive?”

  She covered the mouthpiece and cleared her throat. He was making it too hard to stand her ground. “Listen, I can’t talk about this at work.”

  “The number I gave you is my cell. Call me when you get off.”

  “It’ll be after two.” Cheri hung up and refused to think about the idiocy of the promise. She pulled the cordless phone from the charger and went to set up the banquet room for the Scranton party and left the lunch reservations for the hostess to handle.

  * * * *

  At two o’clock, Cheri left the restaurant in Lucas’s hands and walked out the back door with the flowers. She wanted to avoid Emily, who was already on Allen’s side. She wasn’t ready to admit to her best friend that he’d gotten under her shield. Of course, it didn’t mean she wouldn’t hear about the flowers and call her, but answering the phone wasn’t mandatory.

  Ten minutes later, she sat in her oversized peach upholstered chair with a glass of juice. The flowers sat in front of her on the coffee table, looking perfectly at home with the pale pink couch and baby blue chair on the other side. Damn it! She reached over and drew a flower from the vase and sniffed it. Does he have to do everything so damn perfect? No, her mother knew the flowers would be perfect.

  She sighed and reached for the phone to dial the number she’d unintentionally memorized. It rang and continued to ring. Mouthing thank you toward the ceiling, she started to hang up. But then, she heard “hello”.

  “You don’t give your name when you answer?”

  “Why, don’t you know who you called?”

  “Of course I do. Most people answer their cells with some cute line along with their name.”

  “Doesn’t that make you feel stupid?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “Okay, now that you’ve braved dialing my number. When can you get some time off?”

  Keep him on track, Cheri. Keep yourself on track. “Allen, why are you pushing for something you know I don’t want? I don’t want you to call me. I don’t want you to send me flowers. I don’t want you to—”

  “Okay, so ovulation occurred last weekend. Your period will or won’t start until the end of next week. Are you using a chart or OTC method?”

  “OTC, but—”

  “I can wait until the next cycle, but I’d like to see you sooner. You get two days off a week, don’t you?”

  “Thursdays and Sundays.” She winced as soon as the words were out.

  “How’s the foot?”

  “It’s doing fine.” She could hear taps. “Are you on your computer?”

  “Just making a quick schedule note.”

  She frowned, wishing he wasn’t making this so hard. “Allen, please—”

  “How was work?”

  “Work was fine, busy. Allen, listen—”

  “Cheri, does it bother you to enjoy sex?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re a psychologist.” That’s all I’d need.

  “No, I’m a Pediatric Cardiologist.”

  Oh, wonderful! He works with sick kids. Does he lift the toilet seat and put it back down, too?


  “What happened with you scares me, yes.” Hell, why am I still on the line? This is so crazy. Hang up, hang up, hang up. But, she couldn’t do it. Part of her was mesmerized by his voice, the other part… Well she wasn’t sure and that caused her throat to tighten.


  She drank half the bottle of juice and still felt choked up. “Because it was different, unexpected and—”<
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  “That should tell you that just possibly you’ve never been with the right guy.”

  “There is no such thing.”

  “Such a cynic. I’m looking forward to finding out why.”

  “Has anyone told you how pushy you are?”

  “Many times, but like you… Can you forget your first orgasm? Or the man who helped you achieve it?”

  Cheri picked at the upholstery, ignoring the latter part of his comment. “What were you going to say? Like you, what?”

  “Well, you seem to go after whatever you want and I’d like to think you’d respect me for doing the same.”

  “Within reason, but when it involves a one night stand, a live being who says no to more, you have to respect it and back off.”

  “Can you honestly tell me you don’t wish I was there at this moment, proving it wasn’t a fluke? Driving you insanely crazy with my—”

  “You’re missing the point.” She ran a shaky hand over her head and slouched down in the chair. He had to know what he was doing, because she was melting like butter on hot toast.

  “It’s exactly the point. You need to find out for sure it can happen again. Your body is craving an orgasm. I heard it in your voice just before you hung up on me, and it’s definitely there now. I think you owe it to yourself—”

  She heard his pager go off and a faint squeak of his chair.

  “I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  “I heard.” She rubbed her forehead and tried not to think about the sick kids he dealt with; his compassion and the heartache it must cause at times. She didn’t want to know about that part of him. It made him too real.

  “We’ll talk soon.”

  “Bye, Allen,” she said to dead air. Cheri rested her head back against the chair. The sting behind her eyes, the burning in her nose, and all over a man. What is happening to me? She jumped up. I’m being stupid. Getting all worked up over a man I met once. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Her body trembled and her clit ached. Shit! She grabbed her keys and purse with the intention of doing the dreaded grocery shopping.

  * * * *

  Patty looked up from the computer when she entered the office. “Mr. Thornsburg has called twice demanding I call you and remind you of his appointment.”

  “When have I ever not kept an appointment with him?”

  “I guess it shoots your hopes of him being more cooperative this year right out the window.”

  “There’s always hope he won’t be here next year,” Cheri said as she pulled the banquet book for August from the shelf.

  “Oh, that’s morbid.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  Tina’s voice came over the intercom. “Patty, there’s a gentleman here asking to see Cheri. He wouldn’t give his name. Just said to tell her he’s waited long enough. I tried to explain it’s her day off, but he walked away.”

  “Where is he, Tina?” Cheri asked, scanning the security monitor. She didn’t see the old man anywhere.

  “He went toward the banquet room.”

  “Oh, he’s in a mood today. Good luck,” Patty commented.

  Cheri spoke the hostess, “Go after him and offer him a drink. I’ll be right there.” She grabbed a piece of Andes mint chocolate from the candy jar and unwrapped it as she told Patty, “Walk by occasionally to make sure he’s still alive.” She popped the chocolate in her mouth and went through the kitchen to the dining room.

