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Warlock of the Magus World 1-596

Page 377

by Wen Chao Gong

  Just from the murderous aura he had that was unafraid and not planning on backing down, Leylin knew that some people in this base were in trouble.

  Schiker returned very quickly, and there were even some spots of blood on his collar and cuffs.

  He swore constantly while throwing a gold badge and a set of new military uniforms in front of Leylin. “You’ve been promoted to be a captain of the Special Task Force. You’ve also obtained a second class medal of honour of the union, as well as points for a rank as nobility. You now have enough to pay for the lowest authentication as a knight. Wear the uniform for now. The real documents and procedures will come in a few days later.”

  “Loke, while you haven’t been promoted, you’ve obtained a medal of honour from the union as well…”

  “It is my honour!” Loke’s voice was full of spirit, to the point that there were faint tremors in his voice.

  Seeing the fake look of excitement on his face, Leylin immediately realised the value of this medal of honour of the union thing.

  However, this had little to do with him.

  After this matter, Schiker would definitely place him in higher regard, and would allow him to look at some confidential information. That would be helpful.


  The average temperature of the Lava World was at least 50 degrees and above. Astounding heat waves filled the air.

  As a result, most of the outer walls of buildings were very thin and had the function of absorbing heat.

  The buildings of the Emberwing race were of a different style than in Woking City. They were more similar to bamboo houses, and Leylin’s residence used a rock that constantly emitted cold air, keeping his room always cool and refreshing.

  The benefits of being in the Special Task Force were generous. Even normal members had their own residences and allowances of resources for their training. As the captain, Leylin had a villa of his own. This chilly stone was a very precious resource, and those who did not have the captain rank could not enjoy this.

  Mies often found excuses to hang around at Leylin’s, enjoying the cool air.

  Leylin currently held something like a monitor in his hands, skimming over something. With his authority, much of the information of the Special Task Force was open to him, and he had also gathered much information on the Triserpent Sect.

  The full view of this organisation appeared before Leylin’s eyes.

  “The Triserpent Sect! Looks like it really has a connection to the three dukes!” Leylin put down the monitor and rubbed the space between his eyebrows, unconsciously tapping at the table.

  “From the intelligence, the Triserpent Sect seems to be trying to overthrow the government of the Atlan Union, allowing other races to have more space to survive. In actuality, they’re a bunch of terrorists. They intend to attack the city of every Emberwing clansman and loot them. They don’t have any special activity… Hm!”

  Using the A.I. Chip, Leylin went through the cities that had been attacked. The data on the losses was arranged in a unique database, and the relationship was quickly found.

  “This resource seems to be the favourite of the Triserpent Sect!” Leylin’s eyes brightened. He’d found that the Triserpent bandits seemed to have a vested interest in a type of special ore. Perhaps the attacks on other cities were all in order to obtain the ores, but this target had been concealed well and not been discovered.

  However, through the comparison of gargantuan amounts of information, the A.I. Chip had managed to accurately pinpoint this common ground from all the data on the destruction caused.

  [Firasource Stone: A treasure said to be able to increase progress in Fireplume, and a top-grade ingredient only possessed by the Atlan Union.]

  Leylin touched his chin, observing the projected image given by the A.I. Chip as well as the explanation next to it. He sunk into thought.

  The reason why the people of the Triserpent Sect liked this firasource stone this much must be because of something unusual.

  Anything that would cause these Morning Star Magi to go so frantic had Leylin very interested as well.

  “I remember that with my merits and status, I’m able to apply to purchase limited-grade resources. I can use this opportunity and get a sample for research…”

  Leylin made his mind and commanded the A.I. Chip to scan and record the other books of the Emberwing race.

  It was the accumulation of a civilised society in another world, and definitely held much research value for him.

  WMW Chapter 554

  Firasource Stone

  “Time to go!” Leylin kicked Mies who had almost fallen asleep.

  “Erm, where are we going?” Mies shrunk back a little, his vision blurred.

  If there was a choice, he would still have preferred to sleep here as the weather outside was so hot that it could make him pass out.

  “Hurry up!” Leylin raised his brows, Mies stood up immediately, feeling speechless.

  “Okay! We shall go to the logistics department and check out the mission of the month. It’s almost time…”

  “Alright, alright. You’re the boss.” Mies shrugged his shoulders.

  Ever since the last incident, Leylin had gotten promoted and became a captain of the Special Task Force, while Mies was put in his unit, becoming one of his men.

  As for Loke, he had his way around. Even though he was not promoted after the last mission, he soon achieved lots of merit for the following events and got promoted to be a captain like Leylin just a few days ago.

  The logistics department of the Special Task Force was not far from his residence. Every staff were as obese as pigs, they resembled nothing from the slender and good-looking traits of the Emberwing race. This had Leylin and his men shunning them.

  “Hand me all of my special offerings of the month, and an exchange list,” Leylin spoke to a big fat guy with oily hair who was sitting behind the counter with glass windows.

  “At your service, Captain Leylin.” The fat guy was full of smiles and had a gingerly look.

