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Greyson (Cloves County Cowboys Book 1)

Page 11

by Amelia Shea

  “Didn’t know Travis was back,” Jasper said.

  Greyson grumbled, “Me neither.” He opened the door and got into the truck, Jasper following suit. Starting his truck, he glanced up in his rearview mirror. He was backing up when he slammed on his brakes, staring back at where Britt stood.

  “What’s wrong?” Jasper’s concerned tone went ignored as Grey scowled at the scene playing out in his mirror. Travis was leaning over, whispering in Britt’s ear. He pulled back and smiled when she threw her head back and laughed. He could almost hear the sweet sound over his truck engine rumbling.

  Britt interacted with Travis as if they were friends, even leaning in and touching his arm. Twice. Grey gripped the steering wheel and squinted. What the fuck was she doing? She sent him packing but was going to get cozy with Travis? The rodeo was a well-known fuck fest and if the rumors were true, Travis played a big role on and off the bull.

  Grey felt the heat rise through his body, watching Travis wrap his arm around Britt’s shoulder, saying something to Lucas which had all three laughing. He reached for the door, but a hand came down on his right forearm.

  Grey shot his head to Jasper.

  “Don’t do it.”

  “Do what?” Grey snapped.

  He snorted. “You know what. Don’t be running over there doing something you’ll regret, like knocking out Travis for touching her. She’s not yours, Grey.”

  Grey pulled his arm from Jasper’s grip. “She’s not his either.”

  Jasper bent his head over his shoulder and raised his eyebrows, staring at the threesome. “Not yet, but the way it looks she might just be his by morning.”

  Looking back, Grey saw Travis hug Britt and let her go before shaking hands with Lucas and getting into his truck. He exhaled the heavy breath he had been holding when Britt hopped in the passenger side seat of Lucas’ truck. At least she wasn’t running off with Travis. She looked happy, which pissed Grey off. Could she be naïve enough to not see through Travis’ manwhore ways?

  “Fuck.” He threw the car in reverse, not bothering to look for oncoming cars. His tires peeled when he drove forward, all the while his eyes blazing at Britt as he passed. She looked up and he caught her gaze. He wasn’t sure what she saw when she looked at him, but her smile faltered and she quickly averted her eyes.

  This wasn’t over, not by a long shot.

  Chapter Eleven

  “What do you think?” Sarah shouted over the music. They had been dancing a while and were lingering back at the table. The guys had decided to sit the last dance out, but Sarah managed to drag Britt back on the cramped floor.

  The dinner was great, with lots of laughs. Travis was funny, sweet, and extremely good looking. He was also a flirt and didn’t discriminate against any type of woman. It became very clear to Britt halfway through dinner. While Travis was a great guy, he was not the guy for her. His constant flirting with the waitress confirmed this guy was a player, and Britt didn’t do players, not even literally.

  “Travis is great, Sarah, but I hope you’re not holding out for some kind of love connection ’cause it’s just not happening.”

  “Wait, why not?” Sarah’s smile twisted into a confused frown, and there was no mistaking her disappointment.

  Britt smirked and gestured to their table. Lucas was talking to another friend at the table and Travis was in full-on player mode with the waitress. The big breasted blonde with the horrible dye job was laughing at something he said and curled her hand around his neck to bring him closer, whispering in his ear.

  Britt watched Sarah’s face scornfully glare at Travis and the waitress.

  Britt laughed. “Jeez sista, lighten up, with the face, you look like you’re ready to brawl.”

  Sarah’s gaze turned back to Britt. “She’s nobody, Britt, you’re way prettier than her. Besides, she’s just the town tramp, no way would Travis get with her for anything more than a quick romp. One night is all Kellie is worth.” Her tone was venomous and nasty, a side of Sarah Britt hadn’t seen.

  Britt’s eyes widened in surprise. The town had a tramp? Damn, how small was this town? “The town tramp? Was that an appointed position or was she elected town tramp?” Britt laughed when Sarah rolled her eyes.

  “Kellie has always been, ya know, easy. Rumor is she’s got some sugar daddy in California who flies in whenever he needs, ya know, a fix.”

