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Things Forbidden

Page 4

by Raquel Dove

  “My dear,” he said, his demeanor suddenly shifting to his most charming façade. “This is my newest client. I was just telling her about you.”

  Chapter Ten

  “It looks like she is trying to break her contract,” Salem said, seeing the room filled with the ritual elements. The putrid smell that poured from her mouth as she spoke made Zoe want to puke.

  “This is your fiancé?” she asked, slapping a hand over her mouth, not wanting to taste the stench. There was disbelief in her eyes as she looked back and forth between the handsome demon, Paris, and Salem. It just didn’t make any sense. If she didn’t have the strong sense of being in danger she probably would have laughed at the irony of it.

  “How dare you insult me,” Salem said, her tiny eyes popping with rage. She stomped her fat foot against the carpeted floor, looking at Paris with a finger pointing at Zoe. “Take her. She has breached the contract and I want her to pay.”

  “Darling,” Paris said, tucking a crispy lock of brown hair behind Salem’s rather large ear. He was hoping to pursued her without drawing too much suspicion. “She is a very lucrative contract for me. It would not be wise to do such a thing.”

  “Not wise?” Salem hissed, her thick eyebrows pulled down in anger. “Consequences for a breach of contract are eternal servitude. How could that not be of more benefit to us than a basic contract?”

  “Hey,” Zoe said, crossing her arms. She was absolutely fed up with all this demon business. “I am no one’s slave. And as soon as his…”

  “Shut up, human,” Paris snapped, for once the mirth was completely absent from his expression. He had never been more serious in his life. He could see the immediate hurt in Zoe’s eyes, but he had to be forceful. She was about to bring a world of difficulties to them if she said anything more. This entire situation was getting rapidly out of hand. Paris had to take her, if only to shut Salem up. He would figure out a way to release her later. For now he just needed to keep Salem quiet. If Paris actually had to turn in Zoe’s contract, there would be more questions. The whole agreement was made on rather shaky ground and if anyone dug deep enough they would find that he didn’t actually have authority to make the deal in the first place. First-timers were reserved for special agents. And Zoe was definitely a first-timer.

  “If it will make you happy,” Paris said flashing his most charming grin. “Why don’t you return? I will take care of this business.”

  “But I want to see you discipline her for insulting me,” Salem said, the natural whine in her voice rising even higher. “She needs to learn her place now.”

  “I believe the sun will set soon, my dear,” Paris said, with a glance at his watch, “didn’t you want to pick out a cake for the ceremony?”

  “Oh yes,” Salem said. Her eyes grew wide with her excitement as she rubbed her hands together in anticipation. She licked her puffy lips, salivating just thinking about the cake. She couldn’t risk shifting in front of a human, even if it was for cake. “I want a big one. Expensive too.”

  “Anything you like,” Paris said, his cheeks beginning to ache from the forced smile. Salem disappeared from the room and his face dropped as he looked at Zoe.

  “What was she talking about?” Zoe asked him quietly, still stinging from his suddenly harsh regard. Paris could feel the fear overwhelming her every emotion and he found he did not like it.

  “You do not know what you have done,” Paris said, his voice softening significantly. He could smell the salty tears that were on the edge of spilling. “Just do as I say, and I may still be able to fix this.”

  “How can I trust you?” Zoe said, near hysteria as her tears began to flow. “You have done everything you can to trick me, since the very moment I met you. All I wanted was to be left alone.”

  Paris was completely at a loss. He was used to crying. Most of the humans he did business tried to use it for sympathy at some point. It usually had no effect on him, but he found Zoe’s tears to be especially discomforting. He wasn’t quite sure why, but he just wanted her to stop. Not because he found the sound or smell irritating, which was usually the case with humans, but because he just didn’t want her to cry. He didn’t want to hear or smell her crying.

  “I made a mistake,” Paris said. It was a phrase he never uttered, mostly because it never happened. But he hoped it would calm Zoe, at least enough to stop her crying. He had every intention of rectifying this situation. He had learned his lesson and he was done chasing his curiosity. “I will fix this. And I will leave you alone.”

  His last words were surprisingly painful to say. There was still so much he wanted from her. So much he wanted to finish. He wanted to taste more than just her soft lips. He wanted to feel more than just a gentle touch. He wanted to do the one thing that was most forbidden to his kind. He wanted it with every fiber of his being. Faster than she could even comprehend, he was beside her. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his chest.

  “Stop crying,” he said, his voice little more than a husky whisper, “I will not let anything happen to you, but you need to do exactly as I say.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Do you love her?” Zoe asked, as she wiped the tears from her eyes. She had calmed down significantly from her initial shock at becoming a demon’s slave.

  “Do not be ridiculous,” Paris said with a scoff, “Does it look like I love her?”

  “Well,” Zoe said, “you give her anything she whines for.”

  Zoe didn’t really think he did. At least, she couldn’t understand how he could. She was never one to judge, or dislike people based on how they looked, but this demoness was downright ugly. They just did not look right together. He was so handsome and charming. She was just so off-putting in every way. But he treated her like a princess. It didn’t make any sense.