  Leylin’s fame had long ago become widespread in the Special Task Force. He had been able to achieve level 8 in Fireplume at such a young age, becoming a Sky rank elite! His prospects were definitely boundless.

  Moreover, he had saved Schiker’s life. This was someone who was known to have a powerful background, tactical brilliance, and more importantly a person that favoured his own men.

  Thus, Leylin was assured to have a bright future.

  Some people speculated that becoming a captain was not the end of his road. He could possibly become a Marshal of the union with one star.

  This fatty wouldn’t dare to neglect such people, and he handed Leylin his complete set of supplies. These supplies were a benefit enjoyed by every member of the Special Task Force.

  The Atlan Union depended largely on their supplies and nobility; they had attracted and recruited numerous unbounded extraordinary ones.

  Leylin threw the supplies to Mies, who followed Leylin like a valet. He then opened the exchange list.

  The contents of Fireplume were at the top of the list, the first eight levels being recorded. This included some practical experiences as well as the special techniques of different individuals. It was everything he needed, totally perfect. Except for one thing.

  It had no record of techniques at the tenth level, the Morning Star realm. This caused him to furrow his brows.

  Having stayed here for quite a period of time, Leylin had discovered that their Special Task Force actually had high clearance to access in the Atlan Union despite their infamous reputation. Even a captain like him was equivalent to a major general in the union.

  Leylin grew a little discouraged at not being able to learn the tenth level of Fireplume even with his current status. He was keen to know the second half of this technique.

  Currently, Fireplume was the only path to power Leylin knew that combined physique and the soul perfectly. In his own world, these two paths were separated into Kn
ights and Magi.

  Nonetheless, even with the help of Schiker and the others as specimens, the information the A.I. Chip could simulate only pulled Fireplume to the ninth level. A lot of time and power would be required to deduce the tenth level, the Morning Star realm.

  ‘Only when one reaches the Morning Star realm along a path will it become obvious. Levels 1 to 9 can be deemed creative, but I’m not sure what the real path to power is like…’

  Rumour had it that the Emberwing race descended from the phoenix, but Leylin disagreed. He had already tried it out, and had hadn’t found any genetic segments related to the ancient bloodline.

  Still, when Fireplume reached a certain level, it was clearly linked to the phoenix. This was what had Leylin confused.

  “We can put aside doubts about Fireplume for now, let’s look for the firasource stone!”

  Leylin flipped down the page and an image of a fiery ore appeared, “Firasource stone: Increases the rate of advancement, or even assists in breaking through to the next level of Fireplume. Top-grade treasure, valued at 100 nobility points for a gram. Only available for ranks Captain and above.”

  “A hundred nobility rank points for a single gram?” Miles shouted exaggeratedly from beside Leylin before he could comment on anything.

  “I don’t think I could afford such an expensive item even if I sold myself!” he stuck his tongue out.

  Designation of nobles was very prestigious in the Atlan Union. Thus, audit was very strict. The only way for one to achieve a noble rank other than through the Special Task Force was to head to the Death Grand Canyon Battles.

  Therefore, everyone in the force protected their nobility rank points like their own eyes. For example, Mies felt repulsed just looking at the incredulous price of the stone.

  “Hehe…but this is a firasource stone. It’s exclusively supplied to top ranks like us in the union, with just one gram being able to get you through six levels of Fireplume.” The fatty laughed from behind the window, mockery in his eyes.

  “Six levels?!” Mies’ eyes widened. It was very difficult to break through the latter stages of Fireplume. He had currently been stuck in the fifth level for a long time. Once he reached the sixth, he would become an Earth rank elite! The difference in position from now went without mentioning.

  And yet, Mies glanced at the price tag, somewhat unwilling to give up his points. After all, being able to acquire nobility was a rare chance, and he could not bear to spend all the points he had earned.

  “Yep, I’m exchanging all my points.” Leylin nodded. Immediately, Mies shouted without a thought, “Captain! Have you gone mad?”

  “Of course I haven’t! I’m very calm and know what I’m doing.” Leylin shook his head. After all, this was a foreign world. Nobility here meant nothing to me, and it was something he would have to think about even if offered for free. Thus, his points were better spent on resources.

  “Ho– Hold on, Captain. Your transaction somewhat exceeds my authorisation limit.” The fatty behind the window found it hard to sit still, and beads of oily sweat trickled down his forehead. They were cleaned off along with his white handkerchief.

  He could only exchange one or two grams of firasource stones at best, that was the limit of his authority. But this obviously did not satisfy Leylin’s needs.

  Soon, another fat guy had received the notice, and he came to Leylin.

  He had strong energy fluctuations of the Sky rank, at the boundary of Morning Star.

  “Chief!” Leylin and Mies bowed down slightly. The one who had just arrived was the chief of the logistics department, and had a higher military rank as compared to Leylin.

  “Hey, Ley, you have enough nobility rank points to earn you the title of a Baron. Are you really going to trade them all away?” The fat chief looked at Leylin with pity, he’d thought highly of this genius.

  “Yes!” Leylin was firm, “As compared to nobility, I would liked to focus on my abilities first. As long as I have what it takes, I’m going to get more valuables and higher positions!”

