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Greyson (Cloves County Cowboys Book 1)

Page 17

by Amelia Shea

  She snorted. “Waste of a hot guy when he’s such a prick.”

  Pulling away from the couch, she wandered into the dining room. She could see a film of dust on the table. This room was for show only, she thought. There was a flower arrangement in the center of the table. At closer glance, she could tell they were fake, also sporting a dust shield.


  Britt turned to see Grey standing in the foyer, dressed in a button down plaid shirt, clean dark jeans, and boots. Usually, a shirt buttoned all the way was a turn off because it looked too uptight. On Grey, it was sexy. She smirked and stalked over to him.

  He held out his hand and backed up to the door, opening it wide. “You’re gonna keep those hands to yourself until I tell you otherwise. You’re testing my willpower. Let’s go.”

  Britt giggled and walked past him, draping her hand over her chest. “Fine, cowboy, feed me.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Ryerson’s Steakhouse was packed when they got there. Grey pulled into the last parking spot at the end of the lot. He opened his door, looking back at her with warning.

  “You wait until I come around.”

  She laughed but did what she was told. His dad taught him to treat a lady like a lady. He scoffed at her surprise with his manners. It’s how he was raised and she was going to have to get used to it. He opened the doors, he walked her to her door, and he protected her.

  He helped her out of the truck and took her hand in his. She squeezed it tightly and smiled up at him.

  “I could so get used to this treatment. It’s way better than you screaming at me for my cattle getting out.”

  “Oh, I’m still gonna yell, make no mistake. However, next time, I might just paddle your ass to teach you a lesson.”

  “As if I’d let you,” she countered.

  “Yeah, we’ll see, darlin’. Something tells me you’d like it too much to serve as punishment.”

  She scowled. “You better watch it, Grey, or your ass might be the one getting paddled.”

  He burst out laughing while swinging the door open and gesturing her into the restaurant. She was a feisty one. Walking up to the hostess stand, Grey hooked his arm around her hips. The young girl smiled up at them. “Can I help you?”

  “Reservation for Fords, two.”

  The hostess looked at Grey, then at Britt and back up to him. She looked confused and turned her head to look over her shoulder.

  Britt cocked her hip into his and mouthed, “What’s wrong with her?”

  “Don’t know.” Looking back at the girl, he asked, “Is there a problem? I called earlier and made the reservation.”

  The girl turned around, distraught. “Umm…I guess there was some confusion.”

  “About what?”

  “Well, your reservation was given away.”

  “To who?”

  “The other Fords, party of two.” She pointed to the table in the dining room and he craned his neck to see what she was talking about. His glare zeroed in on the occupants of his table. Tripp. Little shit. Grabbing Britt’s hand, he dragged her to the back of the restaurant and stopped in front of Tripp and Brittany.

  “Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Tripp smirked. “Enjoying a night out with my girl.” Glaring at Britt, he asked, “What are you doing?”

  Grey tried to even his breathing and reel in his temper, rage ripping through him. He had mentioned taking Britt out and knew Tripp had heard. This little shithead was wearing on Grey’s last nerve. He was prepared to grab Tripp by the neck and yank him out of the restaurant to kick his ass, but Britt apparently had other plans. The table they were seated at was a table for four. Britt pulled out a chair and sat down. Confusion marred Tripp’s face, his eyes darting between them before settling his glare on Britt. His irritation was obvious from his tone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “What does it look like? We came here to eat steak so we’re going to eat steak.” She looked up at Grey who was still standing. “I don’t mind sharing a table, do you?”

  Grey formed a cruel smile directed at Tripp. “Not at all, darlin’.”

  The waiter quickly came over with menus for Grey and Britt. Grey recommended what was good to Britt, all the while ignoring Tripp and his date.

  “Excuse me, but we were here first.” Brittany’s whiny voice had Grey slowly turning his head.

  He sneered at her. “Yeah, and he took my table. You got a problem with this set up, you can leave.”

