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Greyson (Cloves County Cowboys Book 1)

Page 3

by Amelia Shea

  “Now, the ranch accounts are set up and will be transferred into your name upon signing. An accountant has been set up for you and of course, paid from the estate. The funds for both the ranch as a business and a separate spending account for you will be at your disposal in about two days. I want to inform you, you are well within your right to sell the property. In fact, I’ve been contacted by someone with an interest in the ranch. They’re looking to acquire the land as quickly as possible. However, Cal did instill a seller clause.”

  She hadn’t even processed her inheritance yet and already there was a buyer? Would she even sell? She nodded her head as if answering her own question. Of course, she’d sell. What would she do with a ranch in Montana? Focus, Britt!

  “A clause?’

  “Yes. Before you are able to sell the property, you must physically see it.”

  She jerked her head and furrowed her brows. “In Montana?”


  “Cal wanted me to go to Montana?” She could almost hear his voice as if he was seated across from her. If you ever find yourself in Montana. She closed her eyes, burying her face in her hands.

  “Ms. Montgomery, are you okay?”

  She dragged her hands down her face, leaving them to rest in her lap. She inhaled a deep breath and blew it out, ruffling her bangs in the process.

  “Yeah. It looks like I’m headed to Montana.”


  “So, that’s it?”

  Her best friend and roommate, Darcy, was staring at her with wide eyes. Over breakfast the next morning Britt gave her the rundown of everything Mr. Lancaster told her. Darcy hadn’t been home last night to share the shock with her over several glasses of wine. By now, it had worn off a bit for Britt, although she was left with a wicked hangover. But Darcy was in full disbelief mode.

  “Yup.” she answered, pouring more milk into her corn flakes. She was sitting at their old kitchen table, her feet propped underneath her butt.

  “So, he left you his property in Montana?” Her voice was riddled with skepticism. She leaned her elbows on the table, hovering over her breakfast, her eyes resembling a kid on Christmas.

  “All two thousand acres. Well, almost two,” she mumbled with a mouth full of cereal, staring back at Darcy. Britt’s lips curled at the sight of her face. Not much surprised Darcy, but she was almost speechless. But not quite.

  “Holy shit! I can’t believe this. Do you know what this means?” She shrieked and jumped up from her chair, bouncing on her toes. Darcy was never able to contain her emotions. If she was happy and excited, you knew it. If she was pissed off and angry, you ran like hell.

  “Uhhh…I’m a farmer?” She squinted and shrugged her shoulders, teasing her best friend. Britt was fluent in sarcasm.

  She snorted. “No, dumbass, but you would totally rock a pair of overalls. No, it means you’re rich.” She screeched while throwing up her arms.

  Britt choked back a mouthful of corn flakes, laughing at Darcy’s overly dramatic hype.

  “All right, settle down there. I didn’t win the lottery, I inherited a farm. In Montana. I’m thinking this will at least ensure me being able to pay my rent this month, however, I wouldn’t start mansion shopping just yet.” She held her hands up, gesturing her to relax. Darcy was getting carried away.

  “Did he say how much you can get for it?” Darcy sat back in her seat. She flipped her dark, shoulder-length hair over her shoulder.

  Britt shook her head. “Nope.”

  She stopped and stared at Britt in confusion. “You’re going to sell it, right?”

  Mr. Lancaster hadn’t given her all the details on the property, but he did explain she was well within her rights to sell the land. The only stipulation Cal put in the will was she had to go to Montana and physically see the property. She could not sell it sight unseen. The estate would cover her travel expenses, and a realtor would meet with her to show the property and give her the information on selling. He had been in touch with a realtor in Montana, making things easier for her.

  He also mentioned there was a prospective buyer for the property. Basically, all Britt had to do was show up, look over the land, and sign the papers. Mr. Lancaster wasn’t able to give her an amount of what she’d get for the property, but he assured her the realtor would work to get her the most profit.

  “Do I look like a farmer to you? What the hell would I do with a farm?” she asked incredulously.

  Darcy laughed. “Yeah, one who hates animals should not own a farm.”

