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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

Page 95

by Wen Chao Gong

  Leylin reasoned that he was a genius acolyte in the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy that had a huge chance of advancing into an official Magus.

  As for Bicky’s family head, he was only a Level 3 Acolyte. In the Magus World, the prerequisite of association was to have similar levels of strength! Hence, towards Leylin’s words, the other party would definitely give it some consideration.

  After hearing Leylin’s words, Hong’s eyes dimmed. She straightened her body and almost left the seat immediately.

  It seems that she thought that Leylin only wanted to gloss over this matter on a superficial level.

  As a matter of fact, that was the most common practice of acolytes. Hong was already mentally prepared, but she still felt a little frustrated.

  “On the letter, I will earnestly request for the head not to proceed with the trial and also to leave Bicky’s source of Spiritual Force intact, not causing harm to it.

  The source of Spiritual Force was the most basic foundation of magicians which was the sea of consciousness and the Spiritual Force.

  Once this source was to be wasted, the magician would be crippled. This was often the methods of families executed on those members who had betrayed them.

  “And in return! I promise to compensate for the missing Rainbow Potion!” Leylin’s final words made Hong’s eyes gleamed immediately.

  “Thank you! I am really so thankful…” Hong was too excited that her speech turned incoherent.

  If it was just a simple request, the other party might not give Leylin any face at all, as they were both Level 3 Acolyte and the head were borne from a Magus family.

  However, with the promise of compensation, it was a different case.

  After all, even if they killed Bicky now, there were no benefits to the family at all. If they were only to keep her in captive, there was even the chance of receiving compensation for it!

  All logical magicians would definitely know what to choose between the two.

  “Bicky and I have the same mentor, so it’s something I should do!”

  Leylin smiled and got up.

  After his experiment, he would immediately try to advance. Once he succeeds and becomes an official Magus, his authority would immediately change.

  At that time, if he tries to rescue Bicky, it would be less troublesome.

  To tell the truth, the price of a Rainbow Potion could be easily compensated with what Leylin had now. Not to mention the peddling of potions, just based on the few precious herbs he grabbed in Dylan Gardens, each and every one of time had a price that was several times of the Rainbow Potion.

  However if he were to just take the money and redeem her, he would easily be labelled as an idiot who had more money than sense. Leylin decided that there was no purpose in him being talked of as a fool.

  Under the combination of logic and benefit, he chose the way that would be least consuming for him.

  “I have sought out many a person, but only you, Leylin, helped me. Bicky would definitely be happy to have a friend like you!” Looking on, Hong’s relationship with Bicky seemed rather good.

  “If there are no other matters, then pardon me for taking my leave first!”

  Leylin smiled like a gentleman, leaving his seat elegantly.

  Bicky’s matter was only a small surprise to Leylin. After leaving the lab to settle this issue, Leylin once again buried his head in the experiments.

  Three days later, Leylin looked at a vulcanised crystal test-tube with an engrossed expression.

  Inside the test-tube, a layer of purple, red fluid had already occupied more than half the space within. Moreover, there was effervescence in it, continuously emitting tiny bubbles, as if having its life.

  “This is from all the essence from the Black Horrall Snake, adding on to the special blood purification apparatus using the heart as a primer. After the microscopic abilities of the A.I. Chip coupled with magic spells to continuously purify it, I have finally obtained half a test-tube of this ancient bloodline!”

  A dreamy expression could be seen on Leylin’s eyes as he muttered.

  Just by holding onto the test-tube, Leylin felt a tremendous force continuously emitting from the test-tube, radiating out to its surroundings.

  “It is indeed the bloodline of the ancient creature—Giant Kemoyin Serpent!”

  Leylin asked the A.I. Chip, “How is the sorting of information concerning the Giant Kemoyin Serpent?”

  These formidable creatures of ancient times would only be briefly mentioned in very few documents and tales of bards. There were many misconceptions about them, so what Leylin had the A.I. Chip do was to sort out the real content of the data on the Giant Kemoyin Serpent.

  After all, this was his only choice!

  As for other bloodlines of other snake species, how could it be gotten that easily? Any creature with a trace of ancient bloodline could command a frightening price. Moreover, Leylin was not an official Magus yet, so many channels could not be used.