  She gasped and looked over at Tripp, who was stewing about not getting the best of Britt.

  They ordered drinks and sat silently at the table. Grey peered over at Britt, who looked completely at ease.

  “So, Britt, how’s the ranch? Drive it into the ground yet?” Tripp asked.

  Tripp was trying to be an asshole and was succeeding while he glanced down at her tits. Grey’s temper was rising again as he tried to mask his territorial possession over Britt.

  “Ranch is great. How’s your ass?”

  Grey smirked, covering his mouth to bite back his laughter. His girl wasn’t going to take his little brother’s shit and he loved it. Nothing sexier than a confident, strong woman. His woman.

  “My ass is just fine, don’t you worry. Might want to stop your interest in it though. Grey might get jealous.”

  “I’ll stop talking about your ass if you stop staring at my boobs because I know for damn sure Brittany’s going to get jealous.”

  Brittany’s head whipped to Tripp, and then she turned her glare to Britt, who smiled at her. The table shook as Brittany jumped up and stomped to the door. Grey was pretty sure if he looked closely, he’d see the steam coming from her ears. He didn’t even bother trying to hold it in, he laughed out loud, watching her storm off.

  “This is the kind of woman you wanna be with, Grey?” Tripp’s tone was laced with disgust.

  Grey turned his stare to Tripp, who had stood up and thrown his napkin on the table. He was always one to cause a scene.

  “This is exactly the woman I want to be with. Now, I suggest you do the gentlemanly thing and go check on your date. We were taught better manners than the ones you’re putting on display here, Tripp.”

  “Yeah, I will, and while I’m at it, maybe I need to place a call. Let Dad know who is keeping you company. I wonder how he’ll take it, you taking up with a land thief.”

  “Oh, not this again.” Britt sighed.

  “You go right ahead, Tripp. I got nothing to hide. Dad runs the ranch, not my life.”

  Tripp glared again and stormed off after Brittany.

  Grey downed the glass of whiskey the waitress had placed in front of him. Licking his lips, he eyed Britt, who was shaking her head with a glint of amusement. “Told ya we should have just stayed in.”

  They simultaneously burst out laughing.


  Dinner was great and it was probably the best steak she’d ever had. After the drama with Tripp ended, he didn’t come back, and they continued their meal in peace.

  Grey told her about the land and how his uncle had left it all to his wife. She had been bitter, never getting along with anyone in the Fords family, and she refused to sell it back to them, even though they offered to pay her triple the worth.

  “She wasn’t a local and never wanted to be a rancher’s wife but she loved Uncle Ansel and made the sacrifice. In turn, he promised to retire early so they could travel. He died two months before their first trip was scheduled. My Aunt Grace blamed my dad, said my uncle worked harder than my father. She claimed it put him in an early grave. It wasn’t true, my dad worked equally hard to make our ranch what it is.” Grey sighed. “We all understood her grief and thought time would make her less bitter. It didn’t. Her disdain for all my family only grew and when she finally got a buyer she took it and laughed all the way out of Cloves County. The buyer being Cal.”

  “You ever try to buy it back from Cal?”

p; “We offered, he declined. He seemed like a nice guy the few times I met him. Seemed to love the land too.”

  “He did. Wish he could have spent more time here.” She looked down at her plate and set her napkin on the side.

  “How’d you meet him?”

  She breathed a soft laugh. “He came into the café I worked at. He was always standoffish, ya know, just ordered, drank and ate and left. Great tipper, though.” She smiled, remembering her friend. “I’ll admit it was my initial reason for wanting to wait on him. But the more we talked, the longer he sat. Our friendship just kind of happened.”

  “Must have seen the good in you, huh?”

  She shrugged. “I think he felt sorry for me.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  “I’d lost my dad. It was a hard loss, we were really close. I talked a bit about my dad with Cal then he seemed to open up more. We were a very unlikely pair, but it just worked, ya know.”