  “Hey, I don’t hate animals…I just don’t want them near me.”

  She grinned. “Whatever. So, when do you leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “What about exams?” Darcy asked, squinting her eyes in question. If it hadn’t been for Darcy, Britt would have taken the semester off. Fortunately, Britt was convinced to take a lighter class load instead. Typical Darcy, being the push Britt needed. A position usually reserved for parents, Britt needed someone to be on her ass about school. Without her dad, she didn’t have anyone except Darcy. Though Britt would never admit it and give Darcy the satisfaction of being right.

  Darcy’s parents had paid for everything of hers since she started school, including her share of the rent. Darcy, of course, graduated last year on time, landed a job at one of Pittsburgh’s most prestigious accounting firms, and was currently studying for her CPA exam. Pure ambition and drive. Britt, on the other hand, was making a profession as a student. She lacked the passion and motivation Darcy had. Choosing philosophy as her major was completely random and admittedly, the process of elimination. She knew what she didn’t want to do; be stuck in an office or go into the medical profession. The arts weren’t an option due to her lack of talent in those areas. Teaching was out of the question, and aside from being a goddess on social media, computers didn’t interest her. She could have chosen undecided. It would have been accurate.

  Britt hadn’t given too much thought to college until her dad got sick. If she was being honest with herself, it was the only reason she even went. It was important to her dad, and making him proud was important to her. In a few short months, she’d walk away with a bachelor’s in philosophy, but she still had no clue what she wanted to be when she grew up.

  “Took my last one yesterday. Though, I’m not sure how I did considering my brain was still in shock, trying to process everything.” She got up from the table, putting her bowl in the sink. “Anyway, I meet with the realtor and the prospective buyers Wednesday morning. My return is set for Thursday. Are you sure you can’t get the time and come with me?” Britt pleaded.

  “I wish I could but boss man says no.” She shrugged.

  “Shouldn’t there be perks to sleeping with your boss, like getting time off to go to Montana with your best friend?” she said in a teasing tone.

  Darcy had been sleeping with her boss, Marcus, for about three months now. Britt warned her it was a bad idea, but Darcy did what Darcy wanted, and at the moment, Darcy wanted Marcus. Their whole tryst was very cliché. She was a junior accountant at the firm where they both worked. He was ten years older than her, good looking, and not looking for any major commitment. It was a match made in Heaven, until it blew up in her face, which would eventually happen.

  “There are perks, just none involving you.” She sauntered out of the room but not before smirking at Britt and putting up her middle finger.

  She burst out laughing. She loved Darcy and all her bitchiness.

  Britt cleaned up the kitchen and headed to her bedroom to start packing when her phone rang. She grabbed the phone and checked the number, but she didn’t recognize it.


  “May I speak with Ms. Montgomery, please?” The unfamiliar, deep male voice asked.

  “You got her. Who’s this?” Britt snapped. She was really not in the mood for telemarketers right now. Usually when some asked to speak with “Miss Montgomery” she’d hang up. Today she was being nice.

  “Ms. Montgomery, this is Edward Fords. Joanne from Newtown Realty gave me your number, I hope that’s not a problem.” She stopped quickly and closed her eyes. Damn Britt, way to be rude to the guy who’s going to ensure you’re not homeless. Mr. Lancaster had briefly told her about the Fords family and their ranch. They owned the land which surrounded Cal’s property. Her property. They were extremely interested in purchasing Whisper Point.

  “Of course, Mr. Fords, it’s not a problem at all, and call me Britt.” She expelled a nervous laugh. “I keep waiting for my dead mom to show up every time someone calls me Ms. Montgomery.”

  There was dead silence. Britt squeezed her eyes shut, slapping her forehead. Shit. Bad joke. She inhaled and rolled her eyes at her own stupidity. Couth, Britt, use it! Shaking her head, she regained composure and hopefully her manners.

  “What can I do for you, Mr. Fords?”

  “My wife and I wanted to invite you over for dinner tomorrow night. I know you don’t know anyone in town and we thought you might like to join us.”