  “Hmm…sounds scandalous. Well, Kellie is welcome to Travis. I think we are better off friends.” Britt snickered when she saw Sarah’s frown. “Come on, matchmaker, let’s get another drink.”

  Britt looped her arm with Sarah’s and they walked back to the table, taking their seats. The waitress, Kellie, who was flirting with the ever-eager Travis, stepped to the side, giving Britt room to get into her seat.


  She smiled down at Britt. Seeing her up close, her dye job was worse than Britt thought, but she was really pretty. She’d probably be gorgeous if she laid off all the black eye makeup. Her face had a caked-on look, like she was trying way too hard.

  She leaned in to Britt, showcasing a good amount of cleavage. Kellie had a great body, Britt would give her that. “You want another, sweetie?” She shouted over the music and gestured to her beer.

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  Kellie winked at her and sauntered back to the bar with many men watching her go, including Britt’s date. Travis brought his beer to his lips, taking a swig before looking over at Britt. His face turned a shade of red. Britt wiggled her eyebrows.

  He leaned over and shouted in her ear. “Sorry. I swear, my mama taught me better manners.”

  Britt snorted, shaking her head. “No worries, player. I think you and I are going to make fantastic…friends.”

  His eyes crinkled and he dramatically put his hand over his chest and fell back in his chair. “God, no, not the friends line. It’s the kiss of death.”

  He was able to get the table’s attention with his theatrics as they continued drinking and bullshitting for the next hour. It was nearing eleven and the place was packed. A small chill spiked up her back and neck. Britt turned her head, looking around the crowd, and stopped at a pair of blue eyes watching her.


  His jaw was tense and his brow came visible through his peripheral vision. It was a hard-scowling glare. Grey held her stare until she swiftly looked away. He watched her take great effort to look everywhere and anywhere but in his direction. It had been the first indication, while she may be still harboring a grudge, she was effected by his presence. Interesting.

  Greyson had only agreed to come out tonight for a quick drink. He had to be up early, they were breaking a new horse and it would take all his energy. Leave it to Tripp to pick a spitfire. Jasper had talked him into a drink and playing darts down at Steers.

  He had clocked her on the dance floor the minute he walked in. His eyes zeroed in on her tiny white dress and high-heeled sandals, and her hips swayed to the music with a set of large hands around her waist. Fucking Travis was grating on his last fucking nerve. Shouldn’t he be heading out to the circuit to get thrown off a fucking bull?

  He spent the last hour glowering in her direction. He thought for sure she was going to give Travis shit, possibly throw her beer on him after seeing the way he was carrying on with Kellie. It was disrespectful. She deserved a man who would treat her right and not gawk at another woman. Hell, she was the most beautiful woman in the whole bar and Travis was acting a fool. She didn’t even look upset. He was a few hours late and she gave him a verbal beat down. But Travis was outright flirting with another woman and she says nothing? What the fuck?

  “Grey.” Jasper called out from across the table.

  “What?” He snapped. Jasper raised his eyebrows.

  “Wanna ’nother?” Jasper motioned to his empty glass. Grey looked up to see the waitress, not Kellie, standing at the end of their table.

  “Yeah, double this round.”

  She smiled and grabbed his
empty glass. “You got it.”

  Jasper laughed and hit his hand flat down on the table. “Damn, boy, you got it bad, huh?”

  “Shut up.”

  The retort only had Jasper laughing harder. Grey continued his watch on their table, unable to pull his eyes off Britt. She was nothing but trouble. Trouble that took up too much space in his head. Aside from being beautiful, he admired her. Although he’d never admit it, he found her tenacity to do right by the ranch admirable. He knew from her ranch hands she’d gotten into the daily chores of the ranch, even though she had messed up quite a few at the beginning.

  Looked like the city girl was giving country girl a shot.

  “Hey guys.” Kellie sweetly purred, placing the drinks down on the table. “Maggie was going on break so I figured I’d bring these over so you didn’t have to wait.”

  Grey forced a strained smile. Britt was driving him crazy, and he was getting furious watching the way she was so comfortable with Travis. However, it didn’t give him the right to ignore Kellie.