  “Brilliant!” Someone at the side clapped loudly, Schiker had come beside Leylin without notice.

  “Exchange for him!” Schiker nodded at the fatty, then exclaimed, “If I were to think like him while I was young, I would have gotten more achievements than I have now.”

  “Alright then… as you wish…”

  The fat chief wiped his sweats on his face using a gold handkerchief, “Follow me. The exchange of nobility rank point isn’t a simple affair, but it should be alright since Schiker is around…”



  After settling on a series of authorisation documents, Leylin had finally gotten the firasource stone. He thanked Schiker and the Chief once more before he returned to his place.

  “Firasource stone!” Leylin opened his palm, revealing a fiery ruby. It seemed to contain a large amount of liquefied ore.

  The entire ore was only the size of Leylin’s fingernail, this was all that Leylin’s nobility rank points could be exchanged for.

  Despite its petite size, the chief of the logistics department spent much efforts to gather it, even having to transfer some from other regions to barely make it enough for Leylin.

  A phantom of a phoenix showed up behind Leylin, letting out whistles of excitement.

  Leylin had the premonition that once he made use of the firasource stone, his level 8 Fireplume would advance greatly, even to the extent of breaking through level 9.

  But it was not the strange phenomenon of the firasource stone that caught Leylin’s attention, it was the notice from the A. I. Chip.

  [Beep! Special object detected— Firasource stone! Gathering information.]

  After a period of examination and simulation, the A.I. Chip sounded again.

  [Special soul object— Firasource stone! Able to strengthen Magus point mass, increases soul force to an unknown extent! ]

  Looking at the A. I. Chip’s notice, Leylin’s eyes widened.

  It could increase soul force! Who knew this firasource stone had such an effect?

  The advancement of a Magus and the power of their spirit were inseparable. From ranks 1 through 3, one trained in spiritual force. Soul force came into the picture after one entered the Morning Star realm.

  Soul force was the most mysterious amongst all. Even though there were many great meditation techniques, they could only result in a strengthening of the soul over a long period of time. One could not be sure of the pattern.

  Even those great meditation techniques required at least hundreds of years to improve one’s soul force, and it was even worse in Leylin’s case.

  Kemoyin’s Pupil ended at rank 4, not giving him a single bit of information as to how to increase his soul force. Thus, he could only continuously try his luck.

  WMW Chapter 555

  The Organisation’s Leader

  Now, a wide golden path had appeared in front of Leylin.

  As long as he gathered enough firasource stones, his soul force would increase greatly. Even the soul force of a Morning Star Magus who had thousands of years of experience using the top meditation techniques might not be as strong.

  “If the Morning Star Magi in the Magus World learn about this, I’m afraid they will go mad over it!”

  Leylin stroked his chin, finding it a little puzzling, “A precious source like this is a fatal attraction to Morning Star Magi. If so, why would Jupiter’s Lightning use this world to trap the Elders despite risking the exposure of the coordinates? This doesn’t make sense…”

  At that moment, everything that had happened previously left Leylin confused.

  “Maybe they had confidence in getting rid of the Elders, but did not expect that they could get away, which had them caught unprepared. Or maybe they didn’t even manage to find a source like the firasource stone? After all if they don’t have the help of the A. I. Chip, they will only know the amazing function of the firasource stone if they conduct an on-site inspection�

  All he could do was to speculate.

  “Anyway, the reason the Triserpent Sect is so eager to get the firasource stone could very well be that their Morning Star Magus has already found out the function of it… Now I have to gather as many firasource stones as possible.”

  The fourth level of Kemoyin’s Pupil already had little effect on Leylin. It had helped his advancement for quite a while already, but there was no change to his soul force at all.

  In actual fact, many Morning Star Magi faced the same difficulty. It was very hard to improve their soul force, even with top-grade meditation techniques.

  “This trip to the Lava World was such a great decision!”

  Leylin held his grid tightly, his eyes were filled with excitement.


  In the capital of the Atlan Union, a huge and prosperous place.

  A void was created deep underground, a massive flame ball staying in the middle of it like a sun, showing the vague figure of a phoenix.

  A continuous high-pitched whistling of the phoenix was transmitted through the flame ball, the entire ball breathing in and out as if it was alive.

  There was a huge pentagram-shaped spell formation there, in the middle of which rays of crimson light were been drawn out and immersed into the flame ball.

  The Phoenix inside was extremely excited, just like it had benefited greatly from the rays.

  There were some remaining crimson light rays dropped down at the side of the spell formation, they solidified over sometime and turned into Fire stones!

  Moments later, the Phoenix in the flame ball stopped the flame. It transformed into a human bathed in a stunning golden light.

  This was a handsome male, he had scarlet hair and brows, his aura filled with surging waves of power.

  Even the void around him fluctuated, an aura of the peak power of a Radiant Moon Magus surrounded him.

  The scarlet-haired man had a regal crimson robe draping over his shoulders, fully dressed on the inside. He went to the other basement which was empty save for a giant mirror, leaving only large amounts of binding runes appearing regularly.


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