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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

Page 11

by Wen Chao Gong

  “Leylin!!! Lord Leylin!!! Save me!!!”

  “Well!” Leylin readied the crossbow, hearing the sound and taking a look, “It’s Ourin after all!”

  The current Ourin looked embarrassing. Not only had the Cross Blade been dropped, his whole body carried wounds and he was being closely pursued by a Direwolf.

  “It’s a pity! You’ve looked for the wrong person! Did you really think I would be so magnanimous?” Leylin’s mouth formed a grin.

  “With the white robed Magi here, I don’t dare to take my chances and secretly kill someone! But if it’s only not being able to save them in time, no one will have a reason to find trouble over that!”

  Leylin looked at Ourin, showing a brilliant smile.

  “He’ll save me! Definitely!!!” Ourin saw Leylin’s smile, and his heart relaxed. He continuously encouraged himself, increasing his running speed.

  “Ohhhh!!!! Noooo!!!!” At that moment, Ourin despairingly saw Leylin shoot the crossbow, dealing with a Direwolf on another side.

  “How could you, how could you do this???” Ourin’s mind went blank for a moment and he tripped on a rock, falling onto the ground.

  The Direwolf behind him shot forward. Its teeth bit down and blood began to flow non-stop……

  “Thanks!!” On the other side, the girl saved by Leylin ran to him to thank him, “Thank you!”

  “No need for thanks!” Leylin smiled. On the other side, Lilith looked at Leylin with her face red and lowered her head.

  There was a whistling sound, and George looked at Lilith, directing a ‘you understand’ gaze towards Leylin.

  “The situation is already like this, but your personality hasn’t changed, George!”

  “Even if I fall into the abyss of death, you can’t stop the yearning I have for beautiful romances!” George used the tone of a martyr, speaking as if he was unafraid of death.

  “You won’t die, the white robes are about to make their move!” Leylin rolled his eyes.

  Even though the field was in chaos, the giant Direwolves seemed to have an amazing sixth sense. They had never bothered the three white robed Magi, forming a strange circle.

  And amidst the noise, Leylin could still use the five senses that were strengthened by the A.I Chip to catch the conversation between the white robed Magi. Perhaps they themselves had not even concealed it.

  “Crow! Are we still not making our move? The Acolytes have too many casualties, and that will lower our rating!” A woman’s voice sounded.

  “Relax! Relax! I’ve been counting. Up until now, ten have died so far. The limit hasn’t been passed yet!”

  A slightly cynical voice travelled over; it was a man’s voice.

  “But it’s still reaching the limit, act quickly. I still need to determine the stability model for this technique! Dammit! The negative energy here is simply too high. It’s simply impossible to complete the construction of the ‘Tokerwuree!’”

  “Then I’ll do it!” The white robed man who hadn’t spoken before stood up.

  “These mysterious Magi! The mysterious people rumored to be able to manipulate the forces of nature!” Leylin’s eyes stared at the white robed man.

  “All of you stupid and lowly beasts, you actually dare to bother the rest of the venerated lord Magi! Only death can be your eternal home!”

  “Mazzerda —Karachi!”

  With the chanting sounds of the white robed man, Leylin’s ears heard the A.I Chip madly sounding out. [ALERT!!! ALERT!!! Discovered radiation source!!! Discovered negative energy field!!! Suggestion for Host to immediately evacuate far away!]

  The bright red words were so obvious, but Leylin wasn’t frightened into retreating at all. He only repeatedly recalled the chanting of the white robed man.

  “This doesn’t seem to be the language used on the continent, but an ancient one instead. It seems like quite the tongue twister, do Magi use this kind of language to chant?”

  And as the white robed man stood up, the surrounding Direwolves retreated, as if they had met some kind of natural enemy.

  “Secondary Energy Fireball!”

  After the chant was completed, a floating fireball appeared in the man’s hand out of nowhere. According to the calculations of Leylin’s A.I Chip, this fireball was at least one thousand degrees, and was actually causing the surrounding space to distort faintly.

  The fireball left a blazing trail, and landed on the Direwolf’s heart.


  “Not good! Quickly crouch down!” Leylin shouted loudly. Unfortunately, it was already too late. It didn’t matter whether it was the acolytes or the Direwolves in the surroundings, everyone was sent toppling over.

  A loud explosion resounded, bringing with it a wave of heat.

  “Puff!!! Pui pui!!!” Leylin got up from the ground, hurriedly spitting out the soil and grass in his mouth.