  “I have to,” Paris said. He didn’t care to elaborate any further. He was not in the habit of explaining himself to anyone.

  “Why did you kiss me?” Zoe asked, wanting to get off the subject of the spoiled demoness. The question had been on her mind since it happened anyone, maybe he would be inclined to answer her.

  “Because I wanted to,” Paris said. He knew she was looking for more, but he had been asking himself the same thing.

  “Even though you are engaged,” Zoe asked. She wasn’t sure if demon relationships worked the same as human ones. The last thing she wanted to be was a home wrecker. Even if he didn’t really love her.

  “That’s a recent development,” Paris said. “Now stop talking. We must go.”

  “Where are we going?” She asked.

  “Just be quiet,” he said as he once again wrapped his arm around her. She blinked and they were suddenly not in her bedroom any more.

  “This is my home,” Paris said, seeing her shock and confusion at the sudden change of scenery. “You will stay here.”

  “Stay here?” she said, looking around the rather sizeable apartment. “Where are you going?”

  “I thought I said be quiet,” he said. Zoe could see an unspoken pressure weighing on him. He had lost all his playfulness, and although he was hiding it very well, she could tell he was concerned.

  “Look, I just want to know what is going on,” Zoe said, “I’ll trust you, and do what you say. But I just need to know.”

  “Breaching our contract as you did brings heavy consequences,” Paris said. His eyes were fixed on Zoe’s as he spoke. “Eternal servitude.”

  “Are you really going to fix this?” Zoe asked. Her mind was screaming that there was no way she could trust him. He had tricked her before, after all.

  “I’m going to do my best, Zoe,” he said. She could see the sincerity in his eyes and it brought her a little bit of comfort.

  “Ok,” she said, with a small nod. “What do you need me to do?”

  “Just stay here, and try not to do anything stupid,” he said. He disappeared before she even had time to respond.


  His apartment was absolutely
ridiculous. No one needed that much space. Zoe roamed the empty rooms, losing count after the about the eight. She had never seen a place this big inside the city. His heating and cooling bill alone must cost him a fortune. It had a very modern design, clean but entirely uninviting. Just like the clothing store he owned. She couldn’t seem to find a place to sit that didn’t make her uncomfortable, so instead she decided to pass the time snooping. She still wasn’t sure that she could trust Paris. Maybe she could find something to hold against him, just in case he was trying to trick her yet again.

  She picked her way around the massive apartment, opening drawers and looking in boxes. For the most part everything was empty. Even the kitchen only had a bare fridge and dusty cupboards. At the end of a hallway lined with rooms that ran off from the main living room, she found a massive room. It was the most amazing thing she had ever seen and she envied him more than she had ever envied anybody in that moment. He had all the classics, as well as all the current bestselling books. There were books in every category of non-fiction imaginable, all meticulously arranged on rows of bookshelves that filled the rather large room. She walked through the space, marveling at the sheer number of books he had, wondering if he had even opened most of them. His private collection would rival most libraries she had been to. In the middle of the room was a table with a chair, and a small lamp. A book was prominently displayed on the table. The cover was old and worn, binding a thick stack of yellowed parchment. Zoe ran her fingers over the black, pebbled leather cover, reading the gold embossed letters on the front. Demonic Protocol.

  Chapter Twelve

  “My Lord,” Jackson said, with a mocking grin and an exaggerated bow as he saw Paris enter the shop. “How is your blushing bride?”

  “You know I’m going to kill you,” Paris said, not sharing in his friend’s amusement. “It will be my first act as Grand Elder.”

  Jackson couldn’t hold back his laughter. It really was the funniest thing he had ever seen. There wasn’t a demon alive that could stomach a night with the Grand Elder’s daughter. And here was Paris, the most desired male demon, betrothed to her. In truth, Jackson was a bit jealous of her. He wouldn’t mind spending at least one night with Paris.

  “I always knew you were a braver demon than I,” Jackson said, “I’m looking forward to the engagement party tonight.”

  “I have no intention of mating her,” Paris said, knowing full well what his friend’s reaction would be. His father was on the Council. It was that same Council that had a hand in the arrangement of the union. Paris wasn’t stupid. This wasn’t just about the Grand Elder’s spoiled daughter getting her way. And it wasn’t about having an heir either. It was something more than that. There was a quiet power struggle going on between Council members, and this was simply a manifestation of that.

  “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that,” Jackson said.

  “I’m sure you are,” Paris said. “But I need to know that you’ll be on my side when the time comes.”

  “You know I’m always on your side, Paris,” he said, the smile fading momentarily from his face. “There is no need to even ask.”

  “Good,” Paris said. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do yet, but whatever it was he would need someone he could count on.

  “I had the most interesting encounter today,” Jackson said, changing the subject. He didn’t have the greatest relationship with his father, but the thought of having to betray him was not something he wanted to dwell on. He preferred living in blissful denial whenever he could.

  “Is that so?” Paris said, knowing exactly where this was going. He knew when the girl summoned him that she must have found Jackson. It happened all the time. It was the suit. He knew they were unique, and of the highest quality. That’s why he wore them, and sold them. But it was an inconvenience that it seemed to help people find him more often than he wanted. And Jackson was far too loose lipped about his personal information.