  Grey’s hand folded over hers that lay in her lap. She looked up with a tight smile.

  “I’m sorry about your dad. Can tell by the way you talk of him you miss him.”

  She nodded slowly. “Yeah.” She swallowed hard, peeking up at him. “It’s hard being alone. He was all I had. My mom died when I was really young, don’t remember her, and aside from some distant family I never see, I’m alone.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips, kissing her palm. “You’re not alone, Britt. Not anymore.”

  She smiled back at him. “So, this thing happening between us isn’t just a fling?”

  He leaned forward, crowding her, and whispered, “You want this to be a fling?”

  Feeling his stare, she bent her head low. “No.”

  His hand grasped her chin. “Good ’cause what I’m feeling for you is no fling. Not even close, you hear me?”

  In the crowded restaurant, she leaned over, locking her lips to his. She couldn’t stop herself, she had to kiss him.

  They had finished up dinner and drinks at Steers over an hour ago. Which led them back to Grey’s house and his couch and her straddled over him, licking a line up his neck to his ear.

  His hands were on her bare back under her dress. The slight feel of his touch had Britt grinding herself against him, shivers running through her.

  “Take me to your room and make good on your promise,” she whispered in his ear, letting her teeth drag over the lobe. He growled, flipped her over on her back and lying on top of her. His mouth crashed down, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth.

  Wrapping her arms around his waist, she pulled the hem of his shirt from his pants. His back was smooth and she could feel the muscle of his back when he tensed and ground his cock against her pussy.

  They needed to lose their clothes. Now.

  “Grey…” She panted when his mouth trailed down her neck to the bare cleavage of her breasts. With one yank, the cool air blew over her bare breasts and she arched into his warm mouth.


  His mouth tortured her, licking at her nipple until it reached a beaded point, then doing the same to her other breast. She wedged her hand in between their bodies and gripped his erection straining against his jeans.

  His mouth sucked hard on her nipple and she called out his name, squeezing him harder and rubbing his cock.

  “Darlin’, you keep rubbing on me, you’ll be making me look like a fool, coming in my pants like a teenager with his first girl.”

  “Then take me to your room. Better yet, let’s just get naked here, I don’t need a bed.” She kissed his mouth hard. “I just need you inside me.”

  His chest rumbled as he grinded his dick against her hand. Dragging his body to hers, she lost her grip on him. She was about to complain, but he reached under her dress, yanking hard on her panties then flinging them across the room.

  His eyes met hers and her breath hitched when he descended. His head lowered between her legs. Nothing prepared her for the pure ecstasy she felt when his mouth landed on her pussy. She screeched and grabbed hold of the couch cushions. His tongue licked up her seam, sucking gently on her clit. Her body trembled as he repeated the motion.

  She could feel herself get wetter when his finger circled her pussy and entered slowly. His mouth locked on her sensitive spot, and she arched her hips into him again. His finger moved in and out, teasing her and providing a build-up to an incredible orgasm.


  He removed one finger to add another and pumped slowly but gained speed as her hips moved with him. His mouth never left her clit, which felt almost tortuous with her orgasm on the brink. His rhythm grew faster, as did her hips. She was close. As if he knew, his teeth grazed her clit. Her body shot up and she screamed, “Oh God!”

  Pressing her neck into the couch cushion, her entire body trembled. Her toes curled at the tingling sensation at her core. She moaned, “Grey,” while gripping her nails into his shoulders. She’d never come so hard and her body shook as a small smile spread across her lips. So friggin’ good. His mouth stayed on her with his fingers sliding into her as her body relaxed into a euphoric state. She was almost tired. Almost.

  Her eyes closed as he glided up her body. She smiled at the gentle caress of his lips on her neck.

  “Never saw you look so beautiful as when you came. Gonna have to give you that look on your face every day.”

  She chuckled, wrapping her arms over his shoulders. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

  His laugh was muffled in her neck. She tightened her grip. She loved the sound of his laugh, though she hadn’t heard it often. It was hearty and masculine.