  “Thanks, Kel.”

  “Yeah, thanks, Kellie,” Jasper muttered.

  “You’re welcome. You guys playing darts tonight?” Grey watched Kellie eagerly await an answer from Jasper. She’d had it bad for him since high school. They had been in school together. Grey was pretty sure Jasper had been a senior when Kellie was a freshman. She’d tried everything she could to get him to notice her for years. Jasper had always been really reserved and so were the women he dated. The polar opposite of Kellie Mitchell.

  “Yeah, just waiting on our turn,” Grey said when it became obvious Jasper wasn’t answering.

  “Well, um…good luck then. Holler, if you need a refill.” She looked down at Jasper, a slight hope in her eyes. She looked like she might be willing him to look up to her, but he didn’t, and her smile faltered. Grey watched her eyes turn to him and she mustered up a smile. Poor girl, he felt bad for her, but she didn’t stand a chance with Jasper.

  “Thanks, Kellie.”

  She nodded and turned around, heading back to the bar. Jasper’s head lifted slightly and cocked to the side, his eyes trained on Kellie’s ass, watching her leave. His brother was in denial about wanting Kellie, but Grey wasn’t about to say anything to encourage it. She was a sweet girl. However, her reputation was not something to be flaunted at the dinner table in the Fords house. His mama would have a fit. His family was well-known in town, and they had their own reputation to uphold. His father had told them since they were teens, “Be aware of the company you keep, people are watching.” It rang true, especially with Jasper.

  “We’re up.” Jasper got up from his seat, grabbing his beer.

  Grey gave Britt’s table one last look before following Jasper over to the back of the bar.

  This girl was driving his nuts. He knew it was best to keep away, but there was something about her, even when they butted heads—he wanted her. The sound of her moans when he’d gotten her off in the barn had kept him up at night, more than he’d care to admit. He had jerked off to the memory of her hand on his dick more times than was acceptable for a thirty-year-old man.

  “Grey, Jasper.” Nick, a friend of theirs, greeted them when they made it to the darts area of Steers.

  “How’s it going, Nick?” Grey set down his drink and took out his dart set from his pocket.

  “Can’t complain. You?”

  “I could complain but I won’t bore you. Who you partnered with?”

  Nick looked past Grey and threw up his hand. Grey glanced over his shoulder and watched as Nick’s partner got up from his table and walked over. Fuck him. Grey could feel his body heat in anger and his back go rigid. He stared him down and the little blonde following behind him. No fucking way.

  Britt was looking back at Sarah as she walked toward the group surrounding the darts area. She laughed and turned to Travis when her eyes caught Grey’s. Her laughter ceased and she looked wary. Pulling on Travis’ hand, she reached up on her toes and whispered in his ear. Grey imagined she was trying to get out of coming his way.

  Travis laughed at whatever she said and pulled her forward until they both came to stand in front of him. She focused on the floor.

  “Greyson, how are you?” Travis reached out his hand. Grey begrudgingly shook it and stared down at Britt, who had yet to look up from whatever fascinated her on the floor.

  “Travis. Back in town, I see.”

  “Yeah, just until Monday, then back on the road to the circuit.” He walked over past Grey and shook Jasper’s hand. “Jasper, good to see you. Where’s Tripp tonight?”

  “Probably getting laid.” Nick snorted and downed the last of his beer.

  “Hey, hey, watch your mouth, buddy. Got a lady here.” His tone was all in jest. He reached out his hand, gesturing to Britt. She raised her head and gave Nick a small wave.

  “You got a very pretty lady. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I’m Nick.”

  “No worries, I’ve heard worse, much worse.” She laughed and shook Nick’s hand. “I’m Britt.”

  “Ahh yes, the newest ranch owner in Cloves County…and the prettiest. You know, you’ve dethroned Grey, he used to be the prettiest.” Nick winked at Britt, who giggled.

  “Can we play already?” Grey’s outburst caught the attention of everyone. It came out harsher than he intended. Watching all these other cowboys flirting with Britt was pissing him off.

  “Let’s do it,” Nick said, clapping Travis on the back.