  At this moment, he was covered in dirt, and looked like a person who had just crawled out of a muddy pit.

  “According to the A.I Chip’s calculations, that area should have been where the head of the Direwolves was positioned, sssss…….” Leylin climbed onto the horse carriage. He looked in the direction of the area attacked by the Magus just now and couldn’t help but suck in a sharp breath.

  He could only see that where the fireball landed, there was now an additional pit of fire that was three metres in length and width, and two metres deep. As for the Direwolves in that area, they had already become burnt charcoal.

  The Direwolves whimpered, before quickly escaping.

  “He has the body of a human, and is able to attack to this extent! This, this is the strength of a Magus?” Leylin looked at the white robed Magus, eyes burning with passion, “The strength of a Magus! I must obtain it!”

  “Quickly! Clean up the battlefield!” The white robed man said, ignoring the fervent gazes of the surrounding acolytes. He returned to his original place, where the two other Magi were.

  When he passed by Ourin’s corpse, he stopped. He took a small golden pouch from Ourin’s bosom, and placed it into his own bosom.

  “This…..seems to be the bag Ourin used to store Magic Crystals!” Leylin pupils shrank.

  “Evaluation! Boundary! Magic Crystals!” Leylin’s mind raced. “It looks like these Magi received a task, which was why they helped escort us acolytes. It seems there was a death count quota that would’ve lowered their evaluation and decreased their rewards if they had passed it!”

  “And it seems that I had slightly underestimated the value of Magic Crystals before. These white robe Magi let the acolytes die, most likely because they had planned to take away the Magic Crystals of the dead acolytes!”

  “Luckily, now that the dead acolytes have reached the danger limit already, we’ll be safer from here on!”

  After thinking it through clearly, Leylin’s face turned ashen, “This is the world of Magi? Logical to the point of cold-bloodedness! Cold to the point of apathy!”

  “Everyone, quickly pack up so we can continue our journey. The smell of blood here will attract other predators!”

  The black robed Knight Angelo took off the outer clothes that had been torn due to the activation of the Secret Skill. The sweat on his face flowed nonstop, and he was gasping for air, looking slightly weakened.

  Leylin’s eyes flashed with light, “It looks like a price needs to be paid to activate the Secret Skill for Knights…”

  “Hey! Leylin, look!” Just as Leylin was about to enter the carriage, George snuck over and surreptitiously pointed to the side.

  On another black-coloured horse carriage, Bessita was hugging her legs as she sat. Her shoulder had bloody marks on it, and she looked like she had just gone through a crying session.

  “Ourin has always been Bessita’s number one Flower Guardian. Now that that group is almost completely dead, Bessita’s situation isn’t looking very good!”

  George said next to Leylin’s ear, with an expression that implied that Leylin’s chance had come.

  “I’ve already lost interest in her! Anyway, we’re in such danger, can’t you control your lower half a little?”

  Leylin didn’t really know what to say. He pointed to George’s collar, and on those clothes were marks from a girl’s lipstick. He really didn’t know when this beast had been able to fool around.

  “Hehe….my brother, it’s only in this kind of dangerous moment that we Preparatory Knights can show our might! And girls will always show goodwill towards the man who saved them. This is the most basic of techniques!”

  George took out something that was similar to a handkerchief from his bosom, smugly showing his harvest. “Can you see? Just today, I’ve already won the goodwill of three ladies…..”

  “Yeah….” Leylin had nothing to say.

  When thinking of his playboy past, “It seems that the previous Leylin always used force when he met a girl he liked, seriously……”

  “Alright, it’s time to set off!” Leylin saw the black robed Knights gather the acolyte corpses together. They took out several Magic Crystals and passed them to the white robed Magi, before hurriedly changing the topic.

  WMW Chapter 13 – Arrival

  “The Death Prairie is indeed a place no ordinary person can cross!”

  Leylin sat in the carriage as his body constantly jolted up and down. The tiny window opened as a golden ray of sunshine peeked in, giving the interior of the carriage a trace of liveliness.

  It had already been over ten days since the attack of the Plains Direwolves pack. During these ten days, the travelling party encountered an increasing amount of danger as they ventured deeper into the plains.

  Only now did Leylin find out that the Plains’ Direwolves were merely at the bottom of the food chain. There were still many more cunning and vicious predators above them.

  On the way, Leylin saw several animal colonies whose numbers were not inferior to that of the Direwolf pack from before.