  [Beep! After 3465 comparisons, omitting 139 false information, 45 repeated information, the main content has been sorted.] The A.I. Chip’s voice intoned.

  [Giant Kemoyin Serpent: Ancient creature, reaching the length of 5000 metres in an adult phase. It is known to have a powerful body and mysterious spellcasting abilities. In the adult phase it can go against Rank 4 Magus and is the destroyer of many cities in legends. Main elemental properties: Darkness, with secondary element of Fire! In the legends, the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes had failed to gain control of the Shadow World, hence bringing her children to the Purgatory World. From then on, her descendants all has the element of Fire.]

  [Sources of origin: Ancient Creatures Illustration Handbook, The Travels of Grey, Diary of the Great Magus Serholm, The Book of Giant Serpent….]

  “Darkness Element and Fire Element?” Ecstasy filled Leylin’s face.

  Although after transplanting the bloodline, the Warlocks would naturally add on the elements of the ancient creature, it was definitely the best to have their innate affinity to be compatible with the ancient creature.

  Even after changing bloodlines, the original qualities of the magician’s body was extremely important. It was decided from the start of birth and was extremely difficult to change in the future.

  “A.I. Chip, bring out my elemental affinity chart!”

  In front of Leylin, a projected image appeared.

  The longest bar was dark coloured, representing the main elemental affinity that Leylin had: Darkness.

  Afterwards, it was followed by a fiery red bar half the size of the Darkness Element. This was Leylin’s secondary elemental affinity, Fire.

  At the back, there was a green bar and few other colours, representing the affinity of other elements.

  However, these bars were much shorter than Fire by a dozen times. If Leylin chose to cultivate mainly with those elemental energy particles, then he might not even be a Level 2 Acolyte by now.

  Which is to say, Leylin’s affinity in the Darkness Element was highest followed by the Fire Element. The others could be treated as negligible.

  “The properties of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent is actually compatible with my affinity. According to the introduction of the Kemoyin’s Pupil, under these circumstances, it can have a multiplier effect on the magician’s affinity, which is also the best choice!”

  Leylin could not mask the overjoyed expression he had on his face.

  122 - Attempt To Breakthrough

  Leylin immediately left the academy on the second day.

  He had managed to purify the ancient bloodline after using the facilities in the academy. Even the ingredients for the Serenity Potion were mostly gathered, so Leylin could not think of any other reason for him to stay.

  Moreover, with the passing of time, the probability of the Lilytell Family uncovering the truth would only grow bigger. Leylin had no means at all to resist them within the academy.

  He also had another level of consideration. What he was about to advan
ce to was a subtype of the ancient Magi—Bloodline Warlock!

  This was definitely differently from other official Magi. During the advancement, it was possible to have unique energy waves that were radiated. If chairman Siley or a magician at that level were to find out, his ending would not be any good.

  For safety reasons, it was better to advance outside.

  Before leaving, Leylin carefully cleansed all traces of his experiments inside the experiment lab. No matter how hard others might try to inspect, they would not be able to know what he had been doing inside the lab.

  After giving one last look at the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, Leylin left.

  He had a premonition that after leaving this time, it might take a very long time before he returned here again.

  After thinking of the future happenings in the school, it would definitely be very intriguing! Leylin grinned as he urged his handsome steed to leave the Abyssal Forest.

  Grey Stone City was a city that was relatively close to Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, and there weren’t many inhabitants there. Moreover, there weren’t any magicians staying here.

  Ever since Leylin had left Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, he had been pressing on continuously until he got here, even buying a two-storeyed flat in the heart of the city.

  Around the apartment, there was a circle of greenery. Even though it was the heart of the city, there was a feeling of serenity.

  On the side of the greenery were a row of small shops. Occasionally, there were mercenaries with steel blades walking together with women who wore extremely revealing clothes.

  Leylin looked on for a while, before closing the windows.

  This villa was the location that he had chosen to advance to a Rank 1 Warlock. It was also protected with a defense spell formation, so the average person would definitely not be able to enter.

  Furthermore, there were a huge number of regular humans residing within the surroundings of the villa. As long as they did not meet any insane Dark Magi, their safety in the area was considered rather well.

  Leylin did not unreasonably hope that by taking all these people around him as hostages, the other party would let him go. However, as long as they were somewhat apprehensive to cast a large area of effect spell, it would be an extremely great thing for him.