  Britt took a seat at one of the pub tables. Settled in her seat, she crossed her legs and Grey’s eyes became fixated on her long, tan legs. Her dress hiked up to mid-thigh, almost teasing him. Three more inches and he’d know the color of her panties, if she was wearing any. Her hand caressed her thigh down to her knee. Her legs looked smooth and soft.

  Suddenly the caressing hand snapped her fingers twice, yanking Grey out of his stare. His eyes darted to hers and she raised her eyebrows and smirked. He’d been caught. Shit!

  Breaking out of his trance, he growled, “What are we playing for?”

  “Fifty bucks?” Jasper suggested.

  “Jas, I’m a bull rider, I don’t have fifty bucks. Hell, I just drank my last twenty.” They all laughed.

  They decided on bragging rights. They played two rounds with Grey and Jasper wiping the floor with them. Grey shot five bull’s-eyes, each time looking over to Britt. She tried to hide it, but she was impressed. Her eyes widened and her neck craned each time to watch Grey shoot. Feeling the weight of her stare did something to Grey. It gave him hope she wasn’t completely writing him off. He had never been the type to dwell much on women, but Britt was different. Even when he was working, his focus would shift to her pretty eyes heated in the barn or her sassy mouth sparking at him. The girl had fire and a backbone, and until he had it unleashed on himself, he hadn’t realized how sexy it was. But getting into her good graces would be no easy task. He didn’t doubt she harbored animosity from their last interaction, but her interest was definitely there. If he wanted Britt, and he did, she would make him work for it.

  Grey walked back to the pub table where Britt was sitting. He grabbed a beer from the table, taking a swig and keeping his eyes on her. He moved the bottle away from his lips. “So, you and Travis, huh?”

  She cocked her head to the side. “Don’t think that’s any of your business.”

  Grey nodded, keeping his face casual. However, inside he could feel his blood burn. It didn’t happen often, but he knew the feeling rippling through his body. Jealousy.

  “You’re pretty good.”

  Grey smirked at Britt with a devilish smile. “Darlin, I’m damn good.”

  Britt turned her head and rolled her eyes. He was about to ask if she wanted to find out, but their conversation was interrupted. Grey had seen Meg and Leah come in earlier. They were Tripp’s age, and if he had to guess he would have said they were his little brother’s past conquests. In the past year, since turning twenty-one, they had always made a beel
ine for Grey or Jasper when they came to the bar.

  They were pretty girls but certainly not his type, and he didn’t take his little brother’s leftovers. Either way, they were sweet enough. He’d usually make small talk and then excuse himself. He’d thought he’d been obvious he wasn’t interested, but they didn’t seem to get it.

  “Hi Grey,” the girls said in unison.

  Grey smiled and leaned on the table, fully aware of Britt’s attention on him now.

  “Hey, girls, how’s it going?”

  They smiled brightly and inched in closer to him, Leah almost knocking Britt off her stool. Leah turned back. “Sorry.”

  Britt smiled. “No worries.”

  “So, Grey, you gonna let us buy you a shot?” Meg said with hopeful eyes.

  “Yeah, our treat,” Leah chimed in.

  Grey looked over at Britt who was staring at the scene in front of her. He couldn’t get a read on what she was thinking, but he could tell she was waiting on his answer.

  “Thanks, but I gotta game going here.”

  Both girls looked over his shoulder, their faces showing disappointment. Leah’s face perked up and she raised her hand. “Hi, Jasper.”

  He snickered. Yeah, these two were already over him and onto his brother.

  “See ya later, Grey.” They walked past him, and he assumed they were making their way to Jasper.

  Britt’s stare followed the girls and she snickered, unamused. “Got yourself your own little fan club, huh?”

  Grey raised his brows in challenge. It bothered her, even if she was going to try and hide that. He shrugged his shoulders. “Wanna join, there’s room for more?” He winked and took a swig of his beer.

  She ignored him, her attention back on the dart game.

  He placed his bottle on the table separating them and leaned forward on his elbows. Britt glanced over at him. “Are you ever gonna forgive me for being late for our date?”


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