  Wow. Not only was he going to give her lots of money for Cal’s land, but he wanted to feed her too. Excellent.

  “That’s really nice of you. I would love to come for dinner. Thanks.”

  “Great. I’ll send my son to pick you up at about six?” he asked.

  “Yeah, sounds great. See you tomorrow.”

  “Safe travels Britt. We’ll see you tomorrow.”


  She packed in record time. She would only be in Montana for three days, and summer packing only required shorts, tanks, and sundresses. She loved traveling in May. She dug through her closet, pulling out a pair of beige cowboy boots she bought last year. When in Rome.

  There was a soft knock at the door. “Yeah, come on in.”

  Darcy opened the door and stood in the doorway. “You’re all packed and ready I see. What time do you leave tomorrow? Need a ride to the airport?”

  “No, cab is picking me up at five am, flight leaves at seven and I should arrive in Montana at eleven our time, nine o’clock Montana time. Damn, saying it out loud reminds me of how early it really is.” Britt chuckled at her own joke while Darcy just smiled. Her smile didn’t reach her eyes. Britt tilted her head, watching her. Darcy’s smile seemed forced.

  They had been friends for the last five years and best friends for about three since they got their apartment together. Britt could tell something was off with Darcy.

  “Hey, what’s going on?”

  She looked down to the floor and back up at her with sad eyes. “I just…I feel…shit. I’m an asshole, Britt.”

  Britt snorted. “What? What are you talking about?” She was confused.

  “Well, here I am talking about you being rich and selling the farm, completely overlooking the fact that you…well…Cal died.” Her eyes were not only sad but a bit guilty. “You lost a friend, someone you really liked, and here I am going on about money and stupid shit, when you lost someone…again.” Darcy’s eyes welled up with tears. “I’m so sorry, Britt, I know how much you liked him and obviously, he thought the world of you. But then again everyone who knows you, loves you.” Her mouth quirked up to one side and her eyes displayed endearment.

  Britt got up from her bed and walked over to Darcy. She grabbed her for a hug and whispered in her ear, “Thanks, Darc.”

  She embraced her a little longer than a regular hug. She got her. Darcy really got her. She knew everything about her, and she shared it all with her. She understood most of it and the stuff she didn’t, the other girl just accepted without trying to change her. She’d had lots of friends but no one like Darcy. She was special in a way. Britt could tell her anything and never wish she could take it back.

  Darcy also knew how hard it was losing her dad. They had met two months after her dad’s death, when it was still very raw for Britt, and she hated talking about it. But every once in a while, during the rare times Britt did want to share, Darcy listened. She didn’t give her advice on getting through his death or say stupid shit like “It’ll get easier” or “He’s in a better place.” Darcy just listened, smiled at the funny stories, and cried through the sad ones. Darcy was the definition of a true friend.

  Britt pulled back, watching Darcy immediately wipe her tears.

  “Ugh, I’m a freakin’ mess now.” Darcy snorted with her red-rimmed eyes.

  “Not a freakin’ mess, you’re a hot mess. It’s so much better.” Britt laughed.

  Darcy left her room again, throwing up her middle finger before exiting. Britt finished up her packing and called Mills and Fran to cover her shifts over the next few days. Leona had been fine with her taking the days but insisted she found coverage.

  Everything was packed and ready, her shifts were covered, and she was even able to dodge two bill collectors during the afternoon. She headed to bed early at about eight. Staring up at her ceiling, she felt the butterflies in her stomach.



  “Fuck!” He grunted with one last thrust, coming hard, his head thrown back and his hands gripped tightly on her hips. It had been too long since Grey had come inside of an actual woman. His hand didn’t hold a candle to the feel of a warm pussy engulfing his cock.

  Breathing hard, sweat dripping down his back, his hands fell forward on the bed, and he crowded the lush body in front of him. Her back was against his chest as he peered down at the brown, wavy hair in front of him, and he shook his head. This was a mistake.