  *Sua!* Leylin shut the windowsill.

  The thick sackcloth blocked the sunlight from entering the room, and there was a faint layer of scarlet light appearing in the middle of the room.

  The entire second storey of the villa was already under Leylin’s control by this point. Moreover, there was a layer of a mysterious spell formation inscribed on the floor.

  These runes were writhing as if they were made of little snakes, as they continuously headed towards the scarlet red light.

  The light crisscrossed, forming a spell formation.

  As for the centre of the formation, there was a pure black stone platform. Many scratches were cut into it with a small knife, taking the appearance of a very strange picture.

  “The bloodline transfer formation is finally complete!”

  Leylin massaged his temples, and a blue glow could be seen in his eyes. “A.I. Chip! Scan my stats! Bring out my current condition!”

  [Beep! Gathering Host data!]

  Very soon, the A.I. Chip brought out Leylin’s stats. [Beep! Leylin Farlier. Level 3 Acolyte, Knight. Strength: 3.1, Agility: 3.3, Vitality: 3.4, Spiritual Force: 15.5, Magic Power: 15 (Magic Power is in synchronisation with Spiritual Force). Status: In the middle of cultivating in Kemoyin’s Pupil meditation technique, Spiritual Force in purification!]

  Back at the academy, after using the A.I. Chip to analyse the Kemoyin’s Pupil meditation technique completely, Leylin had begun to adjust his own meditation technique and practice the high-grade meditation technique.

  The Kemoyin’s Pupil meditation technique that he had obtained had a total of three levels. With each increase in level, the technique would automatically advance the Warlock’s rank.

  Previously, Leylin did not have any sort of snake type bloodline, so he could not even cultivate fully in the first level.

  However, the high-grade meditation technique was indeed something good that had been previously concealed by the various organisations. After cultivating a good part of the first level and converting it into a meditation technique, Leylin realised that his Spiritual Force had undergone a purification process.

  Many impurities within his Spiritual Force, which had been boosted in the past by potions, were now expelled during the process of meditation.

  Leylin looked at his Spiritual Force stats. Due to removing the previous impurities, his Spiritual Force had decreased by 0.6, but it was all worth it.

  As an acolyte, it was the foundation on the path towards being a Magus. The more solid one’s foundation was, the further one could walk down the path of a Magus in future.

  Leylin had previously sought a rapid way and consumed potions in vast quantities. This had left many of the residues of those potions accumulated in his body. Even his Spiritual Force was affected, becoming somewhat heterogeneous.

  If such a situation were to occur constantly, one day, his path in advancing would become completely blocked.

  As for now, under the Kemoyin’s Pupil meditation technique’s influence, his Spiritual Force was continuously being purified, heading towards a better development.

  However, no matter how hard he tried, without the ancient bloodline, he would never be able to cultivate fully in the first level and advance to a Rank 1 Warlock!

  “The requirement for an acolyte to be able to advance is a Spiritual Force of 15. The requirements for Warlocks and official Magi are almost the same, with only the additional requirement of a bloodline!

  Leylin inspected the spell formation again.

  “A.I. Chip! Scan and inspect the bloodline transfer spell formation again!”

  Following his command, a strong glow of blue light appeared in Leylin’s eyes as it scanned the formation.

  This concerned Leylin’s future, so he had to be particularly cautious.

  Leylin had confirmed that everything was in order and that he had not missed anything, but did not, however, begin to rush through the bottleneck.

  First, he sealed off the entire second storey, walked towards a restaurant outside, and ordered a lavish meal filled with delicacies.

  Afterwards, Leylin wore commoners’ clothes, and walked several times around Grey Stone City, looking at the motions of the regular humans as they worked, rested, and played, feeling their joy and sorrows.

  Finally, Leylin returned to the villa and sat cross-legged on the bed, yet did not begin to meditate.

  He recalled his memories about his previous life, the experience of transmigrating to the Magus World, the life he had in the carriage party, entering the academy, and his various expeditions.

  The appearances of George, Kaliweir, Merlin, Kroft, and Bicky all surfaced in Leylin’s mind.

  Several hours later, Leylin’s recollections of his memories scattered. What took its place was only calmness and indifference.

  With the serenity of his heart, for the first time, Leylin did not meditate, but immediately fell asleep.


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