  Cheri entered the banquet room and pulled the open French door shut behind her. “Mr. Thornsburg,” she said. When she didn’t see him, she turned to leave and check with the hostess. Her heart jumped into her throat when she saw Allen in the corner of the room.

  “I didn’t expect you to rush out here.”

  “I thought you were my appointment.” Her legs began to tremble. The sparkle in his eyes said he knew he caught her with her guard down. “What are you doing here?”

  “You couldn’t come to me, so I came to you.”

  She set the notebook down on the table. “You don’t take no for an answer, do you?”

  He stood and walked around to her and tipped her face up to his. “Not when I know it’s a defense mechanism.”

  “You don’t know anything about me. I don’t want you to know anything—” His lips covered hers as his tongue thrust between them. Oh, God! She stepped closer, her mouth moving with his, her tongue melding with his. She reined in the wild need to drag him down on the royal hues of the carpet and let him pull her skirt up to thrust his cock in her wet heat. She pulled away, gasping. “Why are you pushing me so hard? It’s not what I want.”

  “Why do you lie to yourself and to me?”

  “Listen, I have an investor coming.”

  “It’s your day off. Let someone else take care of it.” His hands caressed her bare arms.

  She backed away and took his hands in hers to prevent him from touching her. “It’s company business. I have to handle it.”

  He tugged on her hands, pulling her close. “How long will it take?”

  “I can’t say. He’s a difficult man.” She searched his eyes. He was right. A part of her wanted him to prove it could happen again. And, since he came all this way…

  He touched the tip of her nose with his warm lips, then her forehead. She sighed. “I know a place where we can satisfy your need to stargaze.”

  “I’m yours until I have to return to the airport Saturday.”

  She groaned. “Go sit in the corner and behave.”

  He led her around the table and sat with her in his lap. His hand slipped under her skirt and stopped when he met the damp fabric of her thong. “Allen, we can’t do this. Not here.”

  “How soundproof is this room?”

  “Fairly, but…” He slipped a finger under the fabric and between the swollen lips of her hot pussy. Her hips moved into his hand as she met his mouth, giving him her tongue. He thrust up against her g-spot. Her moans were muffled by his mouth, but it didn’t hinder the intensity of the quick orgasm. She let go of his neck and pulled on his arm before she followed the urge to free his stiff cock and ride it where they sat. “Not here.”

  “And here I thought you killed off the investor,” Patty said.

  Cheri jumped at the sound of Patty’s voice. Wonderful! Just wonderful! Heat flooded her face as she freed herself from Allen’s grasp.

  “I believe the get a room saying fits here, but I won’t say it.” She stood with her arms folded, but the smirk she gave her said she found it amusing.

  “Patty, this is Allen. Take him on a tour and keep him out of trouble until I finish with the old codger.”

  Allen stood and cradled her face. “I’ll see you soon.” The tip of his tongue ran over her lips and parted them and when she leaned in for more he kissed her until her toes curled. Then he pulled away and walked toward Patty.

  He couldn’t just give me a simple good-bye kiss, could he? No, he had to deepen it and draw a response from me that will have the staff buzzing. She reached for his glass and ran it across her forehead as she watched Patty link her arm through his. Patty looked over her shoulder and gave her a wink. Oh, God! This is going to haunt me forever.

  Chapter 7

  Almost two hours later, Cheri found Allen on the prep line snacking on fresh baked whole wheat bread laved with butter. “I guess this means I don’t have to feed you later.”

  He smiled and her heart flipped. Why would a young, handsome man like this want her when he could have the pick of any woman his age? As she came closer, she saw desire replace the sparkle in his eyes. He slipped the last bite he held between her lips. “This is just an appetizer. You’ll indeed have to feed me later.”

  A tingling sensation ran down her spine. He wasn’t talking about food and she knew it. “I’m ready to go.”

  “Patty is fixing us a picnic.”

  “You told her our plans?” She looked at him, horrified. “I need to get you out of here. You’re giving me an undeserved reputation.”

t time, I’d say.”

  He winked and felt the corner of her eye twitch “Funny. Where are you parked?”

  “Can’t miss it. I parked next to a green Mustang. Couldn’t help showing it up with a yellow one.”

  “Excuse me!” Cheri set her hands on her hips. “Lime-gold is a classic color for a Mustang. Yellow is degrading and an embarrassment to the model.”

  He put his hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was yours.”

  The feigned fear on his face had her staring at him and wishing he wasn’t so damn cute. “Let’s get out of here.” She shook her head and walked away to get her purse from the office.

  * * * *

  Allen followed her easily enough. She made sure not to leave him stranded at one of the many traffic lights or lose him in the massive activity around the shopping center. She turned into her apartment complex and watched for him to turn behind her before driving to the furthest building. He parked beside her and slung his bag over his shoulder as he got out, then grabbed the carry out. This felt way too normal, too comfortable. She left her car and led him to her upstairs apartment.

  She unlocked the door and stepped in to remove her key. As she set her things down on the entry table, she watched him look around. Did he think her mix-matched pastel furniture weird? Or the bright colors of the throw pillows against them odd? Maybe the lavender scent from the candles too female. His eyes scanned the walls of family pictures and she saw the corner of his mouth turn up as he looked at her. “What?” she asked when he didn’t say anything.

  He smiled and said, “Nothing, it suits you. Where should I put the food?”

  “Here, I’ll take it. If you want to freshen up, the bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right. And, the guest room is the door beyond it.” And her room across the hall. Oh, God! What am I doing? A man in my bed, now a man in my apartment. His hands came down on her shoulders and she looked up at him.


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