  She turned her head to the side and gave him a hazy smile. Yeah, he was fucked. He cursed his own stupidity. He should have stuck to fucking non-locals. He usually did, not wanting word to get around of his personal business. Usually he stayed away from the local women with their dreams of rings, weddings, and babies. He had slipped, and he had a feeling it was something he’d live to regret. Hell, he was already regretting it.

  Grey kept his face hard as stone and pulled out of her before walking to the bathroom to get rid of the condom. He cleaned up and stalked back to the bed, grabbing her dress from the floor. Tossing it gently to her, he said, “Time to go, sweetheart.” He grabbed his jeans and pulled them on.

  “You kicking me out of your bed already, Grey? I thought maybe we could have a second round before chore time.” Her tone was sugary sweet, giving her best persuasive effort.

  Unfortunately for her, it was wasted on him. It was nothing against her. Regina was a sweet, attractive woman. She was older than him by almost fifteen years, and a recent widow. He thought there’d be no harm in fooling around, making it known he wasn’t looking to settle down with anyone. She seemed on board. He liked her being older. He didn’t have the patience or desire to deal with the drama or games usually involved with younger girls. A mature woman like Regina would be perfect for what he was looking for, or so he’d thought.

  He continued getting dressed, no longer making eye contact as he buttoned his shirt. “Got to get to chores before sundown. Jasper’s been waiting on me and if I know Tripp, he hasn’t gotten around to getting to the pasture. Lazy little shit.”

  “Come on, Grey.”

  He tilted his head in her direction. She smiled and got to her knees, fully naked, inching toward him. Grey surveyed her body. He had to give her credit, she had a body made for sex. Long legs, large tits, round ass, just the way Grey liked his women. But it was lost on him. All he wanted, he had just gotten. And now he wanted her to leave.

  “I’m late as it is. I really need you to get dressed.” His tone was firm. He wanted her gone, but he wasn’t looking to hurt her.

  His phone rang, giving him an out from her disappointed stare.


  “Am I a one-man show now? Christ, y’all were supposed to be here an hour ago.” Jasper was not happy. He gladly covered for Grey on the condition he was back by five. Looking down at his clock—6:12—he realized Jasper had every right to be mad.

  “Tripp with you?”

  Jasper snorted. �
�What do you think?”

  “Shit! I’ll be there in a few. Sorry, Jas.”

  The phone line disconnected. He hurried to the closet and grabbed his hat, watching as Regina sat on his bed, breasts fully exposed, waiting for him to change his mind.

  Grey prided himself on being a gentleman. She knew coming to his bed meant sex only. He was under the impression it was what they both wanted, but it was becoming clear Regina had other plans. Plans Grey was going to have to put in check for her, right now.

  He stalked to the bed, placed his balled-up fists on the covers, and leaned in deep to meet her stare at eye level. He ground his teeth together in frustration. More with himself than her. He should have read her better and he hadn’t. Obviously, Regina was looking for more than Grey was willing to give. He needed her gone, but he had to be gentle with her. He had the feeling she was still holding onto her heavy heart from the loss of her husband. She was a good woman, just not the one for Grey.

  “Thank you for coming over and being with me, sweetheart.” He leaned deeper into her space, kissing her lightly on her forehead. “But darlin’ you might want more than I’m able to give.” He pushed away from the bed, heading to the doorway grabbing his boots.

  “I just thought…”

  He looked over his shoulder. She hadn’t moved to start dressing, but she raised the sheet over her chest. Her eyes were cast in obvious embarrassment. He felt like an asshole. He should have known better than to mess with her, but she swore she was just looking for a good time. Obviously, she lied. Fuck him, this was a big mistake.

  He softened his voice. “Not looking for anything more than we just had, Regina. It’s not you, sweetheart, it’s me. Just don’t want anything more. Not now. You understand?” Grey didn’t want to hurt her, but he wasn’t going to lead her on, either.

  Someday, he wanted to fall in love, get married, and have lots of kids. Sons, he thought, to pass down the ranch to. Someday wasn’t now.

  Regina nodded and slid out the side of the bed before draping her dress back on. Grey turned back around and put on his boots, grabbed his wallet from the nightstand, and walked out his door, Regina following closely.


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