  Besides the Plains’ Direwolves, there were flocks of huge black birds that were several meters tall and even enormous monsters, dozens of meters long, which looked like sabre-tooth tigers, except their bodies were like tiny mountains. Just their aura alone caused Leylin to feel suffocated.

  Fortunately, the deaths of the apprentices seemed to have reached the limit and the white robed Magi had started to act. Not only did they set up magical defensive arrays on the carriages, they also directly stepped forward to disperse the animal groups that attacked. Through these measures, a large number of casualties was prevented.

  The most dangerous time was when they confronted the monster that was dozens of meters long.

  Thankfully, that small mountain-like monster seemed to possess some intelligence and knew that the white robed Magi were not to be trifled with. It quickly left after a short confrontation and did not unleash any attacks, causing everyone in the travelling party to sigh in relief.

  “It’s time!” Leylin took out his pocket watch and looked at the clock hand. It had already reached the 3 o’clock position.

  He stood up and opened the front door of the carriage. A moist breeze blew towards him, bringing a salty smell with it. It smelt very fresh and clean and Leylin could not help but deeply breath in a few times before seating himself besides Angelo.

  “Good afternoon! Sir Angelo!”

  “Good afternoon! Such a courteous noble gentleman!” Angelo did not turn as he directly handed over the horsewhip and reins to Leylin, “Good timing, I need to rest for a while!”

  Leylin chuckled as he received the horsewhip and skilfully urged on the carriage.

  Angelo leaned to one side as he unclasped a bottle at his waist. When he opened it, a strong alcohol smell floated out, and as he lowered his head to take a gulp, his eyes narrowed in joy.

  “We are about to reach our destination. Based on the fact that you’ve helped me drive the carriage for a month, I can answer two of your questions!”

  Leylin was just enjoying the view on both sides when he heard Angelo’s voice sound out.

  “Alright!” Leylin lightly smiled. He had specially tried to get into Angelo’s good books and this was one of the reasons why he had done so.

  “Then my first question is, what will there be at our destination?”

  “Some temporary tents set up by the various magus academies. Over there, all of you can freely choose an academy to join based on your interests and also undergo an even more accurate aptitude test!”

  Angelo looked a little impatient as he answered, “These things will be explained by the great Magi when we arrive, don’t waste your opportunity!”

  “An accurate aptitude test?” Leylin was stunned. Soon after, he recalled that they had only managed to identify his talent in magic initially before being sent onto the carriage by the viscount. As for how good his talent was in comparison to others, he did not have the slightest inkling.

  “Temporary tents set up by the magus academies? Looks like this is similar to the school recruitments of my previous world. I wonder what the requirements are.” Leylin silently thought to himself.

  “Alright then! My second question! In your heart, what is a Magus!”

  Leylin asked his second question.

  “A Magus? They control enormous power and pursue the truth, with equivalent exchange as their doctrine. Brat, don’t daydream of obtaining any free benefits from a Magus, or else the flames of desire will gush out from the abyss and punish your soul!”

  Angelo’s face twitched as if he had thought of an unfortunate event, while his voice became extremely low.

  “Pursuit of truth, equivalent exchange? I like it!” The corners of Leylin’s mouth formed a smile.

  After answering, Angelo seemed to have lost all interest in talking. He ferociously chugged down two mouthfuls of the potent alcohol as he lowered his head and closed his eyes. Ten minutes later, the sounds of snoring could be heard.

  Leylin dully gazed at the scenery to his front. Although the plains were very beautiful, after a whole month of looking at the same things, he now felt like throwing up at the sight of it.

  “This is……”

  As the carriage continued to advance, the green in the distance became less and less. In place of it was a vast blue, and wave after wave of strong winds.

  “We’ve finally arrived, the Death Beach!”

  The sleeping Angelo opened his eyes and looked at Leylin, “We’ve reached our destination!”

  As they neared the sea, a small town-like place appeared at the end of his line of sight.

  Numerous tents of various shapes and sizes stood together, and they formed a huge camp. Surrounding them were dozens of carriages similar to the one Leylin was driving.

  And what numbered the most were acolytes of similar ages as them, around thirteen to fourteen years old, each and every one of them carrying looks of curiosity on their faces. Leylin did a rough estimate, and counted that there were at least hundreds of them, filling up the entire camp. From time to time, some acolytes walked out from the tents, many different expressions adorning their faces.

  “Alright! Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the intermediate stop of our travelling destination, the Death Beach! You will all decide on your future academy here, and then return back to your respective academies with your teachers to practice magic!”


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