  She turned and whispered, “Your turn.”

  He pulled back with a soft smile. “Actually, it’s time you headed home, and don’t think I’m not pissed with you driving home alone since you came in your car.”

  “Wait. What are you talking about? I’m not going home.” She laughed in confusion. There was no way she was leaving before she got a repeat performance from last night.

  He pushed up and sat back. Britt, aware she was being sent home, pulled up the top to her dress and sat up on the couch, staring at him in disbelief.

  “Yes, you are. It’s late and we both need to get up early.”

  “You’re serious?” Britt looked for any signs he was joking. He had to be joking. She saw nothing. He was serious about sending her home. She should probably be happy she got her orgasm, but she wasn’t. In fact, she was mad as hell.

  “I’ll be by tomorrow to work with Beauty.”

  Oh. So, that was it?

  “Fine,” she said through gritted teeth. She got up, stepping into her shoes and passing by him to go search for her panties. Where the hell did he throw them? His hand reached out, but she side-stepped and rushed to the door. Screw her underwear.

  She grabbed the handle, but his arms slapped against the door, caging her in.

  “What are you doing, running outta here like a bat outta hell?”

  She couldn’t hide the anger and disappointment. “You told me to go home, so I’m going. Now back off so I can leave. If you find my panties, toss them, I don’t want them.”

  He had the nerve to laugh, which only intensified her anger. She turned the knob and tugged, but the door didn’t budge.


  “I get it, Grey. You’re done for the night. Your whole ‘ten-hour promise’ was bullshit. Now let me go.”

  “Darlin’.” He released the door and gripped her hips to spin her around. A small smile played on his lips. “It’s late, we both need to be up early. I should have let you go an hour ago, but I couldn’t, not without getting a taste of you.” He kissed her cheek, leaving his head bowed down to her. “I want nothing more than to take you to bed and keep you there for ten hours. But I gotta be up at five for work. There’s no way I’m leaving my bed with you in it. Tomorrow, after I work on Beauty, you and me are going to get in bed and I won’t be leaving you in the morning. I’ll have Jas cover me Saturday.”
br />   His lips kissed hers and she leaned deeper into his chest. She didn’t want to go. All she wanted was to stay with him, in his bed, for ten hours.

  Pulling back, he smiled down at her. “Then, I’m keeping my promise of ten hours, Britt.”

  “You better,” she whispered against his mouth.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Britt’s plan of ten hours with Grey was currently on hold.

  Sarah had stopped by the house earlier in the day with a handful of cookies and an apology. Sarah and Lucas had worked out their problems, although things still seemed tense between them. She couldn’t blame Lucas for still being pissed. He was a good guy, and Sarah doubting his faithfulness definitely put a strain on their relationship.

  Sarah begged her to go out with her. Britt wasn’t into it. The only thing she wanted to be doing that night was Grey. Sarah was very persuasive. When she called Grey to tell him about the change of plans, he wasn’t too happy with his cousin, either.

  “Tell her no, you already have plans for the night.”

  “I did, but she seems really down and wanted to have a fun night, just us girls. I think she’s trying to make it up to me for accusing me of screwing her man.”

  She heard his growl over the phone. “I got Jasper to take my chores tomorrow, planned on starting the night at your place, darlin’.”

  “Well, I won’t be out too long. I’m in a tight spot here, Grey. Trust me, the only place I want to be tonight is with you but I feel an obligation. It’s an olive branch, I gotta take it.”

  “The only thing you gotta do is be with me tonight, naked.”

  Britt laughed. “Well, any doubt of you wanting me just went out the door, caveman.”

  “There shouldn’t be any doubts.”

  “How about you come over and work on Beauty like you planned? You can shower at my place and I’ll leave you dinner. I won’t be long, and then we have all night and all day tomorrow. Sound good?”

  “Do I have any other option?”


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