  “A rather attractive human woman,” Jackson said, a twinkle in his blue eyes. “And guess who she was looking for.”

  “My newest client,” Paris said. He really did not want to get into this. It wasn’t that he was afraid of Jackson knowing the truth. Jackson would never betray him. Even if he did commit the ultimate infraction. He simply did not want to deal with his bothersome taunts. Especially at the moment. He had far more important issues to deal with.

  “She looked very new, Paris,” Jackson continued, even as he sensed his friends rising irritation. “I don’t need to remind you of the dangers of a General Agent turning an Untouched. You did assess her, right?”

  “Of course I assessed her,” Paris scoffed, offended at the very idea that he would need the reminder.

  “And you are certain? She was not Untouched?” Jackson asked, pushing the subject. He could see his friend was getting annoyed with his line of questioning, but he knew it was necessary. Jackson had been there to help pick up the pieces through many messes over the centuries. He knew when his friend was doing something that could blow up in his face.

  “I am never wrong,” Paris said. He was careful with his words. Jackson was very good at sniffing out lies. That was one of the reasons he liked having him around, except when he was the one being questioned. He wasn’t technically lying. He had assessed her, and he was correct. She was definitely an Untouched. He had known the consequences at the time, and hadn’t really thought too much about it at the time. His mind was occupied with more carnal thoughts. But he was now starting to realize the amount of trouble he could possibly be in. Especially if anyone decided to do any digging and found out this was, in fact, her first contract. General Agents were strictly forbidden from offering a first-time contract. Special Agents, with a more accommodating nature, were the only ones that could make a first time deal. Clients needed to be taught protocol. It was beneficial for future contracts that they understand the process. It actually worked to prevent a lot of the mistakes the girl had already made.

  “She is rather attractive for a human,” Jackson said, watching his friend closely for a reaction. It was one thing if Paris was just breaking the rules to gain a lucrative contract. Because of who Jackson’s father was, he knew it was not uncommon for demons to break this rule. But if there was something more, if Paris saw the girl as more than just a client, that meant big trouble. Mating between humans and demons were condemnable. It was unthinkable, and Jackson felt bad immediately for having to ask such a thing of his friend.

  “I suppose she is,” Paris said. He knew exactly what his friend was getting at. “If you’re into humans.”

  “Are you?” Jackson asked him point blank. It was an insult, a slap in the face. And Jackson knew he risked facing Paris’ wrath. But he had to ask it.

  “That’s a ridiculous question,” Paris said, not ready to face the truth for himself.

  “And you are avoiding the question,” Jackson fired back at him. He wasn’t going to let this go. He had to know if Paris was about to make a terrible mistake.

  “Because it is an absurd assumption,” Paris said. He maintained his cool exterior, but inside he was boiling. He wanted to rip Jackson’s throat out, but at the same time he knew that would be entirely hypocritical of him. He had to face the truth. He apparently was into humans. This one at least.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “I get a new slave for a mating gift,” Salem said, bragging to the ladies of the court that followed constantly on her heels. She fanned herself with the folding fan that she liked to carry with her everywhere. It wasn’t that the room was hot, it was just she was so fat that every room felt hot to her. “The stupid little thing tried to breach contract with Paris.”

  “How exciting,” Athena, one of her reluctant minions, said, trying to sound interested. She flicked a lock of long red hair over her shoulder. “You are the envy of all the court.”

  Athena shared a look with the other ladies, who all new that wasn’t even close to true. No one envied Salem for any
thing. And if she honestly thought that Paris was going to go through with the mating, she was delusional. Everyone but her knew he was only going along so as not to suffer the anger of the Grand Elder. He’d almost certainly find a way to wiggle out of this. He was very cunning. Her mind wandered to the night she had spent with Paris, not so long ago. He had a salacious reputation for a reason, and he had certainly lived up to it. It would be such a shame if he suddenly became tied to such an unworthy creature like Salem.

  “She’s a young one too,” Salem continued, cheerfully unaware that nobody really cared about what she was saying.

  “Paris always did get the most lucrative contracts,” Athena said, doing her best to carry on the forced conversation.

  “Yes,” Salem said, “He does. You really should see this one. She is quite exceptional.”

  “I’m sure,” Athena said, a far-away look in her eyes as thoughts of her one glorious night with Paris occupied her attention.

  “You don’t believe me,” Salem said, mistaking the look for boredom. “I will show her to you.”

  Salem stomped across the crowded room of demonic royalty and high society. All eyes were on her as she approached her soon to be mate with a scowl on her face.

  “I want her here. Now,” Salem said, putting her hands on a roll of fat where her hips should be. “Go get her.”

  “My dear,” Paris said, trying with all his strength to maintain his charm. He couldn’t take this much longer. He would rather just off himself than actually have to mate this creature. His time was running out to find a solution and he was beginning to realize death may be his only way out. “I do not believe this is the place for a human.”

  “This is my party,” Salem hissed at him through her gnarled teeth. “And I want her here. Now.”

  “Very well,” Paris said, forcing a smile. “If that is what you wish. I will have her make a brief appearance.”


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